Source code for leo.core.leoGlobals

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3093: * @file
Global constants, variables and utility functions used throughout Leo.

Important: This module imports no other Leo module.
# pylint: disable=eval-used
# pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned
# pylint: disable=import-self
# pylint: disable=deprecated-method
import sys
isPython3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0)
isMac = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
isWindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
#@+<< global switches >>
#@+node:ekr.20120212060348.10374: **  << global switches >> (
in_bridge = False
    # Set to True in just before importing leo.core.leoApp.
    # This tells leoApp to load a null Gui.
# True unless --no-cache is in effect.
# Don't even think about eliminating this constant.
enableDB = True
# These print statements have been moved to writeWaitingLog.
# This allows for better --silent operation.
if 0:
    print('*** isPython3: %s' % isPython3)
    if not enableDB:
        print('** caching disabled')
# True: Enable SQLite DB.
#@-<< global switches >>
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050208101229: ** << imports >> (leoGlobals)
if 0:
    # This is now done in run.
    import leo.core.leoGlobals as g # So code can use g below.
# Don't import this here: it messes up Leo's startup code.
# import leo.core.leoTest as leoTest
    import builtins # Python 3
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__ as builtins # Python 2.
import codecs
    import filecmp
except ImportError: # does not exist in jython.
    filecmp = None
if isPython3:
    from functools import reduce
    import gc
except ImportError:
    gc = None
    import gettext
except ImportError: # does not exist in jython.
    gettext = None
import glob
if isPython3:
    import io
    StringIO = io.StringIO
    import cStringIO
    StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO
# import functools
import imp
import inspect
# import locale
import operator
import os
# Module 'urllib' has no 'parse' member.
import urllib # py-lint: disable=E0611
# Do NOT import pdb here!  We shall define pdb as a _function_ below.
# import pdb
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
# import sys
import tempfile
import time
import traceback
import types
if isPython3:
    # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    import urllib.parse as urlparse
    import urlparse
import binascii
# import zipfile
# These do not exist in IronPython.
# However, it *is* valid for IronPython to use the Python 2.4 libs!
    # import os
    # import string
    # import tempfile
    # import traceback
    # import types
#@-<< imports >>
#@+<< define g.globalDirectiveList >>
#@+node:EKR.20040610094819: ** << define g.globalDirectiveList >>
# Visible externally so plugins may add to the list of directives.
globalDirectiveList = [
    # Order does not matter.
    'colorcache', 'code', 'color', 'comment', 'c',
    'delims', 'doc',
    'encoding', 'end_raw',
    'first', 'header', 'ignore',
    'killbeautify', 'killcolor',
    'language', 'last', 'lineending',
    'nocolor-node', 'nocolor', 'noheader', 'nowrap',
    'nosearch', # Leo 5.3.
    'others', 'pagewidth', 'path', 'quiet',
    'raw', 'root-code', 'root-doc', 'root', 'silent',
    'tabwidth', 'terse',
    'unit', 'verbose', 'wrap',
#@-<< define g.globalDirectiveList >>
#@+<< define global decorator dicts >>
#@+node:ekr.20150510103918.1: ** << define global decorator dicts >> (

# The cmd_instance_dict supports the @cmd decorators in various files. For
# example, the following appears in leo.commands.
#     def cmd(name):
#         '''Command decorator for the abbrevCommands class.'''
#         return g.new_cmd_decorator(name, ['c', 'abbrevCommands',])
# **Important**: All *new* commands should be defined using @g.command, but
# this dict will remain forever so as not to break existing code.  See this
# discussion

global_commands_dict = {}

cmd_instance_dict = {
    # Keys are class names, values are attribute chains.
    'AbbrevCommandsClass':      ['c', 'abbrevCommands'],
    'AtFile':                   ['c', 'atFileCommands'],
    'AutoCompleterClass':       ['c', 'k', 'autoCompleter'],
    'ChapterController':        ['c', 'chapterController'],
    'Commands':                 ['c'],
    'ControlCommandsClass':     ['c', 'controlCommands'],
    'DebugCommandsClass':       ['c', 'debugCommands'],
    'EditCommandsClass':        ['c', 'editCommands'],
    'EditFileCommandsClass':    ['c', 'editFileCommands'],
    'FileCommands':             ['c', 'fileCommands'],
    'HelpCommandsClass':        ['c', 'helpCommands'],
    'KeyHandlerClass':          ['c', 'k'],
    'KeyHandlerCommandsClass':  ['c', 'keyHandlerCommands'],
    'KillBufferCommandsClass':  ['c', 'killBufferCommands'],
    'LeoApp':                   ['g', 'app'],
    'LeoFind':                  ['c', 'findCommands'],
    'LeoImportCommands':        ['c', 'importCommands'],
    # 'MacroCommandsClass':       ['c', 'macroCommands'],
    'PrintingController':       ['c', 'printingController'],
    'RectangleCommandsClass':   ['c', 'rectangleCommands'],
    'RstCommands':              ['c', 'rstCommands'],
    'SpellCommandsClass':       ['c', 'spellCommands'],
    'Undoer':                   ['c', 'undoer'],
    'VimCommands':              ['c', 'vimCommands'],
#@-<< define global decorator dicts >>
tree_popup_handlers = [] # Set later.
user_dict = {}
    # Non-persistent dictionary for free use by scripts and plugins.
# g = None
app = None # The singleton app object. Set by
# Global status vars.
inScript = False # A synonym for app.inScript
unitTesting = False # A synonym for app.unitTesting.
#@+node:ekr.20140711071454.17644: ** g.Classes & class accessors
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3098: *3* class g.Bunch (Python Cookbook)
#@+at From The Python Cookbook: Often we want to just collect a bunch of
# stuff together, naming each item of the bunch; a dictionary's OK for
# that, but a small do-nothing class is even handier, and prettier to
# use.
# Create a Bunch whenever you want to group a few variables:
#     point = Bunch(datum=y, squared=y*y, coord=x)
# You can read/write the named attributes you just created, add others,
# del some of them, etc:
#     if point.squared > threshold:
#         point.isok = True

[docs]class Bunch(object): """A class that represents a colection of things. Especially useful for representing a collection of related variables.""" def __init__(self, **keywords): self.__dict__.update(keywords) def __repr__(self): return self.toString()
[docs] def ivars(self): return sorted(self.__dict__)
[docs] def keys(self): return sorted(self.__dict__)
[docs] def toString(self): tag = self.__dict__.get('tag') entries = ["%s: %s" % (key, str(self.__dict__.get(key))) for key in self.ivars() if key != 'tag'] if tag: return "Bunch(tag=%s)...\n%s\n" % (tag, '\n'.join(entries)) else: return "Bunch...\n%s\n" % '\n'.join(entries)
# Used by new undo code. def __setitem__(self, key, value): '''Support aBunch[key] = val''' return operator.setitem(self.__dict__, key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): '''Support aBunch[key]''' return operator.getitem(self.__dict__, key)
[docs] def get(self, key, theDefault=None): return self.__dict__.get(key, theDefault)
bunch = Bunch #@+node:ekr.20040331083824.1: *3* class g.FileLikeObject # Note: we could use StringIo for this.
[docs]class FileLikeObject(object): """Define a file-like object for redirecting writes to a string. The caller is responsible for handling newlines correctly.""" #@+others #@+node:ekr.20050404151753: *4* ctor (g.FileLikeObject) def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8', fromString=None): # New in 4.2.1: allow the file to be inited from string s. self.encoding = encoding or 'utf-8' if fromString: self.list = g.splitLines(fromString) # Must preserve newlines! else: self.list = [] self.ptr = 0 # In CStringIO the buffer is read-only if the initial value (fromString) is non-empty. #@+node:ekr.20050404151753.1: *4* clear (g.FileLikeObject)
[docs] def clear(self): self.list = []
#@+node:ekr.20050404151753.2: *4* close (g.FileLikeObject)
[docs] def close(self): pass
# The StringIo version free's the memory buffer. #@+node:ekr.20050404151753.3: *4* flush (g.FileLikeObject)
[docs] def flush(self): pass
#@+node:ekr.20050404151753.4: *4* get & getvalue & read (g.FileLikeObject)
[docs] def get(self): return ''.join(self.list)
getvalue = get # for compatibility with StringIo read = get # for use by sax. #@+node:ekr.20050404151753.5: *4* readline (g.FileLikeObject)
[docs] def readline(self): '''Read the next line using at.list and at.ptr.''' if self.ptr < len(self.list): line = self.list[self.ptr] self.ptr += 1 return line else: return ''
#@+node:ekr.20050404151753.6: *4* write (g.FileLikeObject)
[docs] def write(self, s): if s: if g.isBytes(s): s = g.toUnicode(s, self.encoding) self.list.append(s)
#@-others fileLikeObject = FileLikeObject # For compatibility. #@+node:ekr.20120123143207.10223: *3* class g.GeneralSetting & isGeneralSetting # Important: The startup code uses this class, # so it is convenient to define it in
[docs]class GeneralSetting(object): '''A class representing any kind of setting except shortcuts.''' def __init__(self, kind, encoding=None, ivar=None, setting=None, val=None, path=None, tag='setting', unl=None): self.encoding = encoding self.ivar = ivar self.kind = kind self.path = path self.unl = unl self.setting = setting self.val = val self.tag = tag def __repr__(self): result = ['GeneralSetting kind: %s' % (self.kind)] ivars = ('ivar', 'path', 'setting', 'val', 'tag') for ivar in ivars: if hasattr(self, ivar): val = getattr(self, ivar) if val is not None: result.append('%s: %s' % (ivar, val)) return ','.join(result) dump = __repr__
[docs]def isGeneralSetting(obj): return isinstance(obj, GeneralSetting)
#@+node:ekr.20120201164453.10090: *3* class g.KeyStroke & isStroke/OrNone
[docs]class KeyStroke(object): ''' A class that represent any key stroke or binding. stroke.s is the "canonicalized" stroke. ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20180414195401.2: *4* ks.__init__ def __init__(self, binding): if binding: self.s = self.finalize_binding(binding) else: self.s = None #@+node:ekr.20120203053243.10117: *4* ks.__eq__, etc #@+at All these must be defined in order to say, for example: # for key in sorted(d) # where the keys of d are KeyStroke objects. #@@c def __eq__(self, other): if not other: return False elif hasattr(other, 's'): return self.s == other.s else: return self.s == other def __lt__(self, other): if not other: return False elif hasattr(other, 's'): return self.s < other.s else: return self.s < other def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __gt__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) and not self.__eq__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) #@+node:ekr.20120203053243.10118: *4* ks.__hash__ # Allow KeyStroke objects to be keys in dictionaries. def __hash__(self): return self.s.__hash__() if self.s else 0 #@+node:ekr.20120204061120.10067: *4* ks.__repr___ & __str__ def __str__(self): return '<KeyStroke: %s>' % (repr(self.s)) __repr__ = __str__ #@+node:ekr.20180417160703.1: *4* ks.dump
[docs] def dump(self): '''Show results of printable chars.''' for i in range(128): s = chr(i) stroke = g.KeyStroke(s) if stroke.s != s: print('%2s %10r %r' % (i, s, stroke.s)) for ch in ('backspace', 'linefeed', 'return', 'tab'): stroke = g.KeyStroke(ch) print('%2s %10r %r' % ('', ch, stroke.s))
#@+node:ekr.20180415082249.1: *4* ks.finalize_binding
[docs] def finalize_binding(self, binding): trace = False and 'keys' in # This trace is good for devs only. self.mods = self.find_mods(binding) s = self.strip_mods(binding) s = self.finalize_char(s) # May change self.mods. mods = ''.join(['%s+' % z.capitalize() for z in self.mods]) if trace: g.trace('%20s:%-20s ==> %s' % (binding, self.mods, mods+s)) return mods+s
#@+node:ekr.20180415083926.1: *4* ks.finalize_char & helper
[docs] def finalize_char(self, s): '''Perform very-last-minute translations on bindings.''' # # Retain "bigger" spelling for gang-of-four bindings with modifiers. shift_d = { 'bksp': 'BackSpace', 'backspace': 'BackSpace', 'backtab': 'Tab', # The shift mod will convert to 'Shift+Tab', 'linefeed': 'Return', '\r': 'Return', 'return': 'Return', 'tab': 'Tab', } if self.mods and s.lower() in shift_d: return shift_d.get(s.lower()) # Returning '' breaks existing code. # # Make all other translations... # # This dict ensures proper capitalization. # It also translates legacy Tk binding names to ascii chars. translate_d = { # # The gang of four... 'bksp': 'BackSpace', 'backspace': 'BackSpace', 'backtab': 'Tab', # The shift mod will convert to 'Shift+Tab', 'linefeed': '\n', '\r': '\n', 'return': '\n', 'tab': 'Tab', # # Special chars... 'delete': 'Delete', 'down': 'Down', 'end': 'End', 'enter': 'Enter', 'escape': 'Escape', 'home': 'Home', 'insert': 'Insert', 'left':'Left', 'next': 'Next', 'prior': 'Prior', 'right': 'Right', 'up': 'Up', # # Qt key names... 'del': 'Delete', 'dnarrow': 'Down', 'esc': 'Escape', 'ins': 'Insert', 'ltarrow': 'Left', 'pagedn': 'Next', 'pageup': 'Prior', 'pgdown': 'Next', 'pgup': 'Prior', 'rtarrow': 'Right', 'uparrow': 'Up', # # Legacy Tk binding names... "ampersand": "&", "asciicircum": "^", "asciitilde": "~", "asterisk": "*", "at": "@", "backslash": "\\", "bar": "|", "braceleft": "{", "braceright": "}", "bracketleft": "[", "bracketright": "]", "colon": ":", "comma": ",", "dollar": "$", "equal": "=", "exclam": "!", "greater": ">", "less": "<", "minus": "-", "numbersign": "#", "quotedbl": '"', "quoteright": "'", "parenleft": "(", "parenright": ")", "percent": "%", "period": ".", "plus": "+", "question": "?", "quoteleft": "`", "semicolon": ";", "slash": "/", "space": " ", "underscore": "_", } # # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # Looks like a pylint bug. if s in (None, 'none'): return '' if s.lower() in translate_d: s = translate_d.get(s.lower()) return self.strip_shift(s) if s.isalpha(): if len(s) == 1: if 'shift' in self.mods: if len(self.mods) == 1: self.mods.remove('shift') s = s.upper() else: s = s.lower() elif self.mods: s = s.lower() else: # Make sure all special chars are in translate_d. if # It may not exist yet. if s.capitalize() in s = s.capitalize() return s # # Translate shifted keys to their appropriate alternatives. return self.strip_shift(s)
#@+node:ekr.20180502104829.1: *5* ks.strip_shift
[docs] def strip_shift(self, s): ''' Handle supposedly shifted keys. User settings might specify an already-shifted key, which is not an error. The legacy Tk binding names have already been translated, so we don't have to worry about Shift-ampersand, etc. ''' # # The second entry in each line handles shifting an already-shifted character. # That's ok in user settings: the Shift modifier is just removed. shift_d = { # Top row of keyboard. "`": "~", "~": "~", "1": "!", "!": "!", "2": "@", "@": "@", "3": "#", "#": "#", "4": "$", "$": "$", "5": "%", "%": "%", "6": "^", "^": "^", "7": "&", "&": "&", "8": "*", "*": "*", "9": "(", "(": "(", "0": ")", ")": ")", "-": "_", "_": "_", "=": "+", "+": "+", # Second row of keyboard. "[": "{", "{": "{", "]": "}", "}": "}", "\\": '|', "|": "|", # Third row of keyboard. ";": ":", ":": ":", "'": '"', '"': '"', # Fourth row of keyboard. ".": "<", "<": "<", ",": ">", ">": ">", "//": "?", "?": "?", } if 'shift' in self.mods and s in shift_d: self.mods.remove('shift') s = shift_d.get(s) return s
#@+node:ekr.20120203053243.10124: *4* ks.find, lower & startswith # These may go away later, but for now they make conversion of string strokes easier.
[docs] def find(self, pattern): return self.s.find(pattern)
[docs] def lower(self): return self.s.lower()
[docs] def startswith(self, s): return self.s.startswith(s)
#@+node:ekr.20180415081209.2: *4* ks.find_mods
[docs] def find_mods(self, s): '''Return the list of all modifiers seen in s.''' s = s.lower() table = ( ['alt',], ['command', 'cmd',], ['ctrl', 'control',], # Use ctrl, not control. ['meta',], ['shift', 'shft',], ['keypad', 'key_pad', 'numpad', 'num_pad'], # 868: Allow alternative spellings. ) result = [] for aList in table: kind = aList[0] for mod in aList: for suffix in '+-': if s.find(mod+suffix) > -1: s = s.replace(mod+suffix,'') result.append(kind) break return result
#@+node:ekr.20180417101435.1: *4* ks.isAltCtl
[docs] def isAltCtrl(self): '''Return True if this is an Alt-Ctrl character.''' mods = self.find_mods(self.s) return 'alt' in mods and 'ctrl' in mods
#@+node:ekr.20120203053243.10121: *4* ks.isFKey
[docs] def isFKey(self): return self.s in
#@+node:ekr.20180417102341.1: *4* ks.isPlainKey (does not handle alt-ctrl chars)
[docs] def isPlainKey(self): ''' Return True if self.s represents a plain key. A plain key is a key that can be inserted into text. **Note**: The caller is responsible for handling Alt-Ctrl keys. ''' s = self.s if s in # For unit tests. return False # #868: if s.find('Keypad+') > -1: # Enable bindings. return False if self.find_mods(s) or self.isFKey(): return False if s in return False if s == 'BackSpace': return False return True
#@+node:ekr.20180511092713.1: *4* ks.isNumPadKey, ks.isPlainNumPad & ks.removeNumPadModier
[docs] def isNumPadKey(self): return self.s.find('Keypad+') > -1
[docs] def isPlainNumPad(self): return ( self.isNumPadKey() and len(self.s.replace('Keypad+', '')) == 1 )
[docs] def removeNumPadModifier(self): self.s = self.s.replace('Keypad+', '')
#@+node:ekr.20180419170934.1: *4* ks.prettyPrint
[docs] def prettyPrint(self): s = self.s if not s: return '<None>' d = {' ': 'Space', '\t': 'Tab', '\n': 'Return', '\r': 'LineFeed'} ch = s[-1] return s[:-1] + d.get(ch, ch)
#@+node:ekr.20180415124853.1: *4* ks.strip_mods
[docs] def strip_mods(self, s): '''Remove all modifiers from s, without changing the case of s.''' table = ( 'alt', 'cmd', 'command', 'control', 'ctrl', 'keypad', 'key_pad', # 868: 'meta', 'shift', 'shft', ) for mod in table: for suffix in '+-': target = mod+suffix i = s.lower().find(target) if i > -1: s = s[:i] + s[i+len(target):] break return s
#@+node:ekr.20120203053243.10125: *4* ks.toGuiChar
[docs] def toGuiChar(self): '''Replace special chars by the actual gui char.''' # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # looks like a pylint bug s = self.s.lower() if s in ('\n', 'return'): s = '\n' elif s in ('\t', 'tab'): s = '\t' elif s in ('\b', 'backspace'): s = '\b' elif s in ('.', 'period'): s = '.' return s
#@+node:ekr.20180417100834.1: *4* ks.toInsertableChar
[docs] def toInsertableChar(self): '''Convert self to an (insertable) char.''' # pylint: disable=len-as-condition s = self.s if not s or self.find_mods(s): return '' # Handle the "Gang of Four" d = { 'BackSpace': '\b', 'LineFeed': '\n', # 'Insert': '\n', 'Return': '\n', 'Tab': '\t', } if s in d: return d.get(s) return s if len(s) == 1 else ''
[docs]def isStroke(obj): return isinstance(obj, KeyStroke)
[docs]def isStrokeOrNone(obj): return obj is None or isinstance(obj, KeyStroke)
#@+node:ekr.20160119093947.1: *3* class g.MatchBrackets
[docs]class MatchBrackets(object): ''' A class implementing the match-brackets command. In the interest of speed, the code assumes that the user invokes the match-bracket command ouside of any string, comment or (for perl or javascript) regex. ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20160119104510.1: *4* mb.ctor def __init__(self, c, p, language): '''Ctor for MatchBrackets class.''' self.c = c self.p = p.copy() self.language = language # Constants. self.close_brackets = ")]}>" self.open_brackets = "([{<" self.brackets = self.open_brackets + self.close_brackets self.matching_brackets = self.close_brackets + self.open_brackets # Language dependent. d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language) self.single_comment, self.start_comment, self.end_comment = d1, d2, d3 # to track expanding selection c.user_dict.setdefault('_match_brackets', {'count': 0, 'range': (0, 0)}) #@+node:ekr.20160121164723.1: *4* helpers #@+node:ekr.20160121112812.1: *5* mb.is_regex
[docs] def is_regex(self, s, i): '''Return true if there is another slash on the line.''' if self.language in ('javascript', 'perl',): assert s[i] == '/' offset = 1 if self.forward else - 1 i += offset while 0 <= i < len(s) and s[i] != '\n': if s[i] == '/': return True i += offset return False else: return False
#@+node:ekr.20160121112536.1: *5* mb.scan_regex
[docs] def scan_regex(self, s, i): '''Scan a regex (or regex substitution for perl).''' assert s[i] == '/' offset = 1 if self.forward else -1 i1 = i i += offset found = False while 0 <= i < len(s) and s[i] != '\n': ch = s[i] i2 = i - 1 # in case we have to look behind. i += offset if ch == '/': # Count the preceding backslashes. n = 0 while 0 <= i2 < len(s) and s[i2] == '\\': n += 1 i2 -= 1 if (n % 2) == 0: if self.language == 'perl' and found is None: found = i else: found = i break if found is None: self.oops('unmatched regex delim') return i1 + offset else: return found
#@+node:ekr.20160121112303.1: *5* mb.scan_string
[docs] def scan_string(self, s, i): ''' Scan the string starting at s[i] (forward or backward). Return the index of the next character. ''' # i1 = i if self.forward else i + 1 delim = s[i] assert delim in "'\"", repr(delim) offset = 1 if self.forward else -1 i += offset while 0 <= i < len(s): ch = s[i] i2 = i - 1 # in case we have to look behind. i += offset if ch == delim: # Count the preceding backslashes. n = 0 while 0 <= i2 < len(s) and s[i2] == '\\': n += 1 i2 -= 1 if (n % 2) == 0: return i # Annoying when matching brackets on the fly. # self.oops('unmatched string') return i + offset
#@+node:tbrown.20180226113621.1: *4* mb.expand_range
[docs] def expand_range(self, s, left, right, max_right, expand=False): """ Find the bracket nearest the cursor searching outwards left and right. Expand the range (left, right) in string s until either s[left] or s[right] is a bracket. right can not exceed max_right, and if expand is True, the new range must encompass the old range, in addition to s[left] or s[right] being a bracket. Returns new_left, new_right, bracket_char, index_of_bracket_char if expansion succeeds, otherwise None, None, None, None Note that only one of new_left and new_right will necessarily be a bracket, but index_of_bracket_char will definitely be a bracket. """ expanded = False orig_left = left orig_right = right while (s[left] not in self.brackets or expand and not expanded) and \ (s[right] not in self.brackets or expand and not expanded) and \ (left > 0 or right < max_right): expanded = False if left > 0: left -= 1 if s[left] in self.brackets: other = self.find_matching_bracket(s[left], s, left) if other is not None and other >= orig_right: expanded = 'left' if right < max_right: right += 1 if s[right] in self.brackets: other = self.find_matching_bracket(s[right], s, right) if other is not None and other <= orig_left: expanded = 'right' if s[left] in self.brackets and (not expand or expanded == 'left'): return left, right, s[left], left elif s[right] in self.brackets and (not expand or expanded == 'right'): return left, right, s[right], right else: return None, None, None, None
#@+node:ekr.20061113221414: *4* mb.find_matching_bracket
[docs] def find_matching_bracket(self, ch1, s, i): '''Find the bracket matching s[i] for self.language.''' self.forward = ch1 in self.open_brackets # Find the character matching the initial bracket. for n in range(len(self.brackets)): if ch1 == self.brackets[n]: target = self.matching_brackets[n] break else: return None f = self.scan if self.forward else self.scan_back return f(ch1, target, s, i)
#@+node:ekr.20160121164556.1: *4* mb.scan & helpers
[docs] def scan(self, ch1, target, s, i): '''Scan forward for target.''' level = 0 while 0 <= i < len(s): progress = i ch = s[i] if ch in '"\'': # Scan to the end/beginning of the string. i = self.scan_string(s, i) elif self.starts_comment(s, i): i = self.scan_comment(s, i) elif ch == '/' and self.is_regex(s, i): i = self.scan_regex(s, i) elif ch == ch1: level += 1 i += 1 elif ch == target: level -= 1 if level <= 0: return i i += 1 else: i += 1 assert i > progress # Not found return None
#@+node:ekr.20160119090634.1: *5* mb.scan_comment
[docs] def scan_comment(self, s, i): '''Return the index of the character after a comment.''' i1 = i start = self.start_comment if self.forward else self.end_comment end = self.end_comment if self.forward else self.start_comment offset = 1 if self.forward else - 1 if g.match(s, i, start): if not self.forward: i1 += len(end) i += offset while 0 <= i < len(s): if g.match(s, i, end): i = i + len(end) if self.forward else i - 1 return i i += offset self.oops('unmatched multiline comment') elif self.forward: # Scan to the newline. target = '\n' while 0 <= i < len(s): if s[i] == '\n': i += 1 return i i += 1 else: # Careful: scan to the *first* target on the line target = self.single_comment found = None i -= 1 while 0 <= i < len(s) and s[i] != '\n': if g.match(s, i, target): found = i i -= 1 if found is None: self.oops('can not happen: unterminated single-line comment') found = 0 return found return i
#@+node:ekr.20160119101851.1: *5* mb.starts_comment
[docs] def starts_comment(self, s, i): '''Return True if s[i] starts a comment.''' assert 0 <= i < len(s) if self.forward: if self.single_comment and g.match(s, i, self.single_comment): return True else: val = ( self.start_comment and self.end_comment and g.match(s, i, self.start_comment)) return val else: if s[i] == '\n': if self.single_comment: # Scan backward for any single-comment delim. i -= 1 while 0 <= i and s[i] != '\n': if g.match(s, i, self.single_comment): return True i -= 1 return False else: val = ( self.start_comment and self.end_comment and g.match(s, i, self.end_comment)) return val
#@+node:ekr.20160119230141.1: *4* mb.scan_back & helpers
[docs] def scan_back(self, ch1, target, s, i): '''Scan backwards for delim.''' level = 0 while 0 <= i: progress = i ch = s[i] if self.ends_comment(s, i): i = self.back_scan_comment(s, i) elif ch in '"\'': # Scan to the beginning of the string. i = self.scan_string(s, i) elif ch == '/' and self.is_regex(s, i): i = self.scan_regex(s, i) elif ch == ch1: level += 1 i -= 1 elif ch == target: level -= 1 if level <= 0: return i i -= 1 else: i -= 1 assert i < progress # Not found return None
#@+node:ekr.20160119230141.2: *5* mb.back_scan_comment
[docs] def back_scan_comment(self, s, i): '''Return the index of the character after a comment.''' i1 = i if g.match(s, i, self.end_comment): i1 += len(self.end_comment) # For traces. i -= 1 while 0 <= i: if g.match(s, i, self.start_comment): i -= 1 return i i -= 1 self.oops('unmatched multiline comment') return i else: # Careful: scan to the *first* target on the line found = None i -= 1 while 0 <= i and s[i] != '\n': if g.match(s, i, self.single_comment): found = i-1 i -= 1 if found is None: self.oops('can not happen: unterminated single-line comment') found = 0 return found
#@+node:ekr.20160119230141.4: *5* mb.ends_comment
[docs] def ends_comment(self, s, i): ''' Return True if s[i] ends a comment. This is called while scanning backward, so this is a bit of a guess. ''' if s[i] == '\n': # This is the hard (dubious) case. # Let w, x, y and z stand for any strings not containg // or quotes. # Case 1: w"x//y"z Assume // is inside a string. # Case 2: x//y"z Assume " is inside the comment. # Case 3: w//x"y"z Assume both quotes are inside the comment. # # That is, we assume (perhaps wrongly) that a quote terminates a # string if and *only* if the string starts *and* ends on the line. if self.single_comment: # Scan backward for single-line comment delims or quotes. quote = None i -= 1 while 0 <= i and s[i] != '\n': progress = i if quote and s[i] == quote: quote = None i -= 1 elif s[i] in '"\'': if not quote: quote = s[i] i -= 1 elif g.match(s, i, self.single_comment): # Assume that there is a comment only if the comment delim # isn't inside a string that begins and ends on *this* line. if quote: while 0 <= i and s[i] != 'n': if s[i] == quote: return False i -= 1 return True else: i -= 1 assert progress > i return False else: return ( self.start_comment and self.end_comment and g.match(s, i, self.end_comment))
#@+node:ekr.20160119104148.1: *4* mb.oops
[docs] def oops(self, s): '''Report an error in the match-brackets command.''', color='red')
#@+node:ekr.20160119094053.1: *4* #@@nobeautify
[docs] def run(self): '''The driver for the MatchBrackets class. With no selected range, find the nearest bracket and select from it to it's match, moving cursor to mathc. With selected range, the first time, move cursor back to other end of range. The second time, select enclosing range. ''' # # A partial fix for bug 127: Bracket matching is buggy. w = self.c.frame.body.wrapper s = w.getAllText() _mb = self.c.user_dict['_match_brackets'] sel_range = w.getSelectionRange() if not w.hasSelection(): _mb['count'] = 1 if _mb['range'] == sel_range and _mb['count'] == 1: # haven't been to other end yet _mb['count'] += 1 # move insert point to other end of selection insert = 1 if w.getInsertPoint() == sel_range[0] else 0 w.setSelectionRange(sel_range[0], sel_range[1], insert=sel_range[insert]) return # find bracket nearest cursor max_right = len(s) - 1 # insert point can be past last char. left = right = min(max_right, w.getInsertPoint()) left, right, ch, index = self.expand_range(s, left, right, max_right) if left is None:"Bracket not found") return index2 = self.find_matching_bracket(ch, s, index) # if this is the first time we've selected the range index-index2, do # nothing extra. The second time, move cursor to other end (requires # no special action here), and the third time, try to expand the range # to any enclosing brackets minmax = (min(index, index2), max(index, index2)+1) # the range, +1 to match w.getSelectionRange() if _mb['range'] == minmax: # count how many times this has been the answer _mb['count'] += 1 else: _mb['count'] = 1 _mb['range'] = minmax if _mb['count'] >= 3: # try to expand range left, right, ch, index3 = self.expand_range( s, max(minmax[0], 0), min(minmax[1], max_right), max_right, expand=True ) if index3 is not None: # found nearest bracket outside range index4 = self.find_matching_bracket(ch, s, index3) if index4 is not None: # found matching bracket, expand range index, index2 = index3, index4 _mb['count'] = 1 _mb['range'] = (min(index3, index4), max(index3, index4)+1) if index2 is not None: if index2 < index: w.setSelectionRange(index2, index + 1, insert=index2) else: w.setSelectionRange(index, index2 + 1, insert=min(len(s), index2 + 1)) w.see(index2) else:"unmatched", repr(ch))
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20031219074948.1: *3* class g.NullObject (Python Cookbook) #@@nobeautify
[docs]class NullObject(object): """ An object that does nothing, and does it very well. From the Python cookbook, recipe 5.23 """ def __init__(self, *args, **keys): pass def __call__(self, *args, **keys): return self # def __len__ (self): return 0 # Debatable. def __repr__(self): return "NullObject" def __str__(self): return "NullObject" if isPython3: def __bool__(self): return False else: def __nonzero__(self): return 0 def __delattr__(self, attr): return self def __getattr__(self, attr): return self def __setattr__(self, attr, val): return self
nullObject = NullObject # For compatibility #@+node:ekr.20090128083459.82: *3* class g.PosList (deprecated)
[docs]class PosList(list): #@+<< docstring for PosList >> #@+node:ekr.20090130114732.2: *4* << docstring for PosList >> '''A subclass of list for creating and selecting lists of positions. This is deprecated, use leoNodes.PosList instead! aList = g.PosList(c) # Creates a PosList containing all positions in c. aList = g.PosList(c,aList2) # Creates a PosList from aList2. aList2 =,regex=False,removeClones=True) # Creates a PosList containing all positions p in aList # such that p.h matches the pattern. # The pattern is a regular expression if regex is True. # if removeClones is True, all positions p2 are removed # if a position p is already in the list and p2.v == p.v. aList.dump(sort=False,verbose=False) # Prints all positions in aList, sorted if sort is True. # Prints p.h, or repr(p) if verbose is True. ''' #@-<< docstring for PosList >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20140531104908.17611: *4* ctor def __init__(self, c, aList=None): self.c = c list.__init__(self) # Init the base class if aList is None: for p in c.all_positions(): self.append(p.copy()) else: for p in aList: self.append(p.copy()) #@+node:ekr.20140531104908.17612: *4* dump
[docs] def dump(self, sort=False, verbose=False): if verbose: return g.listToString(self, sort=sort) else: return g.listToString([p.h for p in self], sort=sort)
#@+node:ekr.20140531104908.17613: *4* select
[docs] def select(self, pat, regex=False, removeClones=True): '''Return a new PosList containing all positions in self that match the given pattern.''' c = self.c; aList = [] if regex: for p in self: if re.match(pat, p.h): aList.append(p.copy()) else: for p in self: if p.h.find(pat) != -1: aList.append(p.copy()) if removeClones: aList = self.removeClones(aList) return PosList(c, aList)
#@+node:ekr.20140531104908.17614: *4* removeClones
[docs] def removeClones(self, aList): seen = {}; aList2 = [] for p in aList: if p.v not in seen: seen[p.v] = p.v aList2.append(p) return aList2
#@-others #@+node:EKR.20040612114220.4: *3* class g.ReadLinesClass
[docs]class ReadLinesClass(object): """A class whose next method provides a readline method for Python's tokenize module.""" def __init__(self, s): self.lines = g.splitLines(s) self.i = 0
[docs] def next(self): if self.i < len(self.lines): line = self.lines[self.i] self.i += 1 else: line = '' return line
__next__ = next
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3121: *3* class g.RedirectClass & convenience functions
[docs]class RedirectClass(object): """A class to redirect stdout and stderr to Leo's log pane.""" #@+<< RedirectClass methods >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1656: *4* << RedirectClass methods >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20041012082437: *5* RedirectClass.__init__ def __init__(self): self.old = None self.encoding = 'utf-8' # 2019/03/29 For pdb. #@+node:ekr.20041012082437.1: *5* isRedirected
[docs] def isRedirected(self): return self.old is not None
#@+node:ekr.20041012082437.2: *5* flush # For LeoN: just for compatibility.
