Source code for leo.core.leoNodes

#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3320: * @file
'''Leo's fundamental data classes.'''
use_zodb = False
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20060904165452.1: ** << imports >> (leoNodes)
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.signal_manager as sig
# if and
    # #"enabled psyco classes",__file__)
    # try: from psyco.classes import *
    # except ImportError: pass
import copy
import time
import re
import itertools
if use_zodb:
    # It may be important to import ZODB first.
        import ZODB
        import ZODB.FileStorage
    except ImportError:
        ZODB = None
    ZODB = None
#@-<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1991: ** class NodeIndices
[docs]class NodeIndices(object): '''A class managing global node indices (gnx's).''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1992: *3* ni.__init__ def __init__(self, id_): '''Ctor for NodeIndices class.''' self.defaultId = id_ self.lastIndex = 0 self.stack = [] # A stack of open commanders. self.timeString = '' # Set by setTimeStamp. self.userId = id_ # Assign the initial timestamp. self.setTimeStamp() #@+node:ekr.20150321161305.8: *3* ni.check_gnx
[docs] def check_gnx(self, c, gnx, v): '''Check that no vnode exists with the given gnx in fc.gnxDict.''' fc = c.fileCommands if fc is None: g.internalError('getNewIndex: fc is None! c:' % c) else: v2 = fc.gnxDict.get(gnx) if v2 and v2 != v: g.internalError( 'getNewIndex: gnx clash %s: v: %s v2: %s' % (gnx, v, v2))
#@+node:ekr.20150302061758.14: *3* ni.compute_last_index
[docs] def compute_last_index(self, c): '''Scan the entire leo outline to compute ni.last_index.''' ni = self # Partial, experimental, fix for #658. # Do not change self.lastIndex here! # self.lastIndex = 0 for v in c.all_unique_nodes(): gnx = v.fileIndex if gnx: id_, t, n = self.scanGnx(gnx) if t == ni.timeString and n is not None: try: n = int(n) self.lastIndex = max(self.lastIndex, n) except Exception: g.es_exception() self.lastIndex += 1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1994: *3* ni.get/setDefaultId # These are used by the FileCommands read/write code.
[docs] def getDefaultId(self): """Return the id to be used by default in all gnx's""" return self.defaultId
[docs] def setDefaultId(self, theId): """Set the id to be used by default in all gnx's""" self.defaultId = theId
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1995: *3* ni.getNewIndex
[docs] def getNewIndex(self, v, cached=False): ''' Create a new gnx for v or an empty string if the hold flag is set. **Important**: the method must allocate a new gnx even if v.fileIndex exists. ''' if v is None: g.internalError('getNewIndex: v is None') return '' c = v.context fc = c.fileCommands t_s = self.update() # Updates self.lastTime and self.lastIndex. gnx = g.toUnicode("%s.%s.%d" % (self.userId, t_s, self.lastIndex)) v.fileIndex = gnx self.check_gnx(c, gnx, v) fc.gnxDict[gnx] = v return gnx
#@+node:ekr.20150322134954.1: *3* ni.new_vnode_helper
[docs] def new_vnode_helper(self, c, gnx, v): '''Handle all gnx-related tasks for VNode.__init__.''' ni = self if gnx: v.fileIndex = gnx ni.check_gnx(c, gnx, v) c.fileCommands.gnxDict[gnx] = v else: v.fileIndex = ni.getNewIndex(v)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1997: *3* ni.scanGnx
[docs] def scanGnx(self, s, i=0): """Create a gnx from its string representation.""" if not g.isString(s): g.error("scanGnx: unexpected index type:", type(s), '', s) return None, None, None s = s.strip() theId, t, n = None, None, None i, theId = g.skip_to_char(s, i, '.') if g.match(s, i, '.'): i, t = g.skip_to_char(s, i + 1, '.') if g.match(s, i, '.'): i, n = g.skip_to_char(s, i + 1, '.') # Use self.defaultId for missing id entries. if not theId: theId = self.defaultId return theId, t, n
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1998: *3* ni.setTimeStamp
[docs] def setTimestamp(self): """Set the timestamp string to be used by getNewIndex until further notice""" self.timeString = time.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", # Help comparisons; avoid y2k problems. time.localtime())
setTimeStamp = setTimestamp #@+node:ekr.20141015035853.18304: *3* ni.tupleToString
[docs] def tupleToString(self, aTuple): ''' Convert a gnx tuple returned by scanGnx to its string representation. ''' theId, t, n = aTuple # This logic must match the existing logic so that # previously written gnx's can be found. if n in (None, 0, '',): s = "%s.%s" % (theId, t) else: s = "%s.%s.%s" % (theId, t, n) return g.toUnicode(s)
#@+node:ekr.20150321161305.13: *3* ni.update
[docs] def update(self): '''Update self.timeString and self.lastIndex''' t_s = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) if self.timeString == t_s: self.lastIndex += 1 else: self.lastIndex = 1 self.timeString = t_s return t_s
#@+node:ekr.20141023110422.4: *3* ni.updateLastIndex
[docs] def updateLastIndex(self, gnx): '''Update ni.lastIndex if the gnx affects it.''' id_, t, n = self.scanGnx(gnx) if not id_ or (n is not 0 and not n): return # the gnx is not well formed or n in ('',None) if id_ == self.userId and t == self.timeString: try: n = int(n) if n > self.lastIndex: self.lastIndex = n g.trace(gnx, '-->', n) except Exception: g.trace('can not happen', repr(n))
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.889: ** class Position #@+<< about the position class >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.890: *3* << about the position class >> #@@killcolor #@+at # # A position marks the spot in a tree traversal. A position p consists of a VNode # p.v, a child index p._childIndex, and a stack of tuples (v,childIndex), one for # each ancestor **at the spot in tree traversal. Positions p has a unique set of # parents. # # The p.moveToX methods may return a null (invalid) position p with p.v = None. # # The tests "if p" or "if not p" are the _only_ correct way to test whether a # position p is valid. In particular, tests like "if p is None" or "if p is not # None" will not work properly. #@-<< about the position class >> # Positions should *never* be saved by the ZOBD.
[docs]class Position(object): #@+others #@+node:ekr.20040228094013: *3* p.ctor & other special methods... #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.190: *4* p.__init__ def __init__(self, v, childIndex=0, stack=None): '''Create a new position with the given childIndex and parent stack.''' # To support ZODB the code must set v._p_changed = 1 # whenever any mutable VNode object changes. self._childIndex = childIndex self.v = v # New in Leo 4.5: stack entries are tuples (v,childIndex). if stack: self.stack = stack[:] # Creating a copy here is safest and best. else: self.stack = [] += 1 # self.txtOffset = None # see self.textOffset() #@+node:ekr.20080920052058.3: *4* p.__eq__ & __ne__ def __eq__(self, p2): """Return True if two positions are equivalent.""" p1 = self # Don't use g.trace: it might call p.__eq__ or p.__ne__. if not isinstance(p2, Position): return False if p2 is None or p2.v is None: return p1.v is None elif isinstance(p2, self.__class__): return (p1.v == p2.v and p1._childIndex == p2._childIndex and p1.stack == p2.stack) else: # Do this only after testing for None. return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, p2): """Return True if two postions are not equivalent.""" return not self.__eq__(p2) # For possible use in Python 2.x. #@+node:ekr.20091210082012.6230: *4* p.__ge__ & __le__& __lt__ def __ge__(self, other): return self.__eq__(other) or self.__gt__(other) def __le__(self, other): return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other) def __lt__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) and not self.__gt__(other) #@+node:ekr.20091210082012.6233: *4* p.__gt__ def __gt__(self, other): '''Return True if self appears after other in outline order.''' stack1, stack2 = self.stack, other.stack n1, n2 = len(stack1), len(stack2); n = min(n1, n2) # Compare the common part of the stacks. for item1, item2 in zip(stack1, stack2): v1, x1 = item1; v2, x2 = item2 if x1 > x2: return True elif x1 < x2: return False # Finish the comparison. if n1 == n2: x1, x2 = self._childIndex, other._childIndex return x1 > x2 elif n1 < n2: x1 = self._childIndex; v2, x2 = other.stack[n] return x1 > x2 else: # n1 > n2 # 2011/07/28: Bug fix suggested by SegundoBob. x1 = other._childIndex; v2, x2 = self.stack[n] return x2 >= x1 #@+node:ekr.20040117170612: *4* p.__getattr__ (no longer used) # No longer used. All code must now be aware of the one-node world. # def __getattr__ (self,attr): # """Convert references to p.t into references to p.v.""" # if attr=="t": # return self.v # else: # # New in 4.3: _silently_ raise the attribute error. # # This allows plugin code to use hasattr(p,attr) ! # if 0: # print("unknown position attribute: %s" % attr) # import traceback ; traceback.print_stack() # raise AttributeError(attr) #@+node:ekr.20040117173448: *4* p.__nonzero__ & __bool__ #@+at # Tests such as 'if p' or 'if not p' are the _only_ correct ways to test # whether a position p is valid. In particular, tests like 'if p is # None' or 'if p is not None' will not work properly. #@@c if g.isPython3: def __bool__(self): """Return True if a position is valid.""" # Tracing this appears to cause unbounded prints. # print("__bool__",self.v and self.v.cleanHeadString()) return self.v is not None else: def __nonzero__(self): """Return True if a position is valid.""" return self.v is not None #@+node:ekr.20040301205720: *4* p.__str__ and p.__repr__ def __str__(self): p = self if p.v: # return "<pos %d childIndex: %d lvl: %d [%d] %s>" % ( # id(p),p._childIndex,p.level(),len(p.stack),p.cleanHeadString()) return "<pos %d childIndex: %d lvl: %d key: %s %s>" % ( id(p), p._childIndex, p.level(), p.key(), p.cleanHeadString()) else: return "<pos %d [%d] None>" % (id(p), len(p.stack)) __repr__ = __str__ #@+node:ekr.20061006092649: *4* p.archivedPosition
[docs] def archivedPosition(self, root_p=None): '''Return a representation of a position suitable for use in .leo files.''' p = self if root_p is None: aList = [z._childIndex for z in p.self_and_parents()] else: aList = [] for z in p.self_and_parents(): if z == root_p: aList.append(0) break else: aList.append(z._childIndex) aList.reverse() return aList
#@+node:ekr.20040310153624: *4* p.dump
[docs] def dump(self, label=""): p = self if p.v: p.v.dump() # Don't print a label
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.191: *4* p.key & p.sort_key & __hash__
[docs] def key(self): p = self # For unified nodes we must include a complete key, # so we can distinguish between clones. result = [] for z in p.stack: v, childIndex = z result.append('%s:%s' % (id(v), childIndex)) result.append('%s:%s' % (id(p.v), p._childIndex)) return '.'.join(result)
[docs] def sort_key(self, p): return [int(s.split(':')[1]) for s in p.key().split('.')]
