Source code for leo.core.leoFileCommands

#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3018: * @file
'''Classes relating to reading and writing .leo files.'''
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050405141130: ** << imports >> (leoFileCommands)
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoNodes as leoNodes
import binascii
import difflib
import time
if g.isPython3:
    import io # Python 3.x
    StringIO = io.StringIO
    BytesIO = io.BytesIO
    import cStringIO # Python 2.x
    StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO
import os
import pickle
import string
import sys
import tempfile
import zipfile
    # IronPython has problems with this.
    import xml.sax
    import xml.sax.saxutils
except Exception:
import sqlite3
import hashlib
from contextlib import contextmanager
PRIVAREA = '---begin-private-area---'
#@-<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20060918164811: ** Exception classes
[docs]class BadLeoFile(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message Exception.__init__(self, message) # Init the base class. def __str__(self): return "Bad Leo File:" + self.message
[docs]class InvalidPaste(Exception): pass
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.19: ** class SaxContentHandler (XMLGenerator) if sys.platform != 'cli':
[docs] class SaxContentHandler(xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator): '''A sax content handler class that reads Leo files.''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.20: *3* sax.__init__ & helpers def __init__(self, c, fileName, silent, inClipboard): '''Ctor for SaxContentHandler class.''' self.c = c self.fileName = fileName self.silent = silent self.inClipboard = inClipboard out = sys.stdout if sys.stdout else g.fileLikeObject() # Fix the exceedingly strange problem with Python 3.x and pythonw.exe. # The sax ctor throws an exception in Python 3.x if sys.stdout is None. # The workaround is use a disposable output stream in that case. xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator.__init__(self, out=out) # Init the base class. #@+<< define dispatch dict >> #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.21: *4* << define dispatch dict >> #@@nobeautify # There is no need for an 'end' method if all info is carried in attributes. self.dispatchDict = { 'change_string': (None,None), 'find_panel_settings': (None,None), 'find_string': (None,None), 'globals': (self.startGlobals,None), 'global_log_window_position': (None,None), # The position of the log window is no longer used. 'global_window_position': (self.startWinPos,None), 'leo_file': (None,None), 'leo_header': (self.startLeoHeader,None), 'preferences': (None,None), 't': (self.startTnode,self.endTnode), 'tnodes': (None,None), 'v': (self.startVnode,self.endVnode), 'vh': (self.startVH,self.endVH), 'vnodes': (self.startVnodes,None), # Causes window to appear. } #@-<< define dispatch dict >> self.printElements = [] # 'all', 'v' # Global attributes of the .leo file... # self.body_outline_ratio = '0.5' self.global_window_position = {} self.encoding = 'utf-8' # Semantics... self.content = None self.elementStack = [] self.errors = 0 self.tnxToListDict = {} # Keys are tnx's (strings) # Values are *lists* of SaxNodeClass objects. self.level = 0 self.node = None self.nodeList = [] # List of SaxNodeClass objects with the present VNode. self.nodeStack = [] self.ratio = self.secondary_ratio = 0.5 self.rootNode = None # a sax node. #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.29: *3* sax.Do nothing
[docs] def endElementNS(self, unused_name, unused_qname): g.trace(unused_name)
[docs] def endDocument(self): pass
[docs] def ignorableWhitespace(self, unused_whitespace): pass
[docs] def skippedEntity(self, name): g.trace(name)
[docs] def startElementNS(self, unused_name, unused_qname, unused_attrs): g.trace(unused_name)
[docs] def startDocument(self): pass
#@+node:ekr.20060919134313: *3* sax.Utils #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.23: *4* attrsToList
[docs] def attrsToList(self, attrs): '''Convert the attributes to a list of g.Bunches. attrs: an Attributes item passed to startElement.''' return [ g.Bunch(name=name, val=attrs.getValue(name)) for name in attrs.getNames()]
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.26: *4* error
[docs] def error(self, message):'\n\nXML error: %s\n' % (message)) self.errors += 1
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.27: *4* inElement
[docs] def inElement(self, name): return self.elementStack and name in self.elementStack
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.28: *4* printStartElement
[docs] def printStartElement(self, name, attrs): indent = '\t' * self.level or '' if attrs.getLength() > 0:'%s<%s %s>' % ( indent, self.clean(name).strip(), self.attrsToString(attrs, sep=' ')), newline=False) else:'%s<%s>' % ( indent, self.clean(name).strip()), newline=False) if name.lower() in ['v', 't', 'vnodes', 'tnodes',]:'')
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.24: *5* attrsToString
[docs] def attrsToString(self, attrs, sep='\n'): '''Convert the attributes to a string. attrs: an Attributes item passed to startElement. sep: the separator charater between attributes.''' result = [ '%s="%s"' % (, bunch.val) for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs) ] return sep.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.25: *5* clean
[docs] def clean(self, s): return g.toEncodedString(s, "ascii")
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.30: *3* sax.characters
[docs] def characters(self, content): '''Handle the characters element.''' if content and not g.isUnicode(content): g.trace('Non-unicode content', repr(content)) content = g.toUnicode(content) content = content.replace('\r', '') if not content: return elementName = self.elementStack[-1].lower() if self.elementStack else '<no element name>' if elementName in ('t', 'vh'): self.content.append(content) elif content.strip():'unexpected content:', elementName, repr(content))
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.31: *3* sax.endElement & helpers
[docs] def endElement(self, name): '''Handle the end of any xml element.''' name = name.lower() if name in self.printElements or 'all' in self.printElements: indent = '\t' * (self.level - 1) or '''%s</%s>' % (indent, self.clean(name).strip())) data = self.dispatchDict.get(name) if data is None: g.trace('unknown end element', name) else: junk, func = data if func: func() name2 = self.elementStack.pop() assert name == name2
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.32: *4* sax.endTnode
[docs] def endTnode(self): '''Handle the end of a <tnode> element.''' for sax_node in self.nodeList: sax_node.bodyString = ''.join(self.content) self.content = []
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.33: *4* sax.endVnode
[docs] def endVnode(self): '''Handle the end of a <vnode> element.''' self.level -= 1 self.node = self.nodeStack.pop()
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.34: *4* sax.endVH
[docs] def endVH(self): '''Handle the end of a <vh> element.''' if self.node: self.node.headString = ''.join(self.content) self.content = []
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.45: *3* sax.getRootNode
[docs] def getRootNode(self): if False: self.rootNode.dump() for child in self.rootNode.children: child.dump() return self.rootNode
#@+node:ekr.20061004054323: *3* sax.processingInstruction (stylesheet)
[docs] def processingInstruction(self, target, data): ''' sax: handle an xml processing instruction. We expect the target to be 'xml-stylesheet'. ''' if target == 'xml-stylesheet': # A strange hack. Don't set this for settings files. # This looks like a strange sax interaction. sfn = (self.c.shortFileName() or '').strip().lower() if sfn.endswith('leosettings.leo') or sfn.endswith('myleosettings.leo'): pass else: self.c.frame.stylesheet = data # g.warning('','%s: %s' % (target,data)) else: g.trace(target, data)
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.35: *3* sax.startElement & helpers
[docs] def startElement(self, name, attrs): name = name.lower() if name in self.printElements or 'all' in self.printElements: self.printStartElement(name, attrs) self.elementStack.append(name) data = self.dispatchDict.get(name) if data is None: if 1: g.trace('unknown start element', name) else: func, junk = data if func: func(attrs)
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.36: *4* sax.getWindowPositionAttributes
[docs] def getWindowPositionAttributes(self, attrs): c = self.c d = {} windowSize ='windowSize') if windowSize is not None: h, w = windowSize # checked in LM.scanOption. d['height'] = h d['width'] = w for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs): name =; val = bunch.val if name in ('top', 'left'): try: d[name] = int(val) except ValueError: d[name] = 50 # A reasonable default. elif g.enableDB and c.mFileName: d = c.cacher.getCachedWindowPositionDict(c.mFileName) if not d and c.fixed and c.fixedWindowPosition: width, height, left, top = c.fixedWindowPosition d = {'top': top, 'left': left, 'width': width, 'height': height} if not d: for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs): name =; val = bunch.val if name in ('top', 'left', 'width', 'height'): try: d[name] = int(val) except ValueError: d[name] = 100 # A reasonable default. else: g.trace(name, len(val)) return d # Assigned to self.global_window_position
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.37: *4* sax.startGlobals
[docs] def startGlobals(self, attrs): c = self.c if self.inClipboard: return use_db = g.enableDB and c.mFileName if use_db: ratio, ratio2 = c.cacher.getCachedGlobalFileRatios() self.ratio, self.secondary_ratio = ratio, ratio2 else: try: for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs): name =; val = bunch.val if name == 'body_outline_ratio': self.ratio = float(val) elif name == 'body_secondary_ratio': self.secondary_ratio = float(val) except Exception: pass
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.38: *4* sax.startWinPos
[docs] def startWinPos(self, attrs): self.global_window_position = self.getWindowPositionAttributes(attrs)
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.39: *4* sax.startLeoHeader
[docs] def startLeoHeader(self, unused_attrs): self.tnxToListDict = {}
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.40: *4* sax.startVH
[docs] def startVH(self, unused_attrs): self.content = []
#@+node:ekr.20060919112118: *4* sax.startVnodes
[docs] def startVnodes(self, unused_attrs): if self.inClipboard: return # No need to do anything to the main window. c = self.c; d = self.global_window_position w = d.get('width', 700) h = d.get('height', 500) x = d.get('left', 50) y = d.get('top', 50) # # Redraw the window before writing into it. # Honor --minimized, --maximized or --fullscreen. # 2013/10/25: do set the geometry for minimized windows. if c.frame.setTopGeometry(w, h, x, y) elif not and not c.frame.setTopGeometry(w, h, x, y) c.frame.deiconify() c.frame.lift() # Causes window to appear. if c.frame.resizePanesToRatio(self.ratio, self.secondary_ratio) if not self.silent and not g.unitTesting:"reading:", self.fileName)
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.41: *4* sax.startTnode
[docs] def startTnode(self, attrs): if not self.inElement('tnodes'): self.error('<t> outside <tnodes>') self.content = [] self.tnodeAttributes(attrs)
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.42: *5* sax.tnodeAttributes (SaxContentHandler)
[docs] def tnodeAttributes(self, attrs): # The VNode must have a tx attribute to associate content # with the proper node. node = self.node self.nodeList = [] val = None # Step one: find the tx attribute for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs): name =; val = bunch.val if name == 'tx': # 2010/02/03: This code formerly did something # different when unit testing just to support a unit test. # Hahaha. The unit test *caused* the bug! self.nodeList = self.tnxToListDict.get(val, []) break if not self.nodeList: self.error('Bad leo file: no node for <t tx=%s>' % (val)) return # Step two: find all the other attributes: for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs): name =; val = bunch.val if name != 'tx': # Huge bug fix: 2009/7/1: was node == self.node. for node in self.nodeList: node.tnodeAttributes[name] = val
# if not self.nodeList: # self.error('Bad leo file: no tx attribute for VNode') #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.43: *4* sax.startVnode
[docs] def startVnode(self, attrs): if not self.inElement('vnodes'): self.error('<v> outside <vnodes>') if self.rootNode: parent = self.node else: self.rootNode = parent = SaxNodeClass() # The dummy parent node. parent.headString = 'dummyNode' self.node = SaxNodeClass() parent.children.append(self.node) self.vnodeAttributes(attrs) self.nodeStack.append(parent) return parent
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.44: *5* sax.vnodeAttributes # The native attributes of <v> elements are a, t, vtag, tnodeList, # marks, expanded and descendentTnodeUnknownAttributes.