[docs] def flush(self, *args): return
#@+node:ekr.20041012091252: *5* rawPrint
[docs] def rawPrint(self, s): if self.old: self.old.write(s + '\n') else:
#@+node:ekr.20041012082437.3: *5* redirect
[docs] def redirect(self, stdout=1): if # Redirection is futile in batch mode. return if not self.old: if stdout: self.old, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, self else: self.old, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, self
#@+node:ekr.20041012082437.4: *5* undirect
[docs] def undirect(self, stdout=1): if self.old: if stdout: sys.stdout, self.old = self.old, None else: sys.stderr, self.old = self.old, None
#@+node:ekr.20041012082437.5: *5* write
[docs] def write(self, s): if self.old: if app.log: app.log.put(s, from_redirect=True) else: self.old.write(s + '\n') else: # Can happen when g.batchMode is True.
#@-others #@-<< RedirectClass methods >> # Create two redirection objects, one for each stream. redirectStdErrObj = RedirectClass() redirectStdOutObj = RedirectClass() #@+<< define convenience methods for redirecting streams >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3122: *4* << define convenience methods for redirecting streams >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20041012090942: *5* redirectStderr & redirectStdout # Redirect streams to the current log window.
[docs]def redirectStderr(): global redirectStdErrObj redirectStdErrObj.redirect(stdout=False)
[docs]def redirectStdout(): global redirectStdOutObj redirectStdOutObj.redirect()
#@+node:ekr.20041012090942.1: *5* restoreStderr & restoreStdout # Restore standard streams.
[docs]def restoreStderr(): global redirectStdErrObj redirectStdErrObj.undirect(stdout=False)
[docs]def restoreStdout(): global redirectStdOutObj redirectStdOutObj.undirect()
#@+node:ekr.20041012090942.2: *5* stdErrIsRedirected & stdOutIsRedirected
[docs]def stdErrIsRedirected(): global redirectStdErrObj return redirectStdErrObj.isRedirected()
[docs]def stdOutIsRedirected(): global redirectStdOutObj return redirectStdOutObj.isRedirected()
#@+node:ekr.20041012090942.3: *5* rawPrint # Send output to original stdout.
[docs]def rawPrint(s): global redirectStdOutObj redirectStdOutObj.rawPrint(s)
#@-others #@-<< define convenience methods for redirecting streams >> #@+node:ekr.20121128031949.12605: *3* class g.SherlockTracer
[docs]class SherlockTracer(object): ''' A stand-alone tracer class with many of Sherlock's features. This class should work in any environment containing the re, os and sys modules. The arguments in the pattern lists determine which functions get traced or which stats get printed. Each pattern starts with "+", "-", "+:" or "-:", followed by a regular expression:: "+x" Enables tracing (or stats) for all functions/methods whose name matches the regular expression x. "-x" Disables tracing for functions/methods. "+:x" Enables tracing for all functions in the **file** whose name matches x. "-:x" Disables tracing for an entire file. Enabling and disabling depends on the order of arguments in the pattern list. Consider the arguments for the Rope trace:: patterns=['+.*','+:.*', '-:.*\\lib\\.*','+:.*rope.*','-:.*', '-:.*','-:.*','-:.*',]) This enables tracing for everything, then disables tracing for all library modules, except for all rope modules. Finally, it disables the tracing for Rope's worder, prefs and resources modules. Btw, this is one of the best uses for regular expressions that I know of. Being able to zero in on the code of interest can be a big help in studying other people's code. This is a non-invasive method: no tracing code needs to be inserted anywhere. ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20121128031949.12602: *4* __init__ def __init__(self, patterns, dots=True, show_args=True, show_return=True, verbose=True): '''SherlockTracer ctor.''' self.bad_patterns = [] # List of bad patterns. self.dots = dots # True: print level dots. self.contents_d = {} # Keys are file names, values are file lines. self.n = 0 # The frame level on entry to run. self.stats = {} # Keys are full file names, values are dicts. self.patterns = None # A list of regex patterns to match. self.pattern_stack = [] self.show_args = show_args # True: show args for each function call. self.show_return = show_return # True: show returns from each function. self.trace_lines = True # True: trace lines in enabled functions. self.verbose = verbose # True: print filename:func self.set_patterns(patterns) from leo.core.leoQt import QtCore if QtCore: # pylint: disable=no-member QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #@+node:ekr.20140326100337.16844: *4* __call__ def __call__(self, frame, event, arg): '''Exists so that self.dispatch can return self.''' return self.dispatch(frame, event, arg) #@+node:ekr.20140326100337.16846: *4* bad_pattern
[docs] def bad_pattern(self, pattern): '''Report a bad Sherlock pattern.''' if pattern not in self.bad_patterns: self.bad_patterns.append(pattern) print('\nignoring bad pattern: %s\n' % pattern)
#@+node:ekr.20140326100337.16847: *4* check_pattern
[docs] def check_pattern(self, pattern): '''Give an error and return False for an invalid pattern.''' try: for prefix in ('+:', '-:', '+', '-'): if pattern.startswith(prefix): re.match(pattern[len(prefix):], 'xyzzy') return True self.bad_pattern(pattern) return False except Exception: self.bad_pattern(pattern) return False
#@+node:ekr.20121128031949.12609: *4* dispatch
[docs] def dispatch(self, frame, event, arg): '''The dispatch method.''' if event == 'call': self.do_call(frame, arg) elif event == 'return' and self.show_return: self.do_return(frame, arg) elif True and event == 'line' and self.trace_lines: self.do_line(frame, arg) # Queue the SherlockTracer instance again. return self
#@+node:ekr.20121128031949.12603: *4* do_call & helper
[docs] def do_call(self, frame, unused_arg): '''Trace through a function call.''' import os frame1 = frame code = frame.f_code fn = code.co_filename locals_ = frame.f_locals name = code.co_name full_name = self.get_full_name(locals_, name) if self.is_enabled(fn, full_name, self.patterns): n = 0 # The number of callers of this def. while frame: frame = frame.f_back n += 1 # g_callers = ','.join(self.g.callers(5).split(',')[:-1]) dots = '.' * max(0, n - self.n) if self.dots else '' path = '%-20s' % (os.path.basename(fn)) if self.verbose else '' leadin = '+' if self.show_return else '' args = '(%s)' % self.get_args(frame1) if self.show_args else '' print('%s%s%s%s%s' % (path, dots, leadin, full_name, args)) # Always update stats. d = self.stats.get(fn, {}) d[full_name] = 1 + d.get(full_name, 0) self.stats[fn] = d
#@+node:ekr.20130111185820.10194: *5* get_args
[docs] def get_args(self, frame): '''Return name=val for each arg in the function call.''' code = frame.f_code locals_ = frame.f_locals name = code.co_name # fn = code.co_filename n = code.co_argcount if code.co_flags & 4: n = n + 1 if code.co_flags & 8: n = n + 1 result = [] for i in range(n): name = code.co_varnames[i] if name != 'self': arg = locals_.get(name, '*undefined*') if arg: if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): val = '[%s]' % ','.join([ for z in arg if]) else: val = if val: result.append('%s=%s' % (name, val)) return ','.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20140402060647.16845: *4* do_line (Sherlock)
[docs] def do_line(self, frame, arg): '''print each line of enabled functions.''' code = frame.f_code fn = code.co_filename locals_ = frame.f_locals name = code.co_name full_name = self.get_full_name(locals_, name) if self.is_enabled(fn, full_name, self.patterns): n = frame.f_lineno - 1 # Apparently, the first line is line 1. d = self.contents_d lines = d.get(fn) if not lines: with open(fn) as f: s = lines = g.splitLines(s) d[fn] = lines line = lines[n].rstrip() if n < len(lines) else '<EOF>' if 1: # i = full_name.find('::') # name = full_name if i == -1 else full_name[i+2:] print('%3s %s' % (name, line)) else: print('%s %s %s %s' % (g.shortFileName(fn), n, full_name, line))
#@+node:ekr.20130109154743.10172: *4* do_return & helper
[docs] def do_return(self, frame, arg): # Arg *is* used below. '''Trace a return statement.''' import os code = frame.f_code fn = code.co_filename locals_ = frame.f_locals name = code.co_name full_name = self.get_full_name(locals_, name) if self.is_enabled(fn, full_name, self.patterns): n = 0 while frame: frame = frame.f_back n += 1 dots = '.' * max(0, n - self.n) if self.dots else '' path = '%-20s' % (os.path.basename(fn)) if self.verbose else '' if name and name == '__init__': try: ret1 = locals_ and locals_.get('self', None) ret = self.format_ret(ret1) except NameError: ret = '<%s>' % ret1.__class__.__name__ else: ret = self.format_ret(arg) print('%s%s-%s%s' % (path, dots, full_name, ret))
#@+node:ekr.20130111120935.10192: *5* format_ret
[docs] def format_ret(self, arg): '''Format arg, the value returned by a "return" statement.''' try: if isinstance(arg, types.GeneratorType): ret = '<generator>' elif isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)): ret = '[%s]' % ','.join([ for z in arg]) if len(ret) > 40: ret = '[\n%s]' % ('\n,'.join([ for z in arg])) elif arg: ret = if len(ret) > 40: ret = '\n %s' % ret else: ret = '' if arg is None else repr(arg) except Exception: exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[: 2] s = '<**exception: %s,%s arg: %r**>' % (exctype.__name__, value, arg) ret = ' ->\n %s' % (s) if len(s) > 40 else ' -> %s' % (s) return ' -> %s' % ret # if ret else ''
#@+node:ekr.20121128111829.12185: *4* fn_is_enabled
[docs] def fn_is_enabled(self, fn, patterns): ''' Return True if tracing for fn is enabled. Used only to enable *statistics* for fn. ''' import re try: enabled, pattern = False, None for pattern in patterns: if pattern.startswith('+:'): if re.match(pattern[2:], fn): enabled = True elif pattern.startswith('-:'): if re.match(pattern[2:], fn): enabled = False return enabled except Exception: self.bad_pattern(pattern) return False
#@+node:ekr.20130112093655.10195: *4* get_full_name
[docs] def get_full_name(self, locals_, name): '''Return class_name::name if possible.''' full_name = name try: user_self = locals_ and locals_.get('self', None) if user_self: full_name = user_self.__class__.__name__ + '::' + name except Exception: pass return full_name
#@+node:ekr.20121128111829.12183: *4* is_enabled
[docs] def is_enabled(self, fn, name, patterns=None): '''Return True if tracing for name in fn is enabled.''' import re enabled = False if patterns is None: patterns = self.patterns for pattern in patterns: try: if pattern.startswith('+:'): if re.match(pattern[2:], fn): enabled = True elif pattern.startswith('-:'): if re.match(pattern[2:], fn): enabled = False elif pattern.startswith('+'): if re.match(pattern[1:], name): enabled = True elif pattern.startswith('-'): if re.match(pattern[1:], name): enabled = False else: self.bad_pattern(pattern) except Exception: self.bad_pattern(pattern) return enabled
#@+node:ekr.20121128111829.12182: *4* print_stats
[docs] def print_stats(self, patterns=None): '''Print all accumulated statisitics.''' print('\nSherlock statistics...') if not patterns: patterns = ['+.*', '+:.*',] for fn in sorted(self.stats.keys()): d = self.stats.get(fn) if self.fn_is_enabled(fn, patterns): result = sorted(d.keys()) else: result = [key for key in sorted(d.keys()) if self.is_enabled(fn, key, patterns)] if result: print('') fn = fn.replace('\\', '/') parts = fn.split('/') print('/'.join(parts[-2:])) for key in result: print('%4s %s' % (d.get(key), key))
#@+node:ekr.20121128031949.12614: *4* run # Modified from pdb.Pdb.set_trace.
[docs] def run(self, frame=None): '''Trace from the given frame or the caller's frame.''' import sys print('\n%s' % '\n'.join(self.patterns)) if frame is None: frame = sys._getframe().f_back # Compute self.n, the number of frames to ignore. self.n = 0 while frame: frame = frame.f_back self.n += 1 # Pass self to sys.settrace to give easy access to all methods. sys.settrace(self)
#@+node:ekr.20140322090829.16834: *4* push & pop
[docs] def push(self, patterns): '''Push the old patterns and set the new.''' self.pattern_stack.append(self.patterns) self.set_patterns(patterns) print('SherlockTracer.push: %s' % self.patterns)
[docs] def pop(self): '''Restore the pushed patterns.''' if self.pattern_stack: self.patterns = self.pattern_stack.pop() print('SherlockTracer.pop: %s' % self.patterns) else: print('SherlockTracer.pop: pattern stack underflow')
#@+node:ekr.20140326100337.16845: *4* set_patterns
[docs] def set_patterns(self, patterns): '''Set the patterns in effect.''' self.patterns = [z for z in patterns if self.check_pattern(z)]
#@+node:ekr.20140322090829.16831: *4* show
[docs] def show(self, item): '''return the best representation of item.''' if not item: return repr(item) elif isinstance(item, dict): return 'dict' elif isinstance(item, str): s = repr(item) if len(s) <= 20: return s else: return s[: 17] + '...' elif True: return repr(item) else: try: return item.__class__.__name__ except Exception: return repr(item)
#@+node:ekr.20121128093229.12616: *4* stop
[docs] def stop(self): '''Stop all tracing.''' import sys sys.settrace(None)
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20120123115816.10209: *3* class g.BindingInfo & isBindingInfo
[docs]class BindingInfo(object): ''' A class representing any kind of key binding line. This includes other information besides just the KeyStroke. ''' # Important: The startup code uses this class, # so it is convenient to define it in #@+others #@+node:ekr.20120129040823.10254: *4* bi.__init__ def __init__(self, kind, commandName='', func=None, nextMode=None, pane=None, stroke=None): if not g.isStrokeOrNone(stroke): g.trace('***** (BindingInfo) oops', repr(stroke)) self.kind = kind self.commandName = commandName self.func = func self.nextMode = nextMode self.pane = pane self.stroke = stroke # The *caller* must canonicalize the shortcut. #@+node:ekr.20120203153754.10031: *4* bi.__hash__ def __hash__(self): return self.stroke.__hash__() if self.stroke else 0 #@+node:ekr.20120125045244.10188: *4* bi.__repr__ & ___str_& dump def __repr__(self): return self.dump() __str__ = __repr__
[docs] def dump(self): result = ['BindingInfo %17s' % (self.kind)] # Print all existing ivars. table = ('commandName', 'func', 'nextMode', 'pane', 'stroke') for ivar in table: if hasattr(self, ivar): val = getattr(self, ivar) if val not in (None, 'none', 'None', ''): if ivar == 'func': # pylint: disable=no-member val = val.__name__ s = '%s: %r' % (ivar, val) result.append(s) return '[%s]' % ' '.join(result).strip()
#@+node:ekr.20120129040823.10226: *4* bi.isModeBinding
[docs] def isModeBinding(self): return self.kind.startswith('*mode')
[docs]def isBindingInfo(obj): return isinstance(obj, BindingInfo)
#@+node:ekr.20080531075119.1: *3* class g.Tracer
[docs]class Tracer(object): '''A "debugger" that computes a call graph. To trace a function and its callers, put the following at the function's start: g.startTracer() ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20080531075119.2: *4* __init__ (Tracer) def __init__(self, limit=0, trace=False, verbose=False): self.callDict = {} # Keys are function names. # Values are the number of times the function was called by the caller. self.calledDict = {} # Keys are function names. # Values are the total number of times the function was called. self.count = 0 self.inited = False self.limit = limit # 0: no limit, otherwise, limit trace to n entries deep. self.stack = [] self.trace = trace self.verbose = verbose # True: print returns as well as calls. #@+node:ekr.20080531075119.3: *4* computeName
[docs] def computeName(self, frame): if not frame: return '' code = frame.f_code; result = [] module = inspect.getmodule(code) if module: module_name = module.__name__ if module_name == 'leo.core.leoGlobals': result.append('g') else: tag = 'leo.core.' if module_name.startswith(tag): module_name = module_name[len(tag):] result.append(module_name) try: # This can fail during startup. self_obj = frame.f_locals.get('self') if self_obj: result.append(self_obj.__class__.__name__) except Exception: pass result.append(code.co_name) return '.'.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20080531075119.4: *4* report
[docs] def report(self): if 0:'\nstack') for z in self.stack:'\ncallDict...') for key in sorted(self.callDict): # Print the calling function.'%d' % (self.calledDict.get(key, 0)), key) # Print the called functions. d = self.callDict.get(key) for key2 in sorted(d):'%8d' % (d.get(key2)), key2)
#@+node:ekr.20080531075119.5: *4* stop
[docs] def stop(self): sys.settrace(None)
#@+node:ekr.20080531075119.6: *4* tracer
[docs] def tracer(self, frame, event, arg): '''A function to be passed to sys.settrace.''' n = len(self.stack) if event == 'return': n = max(0, n - 1) pad = '.' * n if event == 'call': if not self.inited: # Add an extra stack element for the routine containing the call to startTracer. self.inited = True name = self.computeName(frame.f_back) self.updateStats(name) self.stack.append(name) name = self.computeName(frame) if self.trace and (self.limit == 0 or len(self.stack) < self.limit): g.trace('%scall' % (pad), name) self.updateStats(name) self.stack.append(name) return self.tracer elif event == 'return': if self.stack: name = self.stack.pop() if self.trace and self.verbose and (self.limit == 0 or len(self.stack) < self.limit): g.trace('%sret ' % (pad), name) else: g.trace('return underflow') self.stop() return None if self.stack: return self.tracer else: self.stop() return None else: return self.tracer
#@+node:ekr.20080531075119.7: *4* updateStats
[docs] def updateStats(self, name): if not self.stack: return caller = self.stack[-1] d = self.callDict.get(caller, {}) # d is a dict reprenting the called functions. # Keys are called functions, values are counts. d[name] = 1 + d.get(name, 0) self.callDict[caller] = d # Update the total counts. self.calledDict[name] = 1 + self.calledDict.get(name, 0)
[docs]def startTracer(limit=0, trace=False, verbose=False): import sys t = g.Tracer(limit=limit, trace=trace, verbose=verbose) sys.settrace(t.tracer) return t
#@+node:ekr.20120129181245.10220: *3* class g.TypedDict/OfLists & isTypedDict/OfLists
[docs]class TypedDict(object): '''A class containing a name and enforcing type checking.''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20120205022040.17769: *4* td.ctor def __init__(self, name, keyType, valType): self.d = {} self.isList = False self._name = name # name is a method. self.keyType = keyType self.valType = valType #@+node:ekr.20120205022040.17770: *4* td.__repr__ & __str__ def __repr__(self): return '<TypedDict name:%s keys:%s values:%s len(keys): %s' % ( self._name, self.keyType.__name__, self.valType.__name__, len(list(self.keys()))) __str__ = __repr__ #@+node:ekr.20120206134955.10150: *4* td._checkKey/ValType def _checkKeyType(self, key): # These fail on Python 2.x for strings. if g.isPython3: if key and key.__class__ != self.keyType: self._reportTypeError(key, self.keyType) def _checkValType(self, val): # This doesn't fail, either on Python 2.x or 3.x. assert val.__class__ == self.valType, self._reportTypeError(val, self.valType) def _reportTypeError(self, obj, objType): print('obj', obj, 'obj.__class__', obj.__class__, 'objType', objType) return 'dict: %s expected %s got %s' % ( self._name, obj.__class__.__name__, objType.__name__) #@+node:ekr.20120205022040.17774: *4* td.add & td.replace
[docs] def add(self, key, val): if key is None: g.trace('TypeDict: None is not a valid key', g.callers()) return self._checkKeyType(key) self._checkValType(val) if self.isList: aList = self.d.get(key, []) if val not in aList: aList.append(val) self.d[key] = aList else: self.d[key] = val
[docs] def replace(self, key, val): if key is None: g.trace('TypeDict: None is not a valid key', g.callers()) return self._checkKeyType(key) if self.isList: try: for z in val: self._checkValType(z) except TypeError: self._checkValType(val) # val is not iterable. self.d[key] = val else: self._checkValType(val) self.d[key] = val
__setitem__ = replace # allow d[key] = val. #@+node:ekr.20120223062418.10422: *4* td.copy
[docs] def copy(self, name=None): '''Return a new dict with the same contents.''' d = TypedDict(name or self._name, self.keyType, self.valType) d.d = dict(self.d) return d
#@+node:ekr.20120206134955.10151: *4* td.dump
[docs] def dump(self): result = ['Dump of %s' % (self)] for key in sorted(self.d.keys()): if self.isList: result.append(key) aList = self.d.get(key, []) for z in aList: result.append(' ' + repr(z)) else: result.append(key, self.d.get(key)) return '\n'.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20120205022040.17771: *4* td getters
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): self._checkKeyType(key) if default is None and self.isList: default = [] return self.d.get(key, default)
# New in Leo 5.7.1
[docs] def get_setting(self, key): key = key.replace('-','').replace('_','') gs = self.get(key) val = gs and gs.val return val
# New in Leo 5.7.1
[docs] def get_string_setting(self, key): val = self.get_setting(key) return g.toUnicode(val) if val and g.isString(val) else None
[docs] def keys(self): return self.d.keys()
[docs] def name(self): return self._name
#@+node:ekr.20120214165710.10728: *4* td.setName
[docs] def setName(self, name): self._name = name
#@+node:ekr.20120205022040.17807: *4* td.update
[docs] def update(self, d): if isinstance(d, TypedDict): self.d.update(d.d) else: self.d.update(d)
[docs]def isTypedDict(obj): return isinstance(obj, TypedDict)
[docs]class TypedDictOfLists(TypedDict): '''A class whose values are lists of typed values.''' def __init__(self, name, keyType, valType): TypedDict.__init__(self, name, keyType, valType) # Init the base class self.isList = True def __repr__(self): return '<TypedDictOfLists name:%s keys:%s values:%s len(keys): %s' % ( self._name, self.keyType.__name__, self.valType.__name__, len(list(self.keys()))) __str__ = __repr__
[docs] def copy(self, name=None): d = TypedDictOfLists(name or self._name, self.keyType, self.valType) d.d = dict(self.d) return d
[docs]def isTypedDictOfLists(obj): return isinstance(obj, TypedDictOfLists)
#@+node:ville.20090827174345.9963: *3* class g.UiTypeException & g.assertui
[docs]class UiTypeException(Exception): pass
[docs]def assertUi(uitype): if not == uitype: raise UiTypeException
#@+node:ekr.20140904112935.18526: *3* g.isTextWrapper & isTextWidget
[docs]def isTextWidget(w): return w and
[docs]def isTextWrapper(w): return w and
#@+node:ekr.20140711071454.17649: ** g.Debugging, GC, Stats & Timing #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3104: *3* g.Debugging #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3105: *4* g.alert
[docs]def alert(message, c=None): '''Raise an alert. This method is deprecated: use c.alert instead. ''' # The unit tests just tests the args. if not g.unitTesting:, message)
#@+node:ekr.20180415144534.1: *4* g.assert_is
[docs]def assert_is(obj, list_or_class, warn=True): if warn: ok = isinstance(obj, list_or_class) if not ok: g.es_print('can not happen. %r: expected %s, got: %s' % ( obj, list_or_class, obj.__class__.__name__)) g.es_print(g.callers()) return ok else: assert isinstance(obj, list_or_class), ( obj, obj.__class__.__name__, g.callers())
#@+node:ekr.20180420081530.1: *4* g._assert def _assert(condition, show_callers=True): '''A safer alternative to a bare assert.''' if g.unitTesting: assert condition return ok = bool(condition) if ok: return True print('') g.es_print('===== g._assert failed =====') print('') if show_callers: g.es_print(g.callers()) return False #@+node:ekr.20051023083258: *4* g.callers & g.caller & _callerName
[docs]def callers(n=4, count=0, excludeCaller=True, verbose=False): ''' Return a list containing the callers of the function that called g.callerList. excludeCaller: True (the default), g.callers itself is not on the list. If the `verbose` keyword is True, or the caller name is in the `names` list, return: line N <file name> <class_name>.<caller_name> # methods line N <file name> <caller_name> # functions. Otherwise, just return the <caller name> ''' # Be careful to call g._callerName with smaller values of i first: # sys._getframe throws ValueError if there are less than i entries. result = [] i = 3 if excludeCaller else 2 while 1: s = _callerName(n=i, verbose=verbose) if s: result.append(s) if not s or len(result) >= n: break i += 1 result.reverse() if count > 0: result = result[:count] if verbose: return ''.join(['\n %s' % z for z in result]) else: return ','.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3107: *5* g._callerName def _callerName(n, verbose=False): try: # get the function name from the call stack. f1 = sys._getframe(n) # The stack frame, n levels up. code1 = f1.f_code # The code object sfn = shortFilename(code1.co_filename) # The file name. locals_ = f1.f_locals # The local namespace. name = code1.co_name line = code1.co_firstlineno if verbose: obj = locals_.get('self') full_name = '%s.%s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, name) if obj else name return 'line %4s %-30s %s' % (line, sfn, full_name) else: return name except ValueError: return '' # The stack is not deep enough OR # sys._getframe does not exist on this platform. except Exception: es_exception() return '' # "<no caller name>" #@+node:ekr.20180328170441.1: *5* g.caller
[docs]def caller(i=1): '''Return the caller name i levels up the stack.''' return g.callers(i+1).split(',')[0]
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3109: *4* g.dump
[docs]def dump(s): out = "" for i in s: out += str(ord(i)) + "," return out
[docs]def oldDump(s): out = "" for i in s: if i == '\n': out += "["; out += "n"; out += "]" if i == '\t': out += "["; out += "t"; out += "]" elif i == ' ': out += "["; out += " "; out += "]" else: out += i return out
#@+node:ekr.20150227102835.8: *4* g.dump_encoded_string
[docs]def dump_encoded_string(encoding, s): '''Dump s, assumed to be an encoded string.''' # Can't use g.trace here: it calls this function! print('dump_encoded_string: %s' % g.callers()) print('dump_encoded_string: encoding %s\n' % encoding) print(s) in_comment = False for ch in s: if ch == '#': in_comment = True elif not in_comment: print('%02x %s' % (ord(ch), repr(ch))) elif ch == '\n': in_comment = False
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1317: *4* g.file/module/plugin_date
[docs]def module_date(mod, format=None): theFile = g.os_path_join(app.loadDir, mod.__file__) root, ext = g.os_path_splitext(theFile) return g.file_date(root + ".py", format=format)
[docs]def plugin_date(plugin_mod, format=None): theFile = g.os_path_join(app.loadDir, "..", "plugins", plugin_mod.__file__) root, ext = g.os_path_splitext(theFile) return g.file_date(root + ".py", format=format)
[docs]def file_date(theFile, format=None): if theFile and g.os_path_exists(theFile): try: n = g.os_path_getmtime(theFile) if format is None: format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S" return time.strftime(format, time.gmtime(n)) except(ImportError, NameError): pass # Time module is platform dependent. return ""
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3127: *4* g.get_line & get_line__after # Very useful for tracing.
