Source code for leo.core.leoPymacs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:ekr.20061024060248.1: * @file
#@+<< docstring>>
#@+node:ekr.20061024060248.2: ** << docstring >> (
'''A module to allow the Pymacs bridge to access Leo data.

All code in this module must be called *from* Emacs:
calling Pymacs.lisp in other situations will hang Leo.


- The init method adds the parent directory of to
  Python's sys.path. This is essential to make imports work from
  inside Emacs.

- As of Leo 4.5, the following code, when executed from an Emacs buffer,
  will open trunk/leo/test.leo::

      (pymacs-load "c:\\leo.repo\\trunk\\leo\\core\\leoPymacs" "leo-")
      (setq c (leo-open "c:\\leo.repo\\trunk\\leo\\test\\test.leo"))

  Note that full path names are required in each case.

#@-<< docstring>>
# As in we must be very careful about imports.
# pylint: disable = global-variable-not-assigned
g = None # set by init: do *not* import it here!
inited = False
pymacsFile = __file__
# print('leoPymacs:pymacsFile',pymacsFile)
#@+node:ekr.20061024131236: ** dump (pymacs)
[docs]def dump(anObject): global g init() return str(g.toEncodedString(repr(anObject), encoding='ascii'))
#@+node:ekr.20061024130957: ** getters (pymacs)
[docs]def get_app(): '''Scripts can use for communication with pymacs.''' global g init() return
[docs]def get_g(): global g init() return g
[docs]def script_result(): global g init() return
#@+node:ekr.20061024060248.3: ** hello (pymacs)
[docs]def hello(): init() return 'Hello from Leo. %s' %
#@+node:ekr.20061024075542: ** init (pymacs)
[docs]def init(): global inited if inited: return else: inited = True # Only try once, no matter what happens. # Add the parent path of this file to sys.path import os import sys theDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pymacsFile), '..', '..')) if theDir not in sys.path: print('leoPymacs:adding', theDir, 'to sys.path') sys.path.append(theDir) # Create the dummy app try: import leo.core.runLeo as leo except ImportError: print('leoPymacs.init: can not import runLeo') print('leoPymacs.init: sys.path:') for z in sys.path: print(z) try: import leo.core.leoGlobals as leoGlobals except ImportError: print('leoPymacs.init: can not import leoGlobals') global g; g = leoGlobals # print('leoPymacs:init:g',g) if 1: # These traces show up in the pymacs buffer. g.trace('app', g.trace('gui',
#@+node:ekr.20061024075542.1: ** open (pymacs)
[docs]def open(fileName=None): global g init() if return if not fileName: g.es_print('', '', 'no file name') return None # openWithFileName checks to see if the file is already open. c = g.openWithFileName(fileName) if c: g.es_print('', '', c) else: g.es_print('', '', 'can not open', fileName) return c
#@+node:ekr.20061024084200: ** run-script (pymacs)
[docs]def run_script(c, script, p=None): # It is possible to use script=None, in which case p must be defined. global g init() if c is None: c ='dummy script file') = None c.executeScript( event=None, p=p, script=script, useSelectedText=False, define_g=True, define_name='__main__', silent=True, # Don't write to the log. ) return
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 #@-leo