[docs] def vnodeAttributes(self, attrs): node = self.node for bunch in self.attrsToList(attrs): name =; val = bunch.val if name == 't': aList = self.tnxToListDict.get(val, []) aList.append(self.node) self.tnxToListDict[val] = aList node.tnx = str(val) # nodeIndices.toString returns a string. else: node.attributes[name] = val
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.15: ** class SaxNodeClass if sys.platform != 'cli':
[docs] class SaxNodeClass: '''A class representing one <v> element. Use getters to access the attributes, properties and rules of this mode. ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.16: *3* node.__init__ def __init__(self): self.attributes = {} self.bodyString = '' self.headString = '' self.children = [] self.tnodeAttributes = {} self.tnodeList = [] self.tnx = None #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.17: *3* node.__str__ & __repr__ def __str__(self): return '<v:%s %s %s>' % (id(self), self.headString, len(self.bodyString)) __repr__ = __str__ #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.18: *3* node.dump
[docs] def dump(self):'\nnode: %s tnx: %s len(body): %d %s' % ( id(self), self.tnx, len(self.bodyString), self.headString))'children:', g.listToString(self.children))'attrs:', list(self.attributes.values()))
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20160514120347.1: ** class FileCommands
[docs]class FileCommands(object): """A class creating the FileCommands subcommander.""" #@+others #@+node:ekr.20090218115025.4: *3* fc.Birth #@+node:ekr.20150509194827.1: *4* fc.cmd (decorator)
[docs] def cmd(name): '''Command decorator for the FileCommands class.''' # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return g.new_cmd_decorator(name, ['c', 'fileCommands',])
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3019: *4* fc.ctor def __init__(self, c): '''Ctor for FileCommands class.''' self.c = c self.frame = c.frame self.nativeTnodeAttributes = ('tx',) self.nativeVnodeAttributes = ( 'a', 'descendentTnodeUnknownAttributes', 'descendentVnodeUnknownAttributes', # New in Leo 4.5. 'expanded', 'marks', 't', 'tnodeList', # 'vtag', ) self.initIvars() #@+node:ekr.20090218115025.5: *4* fc.initIvars
[docs] def initIvars(self): '''Init ivars of the FileCommands class.''' # General... c = self.c self.mFileName = "" self.fileDate = -1 self.leo_file_encoding = c.config.new_leo_file_encoding # The bin param doesn't exist in Python 2.3; # the protocol param doesn't exist in earlier versions of Python. # version = '.'.join([str(sys.version_info[i]) for i in (0,1)]) # For reading... self.checking = False # True: checking only: do *not* alter the outline. self.descendentExpandedList = [] self.descendentMarksList = [] self.forbiddenTnodes = [] self.descendentTnodeUaDictList = [] self.descendentVnodeUaDictList = [] self.ratio = 0.5 self.currentVnode = None # For writing... self.read_only = False self.rootPosition = None self.outputFile = None self.openDirectory = None self.putCount = 0 self.toString = False self.usingClipboard = False self.currentPosition = None # New in 3.12... self.copiedTree = None self.gnxDict = {} # keys are gnx strings as returned by canonicalTnodeIndex. # Values are vnodes. # 2011/12/10: This dict is never re-inited. self.vnodesDict = {}
# keys are gnx strings; values are ignored #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3020: *3* fc.Reading #@+node:ekr.20060919104836: *4* fc.Reading Top-level #@+node:ekr.20070919133659.1: *5* fc.checkLeoFile
[docs] @cmd('check-leo-file') def checkLeoFile(self, event=None): '''The check-leo-file command.''' fc = self; c = fc.c; p = c.p # Put the body (minus the @nocolor) into the file buffer. s = p.b; tag = '@nocolor\n' if s.startswith(tag): s = s[len(tag):] # Do a trial read. self.checking = True self.initReadIvars() c.loading = True # disable c.changed try: try: theFile = self.readSaxFile( theFile, fileName='check-leo-file', silent=False, inClipboard=False, reassignIndices=False)'check-leo-file passed') except Exception: junk, message, junk = sys.exc_info() # g.es_exception() g.error('check-leo-file failed:', str(message)) finally: self.checking = False c.loading = False # reenable c.changed
#@+node:vitalije.20180304190953.1: *5* fc.getVnodeFromClipboard
[docs] def getVnodeFromClipboard(self, s): c = self.c self.initReadIvars() # Save the hidden root's children. children = c.hiddenRootNode.children oldGnxDict = self.gnxDict self.gnxDict = {} self.usingClipboard = True try: # This encoding must match the encoding used in putLeoOutline. s = g.toEncodedString(s, self.leo_file_encoding, reportErrors=True) # readSaxFile modifies the hidden root. v = self.readSaxFile( theFile=None, fileName='<clipboard>', silent=True, # don't tell about stylesheet elements. inClipboard=True, reassignIndices=True, s=s) if not v: return"the clipboard is not valid ", color="blue") finally: self.usingClipboard = False self.gnxDict = oldGnxDict # Restore the hidden root's children c.hiddenRootNode.children = children # Unlink v from the hidden root. v.parents.remove(c.hiddenRootNode) return v
[docs] def getPosFromClipboard(self, s): v = self.getVnodeFromClipboard(s) return leoNodes.Position(v)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1559: *5* fc.getLeoOutlineFromClipboard & helpers
[docs] def getLeoOutlineFromClipboard(self, s, reassignIndices=True): '''Read a Leo outline from string s in clipboard format.''' c = self.c current = c.p if not current: g.trace('no c.p') return None check = not reassignIndices self.initReadIvars() # Save the hidden root's children. children = c.hiddenRootNode.children # # Save and clear gnxDict. # This ensures that new indices will be used for all nodes. if reassignIndices: oldGnxDict = self.gnxDict self.gnxDict = {} else: # All pasted nodes should already have unique gnx's. ni = for v in c.all_unique_nodes(): ni.check_gnx(c, v.fileIndex, v) self.usingClipboard = True try: # This encoding must match the encoding used in putLeoOutline. s = g.toEncodedString(s, self.leo_file_encoding, reportErrors=True) # readSaxFile modifies the hidden root. v = self.readSaxFile( theFile=None, fileName='<clipboard>', silent=True, # don't tell about stylesheet elements. inClipboard=True, reassignIndices=reassignIndices, s=s) if not v: return"the clipboard is not valid ", color="blue") finally: self.usingClipboard = False # Restore the hidden root's children c.hiddenRootNode.children = children # Unlink v from the hidden root. v.parents.remove(c.hiddenRootNode) p = leoNodes.Position(v) # # Important: we must not adjust links when linking v # into the outline. The read code has already done that. if current.hasChildren() and current.isExpanded(): if check and not self.checkPaste(current, p): return None p._linkAsNthChild(current, 0, adjust=False) else: if check and not self.checkPaste(current.parent(), p): return None p._linkAfter(current, adjust=False) if reassignIndices: self.gnxDict = oldGnxDict self.reassignAllIndices(p) else: # Fix #862: paste-retaining-clones can corrupt the outline. self.linkChildrenToParents(p) c.selectPosition(p) self.initReadIvars() return p
getLeoOutline = getLeoOutlineFromClipboard # for compatibility #@+node:ekr.20080410115129.1: *6* fc.checkPaste
[docs] def checkPaste(self, parent, p): '''Return True if p may be pasted as a child of parent.''' if not parent: return True parents = list(parent.self_and_parents()) for p in p.self_and_subtree(): for z in parents: if p.v == z.v: g.warning('Invalid paste: nodes may not descend from themselves') return False return True
#@+node:ekr.20180424123010.1: *6* fc.linkChildrenToParents
[docs] def linkChildrenToParents(self, p): ''' Populate the parent links in all children of p. ''' for child in p.children(): if not child.v.parents: child.v.parents.append(p.v) self.linkChildrenToParents(child)
#@+node:ekr.20180425034856.1: *6* fc.reassignAllIndices
[docs] def reassignAllIndices(self, p): '''Reassign all indices in p's subtree.''' c = self.c ni = for p2 in p.self_and_subtree(): v = p2.v index = ni.getNewIndex(v) if 'gnx' in g.trace(c.shortFileName(), '**reassigning**', index, v)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1553: *5* fc.getLeoFile & helpers
[docs] def getLeoFile(self, theFile, fileName, readAtFileNodesFlag=True, silent=False, checkOpenFiles=True, ): ''' Read a .leo file. The caller should follow this with a call to c.redraw(). ''' fc, c = self, self.c t1 = time.time() c.setChanged(False) # May be set when reading @file nodes. fc.warnOnReadOnlyFiles(fileName) fc.checking = False fc.mFileName = c.mFileName fc.initReadIvars() recoveryNode = None try: c.loading = True # disable c.changed if not silent and checkOpenFiles: # Don't check for open file when reverting., fileName) ok = fc.getLeoFileHelper(theFile, fileName, silent) # Read the .leo file and create the outline. if ok: fc.resolveTnodeLists() # Do this before reading external files. c.setFileTimeStamp(fileName) if readAtFileNodesFlag: # Redraw before reading the @file nodes so the screen isn't blank. # This is important for big files like LeoPy.leo. c.redraw() recoveryNode = fc.readExternalFiles(fileName) finally: p = recoveryNode or c.p or c.lastTopLevel() # lastTopLevel is a better fallback, imo. # New in Leo 5.3. Delay the second redraw until idle time. # This causes a slight flash, but corrects a hangnail. def handler(timer, c=c, p=c.p): c.initialFocusHelper() c.redraw(p) c.k.showStateAndMode() c.outerUpdate() timer.stop() timer = g.IdleTime(handler, delay=0, tag='getLeoFile') if timer: timer.start() else: # Defensive code: c.selectPosition(p) c.initialFocusHelper() c.k.showStateAndMode() c.outerUpdate() c.checkOutline() # Must be called *after* ni.end_holding. c.loading = False # reenable c.changed if not isinstance(theFile, sqlite3.Connection): theFile.close() # Fix bug # Leo holding directory/file handles after file close? if c.changed: fc.propegateDirtyNodes() c.setChanged(c.changed) # Refresh the changed marker. fc.initReadIvars() t2 = time.time()'read outline in %2.2f seconds' % (t2 - t1)) return ok, c.frame.ratio
