Source code for leo.core.leoCompare

#@+node:ekr.20180212072657.2: * @file
"""Leo's base compare class."""
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import difflib
import filecmp
import os
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3633: ** class LeoCompare
[docs]class BaseLeoCompare(object): """The base class for Leo's compare code.""" #@+others #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3634: *3* compare.__init__ # All these ivars are known to the LeoComparePanel class. def __init__(self, # Keyword arguments are much convenient and more clear for scripts. commands=None, appendOutput=False, ignoreBlankLines=True, ignoreFirstLine1=False, ignoreFirstLine2=False, ignoreInteriorWhitespace=False, ignoreLeadingWhitespace=True, ignoreSentinelLines=False, limitCount=0, # Zero means don't stop. limitToExtension=".py", # For directory compares. makeWhitespaceVisible=True, printBothMatches=False, printMatches=False, printMismatches=True, printTrailingMismatches=False, outputFileName=None ): # It is more convenient for the LeoComparePanel to set these directly. self.c = commands self.appendOutput = appendOutput self.ignoreBlankLines = ignoreBlankLines self.ignoreFirstLine1 = ignoreFirstLine1 self.ignoreFirstLine2 = ignoreFirstLine2 self.ignoreInteriorWhitespace = ignoreInteriorWhitespace self.ignoreLeadingWhitespace = ignoreLeadingWhitespace self.ignoreSentinelLines = ignoreSentinelLines self.limitCount = limitCount self.limitToExtension = limitToExtension self.makeWhitespaceVisible = makeWhitespaceVisible self.printBothMatches = printBothMatches self.printMatches = printMatches self.printMismatches = printMismatches self.printTrailingMismatches = printTrailingMismatches # For communication between methods... self.outputFileName = outputFileName self.fileName1 = None self.fileName2 = None # Open files... self.outputFile = None #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3635: *3* compare_directories (entry) # We ignore the filename portion of path1 and path2 if it exists.
[docs] def compare_directories(self, path1, path2): # Ignore everything except the directory name. dir1 = g.os_path_dirname(path1) dir2 = g.os_path_dirname(path2) dir1 = g.os_path_normpath(dir1) dir2 = g.os_path_normpath(dir2) if dir1 == dir2: return"Please pick distinct directories.") try: list1 = os.listdir(dir1) except Exception: return"invalid directory:" + dir1) try: list2 = os.listdir(dir2) except Exception: return"invalid directory:" + dir2) if self.outputFileName: self.openOutputFile() ok = self.outputFileName is None or self.outputFile if not ok: return None # Create files and files2, the lists of files to be compared. files1 = [] files2 = [] for f in list1: junk, ext = g.os_path_splitext(f) if self.limitToExtension: if ext == self.limitToExtension: files1.append(f) else: files1.append(f) for f in list2: junk, ext = g.os_path_splitext(f) if self.limitToExtension: if ext == self.limitToExtension: files2.append(f) else: files2.append(f) # Compare the files and set the yes, no and missing lists. yes = []; no = []; missing1 = []; missing2 = [] for f1 in files1: head, f2 = g.os_path_split(f1) if f2 in files2: try: name1 = g.os_path_join(dir1, f1) name2 = g.os_path_join(dir2, f2) val = filecmp.cmp(name1, name2, 0) if val: yes.append(f1) else: no.append(f1) except Exception:"exception in filecmp.cmp") g.es_exception() missing1.append(f1) else: missing1.append(f1) for f2 in files2: head, f1 = g.os_path_split(f2) if f1 not in files1: missing2.append(f1) # Print the results. for kind, files in ( ("----- matches --------", yes), ("----- mismatches -----", no), ("----- not found 1 ------", missing1), ("----- not found 2 ------", missing2), ): for f in files: if self.outputFile: self.outputFile.close() self.outputFile = None return None # To keep pychecker happy.
