Source code for leo.plugins.nodeActions

#@+node:TL.20090225102340.32: * @file
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.3: ** << docstring >> (
r""" Allows the definition of double-click actions.

The double-click-icon-box command causes this plugin checks for a match of
the clicked node's headline text with a list of patterns. If a match
occurs, the plugin executes the associated script.

**nodeAction** nodes may be located anywhere in the outline. Such nodes
should contain one or more **pattern nodes** as children. The headline of
each pattern node contains the pattern; the body text contains the script
to be executed when the pattern matches the double-clicked node.

For example, the "nodeActions" node containing a "launch URL" pattern node
and a "pre-process python code" node could be placed under an "@settings"

   +- nodeActions
      +- http:\\*
      +- @file *.py


The nodeActions plugin supports the following global configurations using
Leo's support for setting global variables within an @settings node's
sub-nodes in the leoSettings.leo, myLeoSettings.leo, and the project Leo

@bool nodeActions_save_atFile_nodes = False

     The double-click-icon-box command on an @file type node will save the
     file to disk before executing the script.

     The double-click-icon-box command on an @file type node will **not**
     save the file to disk before executing the script. (default)

@int nodeActions_message_level = 1

  Specifies the type of messages to be sent to the log pane.  Specifying a
  higher message level will display that level and all lower levels.
  The following integer values are supported::

    0 no messages
    1 Plugin triggered and the patterns that were matched (default)
    2 Double-click event passed or not to next plugin
    3 Patterns that did not match
    4 Code debugging messages


Pattern matching is performed using python's support for Unix
shell-style patterns unless overwritten by the "X" pattern directive.
The following pattern elements are supported::

    *           matches everything
    ?           matches any single character
    [<seq>]     matches any character in <seq>
    [!<seq>]    matches any character **not** in <seq>

Unix shell-style pattern matching is case insensitive and always starts from
the beginning of the headline.  For example:

     ======= =========== ==============
     Pattern   Matches   Does not match
     ======= =========== ==============
     .py     .py - Test
     ======= =========== ==============

To enable a script to run on any type of @file node (@thin, @shadow, ...),
the pattern can start with "@files" to match on any
external file type.  For example, the pattern "@files \*.py" will
match a node with the headline "@file".

The double-click-icon-box command matches the headline of the node against
the patterns starting from the first sub-node under the "nodeActions" node
to the last sub-node.

Only the script associated with the first matching pattern is
invoked unless overwritten by the "V" pattern directive.

Using the "V" pattern directive allows a broad pattern such
as "@files \*.py" to be invoked, and then, by placing a more restrictive
pattern above it, such as "@files \*", a different script can be
executed for those files requiring pre-processing::

  +- nodeActions
     +- @files *
     +- @files *.py

**Note**: To prevent Leo from trying to save patterns that begin with a derived
file directive (@file, @auto, ...) to disk, such as "@file \*.py", place the
"@ignore" directive in the body of the "nodeActions" node.

Pattern nodes can be placed at any level under the "nodeActions" node.
Only nodes with no child nodes are considered pattern nodes.
This allows patterns that are to be used in multiple Leo files to be read
from a file.  For example, the following structure reads the pattern
definition from the "C:\\Leo\\nodeActions_Patterns.txt" file::

    +- nodeActions
    +- @files C:\\Leo\\nodeActions_Patterns.txt
        +- http:\\*
        +- @file *.py

**Pattern directives**

The following pattern specific directives can be appended to the end of a
pattern (do not include the ':'):

  Use python's regular expression type patterns instead of the Unix
  shell-style pattern syntax.

  For example, the following patterns will match the same headline string::

     Unix shell-style pattern:
        @files *.py

     Regular Expression pattern:
        ^@files .*\.py$ [X]

  Matching the pattern will not block the double-click event from
  being passed to the remaining patterns.
  The "V" represents a down arrow that symbolizes the passing of the event
  to the next pattern below it.

  For example, adding the "[V]" directive to the "@files \*" in
  the Patterns section above, changes its script from being 'an
  alternate to' to being 'a pre-processor for' the "@files \*.py" script::

     +- nodeActions
        +- @files * [V]
        +- @files *.py

  Matching the pattern will not block the double-click event from being
  passed to other plugins.
  The ">" represents a right arrow that
  symbolizes the passing of the event to the next plugin.

  If the headline matched more than one headline,
  the double-click event will be passed to the next plugin if the
  directive is associated with any of the matched patterns.