#@+node:ekr.20090526081836.5841: *6* fc.getLeoFileHelper
[docs] def getLeoFileHelper(self, theFile, fileName, silent): '''Read the .leo file and create the outline.''' c, fc = self.c, self try: ok = True v = fc.readSaxFile( theFile, fileName, silent, inClipboard=False, reassignIndices=False, ) if v: # readSaxFile sets c.hiddenRootNode. pass else: # v is None for minimal .leo files. v = leoNodes.VNode(context=c) v.setHeadString('created root node') p = leoNodes.Position(v) p._linkAsRoot(oldRoot=None) c.changed = False except BadLeoFile: junk, message, junk = sys.exc_info() if not silent: g.es_exception() c.alert(fc.mFileName + " is not a valid Leo file: " + str(message)) ok = False return ok
#@+node:ekr.20100205060712.8314: *6* fc.handleNodeConflicts
[docs] def handleNodeConflicts(self): '''Create a 'Recovered Nodes' node for each entry in c.nodeConflictList.''' c = self.c if not c.nodeConflictList: return None if not c.make_node_conflicts_node: s = 'suppressed %s node conflicts' % len(c.nodeConflictList), color='red')'\n' + s + '\n') return None # Create the 'Recovered Nodes' node. last = c.lastTopLevel() root = last.insertAfter() root.setHeadString('Recovered Nodes') root.expand() # For each conflict, create one child and two grandchildren. for bunch in c.nodeConflictList: tag = bunch.get('tag') or '' gnx = bunch.get('gnx') or '' fn = bunch.get('fileName') or '' b1, h1 = bunch.get('b_old'), bunch.get('h_old') b2, h2 = bunch.get('b_new'), bunch.get('h_new') root_v = bunch.get('root_v') or '' child = root.insertAsLastChild() h = 'Recovered node "%s" from %s' % (h1, g.shortFileName(fn)) child.setHeadString(h) if b1 == b2: lines = [ 'Headline changed...' '%s gnx: %s root: %r' % (tag, gnx, root_v and root.v), 'old headline: %s' % (h1), 'new headline: %s' % (h2), ] child.setBodyString('\n'.join(lines)) else: line1 = '%s gnx: %s root: %r\nDiff...\n' % (tag, gnx, root_v and root.v) d = difflib.Differ().compare(g.splitLines(b1), g.splitLines(b2)) # 2017/06/19: reverse comparison order. diffLines = [z for z in d] lines = [line1] lines.extend(diffLines) # There is less need to show trailing newlines because # we don't report changes involving only trailing newlines. child.setBodyString(''.join(lines)) n1 = child.insertAsNthChild(0) n2 = child.insertAsNthChild(1) n1.setHeadString('old:' + h1) n1.setBodyString(b1) n2.setHeadString('new:' + h2) n2.setBodyString(b2) return root
#@+node:ekr.20100124110832.6212: *6* fc.propegateDirtyNodes
[docs] def propegateDirtyNodes(self): fc = self; c = fc.c aList = [z for z in c.all_positions() if z.isDirty()] for p in aList: p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty()
#@+node:ekr.20120212220616.10537: *6* fc.readExternalFiles
[docs] def readExternalFiles(self, fileName): '''Read all external files.''' c, fc = self.c, self c.atFileCommands.readAll(c.rootVnode(), force=False) recoveryNode = fc.handleNodeConflicts() # Do this after reading external files. # The descendent nodes won't exist unless we have read # the @thin nodes! fc.restoreDescendentAttributes() fc.setPositionsFromVnodes() return recoveryNode
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1554: *6* fc.warnOnReadOnlyFiles
[docs] def warnOnReadOnlyFiles(self, fileName): # os.access may not exist on all platforms. try: self.read_only = not os.access(fileName, os.W_OK) except AttributeError: self.read_only = False except UnicodeError: self.read_only = False if self.read_only and not g.unitTesting: g.error("read only:", fileName)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3029: *5* fc.readAtFileNodes
[docs] def readAtFileNodes(self): c = self.c; p = c.p c.endEditing() c.atFileCommands.readAll(p, force=True) c.redraw() # Force an update of the body pane. c.setBodyString(p, p.b) c.frame.body.onBodyChanged(undoType=None)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2297: *5* fc.openLeoFile
[docs] def openLeoFile(self, theFile, fileName, readAtFileNodesFlag=True, silent=False): '''Open a Leo file.''' c, frame = self.c, self.c.frame # Set c.openDirectory theDir = g.os_path_dirname(fileName) if theDir: c.openDirectory = c.frame.openDirectory = theDir # Get the file. ok, ratio = self.getLeoFile( theFile, fileName, readAtFileNodesFlag=readAtFileNodesFlag, silent=silent, ) if ok: frame.resizePanesToRatio(ratio, frame.secondary_ratio) return ok
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3030: *5* fc.readOutlineOnly
[docs] def readOutlineOnly(self, theFile, fileName): c = self.c #@+<< Set the default directory >> #@+node:ekr.20071211134300: *6* << Set the default directory >> (fc.readOutlineOnly) #@+at # The most natural default directory is the directory containing the .leo file # that we are about to open. If the user has specified the "Default Directory" # preference that will over-ride what we are about to set. #@@c theDir = g.os_path_dirname(fileName) if theDir: c.openDirectory = c.frame.openDirectory = theDir #@-<< Set the default directory >> ok, ratio = self.getLeoFile(theFile, fileName, readAtFileNodesFlag=False) c.redraw() c.frame.deiconify() junk, junk, secondary_ratio = self.frame.initialRatios() c.frame.resizePanesToRatio(ratio, secondary_ratio) return ok
#@+node:vitalije.20170831144643.1: *5* fc.updateFromRefFile
[docs] def updateFromRefFile(self): '''Updates public part of outline from the specified file.''' fc = self; c = self.c #@+others #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.2: *6* get_ref_filename def get_ref_filename(): for v in priv_vnodes(): return g.splitLines(v.b)[0].strip() #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.3: *6* createSaxChildren2 def createSaxChildren2(sax_node, parent_v): children = [] for sax_child in sax_node.children: tnx = sax_child.tnx v = fc.gnxDict.get(tnx) if v: # A clone. fc.updateSaxClone(sax_child, parent_v, v) else: v = fc.createSaxVnode(sax_child, parent_v) createSaxChildren2(sax_child, v) children.append(v) return children #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.4: *6* pub_vnodes def pub_vnodes(): for v in c.hiddenRootNode.children: if v.h == PRIVAREA: break yield v #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.5: *6* priv_vnodes def priv_vnodes(): pub = True for v in c.hiddenRootNode.children: if v.h == PRIVAREA: pub = False if pub: continue yield v #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.6: *6* pub_gnxes def sub_gnxes(children): for v in children: yield v.gnx for gnx in sub_gnxes(v.children): yield gnx def pub_gnxes(): return sub_gnxes(pub_vnodes()) def priv_gnxes(): return sub_gnxes(priv_vnodes()) #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.7: *6* restore_priv def restore_priv(prdata, topgnxes): vnodes = [] for row in prdata: (gnx, h, b, children, parents, iconVal, statusBits, ua) = row v = leoNodes.VNode(context=c, gnx=gnx) v._headString = h v._bodyString = b v.children = children v.parents = parents v.iconVal = iconVal v.statusBits = statusBits v.u = ua vnodes.append(v) pv = lambda x: fc.gnxDict.get(x, c.hiddenRootNode) for v in vnodes: v.children = [pv(x) for x in v.children] v.parents = [pv(x) for x in v.parents] for gnx in topgnxes: v = fc.gnxDict[gnx] c.hiddenRootNode.children.append(v) #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.8: *6* priv_data def priv_data(gnxes): dbrow = lambda v:( v.gnx, v.h, v.b, [x.gnx for x in v.children], [x.gnx for x in v.parents], v.iconVal, v.statusBits, v.u ) return tuple(dbrow(fc.gnxDict[x]) for x in gnxes) #@+node:vitalije.20170831144827.9: *6* nosqlite_commander @contextmanager def nosqlite_commander(fname): oldname = c.mFileName conn = getattr(c, 'sqlite_connection', None) c.sqlite_connection = None c.mFileName = fname yield c if c.sqlite_connection: c.sqlite_connection.close() c.mFileName = oldname c.sqlite_connection = conn #@-others pubgnxes = set(pub_gnxes()) privgnxes = set(priv_gnxes()) privnodes = priv_data(privgnxes - pubgnxes) toppriv = [v.gnx for v in priv_vnodes()] fname = get_ref_filename() with nosqlite_commander(fname): theFile = open(fname, 'rb') fc.initIvars() fc.getLeoFile(theFile, fname, checkOpenFiles=False) restore_priv(privnodes, toppriv) c.redraw()
#@+node:vitalije.20170831154734.1: *5* fc.setReferenceFile
[docs] def setReferenceFile(self, fileName): c = self.c for v in c.hiddenRootNode.children: if v.h == PRIVAREA: v.b = fileName break else: v = c.rootPosition().insertBefore().v v.h = PRIVAREA v.b = fileName c.redraw()'set reference file:', g.shortFileName(fileName))
#@+node:ekr.20060919133249: *4* fc.Reading Common # Methods common to both the sax and non-sax code. #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2004: *5* fc.canonicalTnodeIndex
[docs] def canonicalTnodeIndex(self, index): """Convert Tnnn to nnn, leaving gnx's unchanged.""" # index might be Tnnn, nnn, or gnx. if index is None: g.trace('Can not happen: index is None') return None junk, theTime, junk =, 0) if theTime is None: # A pre-4.1 file index. if index[0] == "T": index = index[1:] return index
#@+node:ekr.20040701065235.1: *5* fc.getDescendentAttributes
[docs] def getDescendentAttributes(self, s, tag=""): '''s is a list of gnx's, separated by commas from a <v> or <t> element. Parses s into a list. This is used to record marked and expanded nodes. ''' gnxs = s.split(',') result = [gnx for gnx in gnxs if len(gnx) > 0] return result
#@+node:EKR.20040627114602: *5* fc.getDescendentUnknownAttributes # Pre Leo 4.5 Only @thin vnodes had the descendentTnodeUnknownAttributes field. # New in Leo 4.5: @thin & @shadow vnodes have descendentVnodeUnknownAttributes field.