[docs]def get_line(s, i): nl = "" if g.is_nl(s, i): i = g.skip_nl(s, i) nl = "[nl]" j = g.find_line_start(s, i) k = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) return nl + s[j: k]
# Important: getLine is a completely different function. # getLine = get_line
[docs]def get_line_after(s, i): nl = "" if g.is_nl(s, i): i = g.skip_nl(s, i) nl = "[nl]" k = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) return nl + s[i: k]
getLineAfter = get_line_after #@+node:ekr.20080729142651.1: *4* g.getIvarsDict and checkUnchangedIvars
[docs]def getIvarsDict(obj): '''Return a dictionary of ivars:values for non-methods of obj.''' d = dict( [[key, getattr(obj, key)] for key in dir(obj) if not isinstance(getattr(obj, key), types.MethodType)]) return d
[docs]def checkUnchangedIvars(obj, d, exceptions=None): if not exceptions: exceptions = [] ok = True for key in d: if key not in exceptions: if getattr(obj, key) != d.get(key): g.trace('changed ivar: %s old: %s new: %s' % ( key, repr(d.get(key)), repr(getattr(obj, key)))) ok = False return ok
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3128: *4* g.pause
[docs]def pause(s): i = 0 # Use builtins to suppress pyflakes complaint. # pylint: disable=no-member, undefined-variable n = 1000 * 1000 if g.isPython3 else builtins.long(1000) * builtins.long(1000) while i < n: i += 1
#@+node:ekr.20041105091148: *4* g.pdb
[docs]def pdb(message=''): """Fall into pdb.""" import pdb # Required: we have just defined pdb as a function! if app and not app.useIpython: # from leo.core.leoQt import QtCore # This is more portable. try: import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore except ImportError: try: import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore except ImportError: QtCore = None if QtCore: # pylint: disable=no-member QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() if message: print(message) pdb.set_trace()
#@+node:ekr.20041224080039: *4* g.dictToString
[docs]def dictToString(d, indent='', tag=None): '''Pretty print a Python dict to a string.''' # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda if not d: return '{}' result = ['{\n'] indent2 = indent+' '*4 n = 2 + len(indent) + max([len(repr(z)) for z in d.keys()]) for i, key in enumerate(sorted(d, key=lambda z:repr(z))): pad = ' ' * max(0, (n-len(repr(key)))) result.append('%s%s:' % (pad, key)) result.append(objToString(d.get(key),indent=indent2)) if i+1 < len(d.keys()): result.append(',') result.append('\n') result.append(indent+'}') s = ''.join(result) return '%s...\n%s\n' % (tag, s) if tag else s
#@+node:ekr.20041126060136: *4* g.listToString
[docs]def listToString(obj, indent='', tag=None): '''Pretty print a Python list to a string.''' if not obj: return '[]' result = ['['] indent2 = indent+' '*4 for i, obj2 in enumerate(obj): if len(obj) > 1: result.append('\n'+indent2) result.append(objToString(obj2,indent=indent2)) if i+1 < len(obj) > 1: result.append(',') elif len(obj) > 1: result.append('\n'+indent) result.append(']') s = ''.join(result) return '%s...\n%s\n' % (tag, s) if tag else s
#@+node:ekr.20050819064157: *4* g.objToSTring & g.toString
[docs]def objToString(obj, indent='', printCaller=False, tag=None): '''Pretty print any Python object to a string.''' # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # Looks like a a pylint bug. # # Compute s. if isinstance(obj, dict): s = dictToString(obj, indent=indent) elif isinstance(obj, list): s = listToString(obj, indent=indent) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): s = tupleToString(obj, indent=indent) elif g.isString(obj): # Print multi-line strings as lists. s = obj lines = g.splitLines(s) if len(lines) > 1: s = listToString(lines, indent=indent) else: s = repr(s) else: s = repr(obj) # # Compute the return value. if printCaller and tag: prefix = '%s: %s' % (g.caller(), tag) elif printCaller or tag: prefix = g.caller() if printCaller else tag else: prefix = None return '%s...\n%s\n' % (prefix, s) if prefix else s
toString = objToString #@+node:ekr.20140401054342.16844: *4* g.run_pylint
[docs]def run_pylint(fn, rc, dots=True, # Show level dots in Sherlock traces. patterns=None, # List of Sherlock trace patterns. sherlock=False, # Enable Sherlock tracing. show_return=True, # Show returns in Sherlock traces. stats_patterns=None, # Patterns for Sherlock statistics. verbose=True, # Show filenames in Sherlock traces. ): ''' Run pylint with the given args, with Sherlock tracing if requested. **Do not assume exists.** run() in and PylintCommand.run_pylint *optionally* call this function. ''' try: from pylint import lint except ImportError: return g.trace('can not import pylint') if not g.os_path_exists(fn): return g.trace('does not exist:', fn) if not g.os_path_exists(rc): return g.trace('does not exist', rc) args = ['--rcfile=%s' % (rc)] # Prints error number. # args.append('--msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}') args.append(fn) if sherlock: sherlock = g.SherlockTracer( dots=dots, show_return=show_return, verbose=True, # verbose: show filenames. patterns=patterns or [], ) try: lint.Run(args) finally: sherlock.stop() sherlock.print_stats(patterns=stats_patterns or []) else: # print('run_pylint: %s' % g.shortFileName(fn)) try: lint.Run(args) # does sys.exit finally: # Printing does not work well here. # When not waiting, printing from severl process can be interspersed. pass
#@+node:ekr.20120912153732.10597: *4* g.wait
[docs]def sleep(n): '''Wait about n milliseconds.''' from time import sleep sleep(n) #sleeps for 5 seconds
#@+node:ekr.20171023140544.1: *4* g.printObj & aliases
[docs]def printObj(obj, indent='', printCaller=False, tag=None): '''Pretty print any Python object using''', indent=indent, printCaller=printCaller, tag=tag))
printDict = printObj printList = printObj printTuple = printObj #@+node:ekr.20171023110057.1: *4* g.tupleToString
[docs]def tupleToString(obj, indent='', tag=None): '''Pretty print a Python tuple to a string.''' if not obj: return '(),' result = ['('] indent2 = indent+' '*4 for i, obj2 in enumerate(obj): if len(obj) > 1: result.append('\n'+indent2) result.append(objToString(obj2,indent=indent2)) if len(obj) == 1 or i+1 < len(obj): result.append(',') elif len(obj) > 1: result.append('\n'+indent) result.append(')') s = ''.join(result) return '%s...\n%s\n' % (tag, s) if tag else s
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1588: *3* g.Garbage Collection lastObjectCount = 0 lastObjectsDict = {} lastTypesDict = {} lastFunctionsDict = {} #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1589: *4* g.clearAllIvars
[docs]def clearAllIvars(o): """Clear all ivars of o, a member of some class.""" if o: o.__dict__.clear()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1590: *4* g.collectGarbage
[docs]def collectGarbage(): try: gc.collect() except Exception: pass
#@+node:ekr.20060127162818: *4* g.enable_gc_debug
[docs]def enable_gc_debug(event=None): # pylint: disable=no-member if not gc: g.error('can not import gc module') return if g.isPython3: gc.set_debug( gc.DEBUG_STATS | # prints statistics. gc.DEBUG_LEAK | # Same as all below. gc.DEBUG_COLLECTABLE | gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE | # gc.DEBUG_INSTANCES | # gc.DEBUG_OBJECTS | gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) else: gc.set_debug( gc.DEBUG_STATS | # prints statistics. gc.DEBUG_LEAK | # Same as all below. gc.DEBUG_COLLECTABLE | gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE | gc.DEBUG_INSTANCES | gc.DEBUG_OBJECTS | gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1592: *4* g.printGc # Formerly called from unit tests.
[docs]def printGc(tag=None): tag = tag or g._callerName(n=2) printGcObjects(tag=tag) printGcRefs(tag=tag) printGcVerbose(tag=tag)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1593: *5* g.printGcRefs
[docs]def printGcRefs(tag=''): verbose = False refs = gc.get_referrers(app.windowList[0])'-' * 30, tag) if verbose:"refs of", app.windowList[0]) for ref in refs: else:"%d referers" % len(refs))
#@+node:ekr.20060202161935: *4* g.printGcAll
[docs]def printGcAll(tag=''): # Suppress warning about keywords arg not supported in sort. tag = tag or g._callerName(n=2) d = {}; objects = gc.get_objects() if not g.unitTesting:'-' * 30)'%s: %d objects' % (tag, len(objects))) for obj in objects: t = type(obj) if t == 'instance': try: t = obj.__class__ except Exception: pass # 2011/02/28: Some types may not be hashable. try: d[t] = d.get(t, 0) + 1 except TypeError: d = {} if 1: # Sort by n items = list(d.items()) items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # key is a function that extracts args. if not g.unitTesting: for z in items:'%40s %7d' % (z[0], z[1])) else: # Sort by type for t in sorted(d):'%40s %7d' % (t, d.get(t)))
#@+node:ekr.20060127164729.1: *4* g.printGcObjects
[docs]def printGcObjects(tag=''): '''Print newly allocated objects.''' tag = tag or g._callerName(n=2) global lastObjectCount try: n = len(gc.garbage) n2 = len(gc.get_objects()) delta = n2 - lastObjectCount if delta == 0: return lastObjectCount = n2 #@+<< print number of each type of object >> #@+node:ekr.20040703054646: *5* << print number of each type of object >> global lastTypesDict typesDict = {} for obj in gc.get_objects(): t = type(obj) # pylint: disable=no-member if t == 'instance' and t != types.UnicodeType: # NOQA try: t = obj.__class__ except Exception: pass if t != types.FrameType: # NOQA r = repr(t) # was type(obj) instead of repr(t) n = typesDict.get(r, 0) typesDict[r] = n + 1 # Create the union of all the keys. keys = {} for key in lastTypesDict: if key not in typesDict: keys[key] = None empty = True for key in keys: n3 = lastTypesDict.get(key, 0) n4 = typesDict.get(key, 0) delta2 = n4 - n3 if delta2 != 0: empty = False break if not empty:'-' * 30)"%s: garbage: %d, objects: %d, delta: %d" % (tag, n, n2, delta)) if 0: for key in sorted(keys): n1 = lastTypesDict.get(key, 0) n2 = typesDict.get(key, 0) delta2 = n2 - n1 if delta2 != 0:"%+6d =%7d %s" % (delta2, n2, key)) lastTypesDict = typesDict typesDict = {} #@-<< print number of each type of object >> if 0: #@+<< print added functions >> #@+node:ekr.20040703065638: *5* << print added functions >> global lastFunctionsDict funcDict = {} n = 0 # Don't print more than 50 objects. for obj in gc.get_objects(): if isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType): n += 1 key = repr(obj) # Don't create a pointer to the object! funcDict[key] = None if n < 50 and key not in lastFunctionsDict: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(obj)"args", args) if varargs:"varargs", varargs) if varkw:"varkw", varkw) if defaults:"defaults...") for s in defaults: lastFunctionsDict = funcDict funcDict = {} #@-<< print added functions >> except Exception: traceback.print_exc()
printNewObjects = pno = printGcObjects #@+node:ekr.20060205043324.1: *4* g.printGcSummary
[docs]def printGcSummary(tag=''): tag = tag or g._callerName(n=2) g.enable_gc_debug() try: n = len(gc.garbage) n2 = len(gc.get_objects()) s = '%s: printGCSummary: garbage: %d, objects: %d' % (tag, n, n2) except Exception: traceback.print_exc()
#@+node:ekr.20060127165509: *4* g.printGcVerbose # WARNING: the id trick is not proper because newly allocated objects # can have the same address as old objets.
[docs]def printGcVerbose(tag=''): tag = tag or g._callerName(n=2) global lastObjectsDict objects = gc.get_objects() newObjects = [o for o in objects if id(o) not in lastObjectsDict] lastObjectsDict = {} for o in objects: lastObjectsDict[id(o)] = o dicts = 0; seqs = 0 i = 0; n = len(newObjects) while i < 100 and i < n: o = newObjects[i] if isinstance(o, dict): dicts += 1 elif isinstance(o, (list, tuple)):,repr(o)) seqs += 1 #else: # i += 1'=' * 40)'dicts: %d, sequences: %d' % (dicts, seqs))"%s: %d new, %d total objects" % (tag, len(newObjects), len(objects)))'-' * 40)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3133: *3* g.Statistics #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3134: *4* g.clearStats
[docs]def clearStats(): = {}
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3135: *4* g.printStats
[docs]def printStats(name=None): if name: if not isString(name): name = repr(name) else: name = g._callerName(n=2) # Get caller name 2 levels back. g.printDict(, tag='statistics at %s' % name)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3136: *4* g.stat
[docs]def stat(name=None): """Increments the statistic for name in The caller's name is used by default. """ d = if name: if not isString(name): name = repr(name) else: name = g._callerName(n=2) # Get caller name 2 levels back. d[name] = 1 + d.get(name, 0)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3137: *3* g.Timing
[docs]def getTime(): return time.time()
[docs]def esDiffTime(message, start): delta = time.time() - start'', "%s %5.2f sec." % (message, delta)) return time.time()
[docs]def printDiffTime(message, start): delta = time.time() - start"%s %5.2f sec." % (message, delta)) return time.time()
[docs]def timeSince(start): return "%5.2f sec." % (time.time() - start)
#@+node:ekr.20150508165324.1: ** g.Decorators #@+node:ekr.20170219173203.1: *3* g.callback
[docs]def callback(func): ''' A global decorator that protects Leo against crashes in callbacks. This is the recommended way of defining all callback. @g.callback def a_callback(...): c = event.get('c') ... ''' def callback_wrapper(*args, **keys): '''Callback for the @g.callback decorator.''' try: return func(*args, **keys) except Exception: g.es_exception() return callback_wrapper
#@+node:ekr.20150510104148.1: *3* g.check_cmd_instance_dict
[docs]def check_cmd_instance_dict(c, g): ''' Check g.check_cmd_instance_dict. This is a permanent unit test, called from c.finishCreate. ''' d = cmd_instance_dict for key in d: ivars = d.get(key) obj = ivars2instance(c, g, ivars) # Produces warnings. if obj: name = obj.__class__.__name__ if name != key: g.trace('class mismatch', key, name)
#@+node:ville.20090521164644.5924: *3* g.command (decorator)
[docs]class Command(object): ''' A global decorator for creating commands. This is the recommended way of defining all new commands, including commands that could befined inside a class. The typical usage is: @g.command('command-name') def A_Command(event): c = event.get('c') ... g can *not* be used anywhere in this class! ''' def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): '''Ctor for command decorator class.''' = name def __call__(self, func): '''Register command for all future commanders.''' global_commands_dict[] = func if app: for c in app.commanders(): c.k.registerCommand(, func) # Inject ivars for func.is_command = True func.command_name = return func
command = Command #@+node:ekr.20171124070654.1: *3* g.command_alias
[docs]def command_alias(alias, func): '''Create an alias for the *already defined* method in the Commands class.''' import leo.core.leoCommands as leoCommands assert hasattr(leoCommands.Commands, func.__name__) funcToMethod(func, leoCommands.Commands, alias)
#@+node:ekr.20171123095526.1: *3* g.commander_command (decorator)
[docs]class CommanderCommand(object): ''' A global decorator for creating commander commands, that is, commands that were formerly methods of the Commands class in Usage: @g.command('command-name') def command_name(self, *args, **kwargs): ... The decorator injects command_name into the Commander class and calls funcToMethod so the ivar will be injected in all future commanders. g can *not* be used anywhere in this class! ''' def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): '''Ctor for command decorator class.''' = name def __call__(self, func): '''Register command for all future commanders.''' def commander_command_wrapper(event): c = event.get('c') method = getattr(c, func.__name__, None) method(event=event) # Inject ivars for commander_command_wrapper.__name__ = 'commander_command_wrapper: %s' % commander_command_wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ global_commands_dict[] = commander_command_wrapper if app: import leo.core.leoCommands as leoCommands funcToMethod(func, leoCommands.Commands) for c in app.commanders(): c.k.registerCommand(, func) # Inject ivars for func.is_command = True func.command_name = return func
commander_command = CommanderCommand #@+node:ekr.20150508164812.1: *3* g.ivars2instance
[docs]def ivars2instance(c, g, ivars): ''' Return the instance of c given by ivars. ivars is a list of strings. A special case: ivars may be 'g', indicating the leoGlobals module. ''' if not ivars: g.trace('can not happen: no ivars') return None ivar = ivars[0] if ivar not in ('c', 'g'): g.trace('can not happen: unknown base', ivar) return None obj = c if ivar == 'c' else g for ivar in ivars[1:]: obj = getattr(obj, ivar, None) if not obj: g.trace('can not happen: unknown attribute', obj, ivar, ivars) break return obj
#@+node:ekr.20150508134046.1: *3* g.new_cmd_decorator (decorator)
[docs]def new_cmd_decorator(name, ivars): ''' Return a new decorator for a command with the given name. Compute the class *instance* using the ivar string or list. ''' def _decorator(func): def new_cmd_wrapper(event): c = event.c self = g.ivars2instance(c, g, ivars) try: func(self, event=event) # Don't use a keyword for self. # This allows the VimCommands class to use vc instead. except Exception: g.es_exception() new_cmd_wrapper.__name__ = 'wrapper: %s' % name new_cmd_wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ global_commands_dict[name] = new_cmd_wrapper # Put the *wrapper* into the global dict. return func # The decorator must return the func itself. return _decorator
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1380: ** g.Directives # New in Leo 4.6: # g.findAtTabWidthDirectives, g.findLanguageDirectives and # g.get_directives_dict use re module for faster searching. #@+node:EKR.20040504150046.4: *3* g.comment_delims_from_extension
[docs]def comment_delims_from_extension(filename): """ Return the comment delims corresponding to the filename's extension. >>> import leo.core.leoGlobals as g >>> g.comment_delims_from_extension(".py") ('#', '', '') >>> g.comment_delims_from_extension(".c") ('//', '/*', '*/') >>> g.comment_delims_from_extension(".html") ('', '<!--', '-->') """ if filename.startswith('.'): # Python 2.6 changes how splitext works. root, ext = None, filename else: root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == '.tmp': root, ext = os.path.splitext(root) language =[1:]) if ext: return g.set_delims_from_language(language) else: g.trace("unknown extension: %s, filename: %s, root: %s" % ( repr(ext), repr(filename), repr(root))) return '', '', ''
#@+node:ekr.20090214075058.8: *3* g.findAtTabWidthDirectives (must be fast) g_tabwidth_pat = re.compile(r'(^@tabwidth)', re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def findTabWidthDirectives(c, p): '''Return the language in effect at position p.''' if c is None: return # c may be None for testing. w = None # 2009/10/02: no need for copy arg to iter for p in p.self_and_parents(): if w: break for s in p.h, p.b: if w: break anIter = g_tabwidth_pat.finditer(s) for m in anIter: word = i = m.start(0) j = g.skip_ws(s, i + len(word)) junk, w = g.skip_long(s, j) if w == 0: w = None return w
#@+node:ekr.20090214075058.6: *3* g.findLanguageDirectives (must be fast) g_language_pat = re.compile(r'(^@language)', re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def findLanguageDirectives(c, p): '''Return the language in effect at position p.''' if c is None: return # c may be None for testing. if c.target_language: language = c.target_language.lower() else: language = 'python' found = False # 2009/10/02: no need for copy arg to iter. for p in p.self_and_parents(): if found: break for s in p.h, p.b: if found: break anIter = g_language_pat.finditer(s) for m in anIter: word = i = m.start(0) j = i + len(word) k = g.skip_line(s, j) language = s[j: k].strip() found = True return language
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1385: *3* g.findReference # Called from the syntax coloring method that colorizes section references. # Also called from write at.putRefAt.