# This has makes positions hashable, at long long last. #def __hash__(self): # return sum([z[1] for z in self.stack]) __hash__ = None #@+node:ekr.20040315023430: *3* p.File Conversion #@+at # - convertTreeToString and moreHead can't be VNode methods because they uses level(). # - moreBody could be anywhere: it may as well be a postion method. #@+node:ekr.20040315023430.1: *4* p.convertTreeToString
[docs] def convertTreeToString(self): """Convert a positions suboutline to a string in MORE format.""" p = self; level1 = p.level() array = [] for p in p.self_and_subtree(): array.append(p.moreHead(level1) + '\n') body = p.moreBody() if body: array.append(body + '\n') return ''.join(array)
#@+node:ekr.20040315023430.2: *4* p.moreHead
[docs] def moreHead(self, firstLevel, useVerticalBar=False): """Return the headline string in MORE format.""" # useVerticalBar is unused, but it would be useful in over-ridden methods. p = self level = self.level() - firstLevel plusMinus = "+" if p.hasChildren() else "-" return "%s%s %s" % ('\t' * level, plusMinus, p.h)
#@+node:ekr.20040315023430.3: *4* p.moreBody #@+at # + test line # - test line # \ test line # test line + # test line - # test line \ # More lines... #@@c
[docs] def moreBody(self): """Returns the body string in MORE format. Inserts a backslash before any leading plus, minus or backslash.""" p = self; array = [] lines = p.b.split('\n') for s in lines: i = g.skip_ws(s, 0) if i < len(s) and s[i] in ('+', '-', '\\'): s = s[: i] + '\\' + s[i:] array.append(s) return '\n'.join(array)
#@+node:ekr.20091001141621.6060: *3* p.generators #@+node:ekr.20091001141621.6055: *4* p.children
[docs] def children(self): '''Yield all child positions of p.''' p = self p = p.firstChild() while p: yield p.copy() p.moveToNext()
# Compatibility with old code... children_iter = children #@+node:ekr.20091002083910.6102: *4* p.following_siblings
[docs] def following_siblings(self): '''Yield all siblings positions that follow p, not including p.''' p = self p = while p: yield p.copy() p.moveToNext()
# Compatibility with old code... following_siblings_iter = following_siblings #@+node:ekr.20161120105707.1: *4* p.nearest_roots
[docs] def nearest_roots(self, predicate=None): ''' A generator yielding all the root positions "near" p1 = self that satisfy the given predicate. p.isAnyAtFileNode is the default predicate. The search first proceeds up the p's tree. If a root is found, this generator yields just that root. Otherwise, the generator yields all nodes in p.subtree() that satisfy the predicate. Once a root is found, the generator skips its subtree. ''' if predicate is None: # pylint: disable=function-redefined def predicate(p): return p.isAnyAtFileNode() # First, look up the tree. p1 = self for p in p1.self_and_parents(): if predicate(p): yield p.copy() # 2017/02/19 return # Next, look for all .md files in the tree. after = p1.nodeAfterTree() p = p1 while p and p != after: if predicate(p): yield p.copy() # 2017/02/19 p.moveToNodeAfterTree() else: p.moveToThreadNext()
#@+node:ekr.20161120163203.1: *4* p.nearest_unique_roots (aka p.nearest)
[docs] def nearest_unique_roots(self, predicate=None): ''' A generator yielding all unique root positions "near" p1 = self that satisfy the given predicate. p.isAnyAtFileNode is the default predicate. The search first proceeds up the p's tree. If a root is found, this generator yields just that root. Otherwise, the generator yields all unique nodes in p.subtree() that satisfy the predicate. Once a root is found, the generator skips its subtree. ''' if predicate is None: # pylint: disable=function-redefined def predicate(p): return p.isAnyAtFileNode() # First, look up the tree. p1 = self for p in p1.self_and_parents(): if predicate(p): yield p.copy() # 2017/02/19 return # Next, look for all unique .md files in the tree. seen = set() after = p1.nodeAfterTree() p = p1 while p and p != after: if predicate(p): if p.v not in seen: seen.add(p.v) yield p.copy() # 2017/02/19 p.moveToNodeAfterTree() else: p.moveToThreadNext()
nearest = nearest_unique_roots #@+node:ekr.20091002083910.6104: *4* p.nodes
[docs] def nodes(self): '''Yield p.v and all vnodes in p's subtree.''' p = self p = p.copy() after = p.nodeAfterTree() while p and p != after: # bug fix: 2013/10/12 yield p.v p.moveToThreadNext()
# Compatibility with old code. tnodes_iter = nodes vnodes_iter = nodes #@+node:ekr.20091001141621.6058: *4* p.parents
[docs] def parents(self): '''Yield all parent positions of p.''' p = self p = p.parent() while p: yield p.copy() p.moveToParent()
# Compatibility with old code... parents_iter = parents #@+node:ekr.20091002083910.6099: *4* p.self_and_parents
[docs] def self_and_parents(self): '''Yield p and all parent positions of p.''' p = self p = p.copy() while p: yield p.copy() p.moveToParent()
# Compatibility with old code... self_and_parents_iter = self_and_parents #@+node:ekr.20091001141621.6057: *4* p.self_and_siblings
[docs] def self_and_siblings(self): '''Yield all sibling positions of p including p.''' p = self p = p.copy() while p.hasBack(): p.moveToBack() while p: yield p.copy() p.moveToNext()
# Compatibility with old code... self_and_siblings_iter = self_and_siblings #@+node:ekr.20091001141621.6066: *4* p.self_and_subtree
[docs] def self_and_subtree(self): '''Yield p and all positions in p's subtree.''' p = self p = p.copy() after = p.nodeAfterTree() while p and p != after: yield p.copy() p.moveToThreadNext()
# Compatibility with old code... self_and_subtree_iter = self_and_subtree #@+node:ekr.20091001141621.6056: *4* p.subtree
[docs] def subtree(self): '''Yield all positions in p's subtree, but not p.''' p = self p = p.copy() after = p.nodeAfterTree() p.moveToThreadNext() while p and p != after: yield p.copy() p.moveToThreadNext()
# Compatibility with old code... subtree_iter = subtree #@+node:ekr.20091002083910.6105: *4* p.unique_nodes
[docs] def unique_nodes(self): '''Yield p.v and all unique vnodes in p's subtree.''' p = self seen = set() for p in p.self_and_subtree(): if p.v not in seen: seen.add(p.v) yield p.v
# Compatibility with old code. unique_tnodes_iter = unique_nodes unique_vnodes_iter = unique_nodes #@+node:ekr.20091002083910.6103: *4* p.unique_subtree
[docs] def unique_subtree(self): '''Yield p and all other unique positions in p's subtree.''' p = self seen = set() for p in p.subtree(): if p.v not in seen: seen.add(p.v) # Fixed bug 1255208: p.unique_subtree returns vnodes, not positions. yield p.copy()
# Compatibility with old code... subtree_with_unique_tnodes_iter = unique_subtree subtree_with_unique_vnodes_iter = unique_subtree #@+node:ekr.20040306212636: *3* p.Getters #@+node:ekr.20040306210951: *4* p.VNode proxies #@+node:ekr.20040306211032: *5* p.Comparisons
[docs] def anyAtFileNodeName(self): return self.v.anyAtFileNodeName()
[docs] def atAutoNodeName(self): return self.v.atAutoNodeName()
[docs] def atCleanNodeName(self): return self.v.atCleanNodeName()
[docs] def atEditNodeName(self): return self.v.atEditNodeName()
[docs] def atFileNodeName(self): return self.v.atFileNodeName()
[docs] def atNoSentinelsFileNodeName(self): return self.v.atNoSentinelsFileNodeName()
# def atRawFileNodeName (self): return self.v.atRawFileNodeName()
[docs] def atShadowFileNodeName(self): return self.v.atShadowFileNodeName()
[docs] def atSilentFileNodeName(self): return self.v.atSilentFileNodeName()
[docs] def atThinFileNodeName(self): return self.v.atThinFileNodeName()
# New names, less confusing atNoSentFileNodeName = atNoSentinelsFileNodeName atAsisFileNodeName = atSilentFileNodeName
[docs] def isAnyAtFileNode(self): return self.v.isAnyAtFileNode()
[docs] def isAtAllNode(self): return self.v.isAtAllNode()
[docs] def isAtAutoNode(self): return self.v.isAtAutoNode()
[docs] def isAtAutoRstNode(self): return self.v.isAtAutoRstNode()
[docs] def isAtCleanNode(self): return self.v.isAtCleanNode()
[docs] def isAtEditNode(self): return self.v.isAtEditNode()
[docs] def isAtFileNode(self): return self.v.isAtFileNode()
[docs] def isAtIgnoreNode(self): return self.v.isAtIgnoreNode()
[docs] def isAtNoSentinelsFileNode(self): return self.v.isAtNoSentinelsFileNode()
[docs] def isAtOthersNode(self): return self.v.isAtOthersNode()
[docs] def isAtRstFileNode(self): return self.v.isAtRstFileNode()
[docs] def isAtSilentFileNode(self): return self.v.isAtSilentFileNode()
[docs] def isAtShadowFileNode(self): return self.v.isAtShadowFileNode()
[docs] def isAtThinFileNode(self): return self.v.isAtThinFileNode()
# New names, less confusing: isAtNoSentFileNode = isAtNoSentinelsFileNode isAtAsisFileNode = isAtSilentFileNode # Utilities.