[docs] def getDescendentUnknownAttributes(self, s, v=None): '''Unhexlify and unpickle t/v.descendentUnknownAttribute field.''' try: # Changed in version 3.2: Accept only bytestring or bytearray objects as input. s = g.toEncodedString(s) # 2011/02/22 bin = binascii.unhexlify(s) # Throws a TypeError if val is not a hex string. val = pickle.loads(bin) return val except Exception: g.es_exception() g.trace('Can not unpickle', type(s), v and v.h, s[: 40]) return None
#@+node:ekr.20060919142200.1: *5* fc.initReadIvars
[docs] def initReadIvars(self): self.descendentTnodeUaDictList = [] self.descendentVnodeUaDictList = [] self.descendentExpandedList = [] self.descendentMarksList = [] # 2011/12/10: never re-init this dict. # self.gnxDict = {} self.c.nodeConflictList = [] # 2010/01/05 self.c.nodeConflictFileName = None # 2010/01/05
#@+node:EKR.20040627120120: *5* fc.restoreDescendentAttributes
[docs] def restoreDescendentAttributes(self): c = self.c for resultDict in self.descendentTnodeUaDictList: for gnx in resultDict: tref = self.canonicalTnodeIndex(gnx) v = self.gnxDict.get(tref) if v: v.unknownAttributes = resultDict[gnx] v._p_changed = 1 # New in Leo 4.5: keys are archivedPositions, values are attributes. for root_v, resultDict in self.descendentVnodeUaDictList: for key in resultDict: v = self.resolveArchivedPosition(key, root_v) if v: v.unknownAttributes = resultDict[key] v._p_changed = 1 marks = {}; expanded = {} for gnx in self.descendentExpandedList: tref = self.canonicalTnodeIndex(gnx) v = self.gnxDict.get(gnx) if v: expanded[v] = v for gnx in self.descendentMarksList: tref = self.canonicalTnodeIndex(gnx) v = self.gnxDict.get(gnx) if v: marks[v] = v if marks or expanded: for p in c.all_unique_positions(): if marks.get(p.v): p.v.initMarkedBit() # This was the problem: was p.setMark. # There was a big performance bug in the mark hook in the Node Navigator plugin. if expanded.get(p.v): p.expand()
#@+node:ekr.20060919104530: *4* fc.Reading Sax #@+node:ekr.20090525144314.6526: *5* fc.cleanSaxInputString
[docs] def cleanSaxInputString(self, s): '''Clean control characters from s. s may be a bytes or a (unicode) string.''' # Note: form-feed ('\f') is 12 decimal. badchars = [chr(ch) for ch in range(32)] badchars.remove('\t') badchars.remove('\r') badchars.remove('\n') flatten = ''.join(badchars) pad = ' ' * len(flatten) # pylint: disable=no-member # Class 'str' has no 'maketrans' member if g.isPython3: flatten = bytes(flatten, 'utf-8') pad = bytes(pad, 'utf-8') transtable = bytes.maketrans(flatten, pad) else: transtable = string.maketrans(flatten, pad) return s.translate(transtable)
# for i in range(32): print i,repr(chr(i)) #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.5: *5* fc.createSaxChildren & helpers
[docs] def createSaxChildren(self, sax_node, parent_v): '''Create vnodes for all children in sax_node.children.''' children = [] for sax_child in sax_node.children: tnx = sax_child.tnx v = self.gnxDict.get(tnx) if v: # A clone. Don't look at the children. self.updateSaxClone(sax_child, parent_v, v) else: v = self.createSaxVnode(sax_child, parent_v) self.createSaxChildren(sax_child, v) children.append(v) parent_v.children = children for child in children: child.parents.append(parent_v) return children
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.7: *6* fc.createSaxVnode & helpers
[docs] def createSaxVnode(self, sax_node, parent_v): '''Create a vnode, or use an existing vnode.''' c = self.c at = c.atFileCommands # # Fix #158: Corrupt .leo files cause Leo to hang. # Explicitly test against None: tnx could be 0. if sax_node.tnx is None: gnx = None else: gnx = g.toUnicode(self.canonicalTnodeIndex(sax_node.tnx)) # # Allocate and init a new vnode. v = leoNodes.VNode(context=c, gnx=gnx) v.setBodyString(sax_node.bodyString) at.bodySetInited(v) v.setHeadString(sax_node.headString) self.handleVnodeSaxAttributes(sax_node, v) self.handleTnodeSaxAttributes(sax_node, v) return v
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.8: *7* fc.handleTnodeSaxAttributes
[docs] def handleTnodeSaxAttributes(self, sax_node, v): d = sax_node.tnodeAttributes aDict = {} for key in d: val = g.toUnicode(d.get(key)) val2 = self.getSaxUa(key, val) aDict[key] = val2 if aDict: v.unknownAttributes = aDict
#@+node:ekr.20061004053644: *7* fc.handleVnodeSaxAttributes
[docs] def handleVnodeSaxAttributes(self, sax_node, v): ''' The native attributes of <v> elements are a, t, vtag, tnodeList, marks, expanded, and descendentTnode/VnodeUnknownAttributes. ''' d = sax_node.attributes s = d.get('a') if s: if 'M' in s: v.setMarked() if 'E' in s: v.expand() if 'O' in s: v.setOrphan() if 'V' in s: self.currentVnode = v s = d.get('tnodeList', '') tnodeList = s and s.split(',') if tnodeList: # This tnodeList will be resolved later. v.tempTnodeList = tnodeList s = d.get('descendentTnodeUnknownAttributes') if s: aDict = self.getDescendentUnknownAttributes(s, v=v) if aDict: self.descendentTnodeUaDictList.append(aDict) s = d.get('descendentVnodeUnknownAttributes') if s: aDict = self.getDescendentUnknownAttributes(s, v=v) if aDict: self.descendentVnodeUaDictList.append((v, aDict),) s = d.get('expanded') if s: aList = self.getDescendentAttributes(s, tag="expanded") self.descendentExpandedList.extend(aList) s = d.get('marks') if s: aList = self.getDescendentAttributes(s, tag="marks") self.descendentMarksList.extend(aList) aDict = {} for key in d: if key in self.nativeVnodeAttributes: pass # This is not a bug. else: val = d.get(key) val2 = self.getSaxUa(key, val) aDict[key] = val2 if aDict: v.unknownAttributes = aDict
#@+node:ekr.20180424120245.1: *6* fc.updateSaxClone
[docs] def updateSaxClone(self, sax_node, parent_v, v): ''' Update the body text of v. It overrides any previous body text. ''' at = self.c.atFileCommands b = sax_node.bodyString if v.b != b: v.setBodyString(b) at.bodySetInited(v)
# # New in Leo 5.7.2. Don't call these # self.handleVnodeSaxAttributes(sax_node, v) # self.handleTnodeSaxAttributes(sax_node, v) #@+node:ekr.20060919110638.2: *5* fc.dumpSaxTree
[docs] def dumpSaxTree(self, root, dummy): if not root:'dumpSaxTree: empty tree') return if not dummy: root.dump() for child in root.children: self.dumpSaxTree(child, dummy=False)
#@+node:tbrown.20140615093933.89639: *5* fc.bytes_to_unicode
[docs] def bytes_to_unicode(self, ob): """recursively convert bytes objects in strings / lists / dicts to str objects, thanks to TNT Needed for reading Python 2.7 pickles in Python 3.4 in getSaxUa() """ # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck # This is simpler than using isinstance. t = type(ob) if t in (list, tuple): l = [str(i, 'utf-8') if type(i) is bytes else i for i in ob] l = [self.bytes_to_unicode(i) if type(i) in (list, tuple, dict) else i for i in l] ro = tuple(l) if t is tuple else l elif t is dict: byte_keys = [i for i in ob if type(i) is bytes] for bk in byte_keys: v = ob[bk] del(ob[bk]) ob[str(bk, 'utf-8')] = v for k in ob: if type(ob[k]) is bytes: ob[k] = str(ob[k], 'utf-8') elif type(ob[k]) in (list, tuple, dict): ob[k] = self.bytes_to_unicode(ob[k]) ro = ob elif t is bytes: # TNB added this clause ro = str(ob, 'utf-8') else: ro = ob return ro
#@+node:ekr.20061003093021: *5* fc.getSaxUa
[docs] def getSaxUa(self, attr, val, kind=None): # Kind is for unit testing. """Parse an unknown attribute in a <v> or <t> element. The unknown tag has been pickled and hexlify'd. """ try: # val = str(val) val = g.toEncodedString(val) # 2011/02/22. except Exception: g.es_print('unexpected exception converting hexlified string to string') g.es_exception() return None # New in 4.3: leave string attributes starting with 'str_' alone. if attr.startswith('str_'): if g.isString(val) or g.isBytes(val): return g.toUnicode(val) # New in 4.3: convert attributes starting with 'b64_' using the base64 conversion. if 0: # Not ready yet. if attr.startswith('b64_'): try: pass except Exception: pass try: binString = binascii.unhexlify(val) # Throws a TypeError if val is not a hex string. except Exception: # Python 2.x throws TypeError # Python 3.x throws binascii.Error # Assume that Leo 4.1 wrote the attribute. if g.unitTesting: assert kind == 'raw', 'unit test failed: kind=' % repr(kind) else: g.trace('can not unhexlify %s=%s' % (attr, val)) return val try: # No change needed to support protocols. val2 = pickle.loads(binString) return val2 except(pickle.UnpicklingError, ImportError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): try: # for python 2.7 in python 3.4 # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg val2 = pickle.loads(binString, encoding='bytes') val2 = self.bytes_to_unicode(val2) return val2 except(pickle.UnpicklingError, ImportError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): g.trace('can not unpickle %s=%s' % (attr, val)) return val
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.14: *5* fc.parse_leo_file
[docs] def parse_leo_file(self, theFile, inputFileName, silent, inClipboard, s=None): c = self.c # Fix #434: Potential bug in settings. if not theFile and not s: return None try: if g.isPython3: if theFile: # Use the open binary file, opened by the caller. s = # isinstance(s, bytes) s = self.cleanSaxInputString(s) theFile = BytesIO(s) else: s = str(s, encoding='utf-8') s = self.cleanSaxInputString(s) theFile = StringIO(s) else: if theFile: s = s = self.cleanSaxInputString(s) theFile = cStringIO.StringIO(s) parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 1) # Include external general entities, esp. xml-stylesheet lines. if 0: # Expat does not read external features. parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_pes, 1) # Include all external parameter entities # Hopefully the parser can figure out the encoding from the <?xml> element. # It's very hard to do anything meaningful wih an exception. handler = SaxContentHandler(c, inputFileName, silent, inClipboard) parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.parse(theFile) # expat does not support parseString sax_node = handler.getRootNode() except Exception: g.error('error parsing', inputFileName) g.es_exception() sax_node = None return sax_node
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.3: *5* fc.readSaxFile