[docs]def findReference(name, root): '''Find the section definition for name. If a search of the descendants fails, and an ancestor is an @root node, search all the descendants of the @root node. ''' for p in root.subtree(): assert(p != root) if p.matchHeadline(name) and not p.isAtIgnoreNode(): return p # New in Leo 4.7: expand the search for @root trees. for p in root.self_and_parents(): d = g.get_directives_dict(p) if 'root' in d: for p2 in p.subtree(): if p2.matchHeadline(name) and not p2.isAtIgnoreNode(): return p2 return None
#@+node:ekr.20090214075058.9: *3* g.get_directives_dict (must be fast) # The caller passes [root_node] or None as the second arg. # This allows us to distinguish between None and [None]. g_noweb_root = re.compile( '<' + '<' + '*' + '>' + '>' + '=', re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def get_directives_dict(p, root=None): """ Scan p for @directives found in globalDirectiveList. Returns a dict containing the stripped remainder of the line following the first occurrence of each recognized directive """ if root: root_node = root[0] # c = p and p.v and p.v.context d = {} # Do this every time so plugins can add directives. pat = g.compute_directives_re() directives_pat = re.compile(pat, re.MULTILINE) # The headline has higher precedence because it is more visible. for kind, s in (('head', p.h), ('body', p.b)): anIter = directives_pat.finditer(s) for m in anIter: word = i = m.start(1) if word in d: continue j = i + len(word) if j < len(s) and s[j] not in ' \t\n': continue # Not a valid directive: just ignore it. # A unit test tests that @path:any is invalid. k = g.skip_line(s, j) val = s[j: k].strip() if word in ('root-doc', 'root-code'): d['root'] = val # in addition to optioned version d[word] = val # New in Leo 5.7.1: @path is allowed in body text. # This is very useful when doing recursive imports. if root: anIter = g_noweb_root.finditer(p.b) for m in anIter: if root_node: d["root"] = 0 # value not immportant else:'%s= may only occur in a topmost node (i.e., without a parent)' % ( g.angleBrackets('*'))) break return d
#@+node:ekr.20090214075058.10: *4* g.compute_directives_re
[docs]def compute_directives_re(): ''' Return an re pattern which word matches all Leo directives. Only g.get_directives_dict uses this pattern. ''' global globalDirectiveList # EKR: 2016/03/30: Use a pattern that guarantees word matches. aList = [r'\b%s\b' % (z) for z in globalDirectiveList if z != 'others'] return "^@(%s)" % "|".join(aList)
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.1: *3* g.get_directives_dict_list (must be fast)
[docs]def get_directives_dict_list(p): """Scans p and all its ancestors for directives. Returns a list of dicts containing pointers to the start of each directive""" result = [] p1 = p.copy() for p in p1.self_and_parents(): root = None if p.hasParent() else [p.copy()] result.append(g.get_directives_dict(p, root=root)) return result
#@+node:ekr.20111010082822.15545: *3* g.getLanguageFromAncestorAtFileNode
[docs]def getLanguageFromAncestorAtFileNode(p): ''' Return the language in effect as determined by the file extension of the nearest enclosing @<file> node. ''' for p in p.self_and_parents(): if p.isAnyAtFileNode(): name = p.anyAtFileNodeName() junk, ext = g.os_path_splitext(name) ext = ext[1:] # strip the leading . language = return language return None
#@+node:ekr.20150325075144.1: *3* g.getLanguageFromPosition
[docs]def getLanguageAtPosition(c, p): ''' Return the language in effect at position p. This is always a lowercase language name, never None. ''' aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) d = g.scanAtCommentAndAtLanguageDirectives(aList) language = ( d and d.get('language') or g.getLanguageFromAncestorAtFileNode(p) or c.config.getString('target_language') or 'python' ) return language.lower()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1386: *3* g.getOutputNewline
[docs]def getOutputNewline(c=None, name=None): '''Convert the name of a line ending to the line ending itself. Priority: - Use name if name given - Use c.config.output_newline if c given, - Otherwise use''' if name: s = name elif c: s = c.config.output_newline else: s = app.config.output_newline if not s: s = '' s = s.lower() # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # looks like a pylint bug if s in ("nl", "lf"): s = '\n' elif s == "cr": s = '\r' elif s == "platform": s = os.linesep # 12/2/03: emakital elif s == "crlf": s = "\r\n" else: s = '\n' # Default for erroneous values. if g.isPython3: s = str(s) return s
#@+node:ekr.20131230090121.16528: *3* g.isDirective # This pattern excludes @encoding.whatever and @encoding(whatever) # It must allow @language python, @nocolor-node, etc. g_is_directive_pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*@([\w-]+)\s*')
[docs]def isDirective(s): '''Return True if s starts with a directive.''' m = g_is_directive_pattern.match(s) if m: s2 = s[m.end(1):] if s2 and s2[0] in ".(": return False else: return bool( in g.globalDirectiveList) else: return False
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.52: *3* g.scanAtCommentAndLanguageDirectives
[docs]def scanAtCommentAndAtLanguageDirectives(aList): ''' Scan aList for @comment and @language directives. @comment should follow @language if both appear in the same node. ''' lang = None for d in aList: comment = d.get('comment') language = d.get('language') # Important: assume @comment follows @language. if language: lang, delim1, delim2, delim3 = g.set_language(language, 0) if comment: delim1, delim2, delim3 = g.set_delims_from_string(comment) if comment or language: delims = delim1, delim2, delim3 d = {'language': lang, 'comment': comment, 'delims': delims} return d return None
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.32: *3* g.scanAtEncodingDirectives
[docs]def scanAtEncodingDirectives(aList): '''Scan aList for @encoding directives.''' for d in aList: encoding = d.get('encoding') if encoding and g.isValidEncoding(encoding): return encoding elif encoding and not g.error("invalid @encoding:", encoding) return None
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.53: *3* g.scanAtHeaderDirectives
[docs]def scanAtHeaderDirectives(aList): '''scan aList for @header and @noheader directives.''' for d in aList: if d.get('header') and d.get('noheader'): g.error("conflicting @header and @noheader directives")
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.33: *3* g.scanAtLineendingDirectives
[docs]def scanAtLineendingDirectives(aList): '''Scan aList for @lineending directives.''' for d in aList: e = d.get('lineending') if e in ("cr", "crlf", "lf", "nl", "platform"): lineending = g.getOutputNewline(name=e) return lineending # else: # g.error("invalid @lineending directive:",e) return None
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.34: *3* g.scanAtPagewidthDirectives
[docs]def scanAtPagewidthDirectives(aList, issue_error_flag=False): '''Scan aList for @pagewidth directives.''' for d in aList: s = d.get('pagewidth') if s is not None: i, val = g.skip_long(s, 0) if val is not None and val > 0: return val else: if issue_error_flag and not g.error("ignoring @pagewidth", s) return None
#@+node:ekr.20101022172109.6108: *3* g.scanAtPathDirectives scanAllAtPathDirectives
[docs]def scanAtPathDirectives(c, aList): path = c.scanAtPathDirectives(aList) return path
[docs]def scanAllAtPathDirectives(c, p): aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) path = c.scanAtPathDirectives(aList) return path
#@+node:ekr.20100507084415.5760: *3* g.scanAtRootDirectives
[docs]def scanAtRootDirectives(aList): '''Scan aList for @root directives.''' for d in aList: s = d.get('root') if s is not None: i, mode = g.scanAtRootOptions(s, 0) return mode return None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3154: *3* g.scanAtRootOptions
[docs]def scanAtRootOptions(s, i, err_flag=False): # The @root has been eaten when called from tangle.scanAllDirectives. if g.match(s, i, "@root"): i += len("@root") i = g.skip_ws(s, i) mode = None while g.match(s, i, '-'): #@+<< scan another @root option >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3155: *4* << scan another @root option >> i += 1; err = -1 if g.match_word(s, i, "code"): # Just match the prefix. if not mode: mode = "code" elif err_flag:"modes conflict in:", g.get_line(s, i)) elif g.match(s, i, "doc"): # Just match the prefix. if not mode: mode = "doc" elif err_flag:"modes conflict in:", g.get_line(s, i)) else: err = i - 1 # Scan to the next minus sign. while i < len(s) and s[i] not in (' ', '\t', '\n', '-'): i += 1 if err > -1 and err_flag: z_opt = s[err: i] z_line = g.get_line(s, i)"unknown option:", z_opt, "in", z_line) #@-<< scan another @root option >> if mode is None: doc = app.config.at_root_bodies_start_in_doc_mode mode = "doc" if doc else "code" return i, mode
#@+node:ekr.20080827175609.37: *3* g.scanAtTabwidthDirectives & scanAllTabWidthDirectives
[docs]def scanAtTabwidthDirectives(aList, issue_error_flag=False): '''Scan aList for @tabwidth directives.''' for d in aList: s = d.get('tabwidth') if s is not None: junk, val = g.skip_long(s, 0) if val not in (None, 0): return val else: if issue_error_flag and not g.error("ignoring @tabwidth", s) return None
[docs]def scanAllAtTabWidthDirectives(c, p): '''Scan p and all ancestors looking for @tabwidth directives.''' if c and p: aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) val = g.scanAtTabwidthDirectives(aList) ret = c.tab_width if val is None else val else: ret = None return ret
#@+node:ekr.20080831084419.4: *3* g.scanAtWrapDirectives & scanAllAtWrapDirectives
[docs]def scanAtWrapDirectives(aList, issue_error_flag=False): '''Scan aList for @wrap and @nowrap directives.''' for d in aList: if d.get('wrap') is not None: return True elif d.get('nowrap') is not None: return False return None
[docs]def scanAllAtWrapDirectives(c, p): '''Scan p and all ancestors looking for @wrap/@nowrap directives.''' if c and p: default = c and c.config.getBool("body_pane_wraps") aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) val = g.scanAtWrapDirectives(aList) ret = default if val is None else val else: ret = None return ret
#@+node:ekr.20080901195858.4: *3* g.scanDirectives (for compatibility only)
[docs]def scanDirectives(c, p=None): return c.scanAllDirectives(p)
#@+node:ekr.20040715155607: *3* g.scanForAtIgnore
[docs]def scanForAtIgnore(c, p): """Scan position p and its ancestors looking for @ignore directives.""" if return False # For unit tests. for p in p.self_and_parents(): d = g.get_directives_dict(p) if 'ignore' in d: return True return False
#@+node:ekr.20040712084911.1: *3* g.scanForAtLanguage
[docs]def scanForAtLanguage(c, p): """Scan position p and p's ancestors looking only for @language and @ignore directives. Returns the language found, or c.target_language.""" # Unlike the code in x.scanAllDirectives, this code ignores @comment directives. if c and p: for p in p.self_and_parents(): d = g.get_directives_dict(p) if 'language' in d: z = d["language"] language, delim1, delim2, delim3 = g.set_language(z, 0) return language return c.target_language
#@+node:ekr.20041123094807: *3* g.scanForAtSettings
[docs]def scanForAtSettings(p): """Scan position p and its ancestors looking for @settings nodes.""" for p in p.self_and_parents(): h = p.h h = if h.startswith("@settings"): return True return False
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1382: *3* g.set_delims_from_language
[docs]def set_delims_from_language(language): '''Return a tuple (single,start,end) of comment delims.''' val = if val: delim1, delim2, delim3 = g.set_delims_from_string(val) if delim2 and not delim3: return '', delim1, delim2 else: # 0,1 or 3 params. return delim1, delim2, delim3 else: return '', '', '' # Indicate that no change should be made
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1383: *3* g.set_delims_from_string
[docs]def set_delims_from_string(s): """ Return (delim1, delim2, delim2), the delims following the @comment directive. This code can be called from @language logic, in which case s can point at @comment """ # Skip an optional @comment tag = "@comment" i = 0 if g.match_word(s, i, tag): i += len(tag) count = 0; delims = ['', '', ''] while count < 3 and i < len(s): i = j = g.skip_ws(s, i) while i < len(s) and not g.is_ws(s[i]) and not g.is_nl(s, i): i += 1 if j == i: break delims[count] = s[j: i] or '' count += 1 # 'rr 09/25/02 if count == 2: # delims[0] is always the single-line delim. delims[2] = delims[1] delims[1] = delims[0] delims[0] = '' for i in range(0, 3): if delims[i]: if delims[i].startswith("@0x"): # Allow delimiter definition as @0x + hexadecimal encoded delimiter # to avoid problems with duplicate delimiters on the @comment line. # If used, whole delimiter must be encoded. if len(delims[i]) == 3: g.warning("'%s' delimiter is invalid" % delims[i]) return None, None, None try: delims[i] = binascii.unhexlify(delims[i][3:]) delims[i] = g.toUnicode(delims[i]) except Exception as e: g.warning("'%s' delimiter is invalid: %s" % (delims[i], e)) return None, None, None else: # 7/8/02: The "REM hack": replace underscores by blanks. # 9/25/02: The "perlpod hack": replace double underscores by newlines. delims[i] = delims[i].replace("__", '\n').replace('_', ' ') return delims[0], delims[1], delims[2]
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1384: *3* g.set_language
[docs]def set_language(s, i, issue_errors_flag=False): """Scan the @language directive that appears at s[i:]. The @language may have been stripped away. Returns (language, delim1, delim2, delim3) """ tag = "@language" assert(i is not None) if g.match_word(s, i, tag): i += len(tag) # Get the argument. i = g.skip_ws(s, i) j = i; i = g.skip_c_id(s, i) # Allow tcl/tk. arg = s[j: i].lower() if app.language_delims_dict.get(arg): language = arg delim1, delim2, delim3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language) return language, delim1, delim2, delim3 if issue_errors_flag:"ignoring:", g.get_line(s, i)) return None, None, None, None,
#@+node:ekr.20081001062423.9: *3* g.setDefaultDirectory & helper
[docs]def setDefaultDirectory(c, p, importing=False): ''' Return a default directory by scanning @path directives.''' if p: name = p.anyAtFileNodeName() if name: # An absolute path overrides everything. d = g.os_path_dirname(name) if d and g.os_path_isabs(d): return d aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) path = c.scanAtPathDirectives(aList) # Returns g.getBaseDirectory(c) by default. # However, g.getBaseDirectory can return '' else: path = None if path: path = g.os_path_finalize(path) else: g.checkOpenDirectory(c) for d in (c.openDirectory, g.getBaseDirectory(c)): # Errors may result in relative or invalid path. if d and g.os_path_isabs(d): path = d break else: path = '' if not importing and not path: # This should never happen, but is not serious if it does. g.warning("No absolute directory specified anywhere.") return path
#@+node:ekr.20101022124309.6132: *4* g.checkOpenDirectory
[docs]def checkOpenDirectory(c): if c.openDirectory != c.frame.openDirectory: g.error( 'Error: c.openDirectory != c.frame.openDirectory\n' 'c.openDirectory: %s\n' 'c.frame.openDirectory: %s' % ( c.openDirectory, c.frame.openDirectory)) if not g.os_path_isabs(c.openDirectory): g.error('Error: relative c.openDirectory: %s' % ( c.openDirectory))
#@+node:ekr.20071109165315: *3* g.stripPathCruft
[docs]def stripPathCruft(path): '''Strip cruft from a path name.''' if not path: return path # Retain empty paths for warnings. if len(path) > 2 and ( (path[0] == '<' and path[-1] == '>') or (path[0] == '"' and path[-1] == '"') or (path[0] == "'" and path[-1] == "'") ): path = path[1: -1].strip() # We want a *relative* path, not an absolute path. return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3116: ** g.Files & Directories #@+node:ekr.20080606074139.2: *3* g.chdir
[docs]def chdir(path): if not g.os_path_isdir(path): path = g.os_path_dirname(path) if g.os_path_isdir(path) and g.os_path_exists(path): os.chdir(path)
#@+node:ekr.20120222084734.10287: *3* g.compute...Dir # For compatibility with old code.
[docs]def computeGlobalConfigDir(): return
[docs]def computeHomeDir(): return
[docs]def computeLeoDir(): return
[docs]def computeLoadDir(): return
[docs]def computeMachineName(): return
[docs]def computeStandardDirectories(): return
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3103: *3* g.computeWindowTitle
[docs]def computeWindowTitle(fileName): branch = g.gitBranchName(path=g.os_path_dirname(fileName)) if not fileName: return branch + ": untitled" if branch else 'untitled' else: path, fn = g.os_path_split(fileName) if path: title = fn + " in " + path else: title = fn # Yet another fix for bug 1194209: regularize slashes. if os.sep in '/\\': title = title.replace('/', os.sep).replace('\\', os.sep) if branch: title = branch + ": " + title return title
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3117: *3* g.create_temp_file
[docs]def create_temp_file(textMode=False): '''Return a tuple (theFile,theFileName) theFile: a file object open for writing. theFileName: the name of the temporary file.''' try: # fd is an handle to an open file as would be returned by fd, theFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(text=textMode) mode = 'w' if textMode else 'wb' theFile = os.fdopen(fd, mode) except Exception: g.error('unexpected exception in g.create_temp_file') g.es_exception() theFile, theFileName = None, '' return theFile, theFileName
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3118: *3* g.ensure_extension
[docs]def ensure_extension(name, ext): theFile, old_ext = g.os_path_splitext(name) if not name: return name # don't add to an empty name. elif g.SQLITE and old_ext in ('.db', '.leo'): return name elif old_ext and old_ext == ext: return name else: return name + ext
#@+node:ekr.20150403150655.1: *3* g.fullPath
[docs]def fullPath(c, p, simulate=False): ''' Return the full path (including fileName) in effect at p. Neither the path nor the fileName will be created if it does not exist. ''' # Search p and p's parents. for p in p.self_and_parents(): aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) path = c.scanAtPathDirectives(aList) fn = p.h if simulate else p.anyAtFileNodeName() # Use p.h for unit tests. if fn: # Fix #102: call commander method, not the global function. return c.os_path_finalize_join(path, fn) return ''
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1264: *3* g.getBaseDirectory # Handles the conventions applying to the "relative_path_base_directory" configuration option.
[docs]def getBaseDirectory(c): '''Convert '!' or '.' to proper directory references.''' base = app.config.relative_path_base_directory if base and base == "!": base = app.loadDir elif base and base == ".": base = c.openDirectory if base and g.os_path_isabs(base): # Set c.chdir_to_relative_path as needed. if not hasattr(c, 'chdir_to_relative_path'): c.chdir_to_relative_path = c.config.getBool('chdir_to_relative_path') # Call os.chdir if requested. if c.chdir_to_relative_path: os.chdir(base) return base # base need not exist yet. else: return "" # No relative base given.
#@+node:ekr.20170223093758.1: *3* g.getEncodingAt (New in Leo 5.5)
[docs]def getEncodingAt(p, s=None): ''' Return the encoding in effect at p and/or for string s. Read logic: s is not None. Write logic: s is None. ''' # A BOM overrides everything. if s: e, junk_s = g.stripBOM(s) if e: return e aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) e = g.scanAtEncodingDirectives(aList) if s and s.strip() and not e: e = 'utf-8' return e
#@+node:ville.20090701144325.14942: *3* g.guessExternalEditor
[docs]def guessExternalEditor(c=None): """ Return a 'sensible' external editor """ editor = ( os.environ.get("LEO_EDITOR") or os.environ.get("EDITOR") or and"LEO_EDITOR") or c and c.config.getString('external_editor')) if editor: return editor # fallbacks platform = sys.platform.lower() if platform.startswith('win'): return "notepad" elif platform.startswith('linux'): return 'gedit' else:'''No editor set. Please set LEO_EDITOR or EDITOR environment variable, or do['LEO_EDITOR'] = "gvim"''') return None
#@+node:ekr.20160330204014.1: *3* g.init_dialog_folder
[docs]def init_dialog_folder(c, p, use_at_path=True): '''Return the most convenient folder to open or save a file.''' if c and p and use_at_path: path = g.fullPath(c, p) if path: dir_ = g.os_path_dirname(path) if dir_ and g.os_path_exists(dir_): return dir_ table = ( ('c.last_dir', c and c.last_dir), ('os.curdir', g.os_path_abspath(os.curdir)), ) for kind, dir_ in table: if dir_ and g.os_path_exists(dir_): return dir_ return ''
#@+node:ekr.20100329071036.5744: *3* g.is_binary_file/external_file/string
[docs]def is_binary_file(f): if g.isPython3: return f and isinstance(f, io.BufferedIOBase) else: g.internalError('g.is_binary_file called from Python 2.x code')
[docs]def is_binary_external_file(fileName): try: with open(fileName, 'rb') as f: s = # bytes, in Python 3. return g.is_binary_string(s) except IOError: return False except Exception: g.es_exception() return False
[docs]def is_binary_string(s): # # aList is a list of all non-binary characters. aList = [7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 27] + list(range(0x20, 0x100)) if g.isPython3: aList = bytes(aList) else: aList = ''.join([chr(z) for z in aList]) return bool(s.translate(None, aList))
#@+node:EKR.20040504154039: *3* g.is_sentinel
[docs]def is_sentinel(line, delims): #@+<< is_sentinel doc tests >> #@+node:ekr.20040719161756: *4* << is_sentinel doc tests >> """ Return True if line starts with a sentinel comment. >>> import leo.core.leoGlobals as g >>> py_delims = g.comment_delims_from_extension('.py') >>> g.is_sentinel("#@+node",py_delims) True >>> g.is_sentinel("#comment",py_delims) False >>> c_delims = g.comment_delims_from_extension('.c') >>> g.is_sentinel("//@+node",c_delims) True >>> g.is_sentinel("//comment",c_delims) False >>> html_delims = g.comment_delims_from_extension('.html') >>> g.is_sentinel("<!--@+node-->",html_delims) True >>> g.is_sentinel("<!--comment-->",html_delims) False """ #@-<< is_sentinel doc tests >> delim1, delim2, delim3 = delims line = line.lstrip() if delim1: return line.startswith(delim1 + '@') elif delim2 and delim3: i = line.find(delim2 + '@') j = line.find(delim3) return 0 == i < j else: g.error("is_sentinel: can not happen. delims: %s" % repr(delims)) return False
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3119: *3* g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories # This is a generalization of os.makedir.
[docs]def makeAllNonExistentDirectories(theDir, c=None, force=False, verbose=True): """Attempt to make all non-existent directories""" testing = False # True: don't actually make the directories. if force: create = True # Bug fix: will not exist during startup. elif c: create = c.config and c.config.create_nonexistent_directories else: create = ( and and if c: theDir = g.os_path_expandExpression(theDir, c=c) dir1 = theDir = g.os_path_normpath(theDir) ok = g.os_path_isdir(dir1) and g.os_path_exists(dir1) if ok: return ok elif not force and not create: return False # Split theDir into all its component parts. paths = [] while theDir: head, tail = g.os_path_split(theDir) if tail: paths.append(tail) theDir = head else: paths.append(head) break path = "" paths.reverse() for s in paths: path = g.os_path_finalize_join(path, s) if not g.os_path_exists(path): try: if testing: g.trace('***making', path) else: os.mkdir(path) if verbose and not testing and not"created directory:", path) except Exception: if verbose: g.error("exception creating directory:", path) g.es_exception() return None return dir1 # All have been created.
#@+node:ekr.20071114113736: *3* g.makePathRelativeTo
[docs]def makePathRelativeTo(fullPath, basePath): if fullPath.startswith(basePath): s = fullPath[len(basePath):] if s.startswith(os.path.sep): s = s[len(os.path.sep):] return s else: return fullPath
#@+node:ekr.20090520055433.5945: *3* g.openWithFileName
[docs]def openWithFileName(fileName, old_c=None, gui=None): """Create a Leo Frame for the indicated fileName if the file exists. returns the commander of the newly-opened outline. """ return, gui, old_c)
#@+node:ekr.20150306035851.7: *3* g.readFileIntoEncodedString
[docs]def readFileIntoEncodedString(fn, silent=False): '''Return the raw contents of the file whose full path is fn.''' try: with open(fn, 'rb') as f: return except IOError: if not silent: g.error('can not open', fn) except Exception: if not silent: g.error('readFileIntoEncodedString: exception reading %s' % (fn)) g.es_exception() return None
#@+node:ekr.20100125073206.8710: *3* g.readFileIntoString
[docs]def readFileIntoString(fn, encoding='utf-8', # BOM may override this. kind=None, # @file, @edit, ... ): '''Return the contents of the file whose full path is fn. Return (s,e) s is the string, converted to unicode, or None if there was an error. e is the encoding of s, computed in the following order: - The BOM encoding if the file starts with a BOM mark. - The encoding given in the # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- line for python files. - The encoding given by the 'encoding' keyword arg. - None, which typically means 'utf-8'. ''' if not fn: g.trace('no fn arg given') g.trace(g.callers()) return None, None if g.os_path_isdir(fn): g.trace('not a file:', fn) g.trace(g.callers()) return None, None if not g.os_path_exists(fn): g.error('file not found:', fn) g.trace(g.callers()) return None, None try: e = None with open(fn, 'rb') as f: s = # Fix #391. if not s: return g.u(''), None # New in Leo 4.11: check for unicode BOM first. e, s = g.stripBOM(s) if not e: # Python's encoding comments override everything else. junk, ext = g.os_path_splitext(fn) if ext == '.py': e = g.getPythonEncodingFromString(s) s = g.toUnicode(s, encoding=e or encoding) return s, e except IOError: # Translate 'can not open' and kind, but not fn. if kind: g.error('can not open', '', kind, fn) else: g.error('can not open', fn) except Exception: g.error('readFileIntoString: unexpected exception reading %s' % (fn)) g.es_exception() return None, None
#@+node:ekr.20160504062833.1: *3* g.readFileToUnicodeString
[docs]def readFileIntoUnicodeString(fn, encoding=None, silent=False): '''Return the raw contents of the file whose full path is fn.''' try: with open(fn, 'rb') as f: s = return g.toUnicode(s, encoding=encoding) except IOError: if not silent: g.error('can not open', fn) except Exception: g.error('readFileIntoUnicodeString: unexpected exception reading %s' % (fn)) g.es_exception() return None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3120: *3* g.readlineForceUnixNewline #@+at Stephen P. Schaefer 9/7/2002 # # The Unix readline() routine delivers "\r\n" line end strings verbatim, # while the windows versions force the string to use the Unix convention # of using only "\n". This routine causes the Unix readline to do the # same. #@@c
[docs]def readlineForceUnixNewline(f, fileName=None): try: s = f.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError: g.trace('UnicodeDecodeError: %s' % (fileName), f, g.callers()) s = g.u('') if len(s) >= 2 and s[-2] == "\r" and s[-1] == "\n": s = s[0: -2] + "\n" return s
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3124: *3* g.sanitize_filename
[docs]def sanitize_filename(s): """ Prepares string s to be a valid file name: - substitute '_' for whitespace and special path characters. - eliminate all other non-alphabetic characters. - convert double quotes to single quotes. - strip leading and trailing whitespace. - return at most 128 characters. """ result = [] for ch in s: if ch in string.ascii_letters: result.append(ch) elif ch == '\t': result.append(' ') elif ch == '"': result.append("'") elif ch in '\\/:|<>*:._': result.append('_') s = ''.join(result).strip() while len(s) > 1: n = len(s) s = s.replace('__', '_') if len(s) == n: break return s[: 128]
#@+node:ekr.20060328150113: *3* g.setGlobalOpenDir
[docs]def setGlobalOpenDir(fileName): if fileName: = g.os_path_dirname(fileName)
#'current directory:', #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3125: *3* g.shortFileName & shortFilename
[docs]def shortFileName(fileName, n=None): '''Return the base name of a path.''' if n is not None: g.trace('"n" keyword argument is no longer used') return g.os_path_basename(fileName) if fileName else ''
shortFilename = shortFileName #@+node:ekr.20150610125813.1: *3* g.splitLongFileName
[docs]def splitLongFileName(fn, limit=40): '''Return fn, split into lines at slash characters.''' aList = fn.replace('\\', '/').split('/') n, result = 0, [] for i, s in enumerate(aList): n += len(s) result.append(s) if i + 1 < len(aList): result.append('/') n += 1 if n > limit: result.append('\n') n = 0 return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20050104135720: *3* g.Used by tangle code & leoFileCommands #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1241: *4* g.update_file_if_changed # This is part of the tangle code.
