Source code for leo.external.codewise

#!/usr/bin/env python
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14254: * @file ../external/
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14291: ** << docstring >>
r""" CodeWise - global code intelligence database

Why this module

- Exuberant ctags is an excellent code scanner
- Unfortunately, TAGS file lookup sucks for "find methods of this class"
- TAGS files can be all around the hard drive. CodeWise database is
  just one file (by default ~/.codewise.db)
- I wanted to implement modern code completion for Leo editor
- is usable as a python module, or a command line tool.

Creating ctags data

1. Make sure you have exuberant ctags (not just regular ctags)
   installed. It's an Ubuntu package, so its easy to install if
   you're using Ubuntu.

2. [Optional] Create a custom ~/.ctags file containing default
    configuration settings for ctags. See: for more

    The ``codewise setup`` command (see below), will leave this
    file alone if it exists; otherwise, ``codewise setup`` will
    create a ~/.ctags file containing::


3. Create the ctags data in ~/.codewise.db using this module. Execute the
   following from a console window::

        codewise setup
            # Optional: creates ~/.ctags if it does not exist.
            # See
        codewise init
            # Optional: deletes ~/.codewise.db if it exists.
        codewise parse <path to directory>
            # Adds ctags data to ~/.codewise.db for <directory>

**Note**: On Windows, use a batch file, say codewise.bat, to execute the
above code. codewise.bat contains::

    python <path to leo>\leo\external\ %*

Using the autocompleter

After restarting Leo, type, for example, in the body pane::


that is, use use the autocomplete-force command,
to find all the c. methods starting with 'op' etc.

Theory of operation

- ~/.codewise.db is an sqlite database with following tables:

CLASS maps class id's to names.

FILE maps file id's to file names

DATASOURCE contains places where data has been parsed from, to enable reparse

FUNCTION, the most important one, contains functions/methods, along with CLASS
 and FILE it was found in. Additionally, it has SEARCHPATTERN field that can be
 used to give calltips, or used as a regexp to find the method from file

You can browse the data by installing sqlitebrovser and doing 'sqlitebrowser

If you know the class name you want to find the methods for,
CodeWise.get_members with a list of classes to match.

If you want to match a function without a class, call CodeWise.get_functions.
This can be much slower if you have a huge database.

#@-<< docstring >>
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14293: ** << imports >>
import sys
# pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
isPython3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0, 0)
    import builtins # Python 3
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__ as builtins # Python 2.
import os
import sqlite3
from sqlite3 import ProgrammingError
import traceback
import types
#@-<< imports >>
consoleEncoding = None
#@+<< define usage >>
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14292: ** << define usage >>
usage = """
codewise setup
 (Optional - run this first to create template ~/.ctags)

codewise init
 Create/recreate the global database

codewise parse /my/project /other/project
 Parse specified directories (with recursion) and add results to db

codewise m
 List all classes

codewise m MyClass
 Show all methods in MyClass

codewise f PREFIX
 Show all symbols (also nonmember functiosn) starting with PREFIX.
 PREFIX can be omitted to get a list of all symbols

codewise parseall
 Clear database, reparse all paths previously added by 'codewise parse'

codewise sciapi pyqt.api
 Parse an api file (as supported by scintilla, eric4...)

Commands you don't probably need:

codewise tags TAGS
 Dump already-created tagfile TAGS to database

#@-<< define usage >>
#@+<< define DB_SCHEMA >>
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14255: ** << define DB_SCHEMA >>
CREATE TABLE class (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, file INTEGER,  name TEXT, searchpattern TEXT);
CREATE TABLE function (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, class INTEGER, file INTEGER, name TEXT, searchpattern TEXT);
CREATE TABLE datasource (type TEXT, src TEXT);

CREATE INDEX idx_class_name ON class(name ASC);
CREATE INDEX idx_function_class ON function(class ASC);