[docs] def readSaxFile(self, theFile, fileName, silent, inClipboard, reassignIndices, s=None): '''Read the entire .leo file using the sax parser.''' dump = False and not g.unitTesting fc = self; c = fc.c if fileName.endswith('.db'): return fc.retrieveVnodesFromDb(theFile) or fc.initNewDb(theFile) # # Pass one: create the intermediate nodes. saxRoot = fc.parse_leo_file(theFile, fileName, silent=silent, inClipboard=inClipboard, s=s) if not saxRoot: return None # # Pass two: create the tree of vnodes from the intermediate nodes. if dump: fc.dumpSaxTree(saxRoot, dummy=True) parent_v = c.hiddenRootNode children = fc.createSaxChildren(saxRoot, parent_v) assert c.hiddenRootNode.children == children v = children[0] if children else None return v
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.11: *5* fc.resolveTnodeLists
[docs] def resolveTnodeLists(self): ''' Called *before* reading external files. ''' c = self.c for p in c.all_unique_positions(): if hasattr(p.v, 'tempTnodeList'): result = [] for tnx in p.v.tempTnodeList: index = self.canonicalTnodeIndex(tnx) # new gnxs: index = g.toUnicode(index) v = self.gnxDict.get(index) if v: result.append(v) else: g.trace('*** No VNode for %s' % tnx) if result: p.v.tnodeList = result delattr(p.v, 'tempTnodeList')
#@+node:ekr.20080805132422.3: *5* fc.resolveArchivedPosition
[docs] def resolveArchivedPosition(self, archivedPosition, root_v): ''' Return a VNode corresponding to the archived position relative to root node root_v. ''' def oops(message): '''Give an error only if no file errors have been seen.''' return None try: aList = [int(z) for z in archivedPosition.split('.')] aList.reverse() except Exception: return oops('"%s"' % archivedPosition) if not aList: return oops('empty') last_v = root_v n = aList.pop() if n != 0: return oops('root index="%s"' % n) while aList: n = aList.pop() children = last_v.children if n < len(children): last_v = children[n] else: return oops('bad index="%s", len(children)="%s"' % (n, len(children))) return last_v
#@+node:vitalije.20170630152841.1: *5* fc.retrieveVnodesFromDb
[docs] def retrieveVnodesFromDb(self, conn): '''Recreates tree from the data contained in table vnodes. This method follows behavior of readSaxFile.''' fc = self; c = fc.c sql = '''select gnx, head, body, children, parents, iconVal, statusBits, ua from vnodes''' vnodes = [] try: for row in conn.execute(sql): (gnx, h, b, children, parents, iconVal, statusBits, ua) = row try: ua = pickle.loads(g.toEncodedString(ua)) except ValueError: ua = None v = leoNodes.VNode(context=c, gnx=gnx) v._headString = h v._bodyString = b v.children = children.split() v.parents = parents.split() v.iconVal = iconVal v.statusBits = statusBits v.u = ua vnodes.append(v) except sqlite3.Error as er: if er.args[0].find('no such table') < 0: # there was an error raised but it is not the one we expect g.internalError(er) # there is no vnodes table return None rootChildren = [x for x in vnodes if 'hidden-root-vnode-gnx' in x.parents] if not rootChildren: g.trace('there should be at least one top level node!') return None findNode = lambda x: fc.gnxDict.get(x, c.hiddenRootNode) # let us replace every gnx with the corresponding vnode for v in vnodes: v.children = [findNode(x) for x in v.children] v.parents = [findNode(x) for x in v.parents] c.hiddenRootNode.children = rootChildren (w, h, x, y, r1, r2, encp) = fc.getWindowGeometryFromDb(conn) c.frame.setTopGeometry(w, h, x, y, adjustSize=True) c.frame.resizePanesToRatio(r1, r2) p = fc.decodePosition(encp) c.setCurrentPosition(p) return rootChildren[0]
#@+node:vitalije.20170815162307.1: *6* fc.initNewDb
[docs] def initNewDb(self, conn): ''' Initializes tables and returns None''' fc = self; c = self.c v = leoNodes.VNode(context=c) c.hiddenRootNode.children = [v] (w, h, x, y, r1, r2, encp) = fc.getWindowGeometryFromDb(conn) c.frame.setTopGeometry(w, h, x, y, adjustSize=True) c.frame.resizePanesToRatio(r1, r2) c.sqlite_connection = conn fc.exportToSqlite(c.mFileName) return v
#@+node:vitalije.20170630200802.1: *6* fc.getWindowGeometryFromDb
[docs] def getWindowGeometryFromDb(self, conn): geom = (600, 400, 50, 50 , 0.5, 0.5, '') keys = ( 'width', 'height', 'left', 'top', 'ratio', 'secondary_ratio', 'current_position') try: d = dict(conn.execute('''select * from extra_infos where name in (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', keys).fetchall()) geom = (d.get(*x) for x in zip(keys, geom)) except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass return geom
#@+node:ekr.20060919110638.13: *5* fc.setPositionsFromVnodes & helper (sax read)
[docs] def setPositionsFromVnodes(self): c, root = self.c, self.c.rootPosition() if c.sqlite_connection: # position is already selected return current, str_pos = None, None use_db = g.enableDB and c.mFileName if use_db: str_pos = c.cacher.getCachedStringPosition() if not str_pos: d = root.v.u if d: str_pos = d.get('str_leo_pos') if str_pos: current = self.archivedPositionToPosition(str_pos) c.setCurrentPosition(current or c.rootPosition())
#@+node:ekr.20061006104837.1: *6* fc.archivedPositionToPosition
[docs] def archivedPositionToPosition(self, s): c = self.c s = g.toUnicode(s) # 2011/02/25 aList = s.split(',') try: aList = [int(z) for z in aList] except Exception: aList = None if not aList: return None p = c.rootPosition(); level = 0 while level < len(aList): i = aList[level] while i > 0: if p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() i -= 1 else: return None level += 1 if level < len(aList): p.moveToFirstChild() return p
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3032: *3* fc.Writing #@+node:ekr.20070413045221.2: *4* fc.Top-level #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1720: *5*
[docs] def save(self, fileName, silent=False): c = self.c p = c.p # New in 4.2. Return ok flag so shutdown logic knows if all went well. ok = g.doHook("save1", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName) if ok is None: c.endEditing() # Set the current headline text. self.setDefaultDirectoryForNewFiles(fileName), changeName=True) ok = c.checkFileTimeStamp(fileName) if ok: if c.sqlite_connection: c.sqlite_connection.close() c.sqlite_connection = None ok = self.write_Leo_file(fileName, False) # outlineOnlyFlag if ok: if not silent: self.putSavedMessage(fileName) c.setChanged(False) # Clears all dirty bits. if c.config.save_clears_undo_buffer:"clearing undo") c.undoer.clearUndoState() c.redraw_after_icons_changed() g.doHook("save2", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName) return ok
#@+node:vitalije.20170831135146.1: *5* fc.save_ref
[docs] def save_ref(self): '''Saves reference outline file''' c = self.c p = c.p fc = self #@+others #@+node:vitalije.20170831135535.1: *6* putVnodes2 def putVnodes2(): """Puts all <v> elements in the order in which they appear in the outline.""" c.clearAllVisited() fc.put("<vnodes>\n") # Make only one copy for all calls. fc.currentPosition = c.p fc.rootPosition = c.rootPosition() fc.vnodesDict = {} ref_fname = None for p in c.rootPosition().self_and_siblings(): if p.h == PRIVAREA: ref_fname = p.b.split('\n',1)[0].strip() break # New in Leo 4.4.2 b2 An optimization: fc.putVnode(p, isIgnore=p.isAtIgnoreNode()) # Write the next top-level node. fc.put("</vnodes>\n") return ref_fname #@+node:vitalije.20170831135447.1: *6* getPublicLeoFile def getPublicLeoFile(): fc.outputFile = g.FileLikeObject() fc.updateFixedStatus() fc.putProlog() fc.putHeader() fc.putGlobals() fc.putPrefs() fc.putFindSettings() fname = putVnodes2() fc.putTnodes() fc.putPostlog() return fname, fc.outputFile.getvalue() #@-others c.endEditing() for v in c.hiddenRootNode.children: if v.h == PRIVAREA: fileName = g.splitLines(v.b)[0].strip() break else: fileName = c.mFileName # New in 4.2. Return ok flag so shutdown logic knows if all went well. ok = g.doHook("save1", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName) if ok is None: fileName, content = getPublicLeoFile() fileName = g.os_path_finalize_join(c.openDirectory, fileName) with open(fileName, 'w') as out: out.write(content)'updated reference file:', g.shortFileName(fileName)) g.doHook("save2", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName) return ok
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3043: *5* fc.saveAs
[docs] def saveAs(self, fileName): c = self.c p = c.p if not g.doHook("save1", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName): c.endEditing() # Set the current headline text. if c.sqlite_connection: c.sqlite_connection.close() c.sqlite_connection = None self.setDefaultDirectoryForNewFiles(fileName), changeName=True) # Disable path-changed messages in writeAllHelper. c.ignoreChangedPaths = True try: if self.write_Leo_file(fileName, outlineOnlyFlag=False): c.setChanged(False) # Clears all dirty bits. self.putSavedMessage(fileName) finally: c.ignoreChangedPaths = True c.redraw_after_icons_changed() g.doHook("save2", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3044: *5* fc.saveTo
[docs] def saveTo(self, fileName, silent=False): c = self.c p = c.p if not g.doHook("save1", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName): c.endEditing() # Set the current headline text. if c.sqlite_connection: c.sqlite_connection.close() c.sqlite_connection = None self.setDefaultDirectoryForNewFiles(fileName), changeName=False) # Disable path-changed messages in writeAllHelper. c.ignoreChangedPaths = True try: self.write_Leo_file(fileName, outlineOnlyFlag=False) finally: c.ignoreChangedPaths = False if not silent: self.putSavedMessage(fileName) c.redraw_after_icons_changed() g.doHook("save2", c=c, p=p, fileName=fileName)
#@+node:ekr.20070413061552: *5* fc.putSavedMessage
[docs] def putSavedMessage(self, fileName): c = self.c # #531: Optionally report timestamp... if c.config.getBool('log_show_save_time', default=False): format = c.config.getString('log_timestamp_format') or "%H:%M:%S" timestamp = time.strftime(format) + ' ' else: timestamp = '' zipMark = '[zipped] ' if c.isZipped else ''"%ssaved: %s%s" % (timestamp, zipMark, g.shortFileName(fileName)))
#@+node:ekr.20050404190914.2: *4* fc.deleteFileWithMessage