[docs]def update_file_if_changed(c, file_name, temp_name): """Compares two files. If they are different, we replace file_name with temp_name. Otherwise, we just delete temp_name. Both files should be closed.""" if g.os_path_exists(file_name): if filecmp.cmp(temp_name, file_name): kind = 'unchanged' ok = g.utils_remove(temp_name) else: kind = '***updating' mode = g.utils_stat(file_name) ok = g.utils_rename(c, temp_name, file_name, mode) else: kind = 'creating' # 2010/02/04: g.utils_rename no longer calls # makeAllNonExistentDirectories head, tail = g.os_path_split(file_name) ok = True if head: ok = g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories(head, c=c) if ok: ok = g.utils_rename(c, temp_name, file_name) if ok:'', '%12s: %s' % (kind, file_name)) else: g.error("rename failed: no file created!")'', file_name, " may be read-only or in use")
#@+node:ekr.20050104123726.3: *4* g.utils_remove
[docs]def utils_remove(fileName, verbose=True): try: os.remove(fileName) return True except Exception: if verbose:"exception removing:", fileName) g.es_exception() return False
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1263: *4* g.utils_rename
[docs]def utils_rename(c, src, dst, verbose=True): '''Platform independent rename.''' # Don't call g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories. # It's not right to do this here!! # head, tail = g.os_path_split(dst) # if head: g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories(head,c=c) try: shutil.move(src, dst) return True except Exception: if verbose: g.error('exception renaming', src, 'to', dst) g.es_exception(full=False) return False
#@+node:ekr.20050104124903: *4* g.utils_chmod
[docs]def utils_chmod(fileName, mode, verbose=True): if mode is None: return try: os.chmod(fileName, mode) except Exception: if verbose:"exception in os.chmod", fileName) g.es_exception()
#@+node:ekr.20050104123726.4: *4* g.utils_stat
[docs]def utils_stat(fileName): '''Return the access mode of named file, removing any setuid, setgid, and sticky bits.''' try: mode = (os.stat(fileName))[0] & (7 * 8 * 8 + 7 * 8 + 7) # 0777 except Exception: mode = None return mode
#@+node:vitalije.20170714085317.1: *3* g.fileFilters
[docs]def fileFilters(key): if key == 'LEOFILES' and g.SQLITE: return ("Leo files", "*.leo *.db") elif key == 'LEOFILES': return ("Leo files", "*.leo")
#@+node:vitalije.20170714085545.1: *3* g.defaultLeoFileExtension
[docs]def defaultLeoFileExtension(c=None): conf = c.config if c else return conf.getString('default_leo_extension') or '.leo'
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3151: ** g.Finding & Scanning #@+node:ekr.20140602083643.17659: *3* g.find_word
[docs]def find_word(s, word, i=0): ''' Return the index of the first occurance of word in s, or -1 if not found. g.find_word is *not* the same as s.find(i,word); g.find_word ensures that only word-matches are reported. ''' while i < len(s): progress = i i = s.find(word, i) if i == -1: return -1 # Make sure we are at the start of a word. if i > 0: ch = s[i - 1] if ch == '_' or ch.isalnum(): i += len(word) continue if g.match_word(s, i, word): return i else: i += len(word) assert progress < i return -1
#@+node:ekr.20170220103251.1: *3* g.findRootWithPredicate
[docs]def findRootsWithPredicate(c, root, predicate=None): ''' Commands often want to find one or more **roots**, given a position p. A root is the position of any node matching a predicate. This function formalizes the search order used by the pylint, pyflakes and the rst3 commands, returning a list of zero or more found roots. ''' seen = [] roots = [] if predicate is None: # A useful default predicate for python. # pylint: disable=function-redefined def predicate(p): return p.isAnyAtFileNode() and p.h.strip().endswith('.py') # 1. Search p's tree. for p in root.self_and_subtree(): if predicate(p) and p.v not in seen: seen.append(p.v) roots.append(p.copy()) if roots: return roots # 2. Look up the tree. for p in root.parents(): if predicate(p): return [p.copy()] # 3. Expand the search if root is a clone. clones = [] for p in root.self_and_parents(): if p.isCloned(): clones.append(p.v) if clones: for p in c.all_positions(): if predicate(p): # Match if any node in p's tree matches any clone. for p2 in p.self_and_subtree(): if p2.v in clones: return [p.copy()] return []
#@+node:tbrown.20140311095634.15188: *3* g.recursiveUNLSearch & helper
[docs]def recursiveUNLSearch(unlList, c, depth=0, p=None, maxdepth=0, maxp=None, soft_idx=False, hard_idx=False): """try and move to unl in the commander c All parameters passed on to recursiveUNLFind(), see that for docs. NOTE: maxdepth is max depth seen in recursion so far, not a limit on how far we will recurse. So it should default to 0 (zero). """ if g.unitTesting:['g.recursiveUNLSearch'] = True return True, maxdepth, maxp def moveToP(c, p, unlList): def focus_callback(timer, c=c, p=p.copy(), unlList=unlList): '''Idle-time handler for g.recursiveUNLSearch''' c.expandAllAncestors(p) c.selectPosition(p) nth_sib, nth_same, nth_line_no, nth_col_no = recursiveUNLParts(unlList[-1]) if nth_line_no: if nth_line_no < 0: c.goToLineNumber(-nth_line_no) if nth_col_no: pos = c.frame.body.wrapper.getInsertPoint() + nth_col_no c.frame.body.wrapper.setInsertPoint(pos) else: pos = sum(len(i)+1 for i in p.b.split('\n')[:nth_line_no-1]) if nth_col_no: pos += nth_col_no c.frame.body.wrapper.setInsertPoint(pos) if p.hasChildren(): p.expand() # n = min(3, p.numberOfChildren()) c.redraw() c.frame.bringToFront() c.bodyWantsFocusNow() timer.stop() timer = g.IdleTime(focus_callback, delay=0.1, tag='g.recursiveUNLSearch') if timer: timer.start() found, maxdepth, maxp = recursiveUNLFind( unlList, c, depth, p, maxdepth, maxp, soft_idx=soft_idx, hard_idx=hard_idx ) if maxp: moveToP(c, maxp, unlList) return found, maxdepth, maxp
#@+node:ekr.20140711071454.17654: *4* g.recursiveUNLFind
[docs]def recursiveUNLFind(unlList, c, depth=0, p=None, maxdepth=0, maxp=None, soft_idx=False, hard_idx=False): """ Internal part of recursiveUNLSearch which doesn't change the selected position or call c.frame.bringToFront() returns found, depth, p, where: - found is True if a full match was found - depth is the depth of the best match - p is the position of the best match NOTE: maxdepth is max depth seen in recursion so far, not a limit on how far we will recurse. So it should default to 0 (zero). - `unlList`: list of 'headline', 'headline:N', or 'headline:N,M' elements, where N is the node's position index and M the zero based count of like named nodes, eg. 'foo:2', 'foo:4,1', 'foo:12,3' - `c`: outline - `soft_idx`: use index when matching name not found - `hard_idx`: use only indexes, ignore node names - `depth`: part of recursion, don't set explicitly - `p`: part of recursion, don't set explicitly - `maxdepth`: part of recursion, don't set explicitly - `maxp`: part of recursion, don't set explicitly """ if depth == 0: nds = list(c.rootPosition().self_and_siblings()) unlList = [i.replace('--%3E', '-->') for i in unlList if i.strip()] # drop empty parts so "-->node name" works else: nds = list(p.children()) heads = [i.h for i in nds] # work out order in which to try nodes order = [] nth_sib = nth_same = nth_line_no = nth_col_no = None try: target = unlList[depth] except IndexError: target = '' try: target = pos_pattern.sub('', unlList[depth]) nth_sib, nth_same, nth_line_no, nth_col_no = recursiveUNLParts(unlList[depth]) pos = nth_sib is not None except IndexError: # Fix bug pos = False if pos: use_idx_mode = True # ok to use hard/soft_idx target = re.sub(pos_pattern, "", target).replace('--%3E', '-->') if hard_idx: if nth_sib < len(heads): order.append(nth_sib) else: # First we try the nth node with same header if nth_same: nths = [n for n, i in enumerate(heads) if i == target] if nth_same < len(nths) and heads[nths[nth_same]] == target: order.append(nths[nth_same]) # Then we try *all* other nodes with same header order += [n for n, s in enumerate(heads) if n not in order and s == target] # Then position based, if requested if soft_idx and nth_sib < len(heads): order.append(nth_sib) elif hard_idx: pass # hard_idx mode with no idx in unl, go with empty order list else: order = range(len(nds)) target = target.replace('--%3E', '-->') use_idx_mode = False # not ok to use hard/soft_idx # note, the above also fixes calling with soft_idx=True and an old UNL for ndi in order: nd = nds[ndi] if ( target == nd.h or (use_idx_mode and (soft_idx or hard_idx) and ndi == nth_sib) ): if depth + 1 == len(unlList): # found it return True, maxdepth, nd else: if maxdepth < depth + 1: maxdepth = depth + 1 maxp = nd.copy() found, maxdepth, maxp = g.recursiveUNLFind( unlList, c, depth + 1, nd, maxdepth, maxp, soft_idx=soft_idx, hard_idx=hard_idx) if found: return found, maxdepth, maxp # else keep looking through nds if depth == 0 and maxp: # inexact match'Partial UNL match') if soft_idx and depth + 2 < len(unlList): aList = [] for p in c.all_unique_positions(): if any([p.h.replace('--%3E', '-->') in unl for unl in unlList]): aList.append((p.copy(), p.get_UNL(False, False, True))) maxcount = 0 singleMatch = True for iter_unl in aList: count = 0 compare_list = unlList[:] for header in reversed(iter_unl[1].split('-->')): if (re.sub(pos_pattern, "", header).replace('--%3E', '-->') == compare_list[-1] ): count = count + 1 compare_list.pop(-1) else: break if count > maxcount: p = iter_unl[0] singleMatch = True elif count == maxcount: singleMatch = False if maxcount and singleMatch: maxp = p maxdepth = p.level() return False, maxdepth, maxp
#@+node:tbrown.20171221094755.1: *4* g.recursiveUNLParts pos_pattern = re.compile(r':(\d+),?(\d+)?,?([-\d]+)?,?(\d+)?$')
[docs]def recursiveUNLParts(text): """recursiveUNLParts - return index, occurence, line_number, col_number from an UNL fragment. line_number is allowed to be negative to indicate a "global" line number within the file. :param str text: the fragment, foo or foo:2 or foo:2,0,4,10 :return: index, occurence, line_number, col_number :rtype: (int, int, int, int) or (None, None, None, None) """ pos = re.findall(pos_pattern, text) if pos: return tuple(int(i) if i else 0 for i in pos[0]) else: return (None, None, None, None)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3156: *3* g.scanError # It is dubious to bump the Tangle error count here, but it really doesn't hurt.
[docs]def scanError(s): '''Bump the error count in the tangle command.''' # New in Leo 4.4b1: just set this global. += 1'', s)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3157: *3* g.scanf # A quick and dirty sscanf. Understands only %s and %d.
[docs]def scanf(s, pat): # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string count = pat.count("%s") + pat.count("%d") pat = pat.replace("%s", "(\S+)") pat = pat.replace("%d", "(\d+)") parts = re.split(pat, s) result = [] for part in parts: if part and len(result) < count: result.append(part) return result
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3195: *3* g.splitLines & g.joinLines
[docs]def splitLines(s): '''Split s into lines, preserving the number of lines and the endings of all lines, including the last line.''' # g.stat() if s: return s.splitlines(True) # This is a Python string function! else: return []
splitlines = splitLines
[docs]def joinLines(aList): return ''.join(aList)
joinlines = joinLines #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3158: *3* Scanners: calling scanError #@+at These scanners all call g.scanError() directly or indirectly, so they # will call if they find an error. g.scanError() also bumps # c.tangleCommands.errors, which is harmless if we aren't tangling, and # useful if we are. # # These routines are called by the Import routines and the Tangle routines. #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3159: *4* skip_block_comment # Scans past a block comment (an old_style C comment).
[docs]def skip_block_comment(s, i): assert(g.match(s, i, "/*")) j = i; i += 2; n = len(s) k = s.find("*/", i) if k == -1: g.scanError("Run on block comment: " + s[j: i]) return n else: return k + 2
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3160: *4* skip_braces #@+at This code is called only from the import logic, so we are allowed to # try some tricks. In particular, we assume all braces are matched in # if blocks. #@@c
[docs]def skip_braces(s, i): '''Skips from the opening to the matching brace. If no matching is found i is set to len(s)''' # start = g.get_line(s,i) assert(g.match(s, i, '{')) level = 0; n = len(s) while i < n: c = s[i] if c == '{': level += 1; i += 1 elif c == '}': level -= 1 if level <= 0: return i i += 1 elif c == '\'' or c == '"': i = g.skip_string(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, '//'): i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, '/*'): i = g.skip_block_comment(s, i) # 7/29/02: be more careful handling conditional code. elif g.match_word(s, i, "#if") or g.match_word(s, i, "#ifdef") or g.match_word(s, i, "#ifndef"): i, delta = g.skip_pp_if(s, i) level += delta else: i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3162: *4* skip_parens
[docs]def skip_parens(s, i): '''Skips from the opening ( to the matching ). If no matching is found i is set to len(s)''' level = 0; n = len(s) assert(g.match(s, i, '(')) while i < n: c = s[i] if c == '(': level += 1; i += 1 elif c == ')': level -= 1 if level <= 0: return i i += 1 elif c == '\'' or c == '"': i = g.skip_string(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "//"): i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "/*"): i = g.skip_block_comment(s, i) else: i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3163: *4* skip_pascal_begin_end
[docs]def skip_pascal_begin_end(s, i): '''Skips from begin to matching end. If found, i points to the end. Otherwise, i >= len(s) The end keyword matches begin, case, class, record, and try.''' assert(g.match_c_word(s, i, "begin")) level = 1; i = g.skip_c_id(s, i) # Skip the opening begin. while i < len(s): ch = s[i] if ch == '{': i = g.skip_pascal_braces(s, i) elif ch == '"' or ch == '\'': i = g.skip_pascal_string(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "//"): i = g.skip_line(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "(*"): i = g.skip_pascal_block_comment(s, i) elif g.match_c_word(s, i, "end"): level -= 1 if level == 0: # lines = s[i1:i+3] ; g.trace('\n' + lines + '\n') return i else: i = g.skip_c_id(s, i) elif g.is_c_id(ch): j = i; i = g.skip_c_id(s, i); name = s[j: i] if name in ["begin", "case", "class", "record", "try"]: level += 1 else: i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3164: *4* skip_pascal_block_comment # Scans past a pascal comment delimited by (* and *).
[docs]def skip_pascal_block_comment(s, i): j = i assert(g.match(s, i, "(*")) i = s.find("*)", i) if i > -1: return i + 2 else: g.scanError("Run on comment" + s[j: i]) return len(s)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3165: *4* skip_pascal_string : called by tangle
[docs]def skip_pascal_string(s, i): j = i; delim = s[i]; i += 1 assert(delim == '"' or delim == '\'') while i < len(s): if s[i] == delim: return i + 1 else: i += 1 g.scanError("Run on string: " + s[j: i]) return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3166: *4* skip_heredoc_string : called by php import (Dave Hein) #@+at 08-SEP-2002 DTHEIN: added function skip_heredoc_string # A heredoc string in PHP looks like: # # <<<EOS # This is my string. # It is mine. I own it. # No one else has it. # EOS # # It begins with <<< plus a token (naming same as PHP variable names). # It ends with the token on a line by itself (must start in first position. # #@@c
[docs]def skip_heredoc_string(s, i): j = i assert(g.match(s, i, "<<<")) # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string m = re.match("\<\<\<([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)", s[i:]) if m is None: i += 3 return i # 14-SEP-2002 DTHEIN: needed to add \n to find word, not just string delim = + '\n' i = g.skip_line(s, i) # 14-SEP-2002 DTHEIN: look after \n, not before n = len(s) while i < n and not g.match(s, i, delim): i = g.skip_line(s, i) # 14-SEP-2002 DTHEIN: move past \n if i >= n: g.scanError("Run on string: " + s[j: i]) elif g.match(s, i, delim): i += len(delim) return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3167: *4* skip_pp_directive # Now handles continuation lines and block comments.
[docs]def skip_pp_directive(s, i): while i < len(s): if g.is_nl(s, i): if g.escaped(s, i): i = g.skip_nl(s, i) else: break elif g.match(s, i, "//"): i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "/*"): i = g.skip_block_comment(s, i) else: i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3168: *4* skip_pp_if # Skips an entire if or if def statement, including any nested statements.
[docs]def skip_pp_if(s, i): start_line = g.get_line(s, i) # used for error messages. assert( g.match_word(s, i, "#if") or g.match_word(s, i, "#ifdef") or g.match_word(s, i, "#ifndef")) i = g.skip_line(s, i) i, delta1 = g.skip_pp_part(s, i) i = g.skip_ws(s, i) if g.match_word(s, i, "#else"): i = g.skip_line(s, i) i = g.skip_ws(s, i) i, delta2 = g.skip_pp_part(s, i) if delta1 != delta2:"#if and #else parts have different braces:", start_line) i = g.skip_ws(s, i) if g.match_word(s, i, "#endif"): i = g.skip_line(s, i) else:"no matching #endif:", start_line) return i, delta1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3169: *4* skip_pp_part # Skip to an #else or #endif. The caller has eaten the #if, #ifdef, #ifndef or #else
[docs]def skip_pp_part(s, i): delta = 0 while i < len(s): c = s[i] if g.match_word(s, i, "#if") or g.match_word(s, i, "#ifdef") or g.match_word(s, i, "#ifndef"): i, delta1 = g.skip_pp_if(s, i) delta += delta1 elif g.match_word(s, i, "#else") or g.match_word(s, i, "#endif"): return i, delta elif c == '\'' or c == '"': i = g.skip_string(s, i) elif c == '{': delta += 1; i += 1 elif c == '}': delta -= 1; i += 1 elif g.match(s, i, "//"): i = g.skip_line(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "/*"): i = g.skip_block_comment(s, i) else: i += 1 return i, delta
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3170: *4* skip_python_string
[docs]def skip_python_string(s, i, verbose=True): if g.match(s, i, "'''") or g.match(s, i, '"""'): j = i; delim = s[i] * 3; i += 3 k = s.find(delim, i) if k > -1: return k + 3 if verbose: g.scanError("Run on triple quoted string: " + s[j: i]) return len(s) else: # 2013/09/08: honor the verbose argument. return g.skip_string(s, i, verbose=verbose)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2369: *4* skip_string (leoGlobals)
[docs]def skip_string(s, i, verbose=True): '''Scan forward to the end of a string. New in Leo 4.4.2 final: give error only if verbose is True''' j = i; delim = s[i]; i += 1 assert(delim == '"' or delim == '\'') n = len(s) while i < n and s[i] != delim: if s[i] == '\\': i += 2 else: i += 1 if i >= n: if verbose: g.scanError("Run on string: " + s[j: i]) elif s[i] == delim: i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3171: *4* skip_to_semicolon # Skips to the next semicolon that is not in a comment or a string.
[docs]def skip_to_semicolon(s, i): n = len(s) while i < n: c = s[i] if c == ';': return i elif c == '\'' or c == '"': i = g.skip_string(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "//"): i = g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) elif g.match(s, i, "/*"): i = g.skip_block_comment(s, i) else: i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3172: *4* skip_typedef
[docs]def skip_typedef(s, i): n = len(s) while i < n and g.is_c_id(s[i]): i = g.skip_c_id(s, i) i = g.skip_ws_and_nl(s, i) if g.match(s, i, '{'): i = g.skip_braces(s, i) i = g.skip_to_semicolon(s, i) return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3173: *3* Scanners: no error messages #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3174: *4* escaped # Returns True if s[i] is preceded by an odd number of backslashes.
[docs]def escaped(s, i): count = 0 while i - 1 >= 0 and s[i - 1] == '\\': count += 1 i -= 1 return (count % 2) == 1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3175: *4* find_line_start
[docs]def find_line_start(s, i): '''Return the index in s of the start of the line containing s[i].''' if i < 0: return 0 # New in Leo 4.4.5: add this defensive code. # bug fix: 11/2/02: change i to i+1 in rfind i = s.rfind('\n', 0, i + 1) # Finds the highest index in the range. return 0 if i == -1 else i + 1
# if i == -1: return 0 # else: return i + 1 #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3176: *4* find_on_line
[docs]def find_on_line(s, i, pattern): j = s.find('\n', i) if j == -1: j = len(s) k = s.find(pattern, i, j) return k
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3177: *4* is_c_id
[docs]def is_c_id(ch): return g.isWordChar(ch)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3178: *4* is_nl
[docs]def is_nl(s, i): return i < len(s) and (s[i] == '\n' or s[i] == '\r')
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3179: *4* is_special # We no longer require that the directive appear befor any @c directive or section definition.
[docs]def is_special(s, i, directive): '''Return True if the body text contains the @ directive.''' assert(directive and directive[0] == '@') # All directives except @others must start the line. skip_flag = directive in ("@others", "@all") while i < len(s): if g.match_word(s, i, directive): return True, i else: i = g.skip_line(s, i) if skip_flag: i = g.skip_ws(s, i) return False, -1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3180: *4* is_ws & is_ws_or_nl
[docs]def is_ws(c): return c == '\t' or c == ' '
[docs]def is_ws_or_nl(s, i): return g.is_nl(s, i) or (i < len(s) and g.is_ws(s[i]))
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3181: *4* match # Warning: this code makes no assumptions about what follows pattern.
[docs]def match(s, i, pattern): return s and pattern and s.find(pattern, i, i + len(pattern)) == i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3182: *4* match_c_word
[docs]def match_c_word(s, i, name): n = len(name) return ( name and name == s[i: i + n] and (i + n == len(s) or not g.is_c_id(s[i + n])) )
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3183: *4* match_ignoring_case
[docs]def match_ignoring_case(s1, s2): return s1 and s2 and s1.lower() == s2.lower()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3184: *4* match_word
[docs]def match_word(s, i, pattern): if 0: # Doesn't work (yet). pattern = re.compile('\b' + pattern + '\b') return pattern.match(s, i) else: if pattern is None: return False if i > 0 and g.isWordChar(s[i-1]): # Bug fix: 2017/06/01. return False j = len(pattern) if j == 0: return False if s.find(pattern, i, i + j) != i: return False if i + j >= len(s): return True ch = s[i + j] return not g.isWordChar(ch)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3185: *4* skip_blank_lines # This routine differs from skip_ws_and_nl in that # it does not advance over whitespace at the start # of a non-empty or non-nl terminated line
[docs]def skip_blank_lines(s, i): while i < len(s): if g.is_nl(s, i): i = g.skip_nl(s, i) elif g.is_ws(s[i]): j = g.skip_ws(s, i) if g.is_nl(s, j): i = j else: break else: break return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3186: *4* skip_c_id
[docs]def skip_c_id(s, i): n = len(s) while i < n and g.isWordChar(s[i]): i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20040705195048: *4* skip_id
[docs]def skip_id(s, i, chars=None): chars = g.toUnicode(chars) if chars else '' n = len(s) while i < n and (g.isWordChar(s[i]) or s[i] in chars): i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3187: *4* skip_line, skip_to_start/end_of_line #@+at These methods skip to the next newline, regardless of whether the # newline may be preceeded by a backslash. Consequently, they should be # used only when we know that we are not in a preprocessor directive or # string. #@@c
[docs]def skip_line(s, i): if i >= len(s): return len(s) # Bug fix: 2007/5/22 if i < 0: i = 0 i = s.find('\n', i) if i == -1: return len(s) else: return i + 1
[docs]def skip_to_end_of_line(s, i): if i >= len(s): return len(s) # Bug fix: 2007/5/22 if i < 0: i = 0 i = s.find('\n', i) if i == -1: return len(s) else: return i
[docs]def skip_to_start_of_line(s, i): if i >= len(s): return len(s) if i <= 0: return 0 i = s.rfind('\n', 0, i) # Don't find s[i], so it doesn't matter if s[i] is a newline. if i == -1: return 0 else: return i + 1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3188: *4* skip_long
[docs]def skip_long(s, i): '''Scan s[i:] for a valid int. Return (i, val) or (i, None) if s[i] does not point at a number.''' val = 0 i = g.skip_ws(s, i) n = len(s) if i >= n or (not s[i].isdigit() and s[i] not in '+-'): return i, None j = i if s[i] in '+-': # Allow sign before the first digit i += 1 while i < n and s[i].isdigit(): i += 1 try: # There may be no digits. val = int(s[j: i]) return i, val except Exception: return i, None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3190: *4* skip_nl # We need this function because different systems have different end-of-line conventions.
[docs]def skip_nl(s, i): '''Skips a single "logical" end-of-line character.''' if g.match(s, i, "\r\n"): return i + 2 elif g.match(s, i, '\n') or g.match(s, i, '\r'): return i + 1 else: return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3191: *4* skip_non_ws
[docs]def skip_non_ws(s, i): n = len(s) while i < n and not g.is_ws(s[i]): i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3192: *4* skip_pascal_braces # Skips from the opening { to the matching }.