#@-<< define DB_SCHEMA >>
DEFAULT_DB = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser("~/.codewise.db"))
# print('default db: %s' % DEFAULT_DB)
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14295: ** top level...
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14294: *3* codewise cmd wrappers
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14289: *4* cmd_functions
[docs]def cmd_functions(args): cw = CodeWise() if args: funcs = cw.get_functions(args[0]) else: funcs = cw.get_functions() lines = list(set(el[0] + "\t" + el[1] for el in funcs)) lines.sort() return lines # EKR
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14285: *4* cmd_init
[docs]def cmd_init(args): print("Initializing CodeWise db at: %s" % DEFAULT_DB) if os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_DB): os.remove(DEFAULT_DB) CodeWise()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14288: *4* cmd_members
[docs]def cmd_members(args): cw = CodeWise() if args: mems = cw.get_members([args[0]]) lines = list(set(el + "\t" + pat for el, pat in mems)) else: lines = cw.classcache.keys() lines.sort() return lines # EKR
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14283: *4* cmd_parse
[docs]def cmd_parse(args): assert args cw = CodeWise() cw.parse(args)
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14282: *4* cmd_parseall
[docs]def cmd_parseall(args): cw = CodeWise() cw.parseall()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14281: *4* cmd_scintilla
[docs]def cmd_scintilla(args): cw = CodeWise() for fil in args: f = open(fil) cw.feed_scintilla(f) f.close()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14286: *4* cmd_setup
[docs]def cmd_setup(args): ctagsfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser("~/.ctags")) if os.path.isfile(ctagsfile): print("Using template file: %s" % ctagsfile) else: print("Creating template: %s" % ctagsfile) open(ctagsfile, "w").write("--exclude=*.html\n--exclude=*.css\n")
# No need for this: the docs say to run "init" after "setup" # cmd_init(args) #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14284: *4* cmd_tags
[docs]def cmd_tags(args): cw = CodeWise() cw.feed_ctags(open(args[0]))
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14234: *3* functions from leoGlobals #@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14291: *4* Most common functions... ( #@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14296: *5* callers & _callerName (codewise)
[docs]def callers(n=4, count=0, excludeCaller=True, files=False): '''Return a list containing the callers of the function that called callerList. If the excludeCaller keyword is True (the default), callers is not on the list. If the files keyword argument is True, filenames are included in the list. ''' # sys._getframe throws ValueError in both cpython and jython if there are less than i entries. # The jython stack often has less than 8 entries, # so we must be careful to call _callerName with smaller values of i first. result = [] i = 3 if excludeCaller else 2 while 1: s = _callerName(i, files=files) if s: result.append(s) if not s or len(result) >= n: break i += 1 result.reverse() if count > 0: result = result[: count] sep = '\n' if files else ',' return sep.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14297: *6* _callerName def _callerName(n=1, files=False): try: # get the function name from the call stack. f1 = sys._getframe(n) # The stack frame, n levels up. code1 = f1.f_code # The code object name = code1.co_name if name == '__init__': name = '__init__(%s,line %s)' % ( shortFileName(code1.co_filename), code1.co_firstlineno) if files: return '%s:%s' % (shortFileName(code1.co_filename), name) else: return name # The code name except ValueError: return '' # The stack is not deep enough. except Exception: es_exception() return '' # "<no caller name>" #@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14253: *5* doKeywordArgs (codewise)
[docs]def doKeywordArgs(keys, d=None): '''Return a result dict that is a copy of the keys dict with missing items replaced by defaults in d dict.''' if d is None: d = {} result = {} for key, default_val in d.items(): isBool = default_val in (True, False) val = keys.get(key) if isBool and val in (True, 'True', 'true'): result[key] = True elif isBool and val in (False, 'False', 'false'): result[key] = False elif val is None: result[key] = default_val else: result[key] = val return result
#@+node:ekr.20180311191907.1: *5* error (codewise)
[docs]def error(*args, **keys): print(args, keys)
#@+node:ekr.20180311192928.1: *5* es_exception (codewise)
[docs]def es_exception(full=True, c=None, color="red"): typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() # val is the second argument to the raise statement. if full: lines = traceback.format_exception(typ, val, tb) else: lines = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val) for line in lines: print(line) fileName, n = getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber() return fileName, n
#@+node:ekr.20180311193048.1: *5* getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber (codewise)