[docs] def matchHeadline(self, pattern): return self.v.matchHeadline(pattern)
#@+node:ekr.20040306220230: *5* p.Headline & body strings
[docs] def bodyString(self): return self.v.bodyString()
[docs] def headString(self): return self.v.headString()
[docs] def cleanHeadString(self): return self.v.cleanHeadString()
#@+node:ekr.20040306214401: *5* p.Status bits
[docs] def isDirty(self): return self.v.isDirty()
[docs] def isMarked(self): return self.v.isMarked()
[docs] def isOrphan(self): return self.v.isOrphan()
[docs] def isSelected(self): return self.v.isSelected()
[docs] def isTopBitSet(self): return self.v.isTopBitSet()
[docs] def isVisited(self): return self.v.isVisited()
[docs] def status(self): return self.v.status()
#@+node:ekr.20040306214240.2: *4* p.children & parents #@+node:ekr.20040326064330: *5* p.childIndex # This used to be time-critical code.
[docs] def childIndex(self): p = self return p._childIndex
#@+node:ekr.20040323160302: *5* p.directParents
[docs] def directParents(self): return self.v.directParents()
#@+node:ekr.20040306214240.3: *5* p.hasChildren & p.numberOfChildren
[docs] def hasChildren(self): p = self return len(p.v.children) > 0
hasFirstChild = hasChildren
[docs] def numberOfChildren(self): p = self return len(p.v.children)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.915: *4* p.getX & VNode compatibility traversal routines # These methods are useful abbreviations. # Warning: they make copies of positions, so they should be used _sparingly_
[docs] def getBack(self): return self.copy().moveToBack()
[docs] def getFirstChild(self): return self.copy().moveToFirstChild()
[docs] def getLastChild(self): return self.copy().moveToLastChild()
[docs] def getLastNode(self): return self.copy().moveToLastNode()
# def getLastVisible (self): return self.copy().moveToLastVisible()
[docs] def getNext(self): return self.copy().moveToNext()
[docs] def getNodeAfterTree(self): return self.copy().moveToNodeAfterTree()
[docs] def getNthChild(self, n): return self.copy().moveToNthChild(n)
[docs] def getParent(self): return self.copy().moveToParent()
[docs] def getThreadBack(self): return self.copy().moveToThreadBack()
[docs] def getThreadNext(self): return self.copy().moveToThreadNext()
# New in Leo 4.4.3 b2: add c args.
[docs] def getVisBack(self, c): return self.copy().moveToVisBack(c)
[docs] def getVisNext(self, c): return self.copy().moveToVisNext(c)
# These are efficient enough now that iterators are the normal way to traverse the tree! back = getBack firstChild = getFirstChild lastChild = getLastChild lastNode = getLastNode # lastVisible = getLastVisible # New in 4.2 (was in tk tree code). next = getNext nodeAfterTree = getNodeAfterTree nthChild = getNthChild parent = getParent threadBack = getThreadBack threadNext = getThreadNext visBack = getVisBack visNext = getVisNext # New in Leo 4.4.3: hasVisBack = visBack hasVisNext = visNext #@+node:tbrown.20111010104549.26758: *4* p.get_UNL
[docs] def get_UNL(self, with_file=True, with_proto=False, with_index=True, with_count=False): """ with_file=True - include path to Leo file with_proto=False - include 'file://' with_index - include ',x' at end where x is child index in parent with_count - include ',x,y' at end where y zero based count of same headlines """ aList = [] for i in self.self_and_parents(): if with_index or with_count: i = i.copy() count = 0 ind = 0 p = i.copy() while p.hasBack(): ind = ind + 1 p = p.back().copy() if i.h == p.h: count = count + 1 aList.append(i.h.replace('-->', '--%3E') + ":" + str(ind)) # g.recursiveUNLFind and sf.copy_to_my_settings undo this replacement. if count or with_count: aList[-1] = aList[-1] + "," + str(count) else: aList.append(i.h.replace('-->', '--%3E')) # g.recursiveUNLFind and sf.copy_to_my_settings undo this replacement. UNL = '-->'.join(reversed(aList)) if with_proto: # return ("file://%s#%s" % (self.v.context.fileName(), UNL)).replace(' ', '%20') s = "unl:" + "//%s#%s" % (self.v.context.fileName(), UNL) return s.replace(' ', '%20') elif with_file: return ("%s#%s" % (self.v.context.fileName(), UNL)) else: return UNL
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.192: *4* p.hasBack/Next/Parent/ThreadBack
[docs] def hasBack(self): p = self return p.v and p._childIndex > 0
[docs] def hasNext(self): p = self try: parent_v = p._parentVnode() # Returns None if p.v is None. return p.v and parent_v and p._childIndex + 1 < len(parent_v.children) except Exception: g.trace('*** Unexpected exception') g.es_exception() return None
[docs] def hasParent(self): p = self return p.v and p.stack
[docs] def hasThreadBack(self): p = self return p.hasParent() or p.hasBack()
# Much cheaper than computing the actual value. #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.193: *5* hasThreadNext (the only complex hasX method)
[docs] def hasThreadNext(self): p = self if not p.v: return False if p.hasChildren() or p.hasNext(): return True n = len(p.stack) - 1 while n >= 0: v, childIndex = p.stack[n] # See how many children v's parent has. if n == 0: parent_v = v.context.hiddenRootNode else: parent_v, junk = p.stack[n - 1] if len(parent_v.children) > childIndex + 1: # v has a next sibling. return True n -= 1 return False
#@+node:ekr.20060920203352: *4* p.findRootPosition
[docs] def findRootPosition(self): # 2011/02/25: always use c.rootPosition p = self c = p.v.context return c.rootPosition()
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.194: *4* p.isAncestorOf
[docs] def isAncestorOf(self, p2): '''Return True if p is one of the direct ancestors of p2.''' p = self c = p.v.context if not c.positionExists(p2): return False for z in p2.stack: # 2013/12/25: bug fix: test childIndices. # This is required for the new per-position expansion scheme. parent_v, parent_childIndex = z if parent_v == p.v and parent_childIndex == p._childIndex: return True return False
#@+node:ekr.20040306215056: *4* p.isCloned
[docs] def isCloned(self): p = self return p.v.isCloned()
#@+node:ekr.20040307104131.2: *4* p.isRoot
[docs] def isRoot(self): p = self return not p.hasParent() and not p.hasBack()
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.196: *4* p.isVisible (slow)
[docs] def isVisible(self, c): '''Return True if p is visible in c's outline.''' p = self def visible(p, root=None): for parent in p.parents(): if parent and parent == root: # Fix bug: return True if not c.shouldBeExpanded(parent): return False return True if c.hoistStack: root = c.hoistStack[-1].p if p == root: # Fix bug: return True else: return root.isAncestorOf(p) and visible(p, root=root) else: for root in c.rootPosition().self_and_siblings(): if root == p or root.isAncestorOf(p): return visible(p) return False
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.197: *4* p.level & simpleLevel
[docs] def level(self): '''Return the number of p's parents.''' p = self return len(p.stack) if p.v else 0
simpleLevel = level #@+node:ekr.20111005152227.15566: *4* p.positionAfterDeletedTree
[docs] def positionAfterDeletedTree(self): '''Return the position corresponding to p.nodeAfterTree() after this node is deleted. This will be p.nodeAfterTree() unless exists. This method allows scripts to traverse an outline, deleting nodes during the traversal. The pattern is:: p = c.rootPosition() while p: if <delete p?>: next = p.positionAfterDeletedTree() p.doDelete() p = next else: p.moveToThreadNext() This method also allows scripts to *move* nodes during a traversal, **provided** that nodes are moved to a "safe" spot so that moving a node does not change the position of any other nodes. For example, the move-marked-nodes command first creates a **move node**, called 'Clones of marked nodes'. All moved nodes become children of this move node. **Inserting** these nodes as children of the "move node" does not change the positions of other nodes. **Deleting** these nodes *may* change the position of nodes, but the pattern above handles this complication cleanly. ''' p = self next = if next: # The new position will be the same as p, except for p.v. p = p.copy() p.v = next.v return p else: return p.nodeAfterTree()
#@+node:shadow.20080825171547.2: *4* p.textOffset
[docs] def textOffset(self): ''' Return the fcol offset of self. Return None if p is has no ancestor @<file> node. ''' p = self found, offset = False, 0 for p in p.self_and_parents(): if p.isAnyAtFileNode(): # Ignore parent of @<file> node. found = True break parent = p.parent() if not parent: break # If p is a section definition, search the parent for the reference. # Otherwise, search the parent for @others. h = p.h.strip() i = h.find('<<') j = h.find('>>') target = h[i: j + 2] if -1 < i < j else '@others' for s in parent.b.split('\n'): if s.find(target) > -1: offset += g.skip_ws(s, 0) break return offset if found else None
#@+node:ekr.20150410101842.1: *3* p.isOutsideAtFileTree
[docs] def isOutsideAnyAtFileTree(self): '''Select the first clone of target that is outside any @file node.''' p = self for parent in p.self_and_parents(): if parent.isAnyAtFileNode(): return False return True
