Source code for leo.plugins.run_nodes

#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.1: * @file
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050912181956: ** << docstring >> (
r''' Runs a program and interface Leo through its input/output/error streams.

The double-click-icon-box command on a node whose headlines is @run 'cmd args' will execute
the command. There are several other features, including @arg and @input nodes.

The plugin introduce two new nodes that transform leo into a
terminal. It was mostly intended to run compilers and debuggers while having the
possibility to send messages to the program.

The double-click-icon-box command on a node whose headline is @run <command> <args>
will launch <command> with the given arguments. It will also mark the node. #
Terminates the argument list. @run # <comment> is also valid.

@in nodes are used to send input to the running process. Double clicking on
the icon of an @in <message> node will append a "\n" to <message> and write it
to the program, no matter where the node is placed. If no @run node is active,
nothing happens.

The body text of every child, in which the headlines do not begin with '@run'
or '@in', will be appended to <command>, allowing you to add an unlimited number
of arguments to <command>.

The output of the program is written in the log pane (Error output in red).
When the program exit the node is set unmarked and the return value is
displayed... When the enter key is pressed in the body pane of an active @run
node the content of it body pane is written to the program and then emptied
ready for another line of input. If the node have @run nodes in its descendants,
they will be launched successively. (Unless one returned an exit code other
than 0, then it will stop there)

By Alexis Gendron Paquette. Please send comments to the Leo forums.
#@-<< docstring >>

# At present, this plugin is experimental, that is, broken.

#@+<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.3: ** << version history >>
# 0.13 EKR:
# - use import leo.core.leoGlobals as leoGlobals and import leoPlugins rather from x import *
# - Made positions explicit and use position iterators.
# - Support @arg nodes.
# - Support @run # comment (or #comment)
# - Support @run command args # comment (or #comment)
# - Allow @input as well as @in.
# - Simpler log messages.
# 0.14 EKR:
# - Removed call to
# - Added init function.
# 0.15 EKR: Corrected the call to os.popen3 in OpenProcess per
# 0.16 EKR:
# - replaced os.popen3 by calls to subprocess.Popen.
#   This probably altered the intension of this plugin.
# - Fixed several other crashers.
# Important: at present, this plugin must be considered broken.
#@-<< version history >>
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.4: ** << imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g

import os
# import string

if g.isPython3:
    import threading
    import thread
    import threading

import subprocess
import time
#@-<< imports >>
#@+<< globals >>
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.5: ** << globals >>
if == "dos" or == "nt":
    Encoding = "mbcs"
    Encoding = "ascii"

#"@run encoding: "+Encoding)