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3636: *3* compare_files (entry)
[docs] def compare_files(self, name1, name2): if name1 == name2:"File names are identical.\nPlease pick distinct files.") return self.compare_two_files(name1, name2)
#@+node:ekr.20180211123531.1: *3* compare_list_of_files (entry for scripts)
[docs] def compare_list_of_files(self, aList1): aList = list(set(aList1)) while len(aList) > 1: path1 = aList[0] for path2 in aList[1:]: g.trace('COMPARE', path1, path2) self.compare_two_files(path1, path2)
#@+node:ekr.20180211123741.1: *3* compare_two_files
[docs] def compare_two_files(self, name1, name2): '''A helper function.''' f1 = f2 = None try: f1 = self.doOpen(name1) f2 = self.doOpen(name2) if self.outputFileName: self.openOutputFile() ok = self.outputFileName is None or self.outputFile ok = 1 if ok and ok != 0 else 0 if f1 and f2 and ok: # Don't compare if there is an error opening the output file. self.compare_open_files(f1, f2, name1, name2) except Exception:"exception comparing files") g.es_exception() try: if f1: f1.close() if f2: f2.close() if self.outputFile: self.outputFile.close(); self.outputFile = None except Exception:"exception closing files") g.es_exception()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3637: *3* compare_lines
[docs] def compare_lines(self, s1, s2): if self.ignoreLeadingWhitespace: s1 = s1.lstrip() s2 = s2.lstrip() if self.ignoreInteriorWhitespace: k1 = g.skip_ws(s1, 0) k2 = g.skip_ws(s2, 0) ws1 = s1[: k1] ws2 = s2[: k2] tail1 = s1[k1:] tail2 = s2[k2:] tail1 = tail1.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "") tail2 = tail2.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "") s1 = ws1 + tail1 s2 = ws2 + tail2 return s1 == s2
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3638: *3* compare_open_files
[docs] def compare_open_files(self, f1, f2, name1, name2): #"compare_open_files") lines1 = 0; lines2 = 0; mismatches = 0; printTrailing = True sentinelComment1 = sentinelComment2 = None if self.openOutputFile():"1: " + name1)"2: " + name2)"") s1 = s2 = None #@+<< handle opening lines >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3639: *4* << handle opening lines >> if self.ignoreSentinelLines: s1 = g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f1); lines1 += 1 s2 = g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f2); lines2 += 1 # Note: isLeoHeader may return None. sentinelComment1 = self.isLeoHeader(s1) sentinelComment2 = self.isLeoHeader(s2) if not sentinelComment1:"no @+leo line for " + name1) if not sentinelComment2:"no @+leo line for " + name2) if self.ignoreFirstLine1: if s1 is None: g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f1); lines1 += 1 s1 = None if self.ignoreFirstLine2: if s2 is None: g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f2); lines2 += 1 s2 = None #@-<< handle opening lines >> while 1: if s1 is None: s1 = g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f1); lines1 += 1 if s2 is None: s2 = g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f2); lines2 += 1 #@+<< ignore blank lines and/or sentinels >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3640: *4* << ignore blank lines and/or sentinels >> # Completely empty strings denotes end-of-file. if s1: if self.ignoreBlankLines and s1.isspace(): s1 = None; continue if self.ignoreSentinelLines and sentinelComment1 and self.isSentinel(s1, sentinelComment1): s1 = None; continue if s2: if self.ignoreBlankLines and s2.isspace(): s2 = None; continue if self.ignoreSentinelLines and sentinelComment2 and self.isSentinel(s2, sentinelComment2): s2 = None; continue #@-<< ignore blank lines and/or sentinels >> n1 = len(s1); n2 = len(s2) if n1 == 0 and n2 != 0:"1.eof***:") if n2 == 0 and n1 != 0:"2.eof***:") if n1 == 0 or n2 == 0: break match = self.compare_lines(s1, s2) if not match: mismatches += 1 #@+<< print matches and/or mismatches >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3641: *4* << print matches and/or mismatches >> if self.limitCount == 0 or mismatches <= self.limitCount: if match and self.printMatches: if self.printBothMatches: z1 = "1." + str(lines1) z2 = "2." + str(lines2) self.dump(z1.rjust(6) + ' :', s1) self.dump(z2.rjust(6) + ' :', s2) else: self.dump(str(lines1).rjust(6) + ' :', s1) if not match and self.printMismatches: z1 = "1." + str(lines1) z2 = "2." + str(lines2) self.dump(z1.rjust(6) + '*:', s1) self.dump(z2.rjust(6) + '*:', s2) #@-<< print matches and/or mismatches >> #@+<< warn if mismatch limit reached >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3642: *4* << warn if mismatch limit reached >> if self.limitCount > 0 and mismatches >= self.limitCount: if printTrailing:"")"limit count reached")"") printTrailing = False #@-<< warn if mismatch limit reached >> s1 = s2 = None # force a read of both lines. #@+<< handle reporting after at least one eof is seen >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3643: *4* << handle reporting after at least one eof is seen >> if n1 > 0: lines1 += self.dumpToEndOfFile("1.", f1, s1, lines1, printTrailing) if n2 > 0: lines2 += self.dumpToEndOfFile("2.", f2, s2, lines2, printTrailing)"")"lines1:" + str(lines1))"lines2:" + str(lines2))"mismatches:" + str(mismatches))
#@-<< handle reporting after at least one eof is seen >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3644: *3* compare.filecmp
[docs] def filecmp(self, f1, f2): val = filecmp.cmp(f1, f2) if 1: if val:"equal") else:"*** not equal") else:"filecmp.cmp returns:") if val: + " (equal)") else: + " (not equal)") return val
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3645: *3* compare.utils... #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3646: *4* compare.doOpen
[docs] def doOpen(self, name): try: f = open(name, 'r') return f except Exception:"can not open:" + '"' + name + '"') return None
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3647: *4* compare.dump
[docs] def dump(self, tag, s): compare = self; out = tag for ch in s[: -1]: # don't print the newline if compare.makeWhitespaceVisible: if ch == '\t': out += "["; out += "t"; out += "]" elif ch == ' ': out += "["; out += " "; out += "]" else: out += ch else: if 1: out += ch else: # I don't know why I thought this was a good idea ;-) if ch == '\t' or ch == ' ': out += ' ' else: out += ch
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3648: *4* compare.dumpToEndOfFile
[docs] def dumpToEndOfFile(self, tag, f, s, line, printTrailing): trailingLines = 0 while 1: if not s: s = g.readlineForceUnixNewline(f) if not s: break trailingLines += 1 if self.printTrailingMismatches and printTrailing: z = tag + str(line) tag2 = z.rjust(6) + "+:" self.dump(tag2, s) s = None + str(trailingLines) + " trailing lines") return trailingLines
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3649: *4* compare.isLeoHeader & isSentinel #@+at These methods are based on AtFile.scanHeader(). They are simpler # because we only care about the starting sentinel comment: any line # starting with the starting sentinel comment is presumed to be a # sentinel line. #@@c
[docs] def isLeoHeader(self, s): tag = "@+leo" j = s.find(tag) if j > 0: i = g.skip_ws(s, 0) if i < j: return s[i: j] else: return None else: return None
[docs] def isSentinel(self, s, sentinelComment): i = g.skip_ws(s, 0) return g.match(s, i, sentinelComment)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1144: *4* compare.openOutputFile
[docs] def openOutputFile(self): if self.outputFileName is None: return theDir, name = g.os_path_split(self.outputFileName) if not theDir:"empty output directory") return if not name:"empty output file name") return if not g.os_path_exists(theDir):"output directory not found: " + theDir) else: try: if self.appendOutput:"appending to " + self.outputFileName) self.outputFile = open(self.outputFileName, "ab") else:"writing to " + self.outputFileName) self.outputFile = open(self.outputFileName, "wb") except Exception: self.outputFile = None"exception opening output file") g.es_exception()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3650: *4*
[docs] def show(self, s): # if self.outputFile: # self.outputFile is opened in 'wb' mode. s = g.toEncodedString(s + '\n') self.outputFile.write(s) elif self.c: else:'')
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3651: *4* compare.showIvars
[docs] def showIvars(self):"fileName1:" + str(self.fileName1))"fileName2:" + str(self.fileName2))"outputFileName:" + str(self.outputFileName))"limitToExtension:" + str(self.limitToExtension))"")"ignoreBlankLines:" + str(self.ignoreBlankLines))"ignoreFirstLine1:" + str(self.ignoreFirstLine1))"ignoreFirstLine2:" + str(self.ignoreFirstLine2))"ignoreInteriorWhitespace:" + str(self.ignoreInteriorWhitespace))"ignoreLeadingWhitespace:" + str(self.ignoreLeadingWhitespace))"ignoreSentinelLines:" + str(self.ignoreSentinelLines))"")"limitCount:" + str(self.limitCount))"printMatches:" + str(self.printMatches))"printMismatches:" + str(self.printMismatches))"printTrailingMismatches:" + str(self.printTrailingMismatches))