#@+node:ekr.20080423062035.1: *3* p.Low level methods # These methods are only for the use of low-level code # in, and #@+node:ekr.20080427062528.4: *4* p._adjustPositionBeforeUnlink def _adjustPositionBeforeUnlink(self, p2): '''Adjust position p before unlinking p2.''' # p will change if p2 is a previous sibling of p or # p2 is a previous sibling of any ancestor of p. p = self; sib = p.copy() # A special case for previous siblings. # Adjust p._childIndex, not the stack's childIndex. while sib.hasBack(): sib.moveToBack() if sib == p2: p._childIndex -= 1 return # Adjust p's stack. stack = []; changed = False; i = 0 while i < len(p.stack): v, childIndex = p.stack[i] p3 = Position(v=v, childIndex=childIndex, stack=stack[: i]) while p3: if p2 == p3: # 2011/02/25: compare full positions, not just vnodes. # A match with the to-be-moved node. stack.append((v, childIndex - 1),) changed = True break # terminate only the inner loop. p3.moveToBack() else: stack.append((v, childIndex),) i += 1 if changed: p.stack = stack #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.214: *4* p._linkAfter def _linkAfter(self, p_after, adjust=True): '''Link self after p_after.''' p = self parent_v = p_after._parentVnode() # Returns None if p.v is None # Init the ivars. p.stack = p_after.stack[:] p._childIndex = p_after._childIndex + 1 # Set the links. child = p.v n = p_after._childIndex + 1 child._addLink(n, parent_v, adjust=adjust) #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.215: *4* p._linkAsNthChild def _linkAsNthChild(self, parent, n, adjust=True): '''(low-level position method) Link self as the n'th child of the parent.''' p = self parent_v = parent.v # Init the ivars. p.stack = parent.stack[:] p.stack.append((parent_v, parent._childIndex),) p._childIndex = n child = p.v child._addLink(n, parent_v, adjust=adjust) #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.216: *4* p._linkAsRoot def _linkAsRoot(self, oldRoot): """Link self as the root node.""" p = self assert(p.v) hiddenRootNode = p.v.context.hiddenRootNode # if oldRoot: oldRootNode = oldRoot.v # else: oldRootNode = None # Init the ivars. p.stack = [] p._childIndex = 0 parent_v = hiddenRootNode child = p.v if not oldRoot: parent_v.children = [] child._addLink(0, parent_v) return p #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.212: *4* p._parentVnode def _parentVnode(self): '''Return the parent VNode. Return the hiddenRootNode if there is no other parent.''' p = self if p.v: data = p.stack and p.stack[-1] if data: v, junk = data return v else: return p.v.context.hiddenRootNode else: return None #@+node:ekr.20131219220412.16582: *4* p._relinkAsCloneOf def _relinkAsCloneOf(self, p2): '''A low-level method to replace p.v by a p2.v.''' p = self v, v2 = p.v, p2.v parent_v = p._parentVnode() if not parent_v: g.internalError('no parent_v', p) return if parent_v.children[p._childIndex] == v: parent_v.children[p._childIndex] = v2 v2.parents.append(parent_v) # p.v no longer truly exists. # p.v = p2.v else: g.internalError( 'parent_v.children[childIndex] != v', p, parent_v.children, p._childIndex, v) #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.217: *4* p._unlink def _unlink(self): '''Unlink the receiver p from the tree.''' p = self; n = p._childIndex parent_v = p._parentVnode() # returns None if p.v is None child = p.v assert(p.v) assert(parent_v) # Delete the child. if (0 <= n < len(parent_v.children) and parent_v.children[n] == child ): # This is the only call to v._cutlink. child._cutLink(n, parent_v) else: self.badUnlink(parent_v, n, child) #@+node:ekr.20090706171333.6226: *5* p.badUnlink #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.199: *3* p.moveToX #@+at These routines change self to a new position "in place". # That is, these methods must _never_ call p.copy(). # # When moving to a nonexistent position, these routines simply set p.v = None, # leaving the p.stack unchanged. This allows the caller to "undo" the effect of # the invalid move by simply restoring the previous value of p.v. # # These routines all return self on exit so the following kind of code will work: # after = p.copy().moveToNodeAfterTree() #@+node:ekr.20080416161551.200: *4* p.moveToBack
[docs] def moveToBack(self): """Move self to its previous sibling.""" p = self; n = p._childIndex parent_v = p._parentVnode() # Returns None if p.v is None. # Do not assume n is in range: this is used by positionExists. if parent_v and p.v and 0 < n <= len(parent_v.children): p._childIndex -= 1 p.v = parent_v.children[n - 1] else: p.v = None return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.201: *4* p.moveToFirstChild
[docs] def moveToFirstChild(self): """Move a position to it's first child's position.""" p = self if p.v and p.v.children: p.stack.append((p.v, p._childIndex),) p.v = p.v.children[0] p._childIndex = 0 else: p.v = None return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.202: *4* p.moveToLastChild
[docs] def moveToLastChild(self): """Move a position to it's last child's position.""" p = self if p.v and p.v.children: p.stack.append((p.v, p._childIndex),) n = len(p.v.children) p.v = p.v.children[n - 1] p._childIndex = n - 1 else: p.v = None return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.203: *4* p.moveToLastNode
[docs] def moveToLastNode(self): """Move a position to last node of its tree. N.B. Returns p if p has no children.""" p = self # Huge improvement for 4.2. while p.hasChildren(): p.moveToLastChild() return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.204: *4* p.moveToNext
[docs] def moveToNext(self): """Move a position to its next sibling.""" p = self; n = p._childIndex parent_v = p._parentVnode() # Returns None if p.v is None. if not p.v: g.trace('no p.v:', p, g.callers()) if p.v and parent_v and len(parent_v.children) > n + 1: p._childIndex = n + 1 p.v = parent_v.children[n + 1] else: p.v = None return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.205: *4* p.moveToNodeAfterTree
[docs] def moveToNodeAfterTree(self): """Move a position to the node after the position's tree.""" p = self while p: if p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() break p.moveToParent() return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.206: *4* p.moveToNthChild
[docs] def moveToNthChild(self, n): p = self if p.v and len(p.v.children) > n: p.stack.append((p.v, p._childIndex),) p.v = p.v.children[n] p._childIndex = n else: p.v = None return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.207: *4* p.moveToParent
[docs] def moveToParent(self): """Move a position to its parent position.""" p = self if p.v and p.stack: p.v, p._childIndex = p.stack.pop() else: p.v = None return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.208: *4* p.moveToThreadBack
[docs] def moveToThreadBack(self): """Move a position to it's threadBack position.""" p = self if p.hasBack(): p.moveToBack() p.moveToLastNode() else: p.moveToParent() return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.209: *4* p.moveToThreadNext
[docs] def moveToThreadNext(self): """Move a position to threadNext position.""" p = self if p.v: if p.v.children: p.moveToFirstChild() elif p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() else: p.moveToParent() while p: if p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() break #found p.moveToParent() # not found. return p
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.210: *4* p.moveToVisBack & helper
[docs] def moveToVisBack(self, c): """Move a position to the position of the previous visible node.""" p = self limit, limitIsVisible = c.visLimit() while p: # Short-circuit if possible. back = p.back() if back and back.hasChildren() and back.isExpanded(): p.moveToThreadBack() elif back: p.moveToBack() else: p.moveToParent() # Same as p.moveToThreadBack() if p: if limit: done, val = self.checkVisBackLimit(limit, limitIsVisible, p) if done: return val # A position or None if p.isVisible(c): return p return p
#@+node:ekr.20090715145956.6166: *5* checkVisBackLimit
[docs] def checkVisBackLimit(self, limit, limitIsVisible, p): '''Return done, p or None''' c = p.v.context if limit == p: if limitIsVisible and p.isVisible(c): return True, p else: return True, None elif limit.isAncestorOf(p): return False, None else: return True, None
#@+node:ekr.20080416161551.211: *4* p.moveToVisNext & helper
[docs] def moveToVisNext(self, c): """Move a position to the position of the next visible node.""" p = self limit, limitIsVisible = c.visLimit() while p: if p.hasChildren(): if p.isExpanded(): p.moveToFirstChild() else: p.moveToNodeAfterTree() elif p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() else: p.moveToThreadNext() if p: if limit and self.checkVisNextLimit(limit,p): return None if p.isVisible(c): return p.copy() return p
#@+node:ekr.20090715145956.6167: *5* checkVisNextLimit
[docs] def checkVisNextLimit(self, limit, p): '''Return True is p is outside limit of visible nodes.''' return limit != p and not limit.isAncestorOf(p)
#@+node:ekr.20150316175921.6: *4* p.safeMoveToThreadNext
[docs] def safeMoveToThreadNext(self): ''' Move a position to threadNext position. Issue an error if any vnode is an ancestor of itself. ''' p = self if p.v: child_v = p.v.children and p.v.children[0] if child_v: for parent in p.self_and_parents(): if child_v == parent.v: += 1 g.error('vnode: %s is its own parent' % child_v) # Allocating a new vnode would be difficult. # Just remove child_v from parent.v.children. parent.v.children = [ v2 for v2 in parent.v.children if not v2 == child_v] if parent.v in child_v.parents: child_v.parents.remove(parent.v) # Try not to hang. p.moveToParent() break elif child_v.fileIndex == parent.v.fileIndex: += 1 g.error('duplicate gnx: %r v: %s parent: %s' % ( child_v.fileIndex, child_v, parent.v)) child_v.fileIndex = assert child_v.gnx != parent.v.gnx # Should be ok to continue. p.moveToFirstChild() break else: p.moveToFirstChild() elif p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() else: p.moveToParent() while p: if p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() break # found p.moveToParent() # not found. return p
#@+node:ekr.20150316175921.7: *5* p.checkChild #@+node:ekr.20040303175026: *3* p.Moving, Inserting, Deleting, Cloning, Sorting #@+node:ekr.20040303175026.8: *4* p.clone
[docs] def clone(self): """Create a clone of back. Returns the newly created position.""" p = self p2 = p.copy() # Do *not* copy the VNode! p2._linkAfter(p) # This should "just work" return p2
#@+node:ekr.20040117171654: *4* p.copy
[docs] def copy(self): """"Return an independent copy of a position.""" return Position(self.v, self._childIndex, self.stack)
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.9: *4* p.copyTreeAfter, copyTreeTo # These used by unit tests, by the group_operations plugin, # and by the files-compare-leo-files command. # To do: use v.copyTree instead.