# misc global variables...
RunNode = None
RunList = None
WorkDir = None
ExitCode = None

# files and threads...
In = None
OutThread = None
ErrThread = None

# idle hook own flags...
OwnIdleHook = False
#@-<< globals >>

#@+node:ekr.20060108160737: ** init (
[docs]def init (): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' g.registerHandler("bodykey2",OnBodyKey) g.registerHandler("icondclick2",OnIconDoubleClick) g.registerHandler("end1",OnQuit) g.registerHandler("idle",OnIdle) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return True # Ok for unit testing.
#@+node:ekr.20060108160737.1: ** Hooks #@+node:ekr.20040910070811.12: *3* OnBodyKey
[docs]def OnBodyKey(tag,keywords): global RunNode,In c=keywords.get('c') if not c or not c.exists: return p=c.p h=p.h ch=keywords.get("ch") # handle the @run "\r" body key if ch == "\r" and g.match_word(h,0,"@run") and RunNode and RunNode==p: try: In.write(p.b.encode(Encoding)) In.flush() except IOError as ioerr: g.error("[@run] IOError: "+str(ioerr)) return c.setBodyText(p,"")
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.13: *3* OnIconDoubleClick
[docs]def OnIconDoubleClick(tag,keywords): global RunNode,RunList,OwnIdleHook,ExitCode c=keywords.get('c') if not c or not c.exists: return p = c.p h = p.h if g.match_word(h,0,"@run"): if RunNode or RunList: g.error("@run already running!") else: #@+<< handle double click in @run icon >> #@+node:ekr.20040910102554: *4* << handle double click in @run icon >> RunList = [] for p2 in p.self_and_subtree(): if g.match_word(p2.h,0,"@run"): # Don't use iter copy arg. RunList.append(p2.copy()) ExitCode = None OwnIdleHook = True #@-<< handle double click in @run icon >> elif g.match_word(h,0,"@in"): if RunNode: #@+<< handle double click in @in icon >> #@+node:ekr.20040910102554.1: *4* << handle double click in @in icon >> b = p.b try: In.write(b.encode(Encoding)+"\n") In.flush() except IOError as ioerr: g.error("@run IOError: "+str(ioerr))
#@-<< handle double click in @in icon >> #@+node:ekr.20040910070811.14: *3* OnIdle
[docs]def OnIdle(tag,keywords): global RunNode,RunList global ErrThread,OutThread global ExitCode,OwnIdleHook c=keywords.get('c') if not c or not c.exists: return if not OwnIdleHook: return if RunNode: o = UpdateText(OutThread) e = UpdateText(ErrThread,"red") if not o and not e: CloseProcess(c) elif RunList: fn = RunList[0] del RunList[0] if fn and ExitCode is None: OpenProcess(fn) else: OwnIdleHook = False g.disableIdleTimeHook()
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.15: *3* OnQuit
[docs]def OnQuit(tag,keywords=None): global RunNode,RunList c = keywords.get('c') if c and RunList: RunList = None g.disableIdleTimeHook() if RunNode: CloseProcess(c) g.error("@run: forced quit!")
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.6: ** class readingThread
[docs]class readingThread(threading.Thread): File = None if g.isPython3: TextLock = threading.Lock() TextLock.acquire() else: TextLock = thread.allocate_lock() Text = "" #@+others #@+node:ekr.20040910070811.7: *3* run
[docs] def run(self): '''Called automatically when the thread is created.''' global Encoding if not self.File: return s=self.File.readline() while s: if s != "\n": self.TextLock.acquire() try: self.Text = self.Text + g.ue(s,Encoding) except IOError as ioerr: self.Text = self.Text +"\n"+ "[@run] ioerror :"+str(ioerr) self.TextLock.release() s=self.File.readline() time.sleep(0.01)
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20040910070811.8: ** CloseProcess
[docs]def CloseProcess(c): global RunNode,ExitCode,WorkDir global In,OutThread,ErrThread # Close file and get error code. In.close() OutThread.File.close() ExitCode = ErrThread.File.close() # Unmark the node and reset it. RunNode.clearMarked() RunNode = None # Reset the working dir. if WorkDir is not None: os.chdir(WorkDir) WorkDir = None # Write exit code. if ExitCode is None:"@run done") else: g.error("@run exits with code: %s" % (str(ExitCode))) # Redraw. c.redraw()
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.9: ** FindRunChildren (no longer used)
[docs]def FindRunChildren(p): global RunList for child in p.children(): if g.match_word(child.h,0,"@run"): RunList.append(child) FindRunChildren(child)
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.10: ** OpenProcess
[docs]def OpenProcess(p): global RunNode,WorkDir global In,OutThread,ErrThread,ExitCode command = p.h[4:].strip() # Remove @run if not command: return #@+<< set the working directory or return >> #@+node:ekr.20040910094754: *3* << set the working directory or return >> args = command.split(' ') path,fname = os.path.split(args[0]) if g.match(fname,0,'#'): return if path: if os.access(path,os.F_OK) == 1: WorkDir=os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) else: g.error("@run: invalid path: %s" % (path)) return #@-<< set the working directory or return >> #@+<< set the command, removing all args following '#' >> #@+node:ekr.20040910100935: *3* << set the command, removing all args following '#' >> command = fname for arg in args[1:]: if g.match(arg,0,'#'): break else: command += ' ' + arg.strip() #@-<< set the command, removing all args following '#' >> if not command.strip(): return RunNode=p args = [] #@+<< append arguments from child nodes to command >> #@+node:ekr.20040910095147: *3* << append arguments from child nodes to command >> for child in p.children(): h = child.h if g.match_word(h,0,"@arg"): arg = h[4:].strip() args.append(arg) else: if ( not g.match_word(h,0,"@run") and not g.match_word(h,0,"@in") and not g.match_word(h,0,"@input") ): args.append(child.b.strip()) #@-<< append arguments from child nodes to command >>"@run %s>%s" % (os.getcwd(),command)) for arg in args:"@arg %s" % arg) command += ' ' + ' '.join(args) # Start the threads and open the pipe. OutThread = readingThread() ErrThread = readingThread() # In,OutThread.File,ErrThread.File = os.popen3(command,"t") #### OutThread.File,In,ErrThread.File = os.popen3(command,"t") # PIPE = subprocess.PIPE proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True) # bufsize=bufsize, # stdin=PIPE, # stdout=PIPE, # stderr=PIPE) ,close_fds=True) In = proc.stdin OutThread.File = proc.stdout ErrThread.File = proc.stderr OutThread.start() ErrThread.start() # Mark and select the node. RunNode.setMarked() c = RunNode.v.context c.selectPosition(RunNode) if in ("nt","dos"): c.redraw()
#@+node:ekr.20040910070811.11: ** UpdateText
[docs]def UpdateText(t,wcolor="black"): global RunNode,Encoding if t.TextLock.acquire(0) == 1: if t.Text: if t.Text != "\n":,color=wcolor) t.Text="" elif not t.isAlive(): t.TextLock.release() return False t.TextLock.release() return True
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@-leo