[docs]def skip_pascal_braces(s, i): # No constructs are recognized inside Pascal block comments! k = s.find('}', i) if i == -1: return len(s) else: return k
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3193: *4* skip_to_char
[docs]def skip_to_char(s, i, ch): j = s.find(ch, i) if j == -1: return len(s), s[i:] else: return j, s[i: j]
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3194: *4* skip_ws, skip_ws_and_nl
[docs]def skip_ws(s, i): n = len(s) while i < n and g.is_ws(s[i]): i += 1 return i
[docs]def skip_ws_and_nl(s, i): n = len(s) while i < n and (g.is_ws(s[i]) or g.is_nl(s, i)): i += 1 return i
#@+node:ekr.20170414034616.1: ** g.Git #@+node:ekr.20170616102324.1: *3* g.execGitCommand
[docs]def execGitCommand(command, directory=None): '''Execute the given git command in the given directory.''' git_dir = g.os_path_finalize_join(directory, '.git') if not g.os_path_exists(git_dir): g.trace('not found:', git_dir) return [] if '\n' in command: g.trace('removing newline from', command) command = command.replace('\n','') if directory: os.chdir(directory) p = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, # Shows error traces. shell=False, ) out, err = p.communicate() lines = [g.toUnicode(z) for z in g.splitLines(out or [])] return lines
#@+node:ekr.20180325025502.1: *3* g.backupGitIssues
[docs]def backupGitIssues(c, base_url=None): '''Get a list of issues from Leo's GitHub site.''' import time if base_url is None: base_url = '' root = c.lastTopLevel().insertAfter() root.h = 'Backup of issues: %s' % time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") label_list = [] GitIssueController().backup_issues(base_url, c, label_list, root) root.expand() c.selectPosition(root) c.redraw() g.trace('done')
#@+node:ekr.20180126043905.1: *3* g.getGitIssues
[docs]def getGitIssues(c, base_url=None, label_list=None, milestone=None, state=None, # in (None, 'closed', 'open') ): '''Get a list of issues from Leo's GitHub site.''' if base_url is None: base_url = '' if isinstance(label_list, (list, tuple)): root = c.lastTopLevel().insertAfter() root.h = 'Issues for ' + milestone if milestone else 'Backup' GitIssueController().backup_issues(base_url, c, label_list, root) root.expand() c.selectPosition(root) c.redraw() g.trace('done') else: g.trace('label_list must be a list or tuple', repr(label_list))
#@+node:ekr.20180126044602.1: *4* class GitIssueController
[docs]class GitIssueController(object): ''' A class encapsulating the retrieval of GitHub issues. The GitHub api: ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20180325023336.1: *5* git.backup_issues
[docs] def backup_issues(self, base_url, c, label_list, root, state=None): self.base_url = base_url self.root = root self.milestone = None if label_list: for state in ('closed', 'open'): for label in label_list: self.get_one_issue(label, state) elif state is None: for state in ('closed', 'open'): organizer = root.insertAsLastChild() organizer.h = '%s issues...' % state self.get_all_issues(label_list, organizer, state) elif state in ('closed', 'open'): self.get_all_issues(label_list, root, state) else: g.es_print('state must be in (None, "open", "closed")')
#@+node:ekr.20180325024334.1: *5* git.get_all_issues
[docs] def get_all_issues(self, label_list, root, state, limit=100): '''Get all issues for the base url.''' import requests label = None assert state in ('open', 'closed') page_url = self.base_url + '?&state=%s&page=%s' page, total = 1, 0 while True: url = page_url % (state, page) r = requests.get(url) try: done, n = self.get_one_page(label, page, r, root) # Do not remove this trace. It's reassuring. g.trace('done: %5s page: %3s found: %s label: %s' % ( done, page, n, label)) except AttributeError: g.trace('Possible rate limit') self.print_header(r) g.es_exception() break total += n if done: break page += 1 if page > limit: g.trace('too many pages') break
#@+node:ekr.20180126044850.1: *5* git.get_issues
[docs] def get_issues(self, base_url, label_list, milestone, root, state): '''Create a list of issues for each label in label_list.''' self.base_url = base_url self.milestone = milestone self.root = root for label in label_list: self.get_one_issue(label, state)
#@+node:ekr.20180126043719.3: *5* git.get_one_issue
[docs] def get_one_issue(self, label, state, limit=20): '''Create a list of issues with the given label.''' import requests root = self.root.insertAsLastChild() page, total = 1, 0 page_url = self.base_url + '?labels=%s&state=%s&page=%s' while True: url = page_url % (label, state, page) r = requests.get(url) try: done, n = self.get_one_page(label, page, r, root) # Do not remove this trace. It's reassuring. g.trace('done: %5s page: %3s found: %3s label: %s' % ( done, page, n, label)) except AttributeError: g.trace('Possible rate limit') self.print_header(r) g.es_exception() break total += n if done: break page += 1 if page > limit: g.trace('too many pages') break state = state.capitalize() if self.milestone: root.h = '%s %s %s issues for milestone %s' % ( total, state, label, self.milestone) else: root.h = '%s %s %s issues' % (total, state, label)
#@+node:ekr.20180126043719.4: *5* git.get_one_page
[docs] def get_one_page(self, label, page, r, root): if self.milestone: aList = [ z for z in r.json() if z.get('milestone') is not None and self.milestone==z.get('milestone').get('title') ] else: aList = [z for z in r.json()] for d in aList: n, title = d.get('number'), d.get('title') html_url = d.get('html_url') or self.base_url p = root.insertAsNthChild(0) p.h = '#%s: %s' % (n, title) p.b = '%s\n\n' % (html_url) p.b += d.get('body').strip() link = r.headers.get('Link') done = not link or link.find('rel="next"') == -1 return done, len(aList)
#@+node:ekr.20180127092201.1: *5* git.print_header
[docs] def print_header(self, r): # r.headers is a CaseInsensitiveDict # so g.printObj(r.headers) is just repr(r.headers) if 0: print('Link', r.headers.get('Link')) else: for key in r.headers: print('%35s: %s' % (key, r.headers.get(key)))
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20170414034616.2: *3* g.gitBranchName
[docs]def gitBranchName(path=None): ''' Return the git branch name associated with path/.git, or the empty string if path/.git does not exist. If path is None, use the leo-editor directory. ''' branch, commit = g.gitInfo(path) return branch
#@+node:ekr.20170414034616.4: *3* g.gitCommitNumber
[docs]def gitCommitNumber(path=None): ''' Return the git commit number associated with path/.git, or the empty string if path/.git does not exist. If path is None, use the leo-editor directory. ''' branch, commit = g.gitInfo(path) return commit
#@+node:maphew.20171112205129.1: *3* g.gitDescribe
[docs]def gitDescribe(path=None): ''' Return the Git tag, distance-from-tag, and commit hash for the associated path. If path is None, use the leo-editor directory. Given `git describe` cmd line output: `x-leo-v5.6-55-ge1129da\n` This function returns ('x-leo-v5.6', '55', 'e1129da') ''' describe = g.execGitCommand('git describe --tags --long', path) tag, distance, commit = describe[0].rsplit('-',2) # rsplit not split, as '-' might be in tag name if 'g' in commit[0:]: commit = commit[1:] # leading 'g' isn't part of the commit hash commit = commit.rstrip() return tag, distance, commit
#@+node:ekr.20170414034616.6: *3* g.gitHeadPath
[docs]def gitHeadPath(path=None): ''' Compute the path to the .git/HEAD directory given the path to another directory. If no path is given, use the path to *this* file. This code can *not* use because it is called too early in Leo's startup code. ''' if not path: path = g.os_path_dirname(__file__) head = g.os_path_finalize_join(path, '..', '..', '.git', 'HEAD') exists = g.os_path_exists(head) return head if exists else None
#@+node:ekr.20170414034616.3: *3* g.gitInfo
[docs]def gitInfo(path=None): ''' Path is a .git/HEAD directory, or None. Return the branch and commit number or ('', ''). ''' branch, commit = '', '' # Set defaults. # Does path/../ref exist? path = g.gitHeadPath(path) if not path or not g.os_path_exists(path): return branch, commit try: with open(path) as f: s = if not s.startswith('ref'): return branch, commit # On a proper branch pointer = s.split()[1] dirs = pointer.split('/') branch = dirs[-1] except IOError: g.trace('can not open:', path) return branch, commit # Try to get a better commit number. git_dir = g.os_path_finalize_join(path, '..') try: path = g.os_path_finalize_join(git_dir, pointer) with open(path) as f: s = commit = s.strip()[0: 12] # shorten the hash to a unique shortname except IOError: try: path = g.os_path_finalize_join(git_dir, 'packed-refs') with open(path) as f: for line in f: if line.strip().endswith(' '+pointer): commit = line.split()[0][0: 12] break except IOError: pass return branch, commit
#@+node:ekr.20170414041333.1: *3* g.jsonCommitInfo
[docs]def jsonCommitInfo(): ''' return asctime and timestamp from leo/core/commit_timestamp.json. return ('', '') if the file does not exist or is not a valid .json file. ''' import json leo_core_path = g.os_path_dirname(g.os_path_realpath(__file__)) json_path = g.os_path_join(leo_core_path, 'commit_timestamp.json') if not g.os_path_exists(json_path): return '', '' try: info = json.load(open(json_path)) return info['asctime'], info['timestamp'] except Exception: g.trace('error loading leo/core/commit_timestamp.json') # g.es_exception() return '', ''
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3139: ** g.Hooks & Plugins #@+node:ekr.20101028131948.5860: *3* g.act_on_node
[docs]def dummy_act_on_node(c, p, event): pass
# This dummy definition keeps pylint happy. # Plugins can change this. act_on_node = dummy_act_on_node #@+node:ville.20120502221057.7500: *3* g.childrenModifiedSet, g.contentModifiedSet childrenModifiedSet = set() contentModifiedSet = set() #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1596: *3* g.doHook
[docs]def doHook(tag, *args, **keywords): ''' This global function calls a hook routine. Hooks are identified by the tag param. Returns the value returned by the hook routine, or None if the there is an exception. We look for a hook routine in three places: 1. c.hookFunction 2. app.hookFunction 3. leoPlugins.doPlugins() Set app.hookError on all exceptions. Scripts may reset app.hookError to try again. ''' if or return None if args: # A minor error in Leo's core."***ignoring args param. tag = %s" % tag) if not if tag in ('open0', 'start1'): g.warning("Plugins disabled: use_plugins is 0 in a leoSettings.leo file.") return None # Get the hook handler function. Usually this is doPlugins. c = keywords.get("c") # pylint: disable=consider-using-ternary f = (c and c.hookFunction) or if not f: = f = try: # Pass the hook to the hook handler. #'doHook',f.__name__,keywords.get('c')) return f(tag, keywords) except Exception: g.es_exception() = True # Supress this function. = False return None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1315: *3* g.idle time functions #@+node:EKR.20040602125018.1: *4* g.disableIdleTimeHook
[docs]def disableIdleTimeHook(): '''Disable the global idle-time hook.''' = False
#@+node:EKR.20040602125018: *4* g.enableIdleTimeHook
[docs]def enableIdleTimeHook(*args, **keys): '''Enable idle-time processing.''' = True
#@+node:ekr.20140825042850.18410: *4* g.IdleTime
[docs]def IdleTime(handler, delay=500, tag=None): ''' A thin wrapper for the LeoQtGui.IdleTime class. The IdleTime class executes a handler with a given delay at idle time. The handler takes a single argument, the IdleTime instance:: def handler(timer): """IdleTime handler. timer is an IdleTime instance.""" delta_t = timer.time-timer.starting_time g.trace(timer.count, '%2.4f' % (delta_t)) if timer.count >= 5: g.trace('done') timer.stop() # Execute handler every 500 msec. at idle time. timer = g.IdleTime(handler,delay=500) if timer: timer.start() Timer instances are completely independent:: def handler1(timer): delta_t = timer.time-timer.starting_time g.trace('%2s %2.4f' % (timer.count,delta_t)) if timer.count >= 5: g.trace('done') timer.stop() def handler2(timer): delta_t = timer.time-timer.starting_time g.trace('%2s %2.4f' % (timer.count,delta_t)) if timer.count >= 10: g.trace('done') timer.stop() timer1 = g.IdleTime(handler1,delay=500) timer2 = g.IdleTime(handler2,delay=1000) if timer1 and timer2: timer1.start() timer2.start() ''' try: return, delay, tag) except Exception: return None
#@+node:ekr.20161027205025.1: *4* g.idleTimeHookHandler (stub)
[docs]def idleTimeHookHandler(timer): '''This function exists for compatibility.''' g.es_print('Replaced by IdleTimeManager.on_idle') g.trace(g.callers())
#@+node:ekr.20100910075900.5950: *3* g.Wrappers for methods # Important: we can not define g.pc here! #@+node:ekr.20100910075900.5951: *4* g.Loading & registration
[docs]def loadOnePlugin(pluginName, verbose=False): pc = return pc.loadOnePlugin(pluginName, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def registerExclusiveHandler(tags, fn): pc = return pc.registerExclusiveHandler(tags, fn)
[docs]def registerHandler(tags, fn): pc = return pc.registerHandler(tags, fn)
[docs]def plugin_signon(module_name, verbose=False): pc = return pc.plugin_signon(module_name, verbose)
[docs]def unloadOnePlugin(moduleOrFileName, verbose=False): pc = return pc.unloadOnePlugin(moduleOrFileName, verbose)
[docs]def unregisterHandler(tags, fn): pc = return pc.unregisterHandler(tags, fn)
#@+node:ekr.20100910075900.5952: *4* g.Information
[docs]def getHandlersForTag(tags): pc = return pc.getHandlersForTag(tags)
[docs]def getLoadedPlugins(): pc = return pc.getLoadedPlugins()
[docs]def getPluginModule(moduleName): pc = return pc.getPluginModule(moduleName)
[docs]def pluginIsLoaded(fn): pc = return pc.isLoaded(fn)
#@+node:ekr.20041219095213: ** g.Importing #@+node:ekr.20040917061619: *3* g.cantImport
[docs]def cantImport(moduleName, pluginName=None, verbose=True): """Print a "Can't Import" message and return None.""" s = "Can not import %s" % moduleName if pluginName: s = s + " from %s" % pluginName if not or not print(s) elif g.unitTesting: # print s return else: g.warning('', s)
#@+node:ekr.20041219095213.1: *3* g.importModule
[docs]def importModule(moduleName, pluginName=None, verbose=False): ''' Try to import a module as Python's import command does. moduleName is the module's name, without file extension. This function first attempts to import from sys.modules, then from the extensions and external directories. ''' # Important: g is Null during startup. trace = 'plugins' in # if moduleName == 'rope': g.pdb() module = sys.modules.get(moduleName) if module: return module if verbose:'loading %s' % moduleName) exceptions = [] try: theFile = None try: # New in Leo 4.7. We no longer add Leo directories to sys.path, # so search extensions and external directories here explicitly. for findPath in (None, 'extensions', 'external'): if findPath: findPath2 = g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', findPath) findPath3 = g.os_path_finalize_join(findPath2, moduleName) findPath = [findPath2, findPath3] if trace and verbose: g.trace('findPath', findPath) try: data = imp.find_module(moduleName, findPath) # This can open the file. theFile, pathname, description = data if trace and verbose: g.trace(theFile, moduleName, pathname) module = imp.load_module(moduleName, theFile, pathname, description) if module: # This trace is usually annoying. if trace and verbose:"%s loaded" % moduleName) break except Exception: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() del tb # don't need the traceback v = v or str(t) # in case v is empty, we'll at least have the execption type if trace and verbose: g.trace(v, moduleName, findPath) if v not in exceptions: exceptions.append(v) else: #unable to load module, display all exception messages if verbose: for e in exceptions: g.warning(e) except Exception: # Importing a module can throw exceptions other than ImportError. if verbose: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() del tb # don't need the traceback v = v or str(t) # in case v is empty, we'll at least have the execption type g.es_exception(v) finally: if theFile: theFile.close() if not module and verbose: g.cantImport(moduleName, pluginName=pluginName, verbose=verbose) return module
#@+node:ekr.20041219071407: *3* g.importExtension
[docs]def importExtension(moduleName, pluginName=None, verbose=False, required=False): ''' Try to import a module. If that fails, try to import the module from Leo's extensions directory. moduleName is the module's name, without file extension. ''' module = g.importModule(moduleName, pluginName=pluginName, verbose=verbose) if not module and verbose:"Warning: '%s' failed to import '%s'" % ( pluginName, moduleName)) return module
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2278: *3* g.importFromPath
[docs]def importFromPath(moduleName, path, verbose=False): ''' Import a module whose name is given from the directory given by path. **Warning**: This is a thin wrapper for imp.load_module, which is equivalent to reload! Reloading Leo files while running will crash Leo. ''' trace = 'plugins' in path = g.os_path_normpath(path) if g.isPython3: assert g.isString(path) else: path = g.toEncodedString(path) # Bug fix 2011/10/28: Always import the path from the specified path! try: module, theFile = None, None try: data = imp.find_module(moduleName, [path]) # This can open the file. theFile, pathname, description = data module = imp.load_module(moduleName, theFile, pathname, description) if trace: g.trace('loaded', moduleName, 'from', path) except ImportError: if trace or verbose: g.error('no module %s in path %s' % (moduleName, path)) except UiTypeException: if not g.unitTesting and not g.es_print('Plugin %s does not support %s gui' % ( moduleName, except Exception: g.error("unexpected exception in g.importFromPath(%s)" % (moduleName)) g.es_exception() # Put no return statements before here! finally: if theFile: theFile.close() return module
#@+node:ekr.20140711071454.17650: ** g.Indices, Strings, Unicode & Whitespace #@+node:ekr.20140711071454.17647: *3* g.Indices #@+node:ekr.20050314140957: *4* g.convertPythonIndexToRowCol
[docs]def convertPythonIndexToRowCol(s, i): '''Convert index i into string s into zero-based row/col indices.''' if not s or i <= 0: return 0, 0 i = min(i, len(s)) # works regardless of what s[i] is row = s.count('\n', 0, i) # Don't include i if row == 0: return row, i else: prevNL = s.rfind('\n', 0, i) # Don't include i return row, i - prevNL - 1
#@+node:ekr.20050315071727: *4* g.convertRowColToPythonIndex
[docs]def convertRowColToPythonIndex(s, row, col, lines=None): '''Convert zero-based row/col indices into a python index into string s.''' if row < 0: return 0 if lines is None: lines = g.splitLines(s) if row >= len(lines): return len(s) col = min(col, len(lines[row])) # A big bottleneck prev = 0 for line in lines[: row]: prev += len(line) return prev + col
#@+node:ekr.20061031102333.2: *4* g.getWord & getLine
[docs]def getWord(s, i): '''Return i,j such that s[i:j] is the word surrounding s[i].''' if i >= len(s): i = len(s) - 1 if i < 0: i = 0 # Scan backwards. while 0 <= i < len(s) and g.isWordChar(s[i]): i -= 1 i += 1 # Scan forwards. j = i while 0 <= j < len(s) and g.isWordChar(s[j]): j += 1 return i, j
[docs]def getLine(s, i): '''Return i,j such that s[i:j] is the line surrounding s[i]. s[i] is a newline only if the line is empty. s[j] is a newline unless there is no trailing newline. ''' if i > len(s): i = len(s) - 1 # Bug fix: 10/6/07 (was if i >= len(s)) if i < 0: i = 0 j = s.rfind('\n', 0, i) # A newline *ends* the line, so look to the left of a newline. if j == -1: j = 0 else: j += 1 k = s.find('\n', i) if k == -1: k = len(s) else: k = k + 1 return j, k
#@+node:ekr.20111114151846.9847: *4* g.toPythonIndex
[docs]def toPythonIndex(s, index): '''Convert index to a Python int. index may be a Tk index (x.y) or 'end'. ''' if index is None: return 0 elif g.isInt(index): return index elif index == '1.0': return 0 elif index == 'end': return len(s) else: data = index.split('.') if len(data) == 2: row, col = data row, col = int(row), int(col) i = g.convertRowColToPythonIndex(s, row - 1, col) return i else: g.trace('bad string index: %s' % index) return 0
#@+node:ekr.20150722051946.1: *3* g.List composition (deprecated) # These functions are deprecated. # The LeoTidy class in shows a much better way. #@+node:ekr.20150722051946.2: *4* g.flatten_list
[docs]def flatten_list(obj): '''A generator yielding a flattened (concatenated) version of obj.''' if isinstance(obj, dict) and obj.get('_join_list'): # join_list created obj, and ensured that all args are strings. indent = obj.get('indent') or '' leading = obj.get('leading') or '' sep = obj.get('sep') or '' trailing = obj.get('trailing') or '' aList = obj.get('aList') for i, item in enumerate(aList): if leading: yield leading for s in flatten_list(item): if indent and s.startswith('\n'): yield '\n' + indent + s[1:] else: yield s if sep and i < len(aList) - 1: yield sep if trailing: yield trailing elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): for obj2 in obj: for s in flatten_list(obj2): yield s elif obj: if g.isString(obj): yield obj else: yield repr(obj) # Not likely to be useful. else: pass # Allow None and empty containers.
#@+node:ekr.20150722051946.3: *4* g.join_list
[docs]def join_list(aList, indent='', leading='', sep='', trailing=''): ''' Create a dict representing the concatenation of the strings in aList, formatted per the keyword args. See the HTMLReportTraverser class for many examples. ''' if not aList: return None if 1: # These asserts are reasonable. assert g.isString(indent), indent assert g.isString(leading), leading assert g.isString(sep), sep assert g.isString(trailing), trailing else: # This generality is not likely to be useful. if leading and not g.isString(leading): leading = list_to_string(leading) if sep and not g.isString(sep): sep = list_to_string(sep) if trailing and not g.isString(trailing): trailing = list_to_string(trailing) if indent or leading or sep or trailing: return { '_join_list': True, # Indicate that join_list created this dict. 'aList': aList, 'indent': indent, 'leading': leading, 'sep': sep, 'trailing': trailing, } else: return aList
#@+node:ekr.20150722051946.4: *4* g.list_to_string
[docs]def list_to_string(obj): ''' Convert obj (a list of lists) to a single string. This function stresses the gc; it will usually be better to work with the much smaller strings generated by flatten_list. Use this function only in special circumstances, for example, when it is known that the resulting string will be small. ''' return ''.join([z for z in flatten_list(obj)])
#@+node:ekr.20140526144610.17601: *3* g.Strings #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3106: *4* g.angleBrackets & virtual_event_name # Returns < < s > >
[docs]def angleBrackets(s): return ("<<" + s + ">>") # must be on a separate line.
virtual_event_name = angleBrackets #@+node:ekr.20090516135452.5777: *4* g.ensureLeading/TrailingNewlines
[docs]def ensureLeadingNewlines(s, n): s = g.removeLeading(s, '\t\n\r ') return ('\n' * n) + s
[docs]def ensureTrailingNewlines(s, n): s = g.removeTrailing(s, '\t\n\r ') return s + '\n' * n
#@+node:ekr.20050920084036.4: *4* g.longestCommonPrefix & g.itemsMatchingPrefixInList
[docs]def longestCommonPrefix(s1, s2): '''Find the longest prefix common to strings s1 and s2.''' prefix = '' for ch in s1: if s2.startswith(prefix + ch): prefix = prefix + ch else: return prefix return prefix
[docs]def itemsMatchingPrefixInList(s, aList, matchEmptyPrefix=False): '''This method returns a sorted list items of aList whose prefix is s. It also returns the longest common prefix of all the matches. ''' if s: pmatches = [a for a in aList if a.startswith(s)] elif matchEmptyPrefix: pmatches = aList[:] else: pmatches = [] if pmatches: pmatches.sort() common_prefix = reduce(g.longestCommonPrefix, pmatches) else: common_prefix = '' return pmatches, common_prefix
#@+node:ekr.20090516135452.5776: *4* g.removeLeading/Trailing # Warning: g.removeTrailingWs already exists. # Do not change it!
[docs]def removeLeading(s, chars): '''Remove all characters in chars from the front of s.''' i = 0 while i < len(s) and s[i] in chars: i += 1 return s[i:]
[docs]def removeTrailing(s, chars): '''Remove all characters in chars from the end of s.''' i = len(s) - 1 while i >= 0 and s[i] in chars: i -= 1 i += 1 return s[: i]
#@+node:ekr.20060410112600: *4* g.stripBrackets
[docs]def stripBrackets(s): '''Same as s.lstrip('<').rstrip('>') except it works for Python 2.2.1.''' if s.startswith('<'): s = s[1:] if s.endswith('>'): s = s[: -1] return s
#@+node:ekr.20170317101100.1: *4* g.unCamel
[docs]def unCamel(s): '''Return a list of sub-words in camelCased string s.''' result, word = [], [] for ch in s: if ch.isalpha() and ch.isupper(): if word: result.append(''.join(word)) word = [ch] elif ch.isalpha(): word.append(ch) elif word: result.append(''.join(word)) word = [] if word: result.append(''.join(word)) return result
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1498: *3* g.Unicode #@+node:ekr.20100125073206.8709: *4* g.getPythonEncodingFromString
[docs]def getPythonEncodingFromString(s): '''Return the encoding given by Python's encoding line. s is the entire file. ''' encoding = None tag, tag2 = '# -*- coding:', '-*-' n1, n2 = len(tag), len(tag2) if s: # For Python 3.x we must convert to unicode before calling startswith. # The encoding doesn't matter: we only look at the first line, and if # the first line is an encoding line, it will contain only ascii characters. s = g.toUnicode(s, encoding='ascii', reportErrors=False) lines = g.splitLines(s) line1 = lines[0].strip() if line1.startswith(tag) and line1.endswith(tag2): e = line1[n1: -n2].strip() if e and g.isValidEncoding(e): encoding = e elif g.match_word(line1, 0, '@first'): # 2011/10/21. line1 = line1[len('@first'):].strip() if line1.startswith(tag) and line1.endswith(tag2): e = line1[n1: -n2].strip() if e and g.isValidEncoding(e): encoding = e return encoding
#@+node:ekr.20080816125725.2: *4* g.isBytes/Callable/Int/String/Unicode # The syntax of these functions must be valid on Python2K and Python3K. #@+node:ekr.20160229070349.2: *5* g.isBytes
[docs]def isBytes(s): '''Return True if s is Python3k bytes type.''' if g.isPython3: return isinstance(s, bytes) else: return False
#@+node:ekr.20160229070349.3: *5* g.isCallable
[docs]def isCallable(obj): if g.isPython3: return hasattr(obj, '__call__') else: return callable(obj)
#@+node:ekr.20160229070429.1: *5* g.isInt
[docs]def isInt(obj): '''Return True if obj is an int or a long.''' # 'long' does not exist in Python 3. # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=undefined-variable if g.isPython3: return isinstance(obj, int) else: return isinstance(obj, (int, builtins.long))
#@+node:ekr.20161223082445.1: *5* g.isList
[docs]def isList(s): '''Return True if s is a list.''' # pylint: disable=no-member if g.isPython3: return isinstance(s, list) else: return isinstance(s, types.ListTypes)
#@+node:ekr.20160229070349.5: *5* g.isString
[docs]def isString(s): '''Return True if s is any string, but not bytes.''' # pylint: disable=no-member if g.isPython3: return isinstance(s, str) else: return isinstance(s, types.StringTypes)
#@+node:ekr.20160229070349.6: *5* g.isUnicode
[docs]def isUnicode(s): '''Return True if s is a unicode string.''' # pylint: disable=no-member if g.isPython3: return isinstance(s, str) else: return isinstance(s, types.UnicodeType)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1500: *4* g.isValidEncoding
[docs]def isValidEncoding(encoding): '''Return True if the encooding is valid.''' if not encoding: return False if sys.platform == 'cli': return True import codecs try: codecs.lookup(encoding) return True except LookupError: # Windows return False except AttributeError: # Linux return False except Exception: # UnicodeEncodeError g.es_print('Please report the following error') g.es_exception() return False
#@+node:ekr.20061006152327: *4* g.isWordChar & g.isWordChar1
[docs]def isWordChar(ch): '''Return True if ch should be considered a letter.''' return ch and (ch.isalnum() or ch == '_')
[docs]def isWordChar1(ch): return ch and (ch.isalpha() or ch == '_')
#@+node:ekr.20130910044521.11304: *4* g.stripBOM
[docs]def stripBOM(s): ''' If there is a BOM, return (e,s2) where e is the encoding implied by the BOM and s2 is the s stripped of the BOM. If there is no BOM, return (None,s) s must be the contents of a file (a string) read in binary mode. ''' table = ( # Important: test longer bom's first. (4, 'utf-32', codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE), (4, 'utf-32', codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE), (3, 'utf-8', codecs.BOM_UTF8), (2, 'utf-16', codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE), (2, 'utf-16', codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE), ) if s: for n, e, bom in table: assert len(bom) == n if bom == s[: len(bom)]: return e, s[len(bom):] return None, s
#@+node:ekr.20050208093800: *4* g.toEncodedString
[docs]def toEncodedString(s, encoding='utf-8', reportErrors=False): '''Convert unicode string to an encoded string.''' if not g.isUnicode(s): return s if not encoding: encoding = 'utf-8' # These are the only significant calls to s.encode in Leo. try: s = s.encode(encoding, "strict") except UnicodeError: s = s.encode(encoding, "replace") if reportErrors: g.error("Error converting %s from unicode to %s encoding" % (s, encoding)) # Tracing these calls directly yields thousands of calls. # Never call g.trace here! # g.dump_encoded_string(encoding,s) return s
#@+node:ekr.20050208093800.1: *4* g.toUnicode
[docs]def toUnicode(s, encoding='utf-8', reportErrors=False): '''Connvert a non-unicode string with the given encoding to unicode.''' if g.isUnicode(s): return s if not encoding: encoding = 'utf-8' # # These are the only significant calls to s.decode in Leo. # Tracing these calls directly yields thousands of calls. try: s = s.decode(encoding, 'strict') except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeError): # s = s.decode(encoding, 'replace') if reportErrors: g.trace(g.callers()) g.error("toUnicode: Error converting %s...from %s encoding to unicode" % ( s[: 200], encoding)) except AttributeError: # May be a QString. s = g.u(s) return s
#@+node:ekr.20091206161352.6232: *4* g.u & g.ue if isPython3: # g.not defined yet. def u(s): '''Return s, converted to unicode from Qt widgets.''' return s def ue(s, encoding): return s if g.isUnicode(s) else str(s, encoding) else:
[docs] def u(s): '''Return s, converted to unicode from Qt widgets.''' # Use builtins to suppress pyflakes complaint. # pylint: disable=no-member, undefined-variable return builtins.unicode(s) # Suppress pyflakes complaint.
[docs] def ue(s, encoding): # Use builtins to suppress pyflakes complaint. # pylint: disable=no-member, undefined-variable return builtins.unicode(s, encoding)
#@+node:ekr.20170108034643.1: *4* g.ustr (pyzo)
[docs]def ustr(s): '''Define the pyzo ustr function.''' # pylint: disable=no-member return str(s) if isPython3 else g.builtins.unicode(s)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3197: *3* g.Whitespace #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3198: *4* g.computeLeadingWhitespace # Returns optimized whitespace corresponding to width with the indicated tab_width.
[docs]def computeLeadingWhitespace(width, tab_width): if width <= 0: return "" if tab_width > 1: tabs = int(width / tab_width) blanks = int(width % tab_width) return ('\t' * tabs) + (' ' * blanks) else: # 7/3/02: negative tab width always gets converted to blanks. return (' ' * width)
#@+node:ekr.20120605172139.10263: *4* g.computeLeadingWhitespaceWidth # Returns optimized whitespace corresponding to width with the indicated tab_width.
[docs]def computeLeadingWhitespaceWidth(s, tab_width): w = 0 for ch in s: if ch == ' ': w += 1 elif ch == '\t': w += (abs(tab_width) - (w % abs(tab_width))) else: break return w
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3199: *4* g.computeWidth # Returns the width of s, assuming s starts a line, with indicated tab_width.
[docs]def computeWidth(s, tab_width): w = 0 for ch in s: if ch == '\t': w += (abs(tab_width) - (w % abs(tab_width))) elif ch == '\n': # Bug fix: 2012/06/05. break else: w += 1 return w
#@+node:ekr.20051014175117: *4* g.adjustTripleString
[docs]def adjustTripleString(s, tab_width): '''Remove leading indentation from a triple-quoted string. This works around the fact that Leo nodes can't represent underindented strings. ''' # Compute the minimum leading whitespace of all non-blank lines. lines = g.splitLines(s) first, w = True, 0 for line in lines: if line.strip(): lws = g.get_leading_ws(line) # The sign of w2 does not matter. w2 = abs(g.computeWidth(lws, tab_width)) if w2 == 0: return s elif first or w2 < w: w = w2 first = False if w == 0: return s # Remove the leading whitespace. result = [g.removeLeadingWhitespace(line, w, tab_width) for line in lines] result = ''.join(result) return result
#@+node:ekr.20050211120242.2: *4* g.removeExtraLws
[docs]def removeExtraLws(s, tab_width): '''Remove extra indentation from one or more lines. Warning: used by getScript. This is *not* the same as g.adjustTripleString.''' lines = g.splitLines(s) # Find the first non-blank line and compute w, the width of its leading whitespace. for line in lines: if line.strip(): lws = g.get_leading_ws(line) w = g.computeWidth(lws, tab_width) break else: return s # Remove the leading whitespace. result = [g.removeLeadingWhitespace(line, w, tab_width) for line in lines] result = ''.join(result) return result
#@+node:ekr.20110727091744.15083: *4* g.wrap_lines (newer) #@+at # Important note: this routine need not deal with leading whitespace. # Instead, the caller should simply reduce pageWidth by the width of # leading whitespace wanted, then add that whitespace to the lines # returned here. # # The key to this code is the invarient that line never ends in whitespace. #@@c
[docs]def wrap_lines(lines, pageWidth, firstLineWidth=None): """Returns a list of lines, consisting of the input lines wrapped to the given pageWidth.""" if pageWidth < 10: pageWidth = 10 # First line is special if not firstLineWidth: firstLineWidth = pageWidth if firstLineWidth < 10: firstLineWidth = 10 outputLineWidth = firstLineWidth # Sentence spacing # This should be determined by some setting, and can only be either 1 or 2 sentenceSpacingWidth = 1 assert(0 < sentenceSpacingWidth < 3) result = [] # The lines of the result. line = "" # The line being formed. It never ends in whitespace. for s in lines: i = 0 while i < len(s): assert(len(line) <= outputLineWidth) # DTHEIN 18-JAN-2004 j = g.skip_ws(s, i) # ; ws = s[i:j] k = g.skip_non_ws(s, j); word = s[j: k] assert(k > i) i = k # DTHEIN 18-JAN-2004: wrap at exactly the text width, # not one character less # wordLen = len(word) if line.endswith('.') or line.endswith('?') or line.endswith('!'): space = ' ' * sentenceSpacingWidth else: space = ' ' if line and wordLen > 0: wordLen += len(space) if wordLen + len(line) <= outputLineWidth: if wordLen > 0: #@+<< place blank and word on the present line >> #@+node:ekr.20110727091744.15084: *5* << place blank and word on the present line >> if line: # Add the word, preceeded by a blank. line = space.join((line, word)) # DTHEIN 18-JAN-2004: better syntax else: # Just add the word to the start of the line. line = word #@-<< place blank and word on the present line >> else: pass # discard the trailing whitespace. else: #@+<< place word on a new line >> #@+node:ekr.20110727091744.15085: *5* << place word on a new line >> # End the previous line. if line: result.append(line) outputLineWidth = pageWidth # DTHEIN 3-NOV-2002: width for remaining lines # Discard the whitespace and put the word on a new line. line = word # Careful: the word may be longer than pageWidth. if len(line) > pageWidth: # DTHEIN 18-JAN-2004: line can equal pagewidth result.append(line) outputLineWidth = pageWidth # DTHEIN 3-NOV-2002: width for remaining lines line = "" #@-<< place word on a new line >> if line: result.append(line) return result
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3200: *4* g.get_leading_ws
[docs]def get_leading_ws(s): """Returns the leading whitespace of 's'.""" i = 0; n = len(s) while i < n and s[i] in (' ', '\t'): i += 1 return s[0: i]
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3201: *4* g.optimizeLeadingWhitespace # Optimize leading whitespace in s with the given tab_width.