[docs] def copyTreeAfter(self, copyGnxs=False): '''Copy p and insert it after itself.''' p = self p2 = p.insertAfter() p.copyTreeFromSelfTo(p2, copyGnxs=copyGnxs) return p2
[docs] def copyTreeFromSelfTo(self, p2, copyGnxs=False): p = self p2.v._headString = g.toUnicode(p.h, reportErrors=True) # 2017/01/24 p2.v._bodyString = g.toUnicode(p.b, reportErrors=True) # 2017/01/24 # Fix bug 1019794: p.copyTreeFromSelfTo, should deepcopy p.v.u. p2.v.u = copy.deepcopy(p.v.u) # 2017/08/20: Add support for copyGnx's keyword arg. if copyGnxs: p2.v.fileIndex = p.v.fileIndex # 2009/10/02: no need to copy arg to iter for child in p.children(): child2 = p2.insertAsLastChild() child.copyTreeFromSelfTo(child2, copyGnxs=copyGnxs)
#@+node:ekr.20160502095354.1: *4* p.copyWithNewVnodes
[docs] def copyWithNewVnodes(self, copyMarked=False): ''' Return an **unliked** copy of p with a new vnode v. The new vnode is complete copy of v and all its descendants. ''' p = self return Position(v=p.v.copyTree(copyMarked))
#@+node:peckj.20131023115434.10115: *4* p.createNodeHierarchy
[docs] def createNodeHierarchy(self, heads, forcecreate=False): ''' Create the proper hierarchy of nodes with headlines defined in 'heads' as children of the current position params: heads - list of headlines in order to create, i.e. ['foo','bar','baz'] will create: self -foo --bar ---baz forcecreate - If False (default), will not create nodes unless they don't exist If True, will create nodes regardless of existing nodes returns the final position ('baz' in the above example) ''' c = self.v.context return c.createNodeHierarchy(heads, parent=self, forcecreate=forcecreate)
#@+node:ekr.20131230090121.16552: *4* p.deleteAllChildren
[docs] def deleteAllChildren(self): '''Delete all children of the receiver.''' p = self while p.hasChildren(): p.firstChild().doDelete()
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.2: *4* p.doDelete #@+at This is the main delete routine. # It deletes the receiver's entire tree from the screen. # Because of the undo command we never actually delete vnodes or tnodes. #@@c
[docs] def doDelete(self, newNode=None): """Deletes position p from the outline.""" p = self p.setDirty() # Mark @file nodes dirty! # Adjust newNode._childIndex if newNode is a following sibling of p. sib = p.copy() while sib.hasNext(): sib.moveToNext() if sib == newNode: newNode._childIndex -= 1 break p._unlink()
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.3: *4* p.insertAfter
[docs] def insertAfter(self): """ Inserts a new position after self. Returns the newly created position. """ p = self; context = p.v.context p2 = self.copy() p2.v = VNode(context=context) p2.v.iconVal = 0 p2._linkAfter(p) return p2
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.4: *4* p.insertAsLastChild
[docs] def insertAsLastChild(self): """Inserts a new VNode as the last child of self. Returns the newly created position.""" p = self n = p.numberOfChildren() return p.insertAsNthChild(n)
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.5: *4* p.insertAsNthChild
[docs] def insertAsNthChild(self, n): """ Inserts a new node as the the nth child of self. self must have at least n-1 children. Returns the newly created position. """ p = self; context = p.v.context p2 = self.copy() p2.v = VNode(context=context) p2.v.iconVal = 0 p2._linkAsNthChild(p, n) return p2
#@+node:ekr.20130923111858.11572: *4* p.insertBefore (new in Leo 4.11)
[docs] def insertBefore(self): '''Inserts a new position before self. Returns the newly created position. ''' p = self parent = p.parent() if p.hasBack(): back = p.getBack() p = back.insertAfter() elif parent: p = parent.insertAsNthChild(0) else: p = p.insertAfter() p.moveToRoot(oldRoot=p) return p
#@+node:ekr.20040310062332.1: *4* p.invalidOutline
[docs] def invalidOutline(self, message): p = self if p.hasParent(): node = p.parent() else: node = p p.v.context.alert("invalid outline: %s\n%s" % (message, node))
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.10: *4* p.moveAfter
[docs] def moveAfter(self, a): """Move a position after position a.""" p = self # Do NOT copy the position! a._adjustPositionBeforeUnlink(p) p._unlink() p._linkAfter(a) return p
#@+node:ekr.20040306060312: *4* p.moveToFirst/LastChildOf
[docs] def moveToFirstChildOf(self, parent): """Move a position to the first child of parent.""" p = self # Do NOT copy the position! return p.moveToNthChildOf(parent, 0) # Major bug fix: 2011/12/04
[docs] def moveToLastChildOf(self, parent): """Move a position to the last child of parent.""" p = self # Do NOT copy the position! n = parent.numberOfChildren() if p.parent() == parent: n -= 1 # 2011/12/10: Another bug fix. return p.moveToNthChildOf(parent, n) # Major bug fix: 2011/12/04
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.11: *4* p.moveToNthChildOf
[docs] def moveToNthChildOf(self, parent, n): """Move a position to the nth child of parent.""" p = self # Do NOT copy the position! parent._adjustPositionBeforeUnlink(p) p._unlink() p._linkAsNthChild(parent, n) return p
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.6: *4* p.moveToRoot
[docs] def moveToRoot(self, oldRoot=None): '''Moves a position to the root position. Important: oldRoot must the previous root position if it exists.''' p = self # Do NOT copy the position! if oldRoot: oldRoot._adjustPositionBeforeUnlink(p) p._unlink() p._linkAsRoot(oldRoot) return p
#@+node:ekr.20180123062833.1: *4* p.promote
[docs] def promote(self): '''A low-level promote helper.''' p = self # Do NOT copy the position. parent_v = p._parentVnode() children = p.v.children # Add the children to parent_v's children. n = p.childIndex() + 1 z = parent_v.children[:] parent_v.children = z[: n] parent_v.children.extend(children) parent_v.children.extend(z[n:]) # Remove v's children. p.v.children = [] # Adjust the parent links in the moved children. # There is no need to adjust descendant links. for child in children: child.parents.remove(p.v) child.parents.append(parent_v)
#@+node:ekr.20040303175026.13: *4* p.validateOutlineWithParent # This routine checks the structure of the receiver's tree.
[docs] def validateOutlineWithParent(self, pv): p = self result = True # optimists get only unpleasant surprises. parent = p.getParent() childIndex = p._childIndex #@+<< validate parent ivar >> #@+node:ekr.20040303175026.14: *5* << validate parent ivar >> if parent != pv: p.invalidOutline("Invalid parent link: " + repr(parent)) #@-<< validate parent ivar >> #@+<< validate childIndex ivar >> #@+node:ekr.20040303175026.15: *5* << validate childIndex ivar >> if pv: if childIndex < 0: p.invalidOutline("missing childIndex" + childIndex) elif childIndex >= pv.numberOfChildren(): p.invalidOutline("missing children entry for index: " + childIndex) elif childIndex < 0: p.invalidOutline("negative childIndex" + childIndex) #@-<< validate childIndex ivar >> #@+<< validate x ivar >> #@+node:ekr.20040303175026.16: *5* << validate x ivar >> if not p.v and pv: self.invalidOutline("Empty t") #@-<< validate x ivar >> # Recursively validate all the children. for child in p.children(): r = child.validateOutlineWithParent(p) if not r: result = False return result
#@+node:ekr.20090128083459.74: *3* p.Properties #@+node:ekr.20090128083459.75: *4* p.b property def __get_b(self): '''Return the body text of a position.''' p = self return p.bodyString() def __set_b(self, val): ''' Set the body text of a position. **Warning: the p.b = whatever is *expensive* because it calls c.setBodyString(). Usually, code *should* this setter, despite its cost, because it update's Leo's outline pane properly. Calling c.redraw() is *not* enough. This performance gotcha becomes important for repetitive commands, like cff, replace-all and recursive import. In such situations, code should use p.v.b instead of p.b. ''' p = self; c = p.v and p.v.context if c: c.setBodyString(p, val) # Warning: c.setBodyString is *expensive*. b = property( __get_b, __set_b, doc="position body string property") #@+node:ekr.20090128083459.76: *4* p.h property def __get_h(self): p = self return p.headString() def __set_h(self, val): ''' Set the headline text of a position. **Warning: the p.h = whatever is *expensive* because it calls c.setHeadString(). Usually, code *should* this setter, despite its cost, because it update's Leo's outline pane properly. Calling c.redraw() is *not* enough. This performance gotcha becomes important for repetitive commands, like cff, replace-all and recursive import. In such situations, code should use p.v.h instead of p.h. ''' p = self; c = p.v and p.v.context if c: c.setHeadString(p, val) # Warning: c.setHeadString is *expensive*. h = property( __get_h, __set_h, doc="position property returning the headline string") #@+node:ekr.20090215165030.3: *4* p.gnx property def __get_gnx(self): p = self return p.v.fileIndex gnx = property( __get_gnx, # __set_gnx, doc="position gnx property") #@+node:ekr.20140203082618.15486: *4* p.script property def __get_script(self): p = self return g.getScript(p.v.context, p, useSelectedText=False, # Always return the entire expansion. forcePythonSentinels=True, useSentinels=False) script = property( __get_script, # __set_script, doc="position property returning the script formed by p and its descendants") #@+node:ekr.20140218040104.16761: *4* p.nosentinels property def __get_nosentinels(self): p = self return ''.join([z for z in g.splitLines(p.b) if not g.isDirective(z)]) nosentinels = property( __get_nosentinels, # __set_nosentinels doc="position property returning the body text without sentinels") #@+node:ekr.20160129073222.1: *4* p.u Property (new) def __get_u(self): p = self return p.v.u def __set_u(self, val): p = self p.v.u = val u = property( __get_u, __set_u, doc="p.u property") #@+node:ekr.20040305222924: *3* p.Setters #@+node:ekr.20040306220634: *4* p.VNode proxies #@+node:ekr.20131222112420.16371: *5* p.contract/expand/isExpanded
[docs] def contract(self): '''Contract p.v and clear p.v.expandedPositions list.''' p, v = self, self.v v.expandedPositions = [z for z in v.expandedPositions if z != p] v.contract()
[docs] def expand(self): p = self v = self.v v.expandedPositions = [z for z in v.expandedPositions if z != p] for p2 in v.expandedPositions: if p == p2: break else: v.expandedPositions.append(p.copy()) v.expand()
[docs] def isExpanded(self): p = self if p.isCloned(): c = p.v.context return c.shouldBeExpanded(p) else: return p.v.isExpanded()
#@+node:ekr.20040306220634.9: *5* p.Status bits # Clone bits are no longer used. # Dirty bits are handled carefully by the position class.