The directive(s) for a pattern must be contained within a single set of
brackets, separated from the pattern by a space, with or without a comma
separator.  For example, the following specifies all three directives::

    ^@files .*\.py$ [X,V>]


The script for a pattern is located in the body of the pattern's node.
The following global variables are available to the script::

    pClicked - node position of the double-clicked node
    pScript - node position of the invoked script


The double-click-icon-box command on a node with a
"http:\\\\" headline will invoke the script associated with
the "http:\\\\\*" pattern. The following script in the body of the
pattern's node displays the URL in a browser::

     import webbrowser
     hClicked = pClicked.h     #Clicked node's Headline text #Invoke browser

The following script can be placed in the body of a pattern's node to
execute a command in the first line of the body of a double-clicked node::

     g.os.system('"Start /b ' + pClicked.bodyString() + '"')

#@-<< docstring >>

# Written by TL.
# Derived from the fileActions plugin.
# Distributed under the same licence as Leo.

__version__ = "0.4"
#@+<< version history >>
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.4: ** << version history >>
# 0.3 : 02-Apr-10 : TL : Support search all sub-nodes for pattern match
# 0.2 : 02-Mar-09 : TL : Support for 'X', 'V', and  '>' directives added
# 0.1 : 27-Feb-09 : TL : Initial code (modified from FileActions plugin)
#@-<< version history >>
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20040915110738.1: ** << imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g

import fnmatch
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
#@-<< imports >>

atFileTypes = [
    "@file", "@thin", "@file-thin",   "@thinfile",
    "@asis",   "@file-asis","@silentfile",
    "@nosent","@file-nosent", "@nosentinelsfile",
    "@shadow", "@edit",