[docs] def deleteFileWithMessage(self, fileName, unused_kind): try: os.remove(fileName) except Exception: if self.read_only: g.error("read only") if not g.unitTesting: g.error("exception deleting backup file:", fileName) g.es_exception(full=False) return False
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1470: *4* fc.put & helpers
[docs] def put(self, s): '''Put string s to self.outputFile. All output eventually comes here.''' # Improved code: self.outputFile (a cStringIO object) always exists. if s: self.putCount += 1 if not g.isPython3: s = g.toEncodedString(s, self.leo_file_encoding, reportErrors=True) self.outputFile.write(s)
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18329: *5* put_dquote
[docs] def put_dquote(self): self.put('"')
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18330: *5* put_dquoted_bool
[docs] def put_dquoted_bool(self, b): if b: self.put('"1"') else: self.put('"0"')
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18331: *5* put_flag
[docs] def put_flag(self, a, b): if a: self.put(" "); self.put(b); self.put('="1"')
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18332: *5* put_in_dquotes
[docs] def put_in_dquotes(self, a): self.put('"') if a: self.put(a) # will always be True if we use backquotes. else: self.put('0') self.put('"')
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18333: *5* put_nl
[docs] def put_nl(self): self.put("\n")
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18334: *5* put_tab
[docs] def put_tab(self): self.put("\t")
#@+node:ekr.20141020112451.18335: *5* put_tabs
[docs] def put_tabs(self, n): while n > 0: self.put("\t") n -= 1
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1971: *4* fc.putClipboardHeader
[docs] def putClipboardHeader(self): # Put the minimum header for sax. self.put('<leo_header file_format="2"/>\n')
#@+node:ekr.20040324080819.1: *4* fc.putLeoFile & helpers
[docs] def putLeoFile(self): self.updateFixedStatus() self.putProlog() self.putHeader() self.putGlobals() self.putPrefs() self.putFindSettings() #start = g.getTime() self.putVnodes() #start = g.printDiffTime("vnodes ",start) self.putTnodes() #start = g.printDiffTime("tnodes ",start) self.putPostlog()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3035: *5* fc.putFindSettings
[docs] def putFindSettings(self): # New in 4.3: These settings never get written to the .leo file. self.put("<find_panel_settings/>") self.put_nl()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3037: *5* fc.putGlobals # Changed for Leo 4.0.
[docs] def putGlobals(self): c = self.c use_db = g.enableDB and c.mFileName if use_db: c.cacher.setCachedGlobalsElement(c.mFileName) # Always put positions, to trigger sax methods. self.put("<globals") #@+<< put the body/outline ratios >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3038: *6* << put the body/outline ratios >> self.put(" body_outline_ratio=") self.put_in_dquotes("0.5" if c.fixed or use_db else "%1.2f" % ( c.frame.ratio)) self.put(" body_secondary_ratio=") self.put_in_dquotes("0.5" if c.fixed or use_db else "%1.2f" % ( c.frame.secondary_ratio)) #@-<< put the body/outline ratios >> self.put(">"); self.put_nl() #@+<< put the position of this frame >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3039: *6* << put the position of this frame >> # New in Leo 4.5: support fixed .leo files. if c.fixed or use_db: width, height, left, top = 700, 500, 50, 50 # Put fixed, immutable, reasonable defaults. # Leo 4.5 and later will ignore these when reading. # These should be reasonable defaults so that the # file will be opened properly by older versions # of Leo that do not support fixed .leo files. else: width, height, left, top = c.frame.get_window_info() self.put_tab() self.put("<global_window_position") self.put(" top="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(top)) self.put(" left="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(left)) self.put(" height="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(height)) self.put(" width="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(width)) self.put("/>"); self.put_nl() #@-<< put the position of this frame >> #@+<< put the position of the log window >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3040: *6* << put the position of the log window >> top = left = height = width = 0 # no longer used self.put_tab() self.put("<global_log_window_position") self.put(" top="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(top)) self.put(" left="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(left)) self.put(" height="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(height)) self.put(" width="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(width)) self.put("/>"); self.put_nl() #@-<< put the position of the log window >> self.put("</globals>"); self.put_nl()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3041: *5* fc.putHeader
[docs] def putHeader(self): tnodes = 0; clone_windows = 0 # Always zero in Leo2. if 1: # For compatibility with versions before Leo 4.5. self.put("<leo_header") self.put(" file_format="); self.put_in_dquotes("2") self.put(" tnodes="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(tnodes)) self.put(" max_tnode_index="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(0)) self.put(" clone_windows="); self.put_in_dquotes(str(clone_windows)) self.put("/>"); self.put_nl() else: self.put('<leo_header file_format="2"/>\n')
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3042: *5* fc.putPostlog
[docs] def putPostlog(self): self.put("</leo_file>"); self.put_nl()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2066: *5* fc.putPrefs
[docs] def putPrefs(self): # New in 4.3: These settings never get written to the .leo file. self.put("<preferences/>") self.put_nl()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1246: *5* fc.putProlog
[docs] def putProlog(self): '''Put the prolog of the xml file.''' tag = '' self.putXMLLine() # Put "created by Leo" line. self.put('<!-- Created by Leo: -->') self.put_nl() self.putStyleSheetLine() # Put the namespace self.put('<leo_file xmlns:leo="%s" >' % tag) self.put_nl()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1248: *5* fc.putStyleSheetLine
[docs] def putStyleSheetLine(self): ''' Put the xml stylesheet line. Leo 5.3: - Use only the stylesheet setting, ignoreing c.frame.stylesheet. - Write no stylesheet element if there is no setting. The old way made it almost impossible to delete stylesheet element. ''' c = self.c sheet = (c.config.getString('stylesheet') or '').strip() # sheet2 = c.frame.stylesheet and c.frame.stylesheet.strip() or '' # sheet = sheet or sheet2 if sheet: s = '<?xml-stylesheet %s ?>' % sheet self.put(s) self.put_nl()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1577: *5* fc.putTnode
[docs] def putTnode(self, v): # Call put just once. gnx = v.fileIndex # pylint: disable=consider-using-ternary ua = hasattr(v, 'unknownAttributes') and self.putUnknownAttributes(v) or '' b = v.b body = xml.sax.saxutils.escape(b) if b else '' self.put('<t tx="%s"%s>%s</t>\n' % (gnx, ua, body))
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1575: *5* fc.putTnodes
[docs] def putTnodes(self): """Puts all tnodes as required for copy or save commands""" self.put("<tnodes>\n") self.putReferencedTnodes() self.put("</tnodes>\n")
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1576: *6* fc.putReferencedTnodes
[docs] def putReferencedTnodes(self): '''Put all referenced tnodes.''' c = self.c if self.usingClipboard: # write the current tree. theIter = self.currentPosition.self_and_subtree() else: # write everything theIter = c.all_unique_positions() # Populate tnodes tnodes = {} for p in theIter: # Make *sure* the file index has the proper form. # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking index = p.v.fileIndex tnodes[index] = p.v # Put all tnodes in index order. for index in sorted(tnodes): v = tnodes.get(index) if v: # Write only those tnodes whose vnodes were written. # **Note**: @<file> trees are not written unless they contain clones. if v.isWriteBit(): self.putTnode(v) else: g.trace('can not happen: no VNode for', repr(index)) # This prevents the file from being written. raise BadLeoFile('no VNode for %s' % repr(index))
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1863: *5* fc.putVnode & helper
[docs] def putVnode(self, p, isIgnore=False): """Write a <v> element corresponding to a VNode.""" fc = self v = p.v isAuto = p.isAtAutoNode() and p.atAutoNodeName().strip() isEdit = p.isAtEditNode() and p.atEditNodeName().strip() and not p.hasChildren() # 2010/09/02: @edit nodes must not have children. # If they do, the entire tree is written to the outline. isFile = p.isAtFileNode() isShadow = p.isAtShadowFileNode() isThin = p.isAtThinFileNode() isOrphan = p.isOrphan() if not isIgnore: isIgnore = p.isAtIgnoreNode() # 2010/10/22: force writes of orphan @edit, @auto and @shadow trees. if isIgnore: forceWrite = True # Always write full @ignore trees. elif isAuto: forceWrite = isOrphan # Force write of orphan @auto trees. elif isEdit: forceWrite = isOrphan # Force write of orphan @edit trees. elif isFile: forceWrite = isOrphan # Force write of orphan @file trees. elif isShadow: forceWrite = isOrphan # Force write of @shadow trees. elif isThin: forceWrite = isOrphan # Force write of orphan @thin trees. else: forceWrite = True # Write all other @<file> trees. gnx = v.fileIndex if forceWrite or self.usingClipboard: v.setWriteBit() # 4.2: Indicate we wrote the body text. attrs = fc.compute_attribute_bits(forceWrite, p) # Write the node. v_head = '<v t="%s"%s>' % (gnx, attrs) if gnx in fc.vnodesDict: fc.put(v_head + '</v>\n') else: fc.vnodesDict[gnx] = True v_head += '<vh>%s</vh>' % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(p.v.headString() or '')) # New in 4.2: don't write child nodes of @file-thin trees # (except when writing to clipboard) if p.hasChildren() and (forceWrite or self.usingClipboard): fc.put('%s\n' % v_head) # This optimization eliminates all "recursive" copies. p.moveToFirstChild() while 1: fc.putVnode(p, isIgnore) if p.hasNext(): p.moveToNext() else: break p.moveToParent() # Restore p in the caller. fc.put('</v>\n') else: fc.put('%s</v>\n' % v_head) # Call put only once.