[docs]def getLastTracebackFileAndLineNumber(): typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info() if typ == SyntaxError: # IndentationError is a subclass of SyntaxError. # Much easier in Python 2.6 and 3.x. return val.filename, val.lineno else: # Data is a list of tuples, one per stack entry. # Tupls have the form (filename,lineNumber,functionName,text). data = traceback.extract_tb(tb) if data: item = data[-1] # Get the item at the top of the stack. filename, n, functionName, text = item return filename, n else: # Should never happen. return '<string>', 0
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14293: *5* pdb (codewise)
[docs]def pdb(message=''): """Fall into pdb.""" import pdb # Required: we have just defined pdb as a function! if message: print(message) pdb.set_trace()
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14263: *5* pr (codewise) # see:
[docs]def pr(*args, **keys): # (codewise!) '''Print all non-keyword args, and put them to the log pane. The first, third, fifth, etc. arg translated by translateString. Supports color, comma, newline, spaces and tabName keyword arguments. ''' # Compute the effective args. d = {'commas': False, 'newline': True, 'spaces': True} d = doKeywordArgs(keys, d) newline = d.get('newline') if getattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding', None): # sys.stdout is a TextIOWrapper with a particular encoding. encoding = sys.stdout.encoding else: encoding = 'utf-8' s = translateArgs(args, d) # Translates everything to unicode. func = toUnicode if isPython3 else toEncodedString s = func(s, encoding=encoding, reportErrors=False) if newline: s += u('\n') if isPython3 else '\n' # Python's print statement *can* handle unicode, but # must have sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') sys.stdout.write(s)
# Codewise: unit tests do not change sys.stdout. #@+node:ekr.20180311193230.1: *5* shortFileName (codewise)
[docs]def shortFileName(fileName, n=None): '''Return the base name of a path.''' # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type if not fileName: return '' elif n is None or n < 1: return os.path.basename(fileName) else: return '/'.join(fileName.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-n:])
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14268: *5* trace (codewise) # Convert all args to strings.
[docs]def trace(*args, **keys): # Compute the effective args. d = {'align': 0, 'newline': True} d = doKeywordArgs(keys, d) newline = d.get('newline') align = d.get('align') if align is None: align = 0 # Compute the caller name. try: # get the function name from the call stack. f1 = sys._getframe(1) # The stack frame, one level up. code1 = f1.f_code # The code object name = code1.co_name # The code name except Exception: name = '' if name == "?": name = "<unknown>" # Pad the caller name. if align != 0 and len(name) < abs(align): pad = ' ' * (abs(align) - len(name)) if align > 0: name = name + pad else: name = pad + name # Munge *args into s. result = [name] for arg in args: if isString(arg): pass elif isBytes(arg): arg = toUnicode(arg) else: arg = repr(arg) if result: result.append(" " + arg) else: result.append(arg) s = ''.join(result) # 'print s,' is not valid syntax in Python 3.x. pr(s, newline=newline)
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14264: *5* translateArgs (codewise)
[docs]def translateArgs(args, d): '''Return the concatenation of all args, with odd args translated.''' global consoleEncoding if not consoleEncoding: e = sys.getdefaultencoding() consoleEncoding = e if isValidEncoding(e) else 'utf-8' result = []; n = 0; spaces = d.get('spaces') for arg in args: n += 1 # print('translateArgs: arg',arg,type(arg),isString(arg),'will trans',(n%2)==1) # First, convert to unicode. if isString(arg): arg = toUnicode(arg, consoleEncoding) # Just do this for the stand-alone version. if not isString(arg): arg = repr(arg) if arg: if result and spaces: result.append(' ') result.append(arg) return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14280: *4* Unicode utils (codewise)... #@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14282: *5* isBytes, isCallable, isString & isUnicode (codewise) # The syntax of these functions must be valid on Python2K and Python3K. # Codewise
[docs]def isBytes(s): '''Return True if s is Python3k bytes type.''' if isPython3: return isinstance(s, bytes) else: return False
[docs]def isCallable(obj): if isPython3: return hasattr(obj, '__call__') else: return callable(obj)
[docs]def isString(s): '''Return True if s is any string, but not bytes.''' # pylint: disable=no-member if isPython3: return type(s) == type('a') # NOQA else: return type(s) in types.StringTypes
[docs]def isUnicode(s): '''Return True if s is a unicode string.''' # pylint: disable=no-member if isPython3: return type(s) == type('a') # NOQA else: return type(s) == types.UnicodeType # NOQA
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14283: *5* isValidEncoding (codewise)
[docs]def isValidEncoding(encoding): if not encoding: return False if sys.platform == 'cli': return True import codecs try: codecs.lookup(encoding) return True except LookupError: # Windows. return False except AttributeError: # Linux. return False