[docs] def clearMarked(self): return self.v.clearMarked()
[docs] def clearOrphan(self): return self.v.clearOrphan()
[docs] def clearVisited(self): return self.v.clearVisited()
[docs] def initExpandedBit(self): return self.v.initExpandedBit()
[docs] def initMarkedBit(self): return self.v.initMarkedBit()
[docs] def initStatus(self, status): return self.v.initStatus(status)
[docs] def setMarked(self): return self.v.setMarked()
[docs] def setOrphan(self): return self.v.setOrphan()
[docs] def setSelected(self): return self.v.setSelected()
[docs] def setVisited(self): return self.v.setVisited()
#@+node:ekr.20040306220634.8: *5* p.computeIcon & p.setIcon
[docs] def computeIcon(self): return self.v.computeIcon()
[docs] def setIcon(self): pass # Compatibility routine for old scripts
#@+node:ekr.20040306220634.29: *5* p.setSelection
[docs] def setSelection(self, start, length): return self.v.setSelection(start, length)
#@+node:ekr.20100303074003.5637: *5* p.restore/saveCursorAndScroll
[docs] def restoreCursorAndScroll(self): self.v.restoreCursorAndScroll()
[docs] def saveCursorAndScroll(self): self.v.saveCursorAndScroll()
#@+node:ekr.20040315034158: *4* p.setBodyString & setHeadString
[docs] def setBodyString(self, s): p = self return p.v.setBodyString(s)
initBodyString = setBodyString setTnodeText = setBodyString scriptSetBodyString = setBodyString
[docs] def initHeadString(self, s): p = self p.v.initHeadString(s)
[docs] def setHeadString(self, s): p = self p.v.initHeadString(s) # Note: p.setDirty is expensive. p.setDirty()
#@+node:ekr.20040312015908: *4* p.Visited bits #@+node:ekr.20040306220634.17: *5* p.clearVisitedInTree # Compatibility routine for scripts.
[docs] def clearVisitedInTree(self): for p in self.self_and_subtree(): p.clearVisited()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3388: *5* p.clearAllVisitedInTree
[docs] def clearAllVisitedInTree(self): for p in self.self_and_subtree(): p.v.clearVisited() p.v.clearWriteBit()
#@+node:ekr.20040305162628: *4* p.Dirty bits #@+node:ekr.20040311113514: *5* p.clearDirty
[docs] def clearDirty(self): '''(p) Set p.v dirty.''' p = self p.v.clearDirty()
#@+node:ekr.20040318125934: *5* p.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes
[docs] def findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes(self): p = self return p.v.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes()
#@+node:ekr.20040702104823: *5* p.inAtIgnoreRange
[docs] def inAtIgnoreRange(self): """Returns True if position p or one of p's parents is an @ignore node.""" p = self for p in p.self_and_parents(): if p.isAtIgnoreNode(): return True return False
#@+node:ekr.20040303214038: *5* p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty
[docs] def setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty(self, setDescendentsDirty=False): p = self dirtyVnodeList = [] # Calculate all nodes that are joined to p or parents of such nodes. nodes = p.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes() if setDescendentsDirty: # **Important**: only mark _direct_ descendents of nodes. # Using the findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes algorithm would mark way too many nodes. for p2 in p.subtree(): # Only @thin nodes need to be marked. if p2.v not in nodes and p2.isAnyAtFileNode(): # Bug fix: 2011/07/05: was p2.isAtThinFileNode(): nodes.append(p2.v) dirtyVnodeList = [v for v in nodes if not v.isDirty() and v.isAnyAtFileNode()] for v in dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() return dirtyVnodeList
#@+node:ekr.20040303163330: *5* p.setDirty
[docs] def setDirty(self, setDescendentsDirty=True): ''' Mark a node and all ancestor @file nodes dirty. **Warning**: p.setDirty() is *expensive* because it calls p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty(). Usually, code *should* this setter, despite its cost, because it update's Leo's outline pane properly. Calling c.redraw() is *not* enough. ''' p = self; dirtyVnodeList = [] if not p.v.isDirty(): p.v.setDirty() dirtyVnodeList.append(p.v) # Important: this must be called even if p.v is already dirty. # Typing can change the @ignore state! dirtyVnodeList2 = p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty(setDescendentsDirty) dirtyVnodeList.extend(dirtyVnodeList2) return dirtyVnodeList
#@+node:ekr.20160225153333.1: *3* p.Predicates #@+node:ekr.20160225153414.1: *4* p.is_at_all & is_at_all_tree
[docs] def is_at_all(self): '''Return True if p.b contains an @all directive.''' p = self return ( p.isAnyAtFileNode() and any([g.match_word(s, 0, '@all') for s in g.splitLines(p.b)]))
[docs] def in_at_all_tree(self): '''Return True if p or one of p's ancestors is an @all node.''' p = self for p in p.self_and_parents(): if p.is_at_all(): return True return False
#@+node:ekr.20160225153430.1: *4* p.is_at_ignore & in_at_ignore_tree
[docs] def is_at_ignore(self): '''Return True if p is an @ignore node.''' p = self return g.match_word(p.h, 0, '@ignore')
[docs] def in_at_ignore_tree(self): '''Return True if p or one of p's ancestors is an @ignore node.''' p = self for p in p.self_and_parents(): if g.match_word(p.h, 0, '@ignore'): return True return False
#@-others position = Position # compatibility. #@+node:ville.20090311190405.68: ** class PosList (
[docs]class PosList(list): #@+others #@+node:bob.20101215134608.5897: *3* children
[docs] def children(self): """ Return a PosList instance containing pointers to all the immediate children of nodes in PosList self. """ res = PosList() for p in self: for child_p in p.children(): res.append(child_p.copy()) return res
#@+node:ville.20090311190405.69: *3* filter_h
[docs] def filter_h(self, regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE): """ Find all the nodes in PosList self where zero or more characters at the beginning of the headline match regex """ pat = re.compile(regex, flags) res = PosList() for p in self: mo = re.match(pat, p.h) if mo: pc = p.copy() = mo res.append(pc) return res
#@+node:ville.20090311195550.1: *3* filter_b
[docs] def filter_b(self, regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE): """ Find all the nodes in PosList self where body matches regex one or more times. """ pat = re.compile(regex, flags) res = PosList() for p in self: m = re.finditer(pat, p.b) t1, t2 = itertools.tee(m, 2) try: if g.isPython3: t1.__next__() else: pc = p.copy() pc.matchiter = t2 res.append(pc) except StopIteration: pass return res
#@-others Poslist = PosList # compatibility. #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3341: ** class VNode #@@nobeautify
[docs]class VNodeBase(object): #@+<< VNode constants >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.951: *3* << VNode constants >> # Define the meaning of status bits in new vnodes. # Archived... clonedBit = 0x01 # True: VNode has clone mark. # unused 0x02 expandedBit = 0x04 # True: VNode is expanded. markedBit = 0x08 # True: VNode is marked # unused = 0x10 # (was orphanBit) selectedBit = 0x20 # True: VNode is current VNode. topBit = 0x40 # True: VNode was top VNode when saved. # Not archived... richTextBit = 0x080 # Determines whether we use <bt> or <btr> tags. visitedBit = 0x100 dirtyBit = 0x200 writeBit = 0x400 orphanBit = 0x800 # True: error in @<file> tree prevented it from being written. #@-<< VNode constants >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3342: *3* v.Birth & death #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3344: *4* v.__init def __init__(self, context, gnx=None): ''' Ctor for the VNode class. To support ZODB, the code must set v._p_changed = 1 whenever v.unknownAttributes or any mutable VNode object changes. ''' # The primary data: headline and body text. self._headString = g.u('newHeadline') self._bodyString = g.u('') # Structure data... self.children = [] # Ordered list of all children of this node. self.parents = [] # Unordered list of all parents of this node. # Other essential data... self.fileIndex = None # The immutable fileIndex (gnx) for this node. Set below. self.iconVal = 0 # The present value of the node's icon. self.statusBits = 0 # status bits # Information that is never written to any file... self.context = context # The context containing context.hiddenRootNode. # Required so we can compute top-level siblings. # It is named .context rather than .c to emphasize its limited usage. self.expandedPositions = [] # Positions that should be expanded. self.insertSpot = None # Location of previous insert point. self.scrollBarSpot = None # Previous value of scrollbar position. self.selectionLength = 0 # The length of the selected body text. self.selectionStart = 0 # The start of the selected body text. # To make VNode's independent of Leo's core, # wrap all calls to the VNode ctor:: # # def allocate_vnode(c,gnx): # v = VNode(c) #,gnx,v), gnx, self) assert self.fileIndex, g.callers() #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3345: *4* v.__repr__ & v.__str__ def __repr__(self): # return "<VNode %7x %s>" % (id(self), self.cleanHeadString()) return "<VNode %s %s>" % (self.gnx, self.cleanHeadString()) __str__ = __repr__ #@+node:ekr.20040312145256: *4* v.dump
[docs] def dump(self, label=""): v = self print('%s %s %s' % ('-' * 10, label, v)) # print('gnx: %s' % v.gnx) print('len(parents): %s' % len(v.parents)) print('len(children): %s' % len(v.children)) print('parents: %s' % g.listToString(v.parents)) print('children: %s' % g.listToString(v.children))
#@+node:ekr.20060910100316: *4* v.__hash__ (only for zodb) if use_zodb and ZODB: def __hash__(self): return self.__hash__() #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3346: *3* v.Comparisons #@+node:ekr.20040705201018: *4* v.findAtFileName
[docs] def findAtFileName(self, names, h=''): '''Return the name following one of the names in nameList or ""''' # Allow h argument for unit testing. if not h: h = self.headString() if not g.match(h, 0, '@'): return "" i = g.skip_id(h, 1, '-') word = h[: i] if word in names and g.match_word(h, 0, word): name = h[i:].strip() return name else: return ""
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3350: *4* v.anyAtFileNodeName
[docs] def anyAtFileNodeName(self): """Return the file name following an @file node or an empty string.""" return ( self.findAtFileName( or self.findAtFileName(
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3348: *4* # These return the filename following @xxx, in v.headString. # Return the the empty string if v is not an @xxx node.