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1865: *6* fc.compute_attribute_bits
[docs] def compute_attribute_bits(self, forceWrite, p): '''Return the initial values of v's attributes.''' c, v = self.c, p.v attrs = [] # New in Leo 4.5: support fixed .leo files. if not c.fixed: bits = [] if v.isExpanded() and v.hasChildren() and c.putBitsFlag: bits.append("E") if v.isMarked(): bits.append("M") if bits: attrs.append(' a="%s"' % ''.join(bits)) # Put the archived *current* position in the *root* position's <v> element. if p == self.rootPosition: aList = [str(z) for z in self.currentPosition.archivedPosition()] d = v.u str_pos = ','.join(aList) if d.get('str_leo_pos'): del d['str_leo_pos'] # Don't write the current position if we can cache it. if g.enableDB and c.mFileName: c.cacher.setCachedStringPosition(str_pos) elif c.fixed: pass else: d['str_leo_pos'] = str_pos v.u = d elif hasattr(v, "unknownAttributes"): d = v.unknownAttributes if d and not c.fixed and d.get('str_leo_pos'): del d['str_leo_pos'] v.unknownAttributes = d # Append unKnownAttributes to attrs if p.hasChildren() and not forceWrite and not self.usingClipboard: # Fix #526: do this for @auto nodes as well. attrs.append(self.putDescendentVnodeUas(p)) attrs.append(self.putDescendentAttributes(p)) return ''.join(attrs)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1579: *5* fc.putVnodes
[docs] def putVnodes(self, p=None): """Puts all <v> elements in the order in which they appear in the outline.""" c = self.c c.clearAllVisited() self.put("<vnodes>\n") # Make only one copy for all calls. self.currentPosition = p or c.p self.rootPosition = c.rootPosition() self.vnodesDict = {} if self.usingClipboard: self.putVnode(self.currentPosition) # Write only current tree. else: for p in c.rootPosition().self_and_siblings(): # New in Leo 4.4.2 b2 An optimization: self.putVnode(p, isIgnore=p.isAtIgnoreNode()) # Write the next top-level node. self.put("</vnodes>\n")
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1247: *5* fc.putXMLLine
[docs] def putXMLLine(self): '''Put the **properly encoded** <?xml> element.''' # Use self.leo_file_encoding encoding. self.put('%s"%s"%s\n' % (, self.leo_file_encoding,
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1573: *4* fc.putLeoOutline (to clipboard)
[docs] def putLeoOutline(self, p=None): ''' Return a string, *not unicode*, encoded with self.leo_file_encoding, suitable for pasting to the clipboard. ''' p = p or self.c.p self.outputFile = g.FileLikeObject() self.usingClipboard = True self.putProlog() self.putClipboardHeader() self.putVnodes(p) self.putTnodes() self.putPostlog() s = self.outputFile.getvalue() self.outputFile = None self.usingClipboard = False return s
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3046: *4* fc.write_Leo_file & helpers
[docs] def write_Leo_file(self, fileName, outlineOnlyFlag, toString=False, toOPML=False): '''Write the .leo file.''' c, fc = self.c, self structure_errors = c.checkOutline() if structure_errors: g.error('Major structural errors! outline not written') return False if not outlineOnlyFlag or toOPML: fc.writeAllAtFileNodesHelper() # Ignore any errors. if fc.isReadOnly(fileName): return False if g.SQLITE and fileName and fileName.endswith('.db'): return fc.exportToSqlite(fileName) try: fc.putCount = 0 fc.toString = toString if toString: ok = fc.writeToStringHelper(fileName) else: ok = fc.writeToFileHelper(fileName, toOPML) finally: fc.outputFile = None fc.toString = False return ok
write_LEO_file = write_Leo_file # For compatibility with old plugins. #@+node:ekr.20040324080359.1: *5* fc.isReadOnly
[docs] def isReadOnly(self, fileName): # self.read_only is not valid for Save As and Save To commands. if g.os_path_exists(fileName): try: if not os.access(fileName, os.W_OK): g.error("can not write: read only:", fileName) return True except Exception: pass # os.access() may not exist on all platforms. return False
#@+node:ekr.20100119145629.6114: *5* fc.writeAllAtFileNodesHelper
[docs] def writeAllAtFileNodesHelper(self): '''Write all @<file> nodes and set orphan bits.''' c = self.c try: # 2010/01/19: Do *not* signal failure here. # This allows Leo to quit properly. c.atFileCommands.writeAll() return True except Exception: # Work around bug 1260415: g.es_error("exception writing external files") g.es_exception()'Internal error writing one or more external files.', color='red')'Please report this error to:', color='blue')'!forum/leo-editor', color='blue')'All changes will be lost unless you', color='red')'can save each changed file.', color='red') return False
#@+node:ekr.20100119145629.6111: *5* fc.writeToFileHelper & helpers
[docs] def writeToFileHelper(self, fileName, toOPML): c = self.c; toZip = c.isZipped ok, backupName = self.createBackupFile(fileName) if not ok: return False fileName, theActualFile = self.createActualFile(fileName, toOPML, toZip) if not theActualFile: return False self.mFileName = fileName self.outputFile = StringIO() # Always write to a string. try: if toOPML: if hasattr(c, 'opmlController'): c.opmlController.putToOPML(owner=self) else: # This is not likely ever to be called. g.trace('leoOPML plugin not active.') else: self.putLeoFile() s = self.outputFile.getvalue() = s # 2010/01/19: always set this. if toZip: self.writeZipFile(s) else: if g.isPython3: s = bytes(s, self.leo_file_encoding, 'replace') theActualFile.write(s) theActualFile.close() c.setFileTimeStamp(fileName) # raise AttributeError # To test handleWriteLeoFileException. # Delete backup file. if backupName and g.os_path_exists(backupName): self.deleteFileWithMessage(backupName, 'backup') return True except Exception: self.handleWriteLeoFileException( fileName, backupName, theActualFile) return False
#@+node:ekr.20100119145629.6106: *6* fc.createActualFile
[docs] def createActualFile(self, fileName, toOPML, toZip): if toZip: self.toString = True theActualFile = None else: try: # 2010/01/21: always write in binary mode. theActualFile = open(fileName, 'wb') except IOError:'can not open %s' % fileName) g.es_exception() theActualFile = None return fileName, theActualFile
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3047: *6* fc.createBackupFile
[docs] def createBackupFile(self, fileName): ''' Create a closed backup file and copy the file to it, but only if the original file exists. ''' if g.os_path_exists(fileName): fd, backupName = tempfile.mkstemp(text=False) f = open(fileName, 'rb') # rb is essential. s = f.close() try: try: os.write(fd, s) finally: os.close(fd) ok = True except Exception: g.error('exception creating backup file') g.es_exception() ok, backupName = False, None if not ok and self.read_only: g.error("read only") else: ok, backupName = True, None return ok, backupName
#@+node:ekr.20100119145629.6108: *6* fc.handleWriteLeoFileException
[docs] def handleWriteLeoFileException(self, fileName, backupName, theActualFile): c = self.c"exception writing:", fileName) g.es_exception(full=True) if theActualFile: theActualFile.close() # Delete fileName. if fileName and g.os_path_exists(fileName): self.deleteFileWithMessage(fileName, '') # Rename backupName to fileName. if backupName and g.os_path_exists(backupName):"restoring", fileName, "from", backupName) # No need to create directories when restoring. g.utils_rename(c, backupName, fileName) else: g.error('backup file does not exist!', repr(backupName))
#@+node:ekr.20100119145629.6110: *5* fc.writeToStringHelper
[docs] def writeToStringHelper(self, fileName): try: self.mFileName = fileName self.outputFile = StringIO() self.putLeoFile() s = self.outputFile.getvalue() = s return True except Exception:"exception writing:", fileName) g.es_exception(full=True) = '' return False
#@+node:ekr.20070412095520: *5* fc.writeZipFile
[docs] def writeZipFile(self, s): # The name of the file in the archive. contentsName = g.toEncodedString( g.shortFileName(self.mFileName), self.leo_file_encoding, reportErrors=True) # The name of the archive itself. fileName = g.toEncodedString( self.mFileName, self.leo_file_encoding, reportErrors=True) # Write the archive. theFile = zipfile.ZipFile(fileName, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) theFile.writestr(contentsName, s) theFile.close()
#@+node:vitalije.20170630172118.1: *5* fc.exportToSqlite
[docs] def exportToSqlite(self, fileName): '''Dump all vnodes to sqlite database. Returns True on success.''' # fc = self c = self.c; fc = self if c.sqlite_connection is None: c.sqlite_connection = sqlite3.connect(fileName, isolation_level='DEFERRED') conn = c.sqlite_connection def dump_u(v): try: s = pickle.dumps(v.u, protocol=1) except pickle.PicklingError: s = '' g.trace('unpickleable value', repr(v.u)) return s dbrow = lambda v:( v.gnx, v.h, v.b, ' '.join(x.gnx for x in v.children), ' '.join(x.gnx for x in v.parents), v.iconVal, v.statusBits, dump_u(v) ) ok = False try: fc.prepareDbTables(conn) fc.exportDbVersion(conn) fc.exportVnodesToSqlite(conn, (dbrow(v) for v in c.all_unique_nodes())) fc.exportGeomToSqlite(conn) fc.exportHashesToSqlite(conn) conn.commit() ok = True except sqlite3.Error as e: g.internalError(e) return ok
#@+node:vitalije.20170705075107.1: *6* fc.decodePosition