[docs]class LeoCompare(BaseLeoCompare): """ A class containing Leo's compare code. These are not very useful comparisons. """ pass
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.1: ** class CompareLeoOutlines
[docs]class CompareLeoOutlines(object): ''' A class to do outline-oriented diffs of two or more .leo files. Similar to GitDiffController, adapted for use by scripts. ''' def __init__ (self, c): '''Ctor for the LeoOutlineCompare class.''' self.c = c self.file_node = None self.root = None self.path1 = None self.path2 = None #@+others #@+node:ekr.20180211170333.2: *3* loc.diff_list_of_files (entry)
[docs] def diff_list_of_files(self, aList, visible=True): '''The main entry point for scripts.''' if len(aList) < 2: g.trace('Not enough files in', repr(aList)) return self.root = self.create_root(aList) self.visible = visible while len(aList) > 1: path1 = aList[0] aList = aList[1:] for path2 in aList: self.diff_two_files(path1, path2) self.finish()
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.3: *3* loc.diff_two_files
[docs] def diff_two_files(self, fn1, fn2): '''Create an outline describing the git diffs for fn.''' self.path1, self.path2 = fn1, fn2 s1 = self.get_file(fn1) s2 = self.get_file(fn2) lines1 = g.splitLines(s1) lines2 = g.splitLines(s2) diff_list = list(difflib.unified_diff(lines1, lines2, fn1, fn2)) diff_list.insert(0, '@language patch\n') self.file_node = self.create_file_node(diff_list, fn1, fn2) # These will be left open c1 = self.open_outline(fn1) c2 = self.open_outline(fn2) if c1 and c2: self.make_diff_outlines(c1, c2) self.file_node.b = '%s\n@language %s\n' % ( self.file_node.b.rstrip(), c2.target_language)
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.4: *3* loc.Utils #@+node:ekr.20180211170333.5: *4* loc.compute_dicts
[docs] def compute_dicts(self, c1, c2): '''Compute inserted, deleted, changed dictionaries.''' d1 = {v.fileIndex: v for v in c1.all_unique_nodes()} d2 = {v.fileIndex: v for v in c2.all_unique_nodes()} added = {key: d2.get(key) for key in d2 if not d1.get(key)} deleted = {key: d1.get(key) for key in d1 if not d2.get(key)} changed = {} for key in d1: if key in d2: v1 = d1.get(key) v2 = d2.get(key) assert v1 and v2 assert v1.context != v2.context if v1.h != v2.h or v1.b != v2.b: changed[key] = (v1, v2) return added, deleted, changed
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.6: *4* loc.create_compare_node
[docs] def create_compare_node(self, c1, c2, d, kind): '''Create nodes describing the changes.''' if not d: return parent = self.file_node.insertAsLastChild() parent.setHeadString(kind) for key in d: if kind.lower() == 'changed': v1, v2 = d.get(key) # Organizer node: contains diff organizer = parent.insertAsLastChild() organizer.h = v2.h body = list(difflib.unified_diff( g.splitLines(v1.b), g.splitLines(v2.b), self.path1, self.path2, )) if ''.join(body).strip(): body.insert(0, '@language patch\n') body.append('@language %s\n' % (c2.target_language)) else: body = ['Only headline has changed'] organizer.b = ''.join(body) # Node 1: p1 = organizer.insertAsLastChild() p1.h = '1:' + v1.h p1.b = v1.b # Node 2: assert v1.fileIndex == v2.fileIndex p2 = organizer.insertAsLastChild() p2.h = '2:' + v2.h p2.b = v2.b else: v = d.get(key) p = parent.insertAsLastChild() p.h = v.h p.b = v.b
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.7: *4* loc.create_file_node
[docs] def create_file_node(self, diff_list, fn1, fn2): '''Create an organizer node for the file.''' p = self.root.insertAsLastChild() p.h = '%s, %s' % (g.shortFileName(fn1).strip(), g.shortFileName(fn2).strip()) p.b = ''.join(diff_list) return p
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.8: *4* loc.create_root
[docs] def create_root(self, aList): '''Create the top-level organizer node describing all the diffs.''' c = self.c p = c.lastTopLevel().insertAfter() p.h = 'diff-leo-files' p.b = '\n'.join(aList) + '\n' return p
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.9: *4* loc.find_gnx (no longer used)
[docs] def find_gnx(self, c, gnx): '''Return a position in c having the given gnx.''' for p in c.all_unique_positions(): if p.v.fileIndex == gnx: return p return None
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.10: *4* loc.finish
[docs] def finish(self): '''Finish execution of this command.''' c = self.c if hasattr(, 'frameFactory'): tff = tff.setTabForCommander(c) c.contractAllHeadlines(redrawFlag=False) self.root.expand() c.selectPosition(self.root) c.bodyWantsFocus() c.redraw()
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.11: *4* loc.get_file