[docs] def atAutoNodeName(self, h=None): return self.findAtFileName(, h=h)
# Retain this special case as part of the "escape hatch". # That is, we fall back on code in if no # importer or writer for reStructuredText exists.
[docs] def atAutoRstNodeName(self, h=None): names = ("@auto-rst",) return self.findAtFileName(names, h=h)
[docs] def atCleanNodeName(self): names = ("@clean",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atEditNodeName(self): names = ("@edit",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atFileNodeName(self): names = ("@file", "@thin") # Fix #403. return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atNoSentinelsFileNodeName(self): names = ("@nosent", "@file-nosent",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atRstFileNodeName(self): names = ("@rst",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atShadowFileNodeName(self): names = ("@shadow",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atSilentFileNodeName(self): names = ("@asis", "@file-asis",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
[docs] def atThinFileNodeName(self): names = ("@thin", "@file-thin",) return self.findAtFileName(names)
# New names, less confusing atNoSentFileNodeName = atNoSentinelsFileNodeName atAsisFileNodeName = atSilentFileNodeName #@+node:EKR.20040430152000: *4* v.isAtAllNode
[docs] def isAtAllNode(self): """Returns True if the receiver contains @others in its body at the start of a line.""" flag, i = g.is_special(self._bodyString, 0, "@all") return flag
#@+node:ekr.20040326031436: *4* v.isAnyAtFileNode
[docs] def isAnyAtFileNode(self): """Return True if v is any kind of @file or related node.""" # This routine should be as fast as possible. # It is called once for every VNode when writing a file. h = self.headString() return h and h[0] == '@' and self.anyAtFileNodeName()
#@+node:ekr.20040325073709: *4* v.isAt...FileNode
[docs] def isAtAutoNode(self): return bool(self.atAutoNodeName())
[docs] def isAtAutoRstNode(self): return bool(self.atAutoRstNodeName())
[docs] def isAtCleanNode(self): return bool(self.atCleanNodeName())
[docs] def isAtEditNode(self): return bool(self.atEditNodeName())
[docs] def isAtFileNode(self): return bool(self.atFileNodeName())
[docs] def isAtRstFileNode(self): return bool(self.atRstFileNodeName())
[docs] def isAtNoSentinelsFileNode(self): return bool(self.atNoSentinelsFileNodeName())
[docs] def isAtSilentFileNode(self): # @file-asis return bool(self.atSilentFileNodeName())
[docs] def isAtShadowFileNode(self): return bool(self.atShadowFileNodeName())
[docs] def isAtThinFileNode(self): return bool(self.atThinFileNodeName())
# New names, less confusing: isAtNoSentFileNode = isAtNoSentinelsFileNode isAtAsisFileNode = isAtSilentFileNode #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3351: *4* v.isAtIgnoreNode
[docs] def isAtIgnoreNode(self): """Returns True if the receiver contains @ignore in its body at the start of a line. or if the headline starts with @ignore.""" # v = self # 2011/10/08: honor @ignore in headlines. Sheesh. if g.match_word(self._headString, 0, '@ignore'): return True else: flag, i = g.is_special(self._bodyString, 0, "@ignore") return flag
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3352: *4* v.isAtOthersNode
[docs] def isAtOthersNode(self): """Returns True if the receiver contains @others in its body at the start of a line.""" flag, i = g.is_special(self._bodyString, 0, "@others") return flag
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3353: *4* v.matchHeadline
[docs] def matchHeadline(self, pattern): """Returns True if the headline matches the pattern ignoring whitespace and case. The headline may contain characters following the successfully matched pattern.""" v = self h = g.toUnicode(v.headString()) h = h.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '') h = h.lstrip('.') # 2013/04/05. Allow leading period before section names. pattern = g.toUnicode(pattern) pattern = pattern.lower().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '') return h.startswith(pattern)
#@+node:ekr.20160502100151.1: *3* v.copyTree
[docs] def copyTree(self, copyMarked=False): ''' Return an all-new tree of vnodes that are copies of self and all its descendants. **Important**: the v.parents ivar must be [] for all nodes. v._addParentLinks will set all parents. ''' v = self # Allocate a new vnode and gnx with empty children & parents. v2 = VNode(context=v.context, gnx=None) assert v2.parents == [], v2.parents assert v2.gnx assert v.gnx != v2.gnx # Copy vnode fields. Do **not** set v2.parents. v2._headString = g.toUnicode(v._headString, reportErrors=True) # 2017/01/24 v2._bodyString = g.toUnicode(v._bodyString, reportErrors=True) # 2017/01/24 v2.u = copy.deepcopy(v.u) if copyMarked and v.isMarked(): v2.setMarked() # Recursively copy all descendant vnodes. for child in v.children: v2.children.append(child.copyTree(copyMarked)) return v2
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3359: *3* v.Getters #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3378: *4* v.bodyString body_unicode_warning = False
[docs] def bodyString(self): # This message should never be printed and we want to avoid crashing here! if g.isUnicode(self._bodyString): return self._bodyString else: if not self.body_unicode_warning: self.body_unicode_warning = True g.internalError('not unicode:', repr(self._bodyString)) return g.toUnicode(self._bodyString)
getBody = bodyString # Deprecated, but here for compatibility. #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3360: *4* v.Children #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3362: *5* v.firstChild
[docs] def firstChild(self): v = self return v.children and v.children[0]
#@+node:ekr.20040307085922: *5* v.hasChildren & hasFirstChild
[docs] def hasChildren(self): v = self return len(v.children) > 0
hasFirstChild = hasChildren #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3364: *5* v.lastChild
[docs] def lastChild(self): v = self return v.children[-1] if v.children else None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3365: *5* v.nthChild # childIndex and nthChild are zero-based.
[docs] def nthChild(self, n): v = self if 0 <= n < len(v.children): return v.children[n] else: return None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3366: *5* v.numberOfChildren
[docs] def numberOfChildren(self): v = self return len(v.children)
#@+node:ekr.20040323100443: *4* v.directParents
[docs] def directParents(self): """(New in 4.2) Return a list of all direct parent vnodes of a VNode. This is NOT the same as the list of ancestors of the VNode.""" v = self return v.parents
#@+node:ekr.20080429053831.6: *4* v.hasBody
[docs] def hasBody(self): '''Return True if this VNode contains body text.''' s = self._bodyString return s and len(s) > 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1581: *4* v.headString & v.cleanHeadString head_unicode_warning = False
[docs] def headString(self): """Return the headline string.""" # This message should never be printed and we want to avoid crashing here! if not g.isUnicode(self._headString): if not self.head_unicode_warning: self.head_unicode_warning = True g.internalError('not unicode', repr(self._headString)) # Make _sure_ we return a unicode string. return g.toUnicode(self._headString)
[docs] def cleanHeadString(self): s = self._headString if g.isPython3: return s else: return g.toEncodedString(s, "ascii") # Replaces non-ascii characters by '?'
#@+node:ekr.20131223064351.16351: *4* v.isNthChildOf
[docs] def isNthChildOf(self, n, parent_v): '''Return True if v is the n'th child of parent_v.''' v = self children = parent_v and parent_v.children return children and 0 <= n < len(children) and children[n] == v
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3367: *4* v.Status Bits #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3368: *5* v.isCloned
[docs] def isCloned(self): return len(self.parents) > 1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3369: *5* v.isDirty
[docs] def isDirty(self): return (self.statusBits & self.dirtyBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3371: *5* v.isMarked
[docs] def isMarked(self): return (self.statusBits & VNode.markedBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3372: *5* v.isOrphan
[docs] def isOrphan(self): return (self.statusBits & VNode.orphanBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3373: *5* v.isSelected
[docs] def isSelected(self): return (self.statusBits & VNode.selectedBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3374: *5* v.isTopBitSet
[docs] def isTopBitSet(self): return (self.statusBits & self.topBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3376: *5* v.isVisited
[docs] def isVisited(self): return (self.statusBits & VNode.visitedBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20080429053831.10: *5* v.isWriteBit
[docs] def isWriteBit(self): v = self return (v.statusBits & v.writeBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3377: *5* v.status
[docs] def status(self): return self.statusBits
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3384: *3* v.Setters #@+node:ekr.20090830051712.6151: *4* v.Dirty bits #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3390: *5* v.clearDirty
[docs] def clearDirty(self): '''Clear the vnode dirty bit.''' v = self v.statusBits &= ~v.dirtyBit
#@+node:ekr.20090830051712.6153: *5* v.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes
[docs] def findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes(self): v = self; c = v.context # Set the starting nodes. nodes = [] newNodes = [v] # Add nodes until no more are added. while newNodes: addedNodes = [] nodes.extend(newNodes) for v in newNodes: for v2 in v.parents: if v2 not in nodes and v2 not in addedNodes: addedNodes.append(v2) newNodes = addedNodes[:] # Remove the hidden VNode. if c.hiddenRootNode in nodes: nodes.remove(c.hiddenRootNode) return nodes
#@+node:ekr.20090830051712.6157: *5* v.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty # Unlike p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty, # there is no setDescendentsDirty arg.