#@+node:TL.20080507213950.8: ** onIconDoubleClickNA
[docs]def onIconDoubleClickNA(tag, keywords): c = keywords.get("c") p = keywords.get("p") if not c or not p: return None if doNodeAction(p,c): return True #Action was taken - Stop other double-click handlers from running else: return None #No action taken - Let other double-click handlers run
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.7: ** init (
[docs]def init(): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' if not"nodeActions: Init") ok = not # Dangerous for unit testing. if ok: g.registerHandler("icondclick1", onIconDoubleClickNA) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return ok
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.9: ** doNodeAction
[docs]def doNodeAction(pClicked, c): hClicked = pClicked.h.strip() #Display messages based on 'messageLevel'. Valid values: # 0 = log no messages # 1 = log that the plugin was triggered and each matched patterns # 2 = log 1 & 'event passed' # 3 = log 1,2 & 'no match to pattern' # 4 = log 1,2,3, & any code debugging messages, # matched pattern's 'directives', and '@file saved' settings messageLevel = c.config.getInt('nodeActions_message_level') if messageLevel >= 1: "nodeActions: triggered" ) #Save @file type nodes before running script if enabled saveAtFile = c.config.getBool('nodeActions_save_atFile_nodes') if messageLevel >= 4: "nA: Global nodeActions_save_atFile_nodes=",saveAtFile) #Find the "nodeActions" node pNA = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,"nodeActions") if not pNA: pNA = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,"NodeActions") if pNA: #Found "nodeActions" node foundPattern = False passEventExternal = False #No pass to next plugin after pattern matched #Check entire subtree under the "nodeActions" node for pattern for pScript in pNA.subtree(): #Nodes with subnodes are not tested for a match if pScript.hasChildren(): continue #Don't trigger on double click of a nodeActions' pattern node if pClicked == pScript: continue pattern = pScript.h.strip() #Pattern node's header if messageLevel >= 4: "nA: Checking pattern '" + pattern) #if directives exist, parse them and set directive flags for later use # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string directiveExists = " \[[V>X],?[V>X]?,?[V>X]?]$", pattern ) if directiveExists: directives = else: directives = "[]" #What directives exist? useRegEx ="X", directives) is not None passEventInternal ="V", directives) is not None if not passEventExternal: #don't disable once enabled. passEventExternal =">", directives) is not None #Remove the directives from the end of the pattern (if they exist) pattern = re.sub( " \[.*]$", "", pattern, 1) if messageLevel >= 4: "nA: Pattern='" + pattern + "' " + "(after directives removed)") #Keep copy of pattern without directives for message log patternOriginal = pattern #if pattern begins with "@files" and clicked node is an @file type #node then replace "@files" in pattern with clicked node's @file type patternBeginsWithAtFiles = "^@files ", pattern ) clickedAtFileTypeNode = False #assume @file type node not clicked if patternBeginsWithAtFiles: #Check if first word in clicked header is in list of @file types firstWordInClickedHeader = hClicked.split()[0] if firstWordInClickedHeader in atFileTypes: clickedAtFileTypeNode = True #Tell "write @file type nodes" code #Replace "@files" in pattern with clicked node's @file type pattern = re.sub( "^@files", firstWordInClickedHeader, pattern) if messageLevel >= 4: "nA: Pattern='" + pattern + "' " + "(after @files substitution)") #Check for pattern match to clicked node's header if useRegEx: match =, hClicked) else: match = fnmatch.fnmatchcase(hClicked, pattern) if match: if messageLevel >= 1: "nA: Matched pattern '" + patternOriginal + "'") if messageLevel >= 4: "nA: Directives: X=",useRegEx, "V=",passEventInternal, ">=",passEventExternal,) #if @file type node, save node to disk (if configured) if clickedAtFileTypeNode: if saveAtFile: #Problem - No way found to just save clicked node, saving all c.fileCommands.writeAtFileNodes() ### c.requestRedrawFlag = True c.redraw() if messageLevel >= 3: "nA: Saved '" + hClicked + "'") #Run the script applyNodeAction(pScript, pClicked, c) #Indicate that at least one pattern was matched foundPattern = True #Don't trigger more patterns unless enabled in patterns' headline if not passEventInternal: break else: if messageLevel >= 3:"nA: Did not match '" + patternOriginal + "'") #Finished checking headline against patterns if not foundPattern: #no match to any pattern, always pass event to next plugin if messageLevel >= 1:"nA: No patterns matched to """ + hClicked + '"') return False #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick that no action was taken elif passEventExternal: #last matched pattern has directive to pass event to next plugin if messageLevel >= 2:"nA: Event passed to next plugin") return False #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick to pass double-click event else: #last matched pattern did not have directive to pass event to plugin if messageLevel >= 2:"nA: Event not passed to next plugin") return True #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick to not pass double-click else: #nodeActions plugin enabled without a 'nodeActions' node if messageLevel >= 4:"nA: The ""nodeActions"" node does not exist") return False #TL - Inform onIconDoubleClick that no action was taken
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.10: ** applyNodeAction
[docs]def applyNodeAction(pScript, pClicked, c): script = g.getScript(c, pScript) if script: working_directory = os.getcwd() file_directory = c.frame.openDirectory os.chdir(file_directory) script += '\n' #Redirect output if c.config.redirect_execute_script_output_to_log_pane: g.redirectStdout() # Redirect stdout g.redirectStderr() # Redirect stderr try: namespace = { 'c':c, 'g':g, 'pClicked': pClicked, 'pScript' : pScript, 'shellScriptInWindowNA': shellScriptInWindowNA } # exec script in namespace exec(script,namespace) #Unredirect output if c.config.redirect_execute_script_output_to_log_pane: g.restoreStderr() g.restoreStdout() except Exception: #Unredirect output if c.config.redirect_execute_script_output_to_log_pane: g.restoreStderr() g.restoreStdout()"exception in NodeAction plugin") g.es_exception(full=False,c=c) os.chdir(working_directory)
#@+node:TL.20080507213950.13: ** shellScriptInWindowNA
[docs]def shellScriptInWindowNA(c,script): if sys.platform == 'darwin': #@+<< write script to temporary MacOS file >> #@+node:TL.20080507213950.14: *3* << write script to temporary MacOS file >> handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) directory = c.frame.openDirectory script = ("cd %s\n" % directory) + script + '\n' + ("rm -f %s\n" % path) os.write(handle, script) os.close(handle) os.chmod(path,0x700) #@-<< write script to temporary MacOS file >> os.system("open -a /Applications/Utilities/ " + path) elif sys.platform == 'win32': g.error("shellScriptInWindow not ready for Windows") else: #@+<< write script to temporary Unix file >> #@+node:TL.20080507213950.15: *3* << write script to temporary Unix file >> handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) directory = c.frame.openDirectory script = ("cd %s\n" % directory) + script + '\n' + ("rm -f %s\n" % path) os.write(handle, script) os.close(handle) os.chmod(path,0x700) #@-<< write script to temporary Unix file >> os.system("xterm -e sh " + path)
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@-leo