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14286: *5* toEncodedString (codewise)
[docs]def toEncodedString(s, encoding='utf-8', reportErrors=False): '''Convert unicode string to an encoded string.''' if not isUnicode(s): return s if encoding is None: encoding = 'utf-8' try: s = s.encode(encoding, "strict") except UnicodeError: s = s.encode(encoding, "replace") if reportErrors: error("Error converting %s from unicode to %s encoding" % (s, encoding)) return s
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14287: *5* toUnicode (codewise)
[docs]def toUnicode(s, encoding='utf-8', reportErrors=False): '''Connvert a non-unicode string with the given encoding to unicode.''' if isUnicode(s): return s if not encoding: encoding = 'utf-8' try: s = s.decode(encoding, 'strict') except UnicodeError: s = s.decode(encoding, 'replace') if reportErrors: error("Error converting %s from %s encoding to unicode" % (s, encoding)) return s
#@+node:ekr.20110310093050.14288: *5* u & ue (codewise) if isPython3: def u(s): return s def ue(s, encoding): return s if isUnicode(s) else str(s, encoding) else:
[docs] def u(s): return builtins.unicode(s)
[docs] def ue(s, encoding): return builtins.unicode(s, encoding)
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14290: *3* main
[docs]def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(usage) return cmd = sys.argv[1] # print "cmd",cmd args = sys.argv[2:] if cmd == 'tags': cmd_tags(args) elif cmd == 'm': printlines(cmd_members(args)) elif cmd == 'f': printlines(cmd_functions(args)) elif cmd == 'parse': cmd_parse(args) elif cmd == 'parseall': cmd_parseall(args) elif cmd == 'sciapi': cmd_scintilla(args) elif cmd == 'init': cmd_init(args) elif cmd == 'setup': cmd_setup(args)
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14287: *3* printlines
[docs]def printlines(lines): for l in lines: try: print(l) except Exception: # EKR: UnicodeEncodeError: pass
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14280: *3* run_ctags
[docs]def run_ctags(paths): cm = 'ctags -R --sort=no -f - ' + " ".join(paths) # print(cm) f = os.popen(cm) return f
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14296: *3* test
[docs]def test(self): pass
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14256: ** class CodeWise
[docs]class CodeWise(object): #@+others #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14257: *3* __init__(CodeWise) def __init__(self, dbpath=None): if dbpath is None: # use "current" db from env var dbpath = DEFAULT_DB # print(dbpath) self.reset_caches() if not os.path.exists(dbpath): self.createdb(dbpath) else: self.dbconn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) self.create_caches() #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14258: *3* createdb
[docs] def createdb(self, dbpath): self.dbconn = c = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) # print(self.dbconn) c.executescript(DB_SCHEMA) c.commit() c.close()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14259: *3* create_caches
[docs] def create_caches(self): """ read existing db and create caches """ c = self.cursor() c.execute('select id, name from class') for idd, name in c: self.classcache[name] = idd c.execute('select id, path from file') for idd, name in c: self.filecache[name] = idd c.close()
#print self.classcache #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14260: *3* reset_caches
[docs] def reset_caches(self): self.classcache = {} self.filecache = {} self.fileids_scanned = set()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14261: *3* cursor
[docs] def cursor(self): if self.dbconn: try: return self.dbconn.cursor() except ProgrammingError: print("No cursor for codewise DB, closed database?")
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14262: *3* class_id
[docs] def class_id(self, classname): """ return class id. May create new class """ if classname is None: return 0 idd = self.classcache.get(classname) if idd is None: c = self.cursor() c.execute('insert into class(name) values (?)', [classname]) c.close() idd = c.lastrowid self.classcache[classname] = idd return idd
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14263: *3* get_members
[docs] def get_members(self, classnames): clset = set(classnames) # class_by_id = dict((v, k) for k, v in self.classcache.items()) # file_by_id = dict((v, k) for k, v in self.filecache.items()) result = [] for name, idd in self.classcache.items(): if name in clset: c = self.cursor() c.execute( 'select name, class, file, searchpattern from function where class = (?)', (idd,)) for name, klassid, fileid, pat in c: result.append((name, pat)) return result
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14264: *3* get_functions
[docs] def get_functions(self, prefix=None): c = self.cursor() if prefix is None: c.execute('select name, class, file, searchpattern from function') else: prefix = str(prefix) c.execute('select name, class, file, searchpattern from function where name like (?)', ( prefix + '%',)) return [(name, pat, klassid, fileid) for name, klassid, fileid, pat in c]