[docs] def setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty(self): v = self dirtyVnodeList = [] # Calculate all nodes that are joined to p or parents of such nodes. nodes = v.findAllPotentiallyDirtyNodes() dirtyVnodeList = [v for v in nodes if not v.isDirty() and v.isAnyAtFileNode()] for v in dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() # Do not call p.setDirty here! return dirtyVnodeList
#@+node:ekr.20080429053831.12: *5* v.setDirty
[docs] def setDirty(self): '''Set the vnode dirty bit.''' self.statusBits |= self.dirtyBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3386: *4* v.Status bits #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3389: *5* v.clearClonedBit
[docs] def clearClonedBit(self): self.statusBits &= ~self.clonedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3391: *5* v.clearMarked
[docs] def clearMarked(self): self.statusBits &= ~self.markedBit
#@+node:ekr.20080429053831.8: *5* v.clearWriteBit
[docs] def clearWriteBit(self): self.statusBits &= ~self.writeBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3392: *5* v.clearOrphan
[docs] def clearOrphan(self): # if self.h.startswith('@file'): g.trace(self.h,g.callers()) self.statusBits &= ~self.orphanBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3393: *5* v.clearVisited
[docs] def clearVisited(self): self.statusBits &= ~self.visitedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3395: *5* v.contract/expand/initExpandedBit/isExpanded
[docs] def contract(self): '''Contract the node.''' self.statusBits &= ~self.expandedBit
[docs] def expand(self): '''Expand the node.''' self.statusBits |= self.expandedBit
[docs] def initExpandedBit(self): '''Init self.statusBits.''' self.statusBits |= self.expandedBit
[docs] def isExpanded(self): '''Return True if the VNode expansion bit is set.''' return (self.statusBits & self.expandedBit) != 0
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3396: *5* v.initStatus
[docs] def initStatus(self, status): self.statusBits = status
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3397: *5* v.setClonedBit & initClonedBit
[docs] def setClonedBit(self): self.statusBits |= self.clonedBit
[docs] def initClonedBit(self, val): if val: self.statusBits |= self.clonedBit else: self.statusBits &= ~self.clonedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3398: *5* v.setMarked & initMarkedBit
[docs] def setMarked(self): self.statusBits |= self.markedBit
[docs] def initMarkedBit(self): self.statusBits |= self.markedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3399: *5* v.setOrphan
[docs] def setOrphan(self): '''Set the vnode's orphan bit.''' self.statusBits |= self.orphanBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3400: *5* v.setSelected # This only sets the selected bit.
[docs] def setSelected(self): self.statusBits |= self.selectedBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3401: *5* v.setVisited # Compatibility routine for scripts
[docs] def setVisited(self): self.statusBits |= self.visitedBit
#@+node:ekr.20080429053831.9: *5* v.setWriteBit
[docs] def setWriteBit(self): self.statusBits |= self.writeBit
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3385: *4* v.computeIcon & setIcon
[docs] def computeIcon(self): val = 0; v = self if v.hasBody(): val += 1 if v.isMarked(): val += 2 if v.isCloned(): val += 4 if v.isDirty(): val += 8 return val
[docs] def setIcon(self): pass # Compatibility routine for old scripts
#@+node:ekr.20100303074003.5636: *4* v.restoreCursorAndScroll # Called only by LeoTree.selectHelper.
[docs] def restoreCursorAndScroll(self): '''Restore the cursor position and scroll so it is visible.''' traceTime = False and not g.unitTesting v = self ins = v.insertSpot # start, n = v.selectionStart, v.selectionLength spot = v.scrollBarSpot body = self.context.frame.body w = body.wrapper # Fix bug 981849: incorrect body content shown. if ins is None: ins = 0 # This is very expensive for large text. if traceTime: t1 = time.time() if hasattr(body.wrapper, 'setInsertPoint'): w.setInsertPoint(ins) if traceTime: delta_t = time.time() - t1 if delta_t > 0.1: g.trace('%2.3f sec' % (delta_t)) # Override any changes to the scrollbar setting that might # have been done above by w.setSelectionRange or w.setInsertPoint. if spot is not None: w.setYScrollPosition(spot) v.scrollBarSpot = spot
# Never call w.see here. #@+node:ekr.20100303074003.5638: *4* v.saveCursorAndScroll
[docs] def saveCursorAndScroll(self): v = self; c = v.context w = c.frame.body if not w: return try: v.scrollBarSpot = w.getYScrollPosition() v.insertSpot = w.getInsertPoint() except AttributeError: # 2011/03/21: w may not support the high-level interface. pass
#@+node:ekr.20040315032144: *4* v.setBodyString & v.setHeadString unicode_warning_given = False
[docs] def setBodyString(self, s): v = self if g.isUnicode(s): v._bodyString = s else: try: v._bodyString = g.toUnicode(s, reportErrors=True) except Exception: if not self.unicode_warning_given: self.unicode_warning_given = True g.internalError(s) g.es_exception() sig.emit(self.context, 'body_changed', self)
[docs] def setHeadString(self, s): # Fix bug: # API allows headlines to contain newlines. v = self if g.isUnicode(s): v._headString = s.replace('\n','') else: try: s = g.toUnicode(s, reportErrors=True) v._headString = s.replace('\n','') except Exception: if not self.unicode_warning_given: self.unicode_warning_given = True g.internalError(s) g.es_exception()
initBodyString = setBodyString initHeadString = setHeadString setHeadText = setHeadString setTnodeText = setBodyString #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3402: *4* v.setSelection
[docs] def setSelection(self, start, length): v = self v.selectionStart = start v.selectionLength = length
#@+node:ville.20120502221057.7498: *4* v.contentModified
[docs] def contentModified(self): g.contentModifiedSet.add(self)
#@+node:ville.20120502221057.7499: *4* v.childrenModified
[docs] def childrenModified(self): g.childrenModifiedSet.add(self)
#@+node:ekr.20130524063409.10700: *3* v.Inserting & cloning
[docs] def cloneAsNthChild(self, parent_v, n): # Does not check for illegal clones! v = self v._linkAsNthChild(parent_v, n) return v
[docs] def insertAsFirstChild(self): v = self return v.insertAsNthChild(0)
[docs] def insertAsLastChild(self): v = self return v.insertAsNthChild(len(v.children))
[docs] def insertAsNthChild(self, n): v = self assert 0 <= n <= len(v.children) v2 = VNode(v.context) v2._linkAsNthChild(v, n) assert v.children[n] == v2 return v2
#@+node:ekr.20080427062528.9: *3* v.Low level methods #@+node:ekr.20090706110836.6135: *4* v._addLink & helper def _addLink(self, childIndex, parent_v, adjust=True): '''Adjust links after adding a link to v.''' v = self v.context.frame.tree.generation += 1 parent_v.childrenModified() # Update parent_v.children & v.parents. parent_v.children.insert(childIndex, v) v.parents.append(parent_v) # Set zodb changed flags. v._p_changed = 1 parent_v._p_changed = 1 # If v has only one parent, we adjust all # the parents links in the descendant tree. # This handles clones properly when undoing a delete. if adjust: if len(v.parents) == 1: for child in v.children: child._addParentLinks(parent=v) #@+node:ekr.20090804184658.6129: *5* v._addParentLinks def _addParentLinks(self, parent): v = self v.parents.append(parent) if len(v.parents) == 1: for child in v.children: child._addParentLinks(parent=v) #@+node:ekr.20090804184658.6128: *4* v._cutLink def _cutLink(self, childIndex, parent_v): '''Adjust links after cutting a link to v.''' v = self v.context.frame.tree.generation += 1 parent_v.childrenModified() assert parent_v.children[childIndex] == v del parent_v.children[childIndex] if parent_v in v.parents: v.parents.remove(parent_v) v._p_changed = 1 parent_v._p_changed = 1 # If v has no more parents, we adjust all # the parent links in the descendant tree. # This handles clones properly when deleting a tree. if not v.parents: for child in v.children: child._cutParentLinks(parent=v) #@+node:ekr.20090804190529.6133: *5* v._cutParentLinks def _cutParentLinks(self, parent): v = self v.parents.remove(parent) if not v.parents: for child in v.children: child._cutParentLinks(parent=v) #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3425: *4* v._linkAsNthChild (used by 4.x read logic) def _linkAsNthChild(self, parent_v, n): """Links self as the n'th child of VNode pv""" v = self # The child node. v._addLink(n, parent_v) #@+node:ekr.20090130065000.1: *3* v.Properties #@+node:ekr.20090130114732.5: *4* v.b Property def __get_b(self): v = self return v.bodyString() def __set_b(self, val): v = self v.setBodyString(val) b = property( __get_b, __set_b, doc="VNode body string property") #@+node:ekr.20090130125002.1: *4* v.h property def __get_h(self): v = self return v.headString() def __set_h(self, val): v = self v.setHeadString(val) h = property( __get_h, __set_h, doc="VNode headline string property") #@+node:ekr.20090130114732.6: *4* v.u Property def __get_u(self): v = self # Wrong: return getattr(v, 'unknownAttributes', {}) # It is does not set v.unknownAttributes, which can cause problems. if not hasattr(v, 'unknownAttributes'): v.unknownAttributes = {} return v.unknownAttributes def __set_u(self, val): v = self if val is None: if hasattr(v, 'unknownAttributes'): delattr(v, 'unknownAttributes') elif isinstance(val, dict): v.unknownAttributes = val else: raise ValueError u = property( __get_u, __set_u, doc="VNode u property") #@+node:ekr.20090215165030.1: *4* v.gnx Property def __get_gnx(self): v = self return v.fileIndex gnx = property( __get_gnx, # __set_gnx, doc="VNode gnx property")
#@-others if use_zodb and ZODB:
[docs] class VNode(ZODB.Persistence.Persistent, VNodeBase): pass
else: VNode = VNodeBase vnode = VNode # compatibility. #@@beautify #@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 #@-leo