Source code for leo.plugins.leocursor

#@+node:tbrown.20100228141752.5691: * @file
""" Creates a LeoCursor object that can walk around a Leo outline and decode
attributes from nodes.

Node names can be used through . (dot) notation so ``cursor.Data.Name._B`` for
example returns the body text of the Name node which is a child of the Data node
which is a child of the cursors current location.

See .../plugins/examples/leocursorexample.leo for application.


import re

#@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5452: ** class AttribManager
[docs]class AttribManager(object): """Class responsible for reading / writing attributes from vnodes for LeoCursor"""
[docs] class NotPresent(Exception): pass
[docs] def filterBody(self, b): """Return the body string without any parts used to store attributes, if this flavor of attribute manager stores attributes in the body. If not, just return the whole body string.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def getAttrib(self, v, what): """Get an attribute value from a vnode""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def keys(self, v): """Get list of attribute keys from a vnode""" raise NotImplementedError()
#@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5453: ** class AM_Colon
[docs]class AM_Colon(AttribManager): """Attributes are in the body text as:: start-of-line letter letters-or-numbers colon space(s) attribute-value Both:: foo: and:: foo: all this is the value are attributes (first one is value==''), but:: foo:value is not (because there's no space after the colon). """ pattern = re.compile(r"^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(:)(\s+(\S.*))*$")
[docs] def filterBody(self, b): return '\n'.join( [i for i in b.split('\n') if not self.pattern.match(i)])
[docs] def getAttrib(self, v, what): for i in v.b.split('\n'): m = self.pattern.match(i) if m and == what: m = if m: m = m.strip() else: m = '' # don't return None return m raise self.NotPresent()
[docs] def keys(self, v): ans = [] for i in v.b.split('\n'): m = self.pattern.match(i) if m: ans.append( return ans
[docs] def has_key(self, v, what): # no access to this from LeoCursor... for i in v.b.split('\n'): m = self.pattern.match(i) if m and == what: return True return False
#@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5455: ** class AM_CapColon
[docs]class AM_CapColon(AM_Colon): """Like AM_Colon, but first letter must be capital.""" pattern = r"^([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*:)(\s+(\S.*))*$"
#@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5451: ** class LeoCursor
[docs]class LeoCursor(object): """See module docs."""
[docs] class NotPresent(Exception): pass
#@+others #@+node:tbrown.20100205200824.5424: *3* __init__ def __init__(self, v, other=None): self.__v = v if other: self.__root = other.__root self.__parents = other.__parents + [other] self.__attribManagers = list(other.__attribManagers) else: self.__root = v self.__attribManagers = [] self.__parents = [] #@+node:tbrown.20100205200824.9978: *3* __iter__ def __iter__(self): for i in self.__v.children: yield self.__at(i) #@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5447: *3* __call__ def __call__(self, path): """'Group .*/June/Event .*' - all the events that descend from June that dsecend from a Group""" stems = [self] steps = path.split('/') while steps: step = steps.pop(0) # print 'S',step if not step.strip(): continue try: step_int = int(step) except ValueError: step_int = False new_stems = [] for stem in stems: if step_int is not False: new_stems.append(self.__at( (stem.__v.children or [])[step_int])) elif step.startswith('@'): for i in self.__attribManagers: try: new_stems.append(i.getAttrib(stem.__v, step[1:])) except AttribManager.NotPresent: pass else: for i in stem.__v.children or []: #print 'V', step, i.h if re.match(step, i.h): new_stems.append(self.__at(i)) #print 'N',i.h stems = new_stems return stems #@+node:tbrown.20100205200824.5425: *3* __getattr__ def __getattr__(self, what): if what == '_H': return str(self.__v.h) elif what == '_B': return self.__body() elif what == '_U': return self.__v.u elif what == '_P': return self.__parents elif what == '_GNX': # or _G? return self.__v.gnx elif what == '_R': return self.__at(self.__root) elif what == '_K': ans = [] for i in self.__attribManagers: ans.extend(i.keys(self.__v)) return ans for child in self.__v.children: if child.h == what: return self.__at(child) for i in self.__attribManagers: t = what[1:] if what.startswith('_') else what try: return i.getAttrib(self.__v, t) except AttribManager.NotPresent: pass raise LeoCursor.NotPresent() #@+node:tbrown.20100208110238.12228: *3* __getitem__ def __getitem__(self, what): """which can be a slice object, we let builtin list take care of it""" if isinstance(what, int): return self.__at(self.__v.children[what]) else: return [self.__at(i) for i in self.__v.children[what]] #@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5449: *3* __body def __body(self): b = str(self.__v.b) # filter out all attribs for i in self.__attribManagers: b = i.filterBody(b) return b #@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5450: *3* __at def __at(self, v): return LeoCursor(v, self) #@+node:tbrown.20100206093439.5457: *3* _setAttribManagers def _setAttribManagers(self, mngrs): self.__attribManagers = list(mngrs)
#@-others #@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@-leo