[docs] def decodePosition(self, s): '''Creates position from its string representation encoded by fc.encodePosition.''' fc = self if not s: return fc.c.rootPosition() sep = g.u('<->') comma = g.u(',') stack = [x.split(comma) for x in s.split(sep)] stack = [(fc.gnxDict[x], int(y)) for x,y in stack] v, ci = stack[-1] p = leoNodes.Position(v, ci, stack[:-1]) return p
#@+node:vitalije.20170705075117.1: *6* fc.encodePosition
[docs] def encodePosition(self, p): '''New schema for encoding current position hopefully simplier one.''' jn = g.u('<->') mk = g.u('%s,%s') res = [mk%(x.gnx, y) for x,y in p.stack] res.append(mk%(p.gnx, p._childIndex)) return jn.join(res)
#@+node:vitalije.20170811130512.1: *6* fc.prepareDbTables
[docs] def prepareDbTables(self, conn): conn.execute('''drop table if exists vnodes;''') conn.execute(''' create table if not exists vnodes( gnx primary key, head, body, children, parents, iconVal, statusBits, ua);''') conn.execute('''create table if not exists extra_infos(name primary key, value)''')
#@+node:vitalije.20170701161851.1: *6* fc.exportVnodesToSqlite
[docs] def exportVnodesToSqlite(self, conn, rows): conn.executemany('''insert into vnodes (gnx, head, body, children, parents, iconVal, statusBits, ua) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);''', rows)
#@+node:vitalije.20170701162052.1: *6* fc.exportGeomToSqlite
[docs] def exportGeomToSqlite(self, conn): c = self.c data = zip( ( 'width', 'height', 'left', 'top', 'ratio', 'secondary_ratio', 'current_position' ), c.frame.get_window_info() + ( c.frame.ratio, c.frame.secondary_ratio, self.encodePosition(c.p) ) ) conn.executemany('replace into extra_infos(name, value) values(?, ?)', data)
#@+node:vitalije.20170811130559.1: *6* fc.exportDbVersion
[docs] def exportDbVersion(self, conn): conn.execute("replace into extra_infos(name, value) values('dbversion', ?)", ('1.0',))
#@+node:vitalije.20170701162204.1: *6* fc.exportHashesToSqlite
[docs] def exportHashesToSqlite(self, conn): c = self.c def md5(x): try: s = open(x, 'rb').read() except Exception: return '' s = s.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') return hashlib.md5(s).hexdigest() files = set() p = c.rootPosition() while p: if p.isAtIgnoreNode(): p.moveToNodeAfterTree() elif p.isAtAutoNode() or p.isAtFileNode(): fn = c.getNodeFileName(p) files.add((fn, 'md5_'+p.gnx)) p.moveToNodeAfterTree() else: p.moveToThreadNext() # pylint: disable=deprecated-lambda conn.executemany( 'replace into extra_infos(name, value) values(?,?)', map(lambda x:(x[1], md5(x[0])), files))
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2012: *4* fc.writeAtFileNodes
[docs] @cmd('write-at-file-nodes') def writeAtFileNodes(self, event=None): '''Write all @file nodes in the selected outline.''' c = self.c c.init_error_dialogs() c.atFileCommands.writeAll(writeAtFileNodesFlag=True) c.raise_error_dialogs(kind='write')
#@+node:ekr.20080801071227.5: *4* fc.writeAtShadowNodes
[docs] def writeAtShadowNodes(self, event=None): '''Write all @file nodes in the selected outline.''' c = self.c c.init_error_dialogs() c.atFileCommands.writeAll(writeAtFileNodesFlag=True) c.raise_error_dialogs(kind='write')
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1666: *4* fc.writeDirtyAtFileNodes
[docs] @cmd('write-dirty-at-file-nodes') def writeDirtyAtFileNodes(self, event=None): '''Write all changed @file Nodes.''' c = self.c c.init_error_dialogs() c.atFileCommands.writeAll(writeDirtyAtFileNodesFlag=True) c.raise_error_dialogs(kind='write')
#@+node:ekr.20080801071227.6: *4* fc.writeDirtyAtShadowNodes
[docs] def writeDirtyAtShadowNodes(self, event=None): '''Write all changed @shadow Nodes.''' self.c.atFileCommands.writeDirtyAtShadowNodes()
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2013: *4* fc.writeMissingAtFileNodes
[docs] @cmd('write-missing-at-file-nodes') def writeMissingAtFileNodes(self, event=None): '''Write all @file nodes for which the corresponding external file does not exist.''' c = self.c if c.p: c.atFileCommands.writeMissing(c.p)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3050: *4* fc.writeOutlineOnly
[docs] @cmd('write-outline-only') def writeOutlineOnly(self, event=None): '''Write the entire outline without writing any derived files.''' c = self.c c.endEditing() self.write_Leo_file(self.mFileName, outlineOnlyFlag=True)'done')
#@+node:ekr.20080805114146.2: *3* fc.Utils #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1570: *4* fc.assignFileIndices & compactFileIndices
[docs] def assignFileIndices(self): """Assign a file index to all tnodes""" pass # No longer needed: we assign indices as needed.
# Indices are now immutable, so there is no longer any difference between these two routines. compactFileIndices = assignFileIndices #@+node:ekr.20080805085257.1: *4* fc.createUaList
[docs] def createUaList(self, aList): '''Given aList of pairs (p,torv), return a list of pairs (torv,d) where d contains all picklable items of torv.unknownAttributes.''' result = [] for p, torv in aList: if isinstance(torv.unknownAttributes, dict): # Create a new dict containing only entries that can be pickled. d = dict(torv.unknownAttributes) # Copy the dict. for key in d: # Just see if val can be pickled. Suppress any error. ok = self.pickle(torv=torv, val=d.get(key), tag=None) if not ok: del d[key] g.warning("ignoring bad unknownAttributes key", key, "in", p.h) if d: result.append((torv, d),) else: g.warning("ignoring non-dictionary uA for", p) return result
#@+node:ekr.20080805085257.2: *4* fc.pickle
[docs] def pickle(self, torv, val, tag): '''Pickle val and return the hexlified result.''' try: s = pickle.dumps(val, protocol=1) s2 = binascii.hexlify(s) s3 = g.ue(s2, 'utf-8') field = ' %s="%s"' % (tag, s3) return field except pickle.PicklingError: if tag: # The caller will print the error if tag is None. g.warning("ignoring non-pickleable value", val, "in", torv) return '' except Exception: g.error("fc.pickle: unexpected exception in", torv) g.es_exception() return ''
#@+node:ekr.20040701065235.2: *4* fc.putDescendentAttributes
[docs] def putDescendentAttributes(self, p): # Create lists of all tnodes whose vnodes are marked or expanded. marks = []; expanded = [] for p in p.subtree(): v = p.v if p.isMarked() and p.v not in marks: marks.append(v) if p.hasChildren() and p.isExpanded() and v not in expanded: expanded.append(v) result = [] for theList, tag in ((marks, "marks"), (expanded, "expanded")): if theList: sList = [] for v in theList: sList.append("%s," % v.fileIndex) s = ''.join(sList) result.append('\n%s="%s"' % (tag, s)) return ''.join(result)
#@+node:ekr.20080805071954.2: *4* fc.putDescendentVnodeUas
[docs] def putDescendentVnodeUas(self, p): ''' Return the a uA field for descendent VNode attributes, suitable for reconstituting uA's for anonymous vnodes. ''' # # Create aList of tuples (p,v) having a valid unknownAttributes dict. # Create dictionary: keys are vnodes, values are corresonding archived positions. pDict = {}; aList = [] for p2 in p.self_and_subtree(): if hasattr(p2.v, "unknownAttributes"): aList.append((p2.copy(), p2.v),) pDict[p2.v] = p2.archivedPosition(root_p=p) # Create aList of pairs (v,d) where d contains only pickleable entries. if aList: aList = self.createUaList(aList) if not aList: return '' # Create d, an enclosing dict to hold all the inner dicts. d = {} for v, d2 in aList: aList2 = [str(z) for z in pDict.get(v)] key = '.'.join(aList2) d[key] = d2 # Pickle and hexlify d # pylint: disable=consider-using-ternary return d and self.pickle( torv=p.v, val=d, tag='descendentVnodeUnknownAttributes') or ''
#@+node:ekr.20050418161620.2: *4* fc.putUaHelper
[docs] def putUaHelper(self, torv, key, val): '''Put attribute whose name is key and value is val to the output stream.''' # New in 4.3: leave string attributes starting with 'str_' alone. if key.startswith('str_'): if g.isString(val) or g.isBytes(val): val = g.toUnicode(val) attr = ' %s="%s"' % (key, xml.sax.saxutils.escape(val)) return attr else: g.trace(type(val), repr(val)) g.warning("ignoring non-string attribute", key, "in", torv) return '' else: return self.pickle(torv=torv, val=val, tag=key)
#@+node:EKR.20040526202501: *4* fc.putUnknownAttributes
[docs] def putUnknownAttributes(self, torv): """Put pickleable values for all keys in torv.unknownAttributes dictionary.""" attrDict = torv.unknownAttributes if isinstance(attrDict, dict): val = ''.join( [self.putUaHelper(torv, key, val) for key, val in attrDict.items()]) return val else: g.warning("ignoring non-dictionary unknownAttributes for", torv) return ''
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3045: *4* fc.setDefaultDirectoryForNewFiles
[docs] def setDefaultDirectoryForNewFiles(self, fileName): """Set c.openDirectory for new files for the benefit of leoAtFile.scanAllDirectives.""" c = self.c if not c.openDirectory: theDir = g.os_path_dirname(fileName) if theDir and g.os_path_isabs(theDir) and g.os_path_exists(theDir): c.openDirectory = c.frame.openDirectory = theDir
#@+node:ekr.20080412172151.2: *4* fc.updateFixedStatus
[docs] def updateFixedStatus(self): c = self.c p = c.config.findSettingsPosition('@bool fixedWindow') if p: import leo.core.leoConfig as leoConfig parser = leoConfig.SettingsTreeParser(c) kind, name, val = parser.parseHeadline(p.h) if val and val.lower() in ('true', '1'): val = True else: val = False c.fixed = val
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