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14265: *3* file_id
[docs] def file_id(self, fname): if fname == '': return 0 idd = self.filecache.get(fname) if idd is None: c = self.cursor() c.execute('insert into file(path) values (?)', [fname]) idd = c.lastrowid self.filecache[fname] = idd self.fileids_scanned.add(idd) else: if idd in self.fileids_scanned: return idd # we are rescanning a file with old entries - nuke old entries #print "rescan", fname c = self.cursor() c.execute("delete from function where file = (?)", (idd,)) #self.dbconn.commit() self.fileids_scanned.add(idd) return idd
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14266: *3* feed_function
[docs] def feed_function(self, func_name, class_name, file_name, aux): """ insert one function 'aux' can be a search pattern (as with ctags), signature, or description """ clid = self.class_id(class_name) fid = self.file_id(file_name) c = self.cursor() c.execute('insert into function(class, name, searchpattern, file) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', [clid, func_name, aux, fid])
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14267: *3* feed_scintilla
[docs] def feed_scintilla(self, apifile_obj): """ handle scintilla api files Syntax is like: -> QStyle """ for l in apifile_obj: if not isPython3: l = builtins.unicode(l, 'utf8', 'replace') parts = l.split('?') fullsym = parts[0].rsplit('.', 1) klass, func = fullsym if len(parts) == 2: desc = parts[1] else: desc = '' # now our class is like qt.QApplication. We do the dirty trick and # remove all but actual class name shortclass = klass.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] #print func, klass, desc self.feed_function(func.strip(), shortclass.strip(), '', desc.strip()) self.dbconn.commit()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14268: *3* feed_ctags
[docs] def feed_ctags(self, tagsfile_obj): for l in tagsfile_obj: #print l if not isPython3: l = builtins.unicode(l, 'utf8', 'replace') if l.startswith('!'): continue fields = l.split('\t') m = fields[0] fil = fields[1] pat = fields[2] # typ = fields[3] klass = None try: ext = fields[4] if ext and ext.startswith('class:'): klass = ext.split(':', 1)[1].strip() idd = self.class_id(klass) #print "klass",klass, idd except IndexError: ext = None # class id 0 = function idd = 0 c = self.cursor() #print fields fid = self.file_id(fil) c.execute('insert into function(class, name, searchpattern, file) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', [idd, m, pat, fid]) self.dbconn.commit()
#c.commit() #print fields #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14269: *3* add_source
[docs] def add_source(self, type, src): c = self.cursor() c.execute('insert into datasource(type, src) values (?,?)', (type, src)) self.dbconn.commit()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14270: *3* sources
[docs] def sources(self): c = self.cursor() c.execute('select type, src from datasource') return list(c)
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14271: *3* zap_symbols
[docs] def zap_symbols(self): c = self.cursor() tables = ['class', 'file', 'function'] for t in tables: c.execute('delete from ' + t) self.dbconn.commit()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14272: *3* # high level commands # high level commands #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14273: *3* parseall
[docs] def parseall(self): sources = self.sources() self.reset_caches() self.zap_symbols() tagdirs = [td for typ, td in sources if typ == 'tagdir'] self.parse(tagdirs) self.dbconn.commit()
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14274: *3* parse
[docs] def parse(self, paths): paths = set(os.path.abspath(p) for p in paths) f = run_ctags(paths) self.feed_ctags(f) sources = self.sources() for a in paths: if ('tagdir', a) not in sources: self.add_source('tagdir', a)
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14275: ** class ContextSniffer
[docs]class ContextSniffer(object): """ Class to analyze surrounding context and guess class For simple dynamic code completion engines """ #@+others #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14276: *3* __init__ (ContextSniffer) def __init__(self): # var name => list of classes self.vars = {} #@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14277: *3* declare
[docs] def declare(self, var, klass): # print("declare",var,klass) vars = self.vars.get(var, []) if not vars: self.vars[var] = vars vars.append(klass)
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14278: *3* push_declarations
[docs] def push_declarations(self, body): for l in body.splitlines(): l = l.lstrip() if not l.startswith('#'): continue l = l.lstrip('#') parts = l.strip(':') if len(parts) != 2: continue self.declare(parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip())
#@+node:ekr.20110310091639.14279: *3* set_small_context
[docs] def set_small_context(self, body): """ Set immediate function """ self.push_declarations(body)
#@-others #@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 if __name__ == "__main__": main() #@-leo