[docs]def optimizeLeadingWhitespace(line, tab_width): i, width = g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent(line, 0, tab_width) s = g.computeLeadingWhitespace(width, tab_width) + line[i:] return s
#@+node:ekr.20040723093558: *4* g.regularizeTrailingNewlines #@+at The caller should call g.stripBlankLines before calling this routine # if desired. # # This routine does _not_ simply call rstrip(): that would delete all # trailing whitespace-only lines, and in some cases that would change # the meaning of program or data. #@@c
[docs]def regularizeTrailingNewlines(s, kind): """Kind is 'asis', 'zero' or 'one'.""" pass
#@+node:ekr.20091229090857.11698: *4* g.removeBlankLines
[docs]def removeBlankLines(s): lines = g.splitLines(s) lines = [z for z in lines if z.strip()] return ''.join(lines)
#@+node:ekr.20091229075924.6235: *4* g.removeLeadingBlankLines
[docs]def removeLeadingBlankLines(s): lines = g.splitLines(s) result = []; remove = True for line in lines: if remove and not line.strip(): pass else: remove = False result.append(line) return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3202: *4* g.removeLeadingWhitespace # Remove whitespace up to first_ws wide in s, given tab_width, the width of a tab.
[docs]def removeLeadingWhitespace(s, first_ws, tab_width): j = 0; ws = 0; first_ws = abs(first_ws) for ch in s: if ws >= first_ws: break elif ch == ' ': j += 1; ws += 1 elif ch == '\t': j += 1; ws += (abs(tab_width) - (ws % abs(tab_width))) else: break if j > 0: s = s[j:] return s
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3203: *4* g.removeTrailingWs # Warning: string.rstrip also removes newlines!
[docs]def removeTrailingWs(s): j = len(s) - 1 while j >= 0 and (s[j] == ' ' or s[j] == '\t'): j -= 1 return s[: j + 1]
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3204: *4* g.skip_leading_ws # Skips leading up to width leading whitespace.
[docs]def skip_leading_ws(s, i, ws, tab_width): count = 0 while count < ws and i < len(s): ch = s[i] if ch == ' ': count += 1 i += 1 elif ch == '\t': count += (abs(tab_width) - (count % abs(tab_width))) i += 1 else: break return i
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3205: *4* g.skip_leading_ws_with_indent
[docs]def skip_leading_ws_with_indent(s, i, tab_width): """Skips leading whitespace and returns (i, indent), - i points after the whitespace - indent is the width of the whitespace, assuming tab_width wide tabs.""" count = 0; n = len(s) while i < n: ch = s[i] if ch == ' ': count += 1 i += 1 elif ch == '\t': count += (abs(tab_width) - (count % abs(tab_width))) i += 1 else: break return i, count
#@+node:ekr.20040723093558.1: *4* g.stripBlankLines
[docs]def stripBlankLines(s): lines = g.splitLines(s) for i, line in enumerate(lines): j = g.skip_ws(line, 0) if j >= len(line): lines[i] = '' elif line[j] == '\n': lines[i] = '\n' return ''.join(lines)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3108: ** g.Logging & Printing # and related print to the Log window. # prints to the console. # g.es_print and related print to both the Log window and the console. #@+node:ekr.20080821073134.2: *3* g.doKeywordArgs
[docs]def doKeywordArgs(keys, d=None): ''' Return a result dict that is a copy of the keys dict with missing items replaced by defaults in d dict. ''' if d is None: d = {} result = {} for key, default_val in d.items(): isBool = default_val in (True, False) val = keys.get(key) if isBool and val in (True, 'True', 'true'): result[key] = True elif isBool and val in (False, 'False', 'false'): result[key] = False elif val is None: result[key] = default_val else: result[key] = val return result
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1474: *3* g.enl, ecnl & ecnls
[docs]def ecnl(tabName='Log'): g.ecnls(1, tabName)
[docs]def ecnls(n, tabName='Log'): log = app.log if log and not log.isNull: while log.newlines < n: g.enl(tabName)
[docs]def enl(tabName='Log'): log = app.log if log and not log.isNull: log.newlines += 1 log.putnl(tabName)
#@+node:ekr.20100914094836.5892: *3* g.error, g.note, g.warning,,
[docs]def blue(*args, **keys): g.es_print(color='blue', *args, **keys)
[docs]def error(*args, **keys): g.es_print(color='error', *args, **keys)
[docs]def note(*args, **keys): g.es_print(color='note', *args, **keys)
[docs]def red(*args, **keys): g.es_print(color='red', *args, **keys)
[docs]def warning(*args, **keys): g.es_print(color='warning', *args, **keys)
#@+node:ekr.20070626132332: *3*
[docs]def es(*args, **keys): '''Put all non-keyword args to the log pane. The first, third, fifth, etc. arg translated by g.translateString. Supports color, comma, newline, spaces and tabName keyword arguments. ''' if not app or app.killed: return if app.gui and app.gui.consoleOnly: return log = app.log # Compute the effective args. d = { 'color': None, 'commas': False, 'newline': True, 'spaces': True, 'tabName': 'Log', 'nodeLink': None, } d = g.doKeywordArgs(keys, d) color = d.get('color') if color == 'suppress': return # New in 4.3. color = g.actualColor(color) tabName = d.get('tabName') or 'Log' newline = d.get('newline') s = g.translateArgs(args, d) if app.batchMode: if app.log: app.log.put(s) elif g.unitTesting: if log and not log.isNull: # This makes the output of unit tests match the output of scripts., newline=newline) elif log and app.logInited: if newline: s += '\n' log.put(s, color=color, tabName=tabName, nodeLink=d['nodeLink']) # Count the number of *trailing* newlines. for ch in s: if ch == '\n': log.newlines += 1 else: log.newlines = 0 else: app.logWaiting.append((s, color, newline, d),)
log = es #@+node:ekr.20141107085700.4: *3* g.es_debug
[docs]def es_debug(*args, **keys): ''' Print all non-keyword args, and put them to the log pane in orange. The first, third, fifth, etc. arg translated by g.translateString. Supports color, comma, newline, spaces and tabName keyword arguments. ''' keys['color'] = 'blue' try: # get the function name from the call stack. f1 = sys._getframe(1) # The stack frame, one level up. code1 = f1.f_code # The code object name = code1.co_name # The code name except Exception: name = g.shortFileName(__file__) if name == '<module>': name = g.shortFileName(__file__) if name.endswith('.pyc'): name = name[: -1], *args, **keys) if not, *args, **keys)
#@+node:ekr.20060917120951: *3* g.es_dump
[docs]def es_dump(s, n=30, title=None): if title: g.es_print('', title) i = 0 while i < len(s): aList = ''.join(['%2x ' % (ord(ch)) for ch in s[i: i + n]]) g.es_print('', aList) i += n
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3110: *3* g.es_error & es_print_error
[docs]def es_error(*args, **keys): color = keys.get('color') if color is None and keys['color'] ="log_error_color") or 'red'*args, **keys)
[docs]def es_print_error(*args, **keys): color = keys.get('color') if color is None and keys['color'] ="log_error_color") or 'red' g.es_print(*args, **keys)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3111: *3* g.es_event_exception
[docs]def es_event_exception(eventName, full=False):"exception handling ", eventName, "event") typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() if full: errList = traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb) else: errList = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val) for i in errList:'', i) if not g.stdErrIsRedirected(): # 2/16/04 traceback.print_exc()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3112: *3* g.es_exception
[docs]def es_exception(full=True, c=None, color="red"): typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() # val is the second argument to the raise statement. if full: lines = traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb) else: lines = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val) for line in lines: g.es_print_error(line, color=color) fileName, n = g.getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber() return fileName, n
#@+node:ekr.20061015090538: *3* g.es_exception_type
[docs]def es_exception_type(c=None, color="red"): # exctype is a Exception class object; value is the error message. exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[: 2] g.es_print('', '%s, %s' % (exctype.__name__, value), color=color)
#@+node:ekr.20050707064040: *3* g.es_print # see:
[docs]def es_print(*args, **keys): ''' Print all non-keyword args, and put them to the log pane. The first, third, fifth, etc. arg translated by g.translateString. Supports color, comma, newline, spaces and tabName keyword arguments. '''*args, **keys) if not*args, **keys)
#@+node:ekr.20111107181638.9741: *3* g.es_print_exception
[docs]def es_print_exception(full=True, c=None, color="red"): '''Print exception info about the last exception.''' typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() # val is the second argument to the raise statement. if full: lines = traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb) else: lines = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val) print(''.join(lines)) try: fileName, n = g.getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber() return fileName, n except Exception: return "<no file>", 0
#@+node:ekr.20050707065530: *3* g.es_trace
[docs]def es_trace(*args, **keys): if args: try: s = args[0] g.trace(g.toEncodedString(s, 'ascii')) except Exception: pass*args, **keys)
#@+node:ekr.20040731204831: *3* g.getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber
[docs]def getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber(): typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() if typ == SyntaxError: # IndentationError is a subclass of SyntaxError. # Much easier in Python 2.6 and 3.x. return val.filename, val.lineno else: # Data is a list of tuples, one per stack entry. # Tupls have the form (filename,lineNumber,functionName,text). data = traceback.extract_tb(tb) if data: item = data[-1] # Get the item at the top of the stack. filename, n, functionName, text = item return filename, n else: # Should never happen. return '<string>', 0
#@+node:ekr.20150621095017.1: *3* g.goto_last_exception
[docs]def goto_last_exception(c): '''Go to the line given by sys.last_traceback.''' typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() if tb: file_name, line_number = g.getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber() line_number = max(0, line_number - 1) # Convert to zero-based. if file_name.endswith(''): # A script. c.goToScriptLineNumber(line_number, c.p) else: for p in c.all_nodes(): if p.isAnyAtFileNode() and p.h.endswith(file_name): c.goToLineNumber(line_number, p) return else: g.trace('No previous exception')
#@+node:ekr.20100126062623.6240: *3* g.internalError
[docs]def internalError(*args): '''Report a serious interal error in Leo.''' callers = g.callers(20).split(',') caller = callers[-1] g.error('\nInternal Leo error in', caller) g.es_print(*args) g.es_print('Called from', ', '.join(callers[: -1])) g.es_print('Please report this error to Leo\'s developers', color='red')
#@+node:ekr.20150127060254.5: *3* g.log_to_file
[docs]def log_to_file(s, fn=None): '''Write a message to ~/test/leo_log.txt.''' if fn is None: fn = g.os_path_expanduser('~/test/leo_log.txt') if not s.endswith('\n'): s = s + '\n' try: with open(fn, 'a') as f: f.write(s) except Exception: g.es_exception()
#@+node:ekr.20080710101653.1: *3* # see:
[docs]def pr(*args, **keys): ''' Print all non-keyword args. This is a wrapper for the print statement. The first, third, fifth, etc. arg translated by g.translateString. Supports color, comma, newline, spaces and tabName keyword arguments. ''' # Compute the effective args. d = {'commas': False, 'newline': True, 'spaces': True} d = doKeywordArgs(keys, d) newline = d.get('newline') stdout = sys.stdout if sys.stdout and g.unitTesting else sys.__stdout__ # Unit tests require sys.stdout. if not stdout: # Fix #541. return if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'): encoding = 'ascii' # 2011/11/9. elif getattr(stdout, 'encoding', None): # sys.stdout is a TextIOWrapper with a particular encoding. encoding = stdout.encoding else: encoding = 'utf-8' s = translateArgs(args, d) # Translates everything to unicode. func = g.toUnicode if g.isPython3 else g.toEncodedString s = func(s, encoding=encoding, reportErrors=False) if newline: s += g.u('\n') if g.isPython3 else '\n' # Python's print statement *can* handle unicode, but # must have sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') try: # 783: print-* commands fail under pythonw. # stdout.write(s) except Exception: pass
#@+node:ekr.20060221083356: *3* g.prettyPrintType
[docs]def prettyPrintType(obj): # pylint: disable=no-member # These do not exist in Python 3. if g.isString(obj): return 'string' # Compute method types. method_types = [types.MethodType, types.BuiltinMethodType] if g.isPython3: method_types.append(types.UnboundMethodType) t = type(obj) if t in (types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.FunctionType): return 'function' elif t == types.ModuleType: # NOQA return 'module' elif t == types.InstanceType: # NOQA return 'object' elif t in method_types: return 'method' else: # Fall back to a hack. t = str(type(obj)) if t.startswith("<type '"): t = t[7:] if t.endswith("'>"): t = t[: -2] return t
#@+node:ekr.20041122153823: *3* g.printStack
[docs]def printStack(): traceback.print_stack()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3113: *3* g.printBindings #@+node:ekr.20070510074941: *3* g.printEntireTree
[docs]def printEntireTree(c, tag=''):'printEntireTree', '=' * 50)'printEntireTree', tag, 'root', c.rootPosition()) for p in c.all_positions():'..' * p.level(), p.v)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3114: *3* g.printGlobals
[docs]def printGlobals(message=None): # Get the list of globals. globs = list(globals()) globs.sort() # Print the list. if message: leader = "-" * 10, ' ', message, ' ', leader) for name in globs:
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3115: *3* g.printLeoModules
[docs]def printLeoModules(message=None): # Create the list. mods = [] for name in sys.modules: if name and name[0: 3] == "leo": mods.append(name) # Print the list. if message: leader = "-" * 10, ' ', message, ' ', leader) mods.sort() for m in mods:, newline=False)'')
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2317: *3* g.trace
[docs]def trace(*args, **keys): '''Print a tracing message.''' # Don't use g here: in standalone mode g is a NullObject! # Compute the effective args. d = {'align': 0, 'before': '', 'newline': True, 'caller_level': 1, 'noname': False} d = doKeywordArgs(keys, d) newline = d.get('newline') align = d.get('align', 0) caller_level = d.get('caller_level', 1) noname = d.get('noname') # Compute the caller name. if noname: name = '' else: try: # get the function name from the call stack. f1 = sys._getframe(caller_level) # The stack frame, one level up. code1 = f1.f_code # The code object name = code1.co_name # The code name except Exception: name = g.shortFileName(__file__) if name == '<module>': name = g.shortFileName(__file__) if name.endswith('.pyc'): name = name[: -1] # Pad the caller name. if align != 0 and len(name) < abs(align): pad = ' ' * (abs(align) - len(name)) if align > 0: name = name + pad else: name = pad + name # Munge *args into s. result = [name] if name else [] for arg in args: if isString(arg): pass elif isBytes(arg): arg = toUnicode(arg) else: arg = repr(arg) if result: result.append(" " + arg) else: result.append(arg) s = d.get('before') + ''.join(result) pr(s, newline=newline)
#@+node:ekr.20080220111323: *3* g.translateArgs console_encoding = None
[docs]def translateArgs(args, d): '''Return the concatenation of s and all args, with odd args translated.''' global console_encoding if not console_encoding: e = sys.getdefaultencoding() console_encoding = e if isValidEncoding(e) else 'utf-8' # print 'translateArgs',console_encoding result = []; n = 0; spaces = d.get('spaces') for arg in args: n += 1 # print('g.translateArgs: arg',arg,type(arg),g.isString(arg),'will trans',(n%2)==1) # First, convert to unicode. if g.isString(arg): arg = toUnicode(arg, console_encoding) # Now translate. if not isString(arg): arg = repr(arg) elif(n % 2) == 1: arg = translateString(arg) else: pass # The arg is an untranslated string. if arg: if result and spaces: result.append(' ') result.append(arg) return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20060810095921: *3* g.translateString & tr
[docs]def translateString(s): '''Return the translated text of s.''' # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # looks like a pylint bug upper = app and getattr(app, 'translateToUpperCase', None) if isPython3: if not isString(s): s = str(s, 'utf-8') if upper: s = s.upper() else: s = gettext.gettext(s) return s else: if upper: return s.upper() else: return gettext.gettext(s)
tr = translateString #@+node:EKR.20040612114220: ** g.Miscellaneous #@+node:ekr.20120928142052.10116: *3* g.actualColor
[docs]def actualColor(color): '''Return the actual color corresponding to the requested color.''' c = and # Careful: c.config may not yet exist. if not c or not c.config: return color # Don't change absolute colors. if color and color.startswith('#'): return color # #788: Translate colors to theme-defined colors. if color is None: # Prefer text_foreground_color' color2 = c.config.getColor('log_text_foreground_color') if color2: return color2 # Fall back to log_black_color. color2 = c.config.getColor('log_black_color') return color2 or 'black' if color == 'black': # Prefer log_black_color. color2 = c.config.getColor('log_black_color') if color2: return color2 # Fall back to log_text_foreground_color. color2 = c.config.getColor('log_text_foreground_color') return color2 or 'black' color2 = c.config.getColor('log_%s_color' % color) return color2 or color
#@+node:ekr.20060921100435: *3* g.CheckVersion & helpers # Simplified version by EKR: stringCompare not used.
[docs]def CheckVersion(s1, s2, condition=">=", stringCompare=None, delimiter='.', trace=False): # CheckVersion is called early in the startup process. vals1 = [g.CheckVersionToInt(s) for s in s1.split(delimiter)]; n1 = len(vals1) vals2 = [g.CheckVersionToInt(s) for s in s2.split(delimiter)]; n2 = len(vals2) n = max(n1, n2) if n1 < n: vals1.extend([0 for i in range(n - n1)]) if n2 < n: vals2.extend([0 for i in range(n - n2)]) for cond, val in ( ('==', vals1 == vals2), ('!=', vals1 != vals2), ('<', vals1 < vals2), ('<=', vals1 <= vals2), ('>', vals1 > vals2), ('>=', vals1 >= vals2), ): if condition == cond: result = val; break else: raise EnvironmentError("condition must be one of '>=', '>', '==', '!=', '<', or '<='.") return result
#@+node:ekr.20070120123930: *4* g.CheckVersionToInt
[docs]def CheckVersionToInt(s): try: return int(s) except ValueError: aList = [] for ch in s: if ch.isdigit(): aList.append(ch) else: break if aList: s = ''.join(aList) return int(s) else: return 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3147: *3* g.choose (deprecated) # This can and should be replaced by Python's ternary operator.
[docs]def choose(cond, a, b): # warning: evaluates all arguments '''(Deprecated) simulate "a if cond else b"''' if cond: return a else: return b
#@+node:ekr.20111103205308.9657: *3* g.cls
[docs]@command('cls') def cls(event=None): '''Clear the screen.''' import os import sys if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'): os.system('cls')
#@+node:ekr.20131114124839.16665: *3* g.createScratchCommander
[docs]def createScratchCommander(fileName=None): c = frame = c.frame frame.createFirstTreeNode() assert c.rootPosition() frame.setInitialWindowGeometry() frame.resizePanesToRatio(frame.ratio, frame.secondary_ratio)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3126: *3* g.funcToMethod (Python Cookbook)
[docs]def funcToMethod(f, theClass, name=None): ''' From the Python Cookbook... The following method allows you to add a function as a method of any class. That is, it converts the function to a method of the class. The method just added is available instantly to all existing instances of the class, and to all instances created in the future. The function's first argument should be self. The newly created method has the same name as the function unless the optional name argument is supplied, in which case that name is used as the method name. ''' setattr(theClass, name or f.__name__, f)
#@+node:ekr.20060913090832.1: *3* g.init_zodb init_zodb_import_failed = False init_zodb_failed = {} # Keys are paths, values are True. init_zodb_db = {} # Keys are paths, values are ZODB.DB instances.
[docs]def init_zodb(pathToZodbStorage, verbose=True): '''Return an ZODB.DB instance from ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage(pathToZodbStorage) return None on any error.''' global init_zodb_db, init_zodb_failed, init_zodb_import_failed db = init_zodb_db.get(pathToZodbStorage) if db: return db if init_zodb_import_failed: return None failed = init_zodb_failed.get(pathToZodbStorage) if failed: return None try: import ZODB except ImportError: if verbose:'g.init_zodb: can not import ZODB') g.es_exception() init_zodb_import_failed = True return None try: storage = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage(pathToZodbStorage) init_zodb_db[pathToZodbStorage] = db = ZODB.DB(storage) return db except Exception: if verbose:'g.init_zodb: exception creating ZODB.DB instance') g.es_exception() init_zodb_failed[pathToZodbStorage] = True return None
#@+node:ekr.20170206080908.1: *3* g.input_
[docs]def input_(message='', c=None): ''' Safely execute python's input statement. c.executeScriptHelper binds 'input' to be a wrapper that calls g.input_ with c and handler bound properly. ''' if app.gui.isNullGui: return '' if False: # c and app and not app.gui.isNullGui: # Use the minibuffer. def handler(event, c=c): c.k.resetLabel() return c.k.arg k = c.k k.setLabelBlue(message) return k.getArg(event=None, completion=False, handler=handler) else: # Prompt for input from the console, assuming there is one. # pylint: disable=no-member from leo.core.leoQt import QtCore QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() return input(message)
#@+node:ekr.20110609125359.16493: *3* g.isMacOS
[docs]def isMacOS(): return sys.platform == 'darwin'
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3144: *3* g.makeDict (Python Cookbook) # From the Python cookbook.