[docs] def get_file(self, path): '''Return the contents of the file whose path is given.''' with open(path, 'rb') as f: s = return g.toUnicode(s).replace('\r','')
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.13: *4* loc.make_diff_outlines
[docs] def make_diff_outlines(self, c1, c2): '''Create an outline-oriented diff from the outlines c1 and c2.''' added, deleted, changed = self.compute_dicts(c1, c2) table = ( (added, 'Added'), (deleted, 'Deleted'), (changed, 'Changed')) for d, kind in table: self.create_compare_node(c1, c2, d, kind)
#@+node:ekr.20180211170333.14: *4* loc.open_outline
[docs] def open_outline(self, fn): ''' Find the commander for fn, creating a new outline tab if necessary. Using open commanders works because we always read entire .leo files. ''' for frame in if frame.c.fileName() == fn: return frame.c gui = None if self.visible else return g.openWithFileName(fn, gui=gui)
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20180214041049.1: ** Top-level commands and helpers #@+node:ekr.20180213104556.1: *3* @g.command(diff-and-open-leo-files)
[docs]@g.command('diff-and-open-leo-files') def diff_and_open_leo_files(event): ''' Open a dialog prompting for two or more .leo files. Opens all the files and creates a top-level node in c's outline showing the diffs of those files, two at a time. ''' diff_leo_files_helper(event, title = "Diff And Open Leo Files", visible = True, )
#@+node:ekr.20180213040339.1: *3* @g.command(diff-leo-files)
[docs]@g.command('diff-leo-files') def diff_leo_files(event): ''' Open a dialog prompting for two or more .leo files. Creates a top-level node showing the diffs of those files, two at a time. ''' diff_leo_files_helper(event, title = "Diff Leo Files", visible = False, )
#@+node:ekr.20160331191740.1: *3* @g.command(diff-marked-nodes)
[docs]@g.command('diff-marked-nodes') def diffMarkedNodes(event): ''' When two or more nodes are marked, this command does the following: - Creates a "diff marked node" as the last top-level node. The body of this node contains "diff n" nodes, one for each pair of compared nodes. - Each diff n contains the diffs between the two diffed nodes, that is, difflib.Differ().compare(p1.b, p2.b). The children of the diff n are *clones* of the two compared nodes. ''' c = event and event.get('c') if not c: return aList = [z for z in c.all_unique_positions() if z.isMarked()] n = 0 if len(aList) >= 2: root = c.lastTopLevel().insertAfter() root.h = 'diff marked nodes' root.b = '\n'.join([z.h for z in aList]) + '\n' while len(aList) > 1: n += 1 p1, p2 = aList[0], aList[1] aList = aList[1:] lines = difflib.Differ().compare( g.splitLines(p1.b.rstrip()+'\n'), g.splitLines(p2.b.rstrip()+'\n')) p = root.insertAsLastChild() # p.h = 'Compare: %s, %s' % (g.truncate(p1.h, 22), g.truncate(p2.h, 22)) p.h = 'diff %s' % n p.b = '1: %s\n2: %s\n%s' % (p1.h, p2.h, ''.join(list(lines))) for p3 in (p1, p2): clone = p3.clone() clone.moveToLastChildOf(p) root.expand() # c.unmarkAll() c.selectPosition(root) c.redraw() else: g.es_print('Please mark at least 2 nodes')
#@+node:ekr.20180213104627.1: *3* diff_leo_files_helper
[docs]def diff_leo_files_helper(event, title, visible): '''Prompt for a list of .leo files to open.''' c = event and event.get('c') if not c: return types = [ ("Leo files", "*.leo"), ("All files", "*"), ] paths =, title=title, filetypes=types, defaultextension=".leo", multiple=True, ) c.bringToFront() # paths = [z for z in paths if g.os_path_exists(z)] if len(paths) > 1: CompareLeoOutlines(c).diff_list_of_files(paths, visible=visible) elif len(paths) == 1: g.es_print('Please pick two or more .leo files')
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3632: *3* go
[docs]def go(): compare = LeoCompare( commands=None, appendOutput=True, ignoreBlankLines=True, ignoreFirstLine1=False, ignoreFirstLine2=False, ignoreInteriorWhitespace=False, ignoreLeadingWhitespace=True, ignoreSentinelLines=False, limitCount=9, # Zero means don't stop. limitToExtension=".py", # For directory compares. makeWhitespaceVisible=True, printBothMatches=False, printMatches=False, printMismatches=True, printTrailingMismatches=False, outputFileName=None) if 1: # Compare all files in Tangle test directories path1 = "c:\\prog\\test\\tangleTest\\" path2 = "c:\\prog\\test\\tangleTestCB\\" compare.compare_directories(path1, path2) else: # Compare two files. name1 = "c:\\prog\\test\\compare1.txt" name2 = "c:\\prog\\test\\compare2.txt" compare.compare_files(name1, name2)
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 #@-leo