[docs]def makeDict(** keys): """Returns a Python dictionary from using the optional keyword arguments.""" return keys
#@+node:ekr.20140528065727.17963: *3* g.pep8_class_name
[docs]def pep8_class_name(s): '''Return the proper class name for s.''' # Warning: s.capitalize() does not work. # It lower cases all but the first letter! return ''.join([z[0].upper() + z[1:] for z in s.split('_') if z])
if 0: # Testing: g.cls() aList = ( '_', '__', '_abc', 'abc_', 'abc', 'abc_xyz', 'AbcPdQ', ) for s in aList: print(pep8_class_name(s)) #@+node:ekr.20160417174224.1: *3* g.plural
[docs]def plural(obj): '''Return "s" or "" depending on n.''' if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) or g.isString(obj): n = len(obj) else: n = obj return '' if n == 1 else 's'
#@+node:ekr.20160331194701.1: *3* g.truncate
[docs]def truncate(s, n): '''Return s truncated to n characters.''' if len(s) <= n: return s else: s2 = s[:n-3] + '...(%s)' % len(s) if s.endswith('\n'): return s2 + '\n' else: return s2
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3150: *3*
[docs]def windows(): return app and app.windowList
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2145: ** g.os_path_ Wrappers #@+at Note: all these methods return Unicode strings. It is up to the user to # convert to an encoded string as needed, say when opening a file. #@+node:ekr.20180314120442.1: *3* g.glob_glob
[docs]def glob_glob (pattern): '''Return the regularized glob.glob(pattern)''' aList = glob.glob(pattern) if g.isWindows: aList = [z.replace('\\','/') for z in aList] return aList
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2146: *3* g.os_path_abspath
[docs]def os_path_abspath(path): """Convert a path to an absolute path.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = path.replace('\x00','') # Fix Pytyon 3 bug on Windows 10. path = os.path.abspath(path) path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2147: *3* g.os_path_basename
[docs]def os_path_basename(path): """Return the second half of the pair returned by split(path).""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = os.path.basename(path) path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2148: *3* g.os_path_dirname
[docs]def os_path_dirname(path): """Return the first half of the pair returned by split(path).""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = os.path.dirname(path) path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2149: *3* g.os_path_exists
[docs]def os_path_exists(path): """Return True if path exists.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = path.replace('\x00','') # Fix Pytyon 3 bug on Windows 10. return os.path.exists(path)
#@+node:ekr.20080922124033.6: *3* g.os_path_expandExpression & helper
[docs]def os_path_expandExpression(s, **keys): '''Expand all {{anExpression}} in c's context.''' c = keys.get('c') if not c: g.trace('can not happen: no c', g.callers()) return s if not s: return '' s = g.toUnicode(s) # find and replace repeated path expressions previ, aList = 0, [] while previ < len(s): i = s.find('{{', previ) j = s.find('}}', previ) if -1 < i < j: # Add anything from previous index up to '{{' if previ < i: aList.append(s[previ:i]) # Get expression and find substitute exp = s[i + 2: j].strip() if exp: try: s2 = replace_path_expression(c, exp) aList.append(s2) except Exception:'Exception evaluating {{%s}} in %s' % (exp, s.strip())) g.es_exception(full=True, c=c) # Prepare to search again after the last '}}' previ = j+2 else: # Add trailing fragment (fragile in case of mismatched '{{'/'}}') aList.append(s[previ:]) break val = ''.join(aList) if g.isWindows: val = val.replace('\\','/') return val
#@+node:ekr.20180120140558.1: *4* g.replace_path_expression
[docs]def replace_path_expression(c, expr): ''' local function to replace a single path expression.''' d = { 'c': c, 'g': g, # 'getString': c.config.getString, 'p': c.p, 'os': os, 'sep': os.sep, 'sys': sys, } val = eval(expr, d) return g.toUnicode(val, encoding='utf-8', reportErrors=True)
#@+node:ekr.20080921060401.13: *3* g.os_path_expanduser
[docs]def os_path_expanduser(path): """wrap os.path.expanduser""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) result = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return result
#@+node:ekr.20080921060401.14: *3* g.os_path_finalize
[docs]def os_path_finalize(path, **keys): ''' Expand '~', then return os.path.normpath, os.path.abspath of the path. There is no corresponding os.path method ''' c = keys.get('c') expanduser = keys.get('expanduser', True) # 2014/09/17: Allow expanduser to be False. if c: path = g.os_path_expandExpression(path, **keys) if expanduser: path = g.os_path_expanduser(path) path = path.replace('\x00','') # Fix Pytyon 3 bug on Windows 10. path = os.path.abspath(path) path = os.path.normpath(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') # calling os.path.realpath here would cause problems in some situations. return path
#@+node:ekr.20140917154740.19483: *3* g.os_path_finalize_join
[docs]def os_path_finalize_join(*args, **keys): '''Do os.path.join(*args), then finalize the result.''' c = keys.get('c') if c: args = [g.os_path_expandExpression(z, **keys) for z in args if z] path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath( g.os_path_join(*args, **keys))) # Handles expanduser if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2150: *3* g.os_path_getmtime
[docs]def os_path_getmtime(path): """Return the modification time of path.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) try: return os.path.getmtime(path) except Exception: return 0
#@+node:ekr.20080729142651.2: *3* g.os_path_getsize
[docs]def os_path_getsize(path): '''Return the size of path.''' path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) return os.path.getsize(path)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2151: *3* g.os_path_isabs
[docs]def os_path_isabs(path): """Return True if path is an absolute path.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) return os.path.isabs(path)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2152: *3* g.os_path_isdir
[docs]def os_path_isdir(path): """Return True if the path is a directory.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) return os.path.isdir(path)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2153: *3* g.os_path_isfile
[docs]def os_path_isfile(path): """Return True if path is a file.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) return os.path.isfile(path)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2154: *3* g.os_path_join
[docs]def os_path_join(*args, **keys): ''' The same as os.path.join, but safe for unicode. In addition, it supports the !! and . conventions. ''' c = keys.get('c') expanduser = keys.get('expanduser', True) # 2014/09/17: Allow expanduser to be False. uargs = [g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(arg) for arg in args] # Note: This is exactly the same convention as used by getBaseDirectory. if uargs and uargs[0] == '!!': uargs[0] = elif uargs and uargs[0] == '.': c = keys.get('c') if c and c.openDirectory: uargs[0] = c.openDirectory if expanduser: uargs = [g.os_path_expanduser(z) for z in uargs if z] if uargs: try: path = os.path.join(*uargs) except TypeError: g.trace(uargs, args, keys, g.callers()) raise else: path = '' # 2017/11/12: don't crash. # May not be needed on some Pythons. path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = path.replace('\x00','') # Fix Pytyon 3 bug on Windows 10. if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2156: *3* g.os_path_normcase
[docs]def os_path_normcase(path): """Normalize the path's case.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = os.path.normcase(path) path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2157: *3* g.os_path_normpath
[docs]def os_path_normpath(path): """Normalize the path.""" path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = os.path.normpath(path) path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20180314081254.1: *3* g.os_path_normslashes
[docs]def os_path_normslashes(path): if g.isWindows and path: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20080605064555.2: *3* g.os_path_realpath
[docs]def os_path_realpath(path): '''Return the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any symbolic links encountered in the path (if they are supported by the operating system). ''' path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) path = os.path.realpath(path) path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) if g.isWindows: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2158: *3* g.os_path_split
[docs]def os_path_split(path): path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) head, tail = os.path.split(path) head = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(head) tail = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(tail) return head, tail
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2159: *3* g.os_path_splitext
[docs]def os_path_splitext(path): path = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(path) head, tail = os.path.splitext(path) head = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(head) tail = g.toUnicodeFileEncoding(tail) return head, tail
#@+node:ekr.20090829140232.6036: *3* g.os_startfile
[docs]def os_startfile(fname): #@+others #@+node:bob.20170516112250.1: *4* stderr2log() def stderr2log(g, ree, fname): """ Display stderr output in the Leo-Editor log pane Arguments: g: Leo-Editor globals ree: Read file descriptor for stderr fname: file pathname Returns: None """ while True: emsg ='utf-8') if emsg: g.es_print_error('xdg-open {fn} caused output to stderr:\n{em}'.format(fn=fname, em=emsg)) else: break #@+node:bob.20170516112304.1: *4* itPoll() def itPoll(fname, ree, subPopen, g, ito): """ Poll for subprocess done Arguments: fname: File name ree: stderr read file descriptor subPopen: URL open subprocess object g: Leo-Editor globals ito: Idle time object for itPoll() Returns: None """ stderr2log(g, ree, fname) rc = subPopen.poll() if not rc is None: ito.stop() ito.destroy_self() if rc != 0: g.es_print('xdg-open {fn} failed with exit code {ec}'.format(fn=fname, ec=rc)) stderr2log(g, ree, fname) ree.close() #@-others if fname.find('"') > -1: quoted_fname = "'%s'" % fname else: quoted_fname = '"%s"' % fname if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # pylint: disable=no-member os.startfile(quoted_fname) # Exists only on Windows. elif sys.platform == 'darwin': # From Marc-Antoine Parent. try: # Fix bug 1226358: File URL's are broken on MacOS: # use fname, not quoted_fname, as the argument to['open', fname]) except OSError: pass # There may be a spurious "Interrupted system call" except ImportError: os.system('open %s' % (quoted_fname)) else: # Linux # The buffering argument to NamedTempFile does not exist on Python 2. try: ree = None wre = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ree =, 'rb', buffering=0) except IOError: g.trace('error opening temp file for %r' % fname) if ree: ree.close() return try: subPopen = subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', fname], stderr=wre, shell=False) except Exception: g.es_print('error opening %r' % fname) g.es_exception() try: itoPoll = g.IdleTime((lambda ito: itPoll(fname, ree, subPopen, g, ito)), delay=1000) itoPoll.start() # Let the Leo-Editor process run # so that Leo-Editor is usable while the file is open. except Exception: g.es_exception('exception executing g.startfile for %r' % fname)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2160: *3* g.toUnicodeFileEncoding
[docs]def toUnicodeFileEncoding(path): # Fix bug 735938: file association crash if path and g.isString(path): path = path.replace('\\', os.sep) # Yes, this is correct. All os_path_x functions return Unicode strings. return g.toUnicode(path) else: return g.u('')
#@+node:ekr.20111115155710.9859: ** g.Parsing & Tokenizing #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.822: *3* g.createTopologyList
[docs]def createTopologyList(c, root=None, useHeadlines=False): """Creates a list describing a node and all its descendents""" if not root: root = c.rootPosition() v = root if useHeadlines: aList = [(v.numberOfChildren(), v.headString()),] else: aList = [v.numberOfChildren()] child = v.firstChild() while child: aList.append(g.createTopologyList(c, child, useHeadlines)) child = return aList
#@+node:ekr.20111017204736.15898: *3* g.getDocString
[docs]def getDocString(s): '''Return the text of the first docstring found in s.''' tags = ('"""', "'''") tag1, tag2 = tags i1, i2 = s.find(tag1), s.find(tag2) if i1 == -1 and i2 == -1: return '' if i1 > -1 and i2 > -1: i = min(i1, i2) else: i = max(i1, i2) tag = s[i: i + 3] assert tag in tags j = s.find(tag, i + 3) if j > -1: return s[i + 3: j] else: return ''
#@+node:ekr.20111017211256.15905: *3* g.getDocStringForFunction
[docs]def getDocStringForFunction(func): '''Return the docstring for a function that creates a Leo command.''' def name(func): return func.__name__ if hasattr(func, '__name__') else '<no __name__>' def get_defaults(func, i): args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) return defaults[i] # Fix bug 1251252: # Minibuffer commands created by have no docstrings. # Do special cases first. s = '' if name(func) == 'minibufferCallback': func = get_defaults(func, 0) if hasattr(func, 'func.__doc__') and func.__doc__.strip(): s = func.__doc__ if not s and name(func) == 'commonCommandCallback': script = get_defaults(func, 1) s = g.getDocString(script) # Do a text scan for the function. # Now the general cases. Prefer __doc__ to docstring() if not s and hasattr(func, '__doc__'): s = func.__doc__ if not s and hasattr(func, 'docstring'): s = func.docstring return s
#@+node:ekr.20111115155710.9814: *3* g.python_tokenize
[docs]def python_tokenize(s, line_numbers=True): '''Tokenize string s and return a list of tokens (kind,value,line_number) where kind is in ('comment,'id','nl','other','string','ws'). ''' result, i, line_number = [], 0, 0 while i < len(s): progress = j = i ch = s[i] if ch == '\n': kind, i = 'nl', i + 1 elif ch in ' \t': kind = 'ws' while i < len(s) and s[i] in ' \t': i += 1 elif ch == '#': kind, i = 'comment', g.skip_to_end_of_line(s, i) elif ch in '"\'': kind, i = 'string', g.skip_python_string(s, i, verbose=False) elif ch == '_' or ch.isalpha(): kind, i = 'id', g.skip_id(s, i) else: kind, i = 'other', i + 1 assert progress < i and j == progress val = s[j: i] assert val if line_numbers: line_number += val.count('\n') # A comment. result.append((kind, val, line_number),) else: result.append((kind, val),) return result
#@+node:ekr.20040327103735.2: ** g.Scripting #@+node:ekr.20161223090721.1: *3* g.exec_file
[docs]def exec_file(path, d, script=None): '''Simulate python's execfile statement for python 3.''' # pylint: disable=no-member # execfile does not exist in python 3. if g.isPython3: if script is None: with open(path) as f: script = exec(compile(script, path, 'exec'), d) else: builtins.execfile(path, d)
#@+node:ekr.20131016032805.16721: *3* g.execute_shell_commands
[docs]def execute_shell_commands(commands, trace=False): ''' Execute each shell command in a separate process. Wait for each command to complete, except those starting with '&' ''' if g.isString(commands): commands = [commands] for command in commands: wait = not command.startswith('&') if command.startswith('&'): command = command[1:].strip() proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) if wait: proc.communicate()
#@+node:ekr.20180217113719.1: *3* g.execute_shell_commands_with_options & helpers
[docs]def execute_shell_commands_with_options( base_dir = None, c = None, command_setting = None, commands = None, path_setting = None, trace = False, warning = None, ): ''' A helper for prototype commands or any other code that runs programs in a separate process. base_dir: Base directory to use if no config path given. commands: A list of commands, for g.execute_shell_commands. commands_setting: Name of @data setting for commands. path_setting: Name of @string setting for the base directory. warning: A warning to be printed before executing the commands. ''' base_dir = g.computeBaseDir(c, base_dir, path_setting, trace) if not base_dir: return commands = g.computeCommands(c, commands, command_setting, trace) if not commands: return if warning: g.es_print(warning) os.chdir(base_dir) # Can't do this in the commands list. g.execute_shell_commands(commands)
#@+node:ekr.20180217152624.1: *4* g.computeBaseDir
[docs]def computeBaseDir(c, base_dir, path_setting, trace=False): ''' Compute a base_directory. If given, @string path_setting takes precedence. ''' # Prefer the path setting to the base_dir argument. if path_setting: if not c: return g.es_print('@string path_setting requires valid c arg') # It's not an error for the setting to be empty. base_dir2 = c.config.getString(path_setting) if base_dir2: base_dir2 = base_dir2.replace('\\','/') if g.os_path_exists(base_dir2): return base_dir2 else: return g.es_print('@string %s not found: %r' % (path_setting, base_dir2)) # Fall back to given base_dir. if base_dir: base_dir = base_dir.replace('\\','/') if g.os_path_exists(base_dir): return base_dir else: return g.es_print('base_dir not found: %r' % base_dir) else: return g.es_print('Please use @string %s' % path_setting)
#@+node:ekr.20180217153459.1: *4* g.computeCommands
[docs]def computeCommands(c, commands, command_setting, trace=False): ''' Get the list of commands. If given, @data command_setting takes precedence. ''' if not commands and not command_setting: g.es_print('Please use commands, command_setting or both') return [] # Prefer the setting to the static commands. if command_setting: if c: aList = c.config.getData(command_setting) # It's not an error for the setting to be empty. # Fall back to the commands. return aList or commands else: g.es_print('@data command_setting requires valid c arg') return [] return commands
#@+node:ekr.20050503112513.7: *3* g.executeFile
[docs]def executeFile(filename, options=''): if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK): return fdir, fname = g.os_path_split(filename) # New in Leo 4.10: alway use subprocess. def subprocess_wrapper(cmdlst): p = subprocess.Popen(cmdlst, cwd=fdir, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdo, stde = p.communicate() return p.wait(), stdo, stde rc, so, se = subprocess_wrapper('%s %s %s' % (sys.executable, fname, options)) if rc:'return code', rc), se)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3138: *3* g.executeScript
[docs]def executeScript(name): """Execute a script whose short python file name is given. This is called only from the scripts_menu plugin.""" mod_name, ext = g.os_path_splitext(name) theFile = None try: # This code is in effect an import or a reload. # This allows the user to modify scripts without leaving Leo. theFile, filename, description = imp.find_module(mod_name) imp.load_module(mod_name, theFile, filename, description) except Exception: g.error("exception executing", name) g.es_exception() if theFile: theFile.close()
#@+node:ekr.20040321065415: *3* g.findNode... &,findTopLevelNode
[docs]def findNodeInChildren(c, p, headline, exact=True): """Search for a node in v's tree matching the given headline.""" p1 = p.copy() h = headline.strip() for p in p1.children(): if p.h.strip() == h: return p.copy() if not exact: for p in p1.children(): if p.h.strip().startswith(h): return p.copy() return None
[docs]def findNodeInTree(c, p, headline, exact=True): """Search for a node in v's tree matching the given headline.""" h = headline.strip() p1 = p.copy() for p in p1.subtree(): if p.h.strip() == h: return p.copy() if not exact: for p in p1.subtree(): if p.h.strip().startswith(h): return p.copy() return None
[docs]def findNodeAnywhere(c, headline, exact=True): h = headline.strip() for p in c.all_unique_positions(): if p.h.strip() == h: return p.copy() if not exact: for p in c.all_unique_positions(): if p.h.strip().startswith(h): return p.copy() return None
[docs]def findTopLevelNode(c, headline, exact=True): h = headline.strip() for p in c.rootPosition().self_and_siblings(): if p.h.strip() == h: return p.copy() if not exact: for p in c.rootPosition().self_and_siblings(): if p.h.strip().startswith(h): return p.copy() return None
#@+node:EKR.20040614071102.1: *3* g.getScript & helpers
[docs]def getScript(c, p, useSelectedText=True, forcePythonSentinels=True, useSentinels=True, ): ''' Return the expansion of the selected text of node p. Return the expansion of all of node p's body text if p is not the current node or if there is no text selection. ''' w = c.frame.body.wrapper if not p: p = c.p try: if s = p.b elif w and p == c.p and useSelectedText and w.hasSelection(): s = w.getSelectedText() else: s = p.b # Remove extra leading whitespace so the user may execute indented code. s = g.removeExtraLws(s, c.tab_width) s = g.extractExecutableString(c, p, s) script = g.composeScript(c, p, s, forcePythonSentinels=forcePythonSentinels, useSentinels=useSentinels) except Exception: g.es_print("unexpected exception in g.getScript") g.es_exception() script = '' return script
#@+node:ekr.20170228082641.1: *4* g.composeScript (new in Leo 5.5)
[docs]def composeScript(c, p, s, forcePythonSentinels=True, useSentinels=True): '''Compose a script from p.b.''' # This causes too many special cases. # if not g.unitTesting and forceEncoding: # aList = g.get_directives_dict_list(p) # encoding = scanAtEncodingDirectives(aList) or 'utf-8' # s = g.insertCodingLine(encoding,s) if s.strip(): at = c.atFileCommands["script1"] = s # Important: converts unicode to utf-8 encoded strings. script = at.writeFromString(p.copy(), s, forcePythonSentinels=forcePythonSentinels, useSentinels=useSentinels) script = script.replace("\r\n", "\n") # Use brute force. # Important, the script is an **encoded string**, not a unicode string.["script2"] = script return script else: return ''
#@+node:ekr.20170123074946.1: *4* g.extractExecutableString
[docs]def extractExecutableString(c, p, s, language='python'): ''' Return all lines for the given @language directive. Ignore all lines under control of any other @language directive. ''' if g.unitTesting: return s # Regretable, but necessary. # Assume @language python by default. if not language: language = 'python' pattern = re.compile(r'\s*@language\s+(\w+)') result = [] for line in g.splitLines(s): m = pattern.match(line) if m: # Found an @language directive. language = elif language == 'python': result.append(line) return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20060624085200: *3* g.handleScriptException
[docs]def handleScriptException(c, p, script, script1): g.warning("exception executing script") full = c.config.getBool('show_full_tracebacks_in_scripts') fileName, n = g.es_exception(full=full) # Careful: this test is no longer guaranteed. if p.v.context == c: try: c.goToScriptLineNumber(n, p) #@+<< dump the lines near the error >> #@+node:EKR.20040612215018: *4* << dump the lines near the error >> if g.os_path_exists(fileName): with open(fileName) as f: lines = f.readlines() else: lines = g.splitLines(script) s = '-' * 20 g.es_print('', s) # Print surrounding lines. i = max(0, n - 2) j = min(n + 2, len(lines)) while i < j: ch = '*' if i == n - 1 else ' ' s = "%s line %d: %s" % (ch, i + 1, lines[i])'', s, newline=False) i += 1 #@-<< dump the lines near the error >> except Exception: g.es_print('Unexpected exception in g.handleScriptException') g.es_exception()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2418: *3* g.initScriptFind (no longer used)
[docs]def initScriptFind(c, findHeadline, changeHeadline=None, firstNode=None, script_search=True, script_change=True, ): import leo.core.leoGlobals as g # Find the scripts. p = c.p tm = c.testManager find_p = tm.findNodeInTree(p, findHeadline) if find_p: find_text = find_p.b else: g.error("no Find script node") return if changeHeadline: change_p = tm.findNodeInTree(p, changeHeadline) else: change_p = None if change_p: change_text = change_p.b else: change_text = "" #,change_p) # Initialize the find panel. c.script_search_flag = script_search c.script_change_flag = script_change and change_text if script_search: c.find_text = find_text.strip() + "\n" else: c.find_text = find_text if script_change: c.change_text = change_text.strip() + "\n" else: c.change_text = change_text c.frame.findPanel.init(c) c.showFindPanel()
#@+node:ekr.20140209065845.16767: *3* g.insertCodingLine
[docs]def insertCodingLine(encoding, script): ''' Insert a coding line at the start of script s if no such line exists. The coding line must start with @first because it will be passed to at.writeFromString. ''' if script: tag = '@first # -*- coding:' lines = g.splitLines(script) for s in lines: if s.startswith(tag): break else: lines.insert(0, '%s %s -*-\n' % (tag, encoding)) script = ''.join(lines) return script
#@+node:ekr.20070524083513: ** g.Unit Tests #@+node:ekr.20100812172650.5909: *3* g.findTestScript
[docs]def findTestScript(c, h, where=None, warn=True): if where: p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c, where) if p: p = g.findNodeInTree(c, p, h) else: p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c, h) if p: return g.getScript(c, p) else: if warn: g.trace('Not found', h) return None
#@+node:ekr.20070619173330: *3* g.getTestVars
[docs]def getTestVars(): d = c = d.get('c') p = d.get('p') # Indicate that getTestVars has run. # This is an indirect test that some unit test has run. d['getTestVars'] = True return c, p and p.copy()
#@+node:ekr.20080919065433.2: *3* g.toEncodedStringWithErrorCode (for unit testing)
[docs]def toEncodedStringWithErrorCode(s, encoding, reportErrors=False): '''For unit testing: convert s to an encoded string and return (s,ok).''' ok = True if g.isUnicode(s): try: s = s.encode(encoding, "strict") except UnicodeError: s = s.encode(encoding, "replace") if reportErrors: g.error("Error converting %s from unicode to %s encoding" % (s, encoding)) ok = False return s, ok
#@+node:ekr.20080919065433.1: *3* g.toUnicodeWithErrorCode (for unit testing)
[docs]def toUnicodeWithErrorCode(s, encoding, reportErrors=False): '''For unit testing: convert s to unicode and return (s,ok).''' ok = True # pylint: disable=undefined-variable, no-member # unicode does not exist in Python 3. # f = str if g.isPython3 else unicode f = builtins.str if g.isPython3 else builtins.unicode # Suppress pyflakes complaint. if s is None: s = g.u('') if not g.isUnicode(s): try: s = f(s, encoding, 'strict') except UnicodeError: s = f(s, encoding, 'replace') if reportErrors: g.error("Error converting %s from %s encoding to unicode" % (s, encoding)) ok = False return s, ok
#@+node:ekr.20120311151914.9916: ** g.Urls unl_regex = re.compile(r'\bunl:.*$') kinds = '(file|ftp|gopher|http|https|mailto|news|nntp|prospero|telnet|wais)' url_regex = re.compile(r"""%s://[^\s'"]+[\w=/]""" % (kinds)) #@+node:ekr.20170226093349.1: *3* g.unquoteUrl
[docs]def unquoteUrl(url): ''' Replace special characters (especially %20, by their equivalent). This function handles 2/3 issues and suppresses pylint complaints. ''' # pylint: disable=no-member unquote = urllib.parse.unquote if isPython3 else urllib.unquote return unquote(url)
#@+node:ekr.20120320053907.9776: *3* g.computeFileUrl
[docs]def computeFileUrl(fn, c=None, p=None): ''' Compute finalized url for filename fn. This involves adding url escapes and evaluating Leo expressions. ''' if 1: # pylint: disable=no-member unquote = urllib.parse.unquote if isPython3 else urllib.unquote # First, replace special characters (especially %20, by their equivalent). url = unquote(fn) # Finalize the path *before* parsing the url. i = url.find('~') if i > -1: # Expand '~' and handle Leo expressions. path = url[i:] path = g.os_path_expanduser(path) path = g.os_path_expandExpression(path, c=c) path = g.os_path_finalize(path) url = url[: i] + path else: # Handle Leo expressions. tag = 'file://' tag2 = 'file:///' if sys.platform.startswith('win') and url.startswith(tag2): path = url[len(tag2):].lstrip() elif url.startswith(tag): path = url[len(tag):].lstrip() else: path = url path = g.os_path_expandExpression(path, c=c) # Handle ancestor @path directives. if c and c.openDirectory: base = c.getNodePath(p) path = g.os_path_finalize_join(c.openDirectory, base, path) else: path = g.os_path_finalize(path) url = '%s%s' % (tag, path) return url
#@+node:ekr.20120311151914.9917: *3* g.getUrlFromNode
[docs]def getUrlFromNode(p): ''' Get an url from node p: 1. Use the headline if it contains a valid url. 2. Otherwise, look *only* at the first line of the body. ''' if not p: return None c = p.v.context assert c table = [p.h, g.splitLines(p.b)[0] if p.b else ''] table = [s[4:] if g.match_word(s, 0, '@url') else s for s in table] table = [s.strip() for s in table if s.strip()] # First, check for url's with an explicit scheme. for s in table: if g.isValidUrl(s): return s # Next check for existing file and add a file:// scheme. for s in table: tag = 'file://' url = computeFileUrl(s, c=c, p=p) if url.startswith(tag): fn = url[len(tag):].lstrip() fn = fn.split('#', 1)[0] if g.os_path_isfile(fn): # Return the *original* url, with a file:// scheme. # g.handleUrl will call computeFileUrl again. return 'file://' + s # Finally, check for local url's. for s in table: if s.startswith("#"): return s return None
#@+node:tbrown.20090219095555.63: *3* g.handleUrl & helpers
[docs]def handleUrl(url, c=None, p=None): '''Open a url or a unl.''' if c and not p: p = c.p urll = url.lower() if urll.startswith('@url'): url = url[4:].lstrip() if ( urll.startswith('unl:' + '//') or urll.startswith('file://') and url.find('-->') > -1 or urll.startswith('#') ): return g.handleUnl(url, c) else: try: return g.handleUrlHelper(url, c, p) except Exception: g.es_print("exception opening", repr(url)) g.es_exception() return None
#@+node:ekr.20170226054459.1: *4* g.handleUrlHelper
[docs]def handleUrlHelper(url, c, p): '''Open a url. Most browsers should handle: http://localhost/MySiteUnderDevelopment/index.html file:///home/me/todolist.html ''' tag = 'file://' original_url = url if url.startswith(tag) and not url.startswith(tag + '#'): # Finalize the path *before* parsing the url. url = g.computeFileUrl(url, c=c, p=p) parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) if parsed.netloc: leo_path = os.path.join(parsed.netloc, parsed.path) # "readme.txt" gets parsed into .netloc... else: leo_path = parsed.path if leo_path.endswith('\\'): leo_path = leo_path[: -1] if leo_path.endswith('/'): leo_path = leo_path[: -1] if parsed.scheme == 'file' and leo_path.endswith('.leo'): g.handleUnl(original_url, c) elif parsed.scheme in ('', 'file'): unquote_path = g.unquoteUrl(leo_path) if g.unitTesting:['os_startfile'] = unquote_path elif g.os_path_exists(leo_path): g.os_startfile(unquote_path) else:"File '%s' does not exist" % leo_path) else: import webbrowser if g.unitTesting:['browser'] = url else: # Mozilla throws a weird exception, then opens the file! try: except Exception: pass
#@+node:ekr.20170226060816.1: *4* g.traceUrl
[docs]def traceUrl(c, path, parsed, url): print() g.trace('url ', url) g.trace('c.frame.title', c.frame.title) g.trace('path ', path) g.trace('parsed.fragment', parsed.fragment) g.trace('parsed.netloc', parsed.netloc) g.trace('parsed.path ', parsed.path) g.trace('parsed.scheme', repr(parsed.scheme))
#@+node:ekr.20170221063527.1: *3* g.handleUnl
[docs]def handleUnl(unl, c): '''Handle a Leo UNL. This must *never* open a browser.''' if not unl: return unll = unl.lower() if unll.startswith('unl:' + '//'): unl = unl[6:] elif unll.startswith('file://'): unl = unl[7:] unl = unl.strip() if not unl: return unl = g.unquoteUrl(unl) # Compute path and unl. if unl.find('#') == -1 and unl.find('-->') == -1: # The path is the entire unl. path, unl = unl, None elif unl.find('#') == -1: # The path is empty. # Move to the unl in *this* commander. g.recursiveUNLSearch(unl.split("-->"), c, soft_idx=True) return c else: path, unl = unl.split('#', 1) if not path: # Move to the unl in *this* commander. g.recursiveUNLSearch(unl.split("-->"), c, soft_idx=True) return c if c: base = g.os_path_dirname(c.fileName()) c_path = g.os_path_finalize_join(base, path) else: c_path = None # Look for the file in various places. table = ( c_path, g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', path), g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', '..', path), g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', 'core', path), g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', 'config', path), g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', 'dist', path), g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', 'doc', path), g.os_path_finalize_join(, '..', 'test', path),,, ) for path2 in table: if path2 and path2.lower().endswith('.leo') and os.path.exists(path2): path = path2 break else: g.es_print('path not found', repr(path)) return # End editing in *this* outline, so typing in the new outline works. c.endEditing() c.redraw() if g.unitTesting:['g.recursiveUNLSearch'] = path else: c2 = g.openWithFileName(path, old_c=c) if unl: g.recursiveUNLSearch(unl.split("-->"), c2 or c, soft_idx=True) if c2: c2.bringToFront() return c2
#@+node:ekr.20120311151914.9918: *3* g.isValidUrl
[docs]def isValidUrl(url): '''Return true if url *looks* like a valid url.''' table = ( 'file', 'ftp', 'gopher', 'hdl', 'http', 'https', 'imap', 'mailto', 'mms', 'news', 'nntp', 'prospero', 'rsync', 'rtsp', 'rtspu', 'sftp', 'shttp', 'sip', 'sips', 'snews', 'svn', 'svn+ssh', 'telnet', 'wais', ) if url.lower().startswith('unl:' + '//') or url.startswith('#'): # All Leo UNL's. return True elif url.startswith('@'): return False else: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) # E1103: Instance of 'ParseResult' has no 'scheme' member. scheme = parsed.scheme # py-lint: disable=E1103 for s in table: if scheme.startswith(s): return True return False
#@+node:ekr.20120315062642.9744: *3* g.openUrl
[docs]def openUrl(p): ''' Open the url of node p. Use the headline if it contains a valid url. Otherwise, look *only* at the first line of the body. ''' if p: url = g.getUrlFromNode(p) if url: c = p.v.context if not g.doHook("@url1", c=c, p=p, url=url): g.handleUrl(url, c=c, p=p) g.doHook("@url2", c=c, p=p, url=url)
#@+node:ekr.20110605121601.18135: *3* g.openUrlOnClick (open-url-under-cursor)
[docs]def openUrlOnClick(event, url=None): '''Open the URL under the cursor. Return it for unit testing.''' # This can be called outside Leo's command logic, so catch all exceptions. try: return openUrlHelper(event, url) except Exception: g.es_exception() return None
#@+node:ekr.20170216091704.1: *4* g.openUrlHelper
[docs]def openUrlHelper(event, url=None): '''Open the UNL or URL under the cursor. Return it for unit testing.''' c = getattr(event, 'c', None) if not c: return None w = getattr(event, 'w', c.frame.body.wrapper) if not g.internalError('must be a text wrapper', w) return None setattr(event, 'widget', w) # Part 1: get the url. if url is None: s = w.getAllText() ins = w.getInsertPoint() i, j = w.getSelectionRange() if i != j: return None # So find doesn't open the url. row, col = g.convertPythonIndexToRowCol(s, ins) i, j = g.getLine(s, ins) line = s[i: j] # Find the url on the line. for match in g.url_regex.finditer(line): # Don't open if we click after the url. if match.start() <= col < match.end(): url = if g.isValidUrl(url): break else: # Look for the unl: for match in g.unl_regex.finditer(line): # Don't open if we click after the unl. if match.start() <= col < match.end(): unl = g.handleUnl(unl, c) return elif not g.isString(url): url = url.toString() url = g.toUnicode(url) # Fix #571 if url and g.isValidUrl(url): # Part 2: handle the url p = c.p if not g.doHook("@url1", c=c, p=p, url=url): g.handleUrl(url, c=c, p=p) g.doHook("@url2", c=c, p=p) return url else: # Part 3: call find-def. if not w.hasSelection(): c.editCommands.extendToWord(event, select=True) word = w.getSelectedText().strip() if word: c.findCommands.findDef(event) return None
#@-others # set g when the import is about to complete. g = sys.modules.get('leo.core.leoGlobals') assert g, sorted(sys.modules.keys()) #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 #@-leo