Source code for leo.core.leoShadow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.1: * @file
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.78: ** << docstring >>

This code allows users to use Leo with files which contain no sentinels
and still have information flow in both directions between outlines and
derived files.

Private files contain sentinels: they live in the Leo-shadow subdirectory.
Public files contain no sentinels: they live in the parent (main) directory.

When Leo first reads an @shadow we create a file without sentinels in the regular directory.

The slightly hard thing to do is to pick up changes from the file without
sentinels, and put them into the file with sentinels.

- @string shadow_subdir (default: .leo_shadow): name of the shadow directory.

- @string shadow_prefix (default: x): prefix of shadow files.
  This prefix allows the shadow file and the original file to have different names.
  This is useful for name-based tools like py.test.
#@-<< docstring >>
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.52: ** << imports >> (leoShadow)
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import difflib
import os
import pprint
import unittest
#@-<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.80: ** class ShadowController
[docs]class ShadowController(object): '''A class to manage @shadow files''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20080708094444.79: *3* x.ctor & x.reloadSettings def __init__(self, c, trace=False, trace_writers=False): '''Ctor for ShadowController class.''' self.c = c # Opcode dispatch dict. self.dispatch_dict = { 'delete': self.op_delete, 'equal': self.op_equal, 'insert': self.op_insert, 'replace': self.op_replace, } # File encoding. self.encoding = c.config.default_derived_file_encoding # Configuration: set in reloadSettings. self.shadow_subdir = None self.shadow_prefix = None self.shadow_in_home_dir = None self.shadow_subdir = None # Error handling... self.errors = 0 self.last_error = '' # The last error message, regardless of whether it was actually shown. self.trace = False # Support for goto-line. self.line_mapping = [] self.reloadSettings()
[docs] def reloadSettings(self): '''ShadowController.reloadSettings.''' c = self.c self.shadow_subdir = c.config.getString('shadow_subdir') or '.leo_shadow' self.shadow_prefix = c.config.getString('shadow_prefix') or '' self.shadow_in_home_dir = c.config.getBool('shadow_in_home_dir', default=False) self.shadow_subdir = g.os_path_normpath(self.shadow_subdir)
#@+node:ekr.20080711063656.1: *3* x.File utils #@+node:ekr.20080711063656.7: *4* x.baseDirName
[docs] def baseDirName(self): x = self; c = x.c; filename = c.fileName() if filename: return g.os_path_dirname(c.os_path_finalize(filename)) else: self.error('Can not compute shadow path: .leo file has not been saved') return None
#@+node:ekr.20080711063656.4: *4* x.dirName and pathName
[docs] def dirName(self, filename): '''Return the directory for filename.''' x = self return g.os_path_dirname(x.pathName(filename))
[docs] def pathName(self, filename): '''Return the full path name of filename.''' x = self; c = x.c; theDir = x.baseDirName() return theDir and c.os_path_finalize_join(theDir, filename)
#@+node:ekr.20080712080505.3: *4* x.isSignificantPublicFile
[docs] def isSignificantPublicFile(self, fn): '''This tells the logic whether to import a public file or use an existing public file.''' return ( g.os_path_exists(fn) and g.os_path_isfile(fn) and g.os_path_getsize(fn) > 10 )
#@+node:ekr.20080710082231.19: *4* x.makeShadowDirectory
[docs] def makeShadowDirectory(self, fn): '''Make a shadow directory for the **public** fn.''' x = self; path = x.shadowDirName(fn) if not g.os_path_exists(path): # Force the creation of the directories. g.makeAllNonExistentDirectories(path, c=None, force=True) return g.os_path_exists(path) and g.os_path_isdir(path)
#@+node:ekr.20080713091247.1: *4* x.replaceFileWithString (@shadow)
[docs] def replaceFileWithString(self, fn, s): '''Replace the file with s if s is different from theFile's contents. Return True if theFile was changed. ''' c = self.c x = self exists = g.os_path_exists(fn) if exists: # Read the file. Return if it is the same. s2, e = g.readFileIntoString(fn) if s2 is None: return False if s == s2: report = c.config.getBool('report_unchanged_files', default=True) if report and not g.unitTesting:'unchanged:', fn) return False # Issue warning if directory does not exist. theDir = g.os_path_dirname(fn) if theDir and not g.os_path_exists(theDir): if not g.unitTesting: x.error('not written: %s directory not found' % fn) return False # Replace the file. try: f = open(fn, 'wb') # 2011/09/09: Use self.encoding. f.write(g.toEncodedString(s, encoding=self.encoding)) f.close() if not g.unitTesting: if exists:'wrote:', fn) else:'created:', fn) return True except IOError: x.error('unexpected exception writing file: %s' % (fn)) g.es_exception() return False
#@+node:ekr.20080711063656.6: *4* x.shadowDirName and shadowPathName
[docs] def shadowDirName(self, filename): '''Return the directory for the shadow file corresponding to filename.''' x = self return g.os_path_dirname(x.shadowPathName(filename))
[docs] def shadowPathName(self, filename): '''Return the full path name of filename, resolved using c.fileName()''' x = self; c = x.c baseDir = x.baseDirName() fileDir = g.os_path_dirname(filename) # 2011/01/26: bogomil: redirect shadow dir if self.shadow_in_home_dir: # Each .leo file has a separate shadow_cache in base dir fname = "_".join([os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(c.mFileName))[0], "shadow_cache"]) # On Windows incorporate the drive letter to the private file path if == "nt": fileDir = fileDir.replace(':', '%') # build the chache path as a subdir of the base dir fileDir = "/".join([baseDir, fname, fileDir]) return baseDir and c.os_path_finalize_join( baseDir, fileDir, # Bug fix: honor any directories specified in filename. x.shadow_subdir, x.shadow_prefix + g.shortFileName(filename))
#@+node:ekr.20080711063656.3: *4* x.unlink #@+node:ekr.20080708192807.1: *3* x.Propagation #@+node:ekr.20080708094444.35: *4* x.check_output
[docs] def check_output(self): '''Check that we produced a valid output.''' x = self lines1 = x.b junk, sents1 = x.separate_sentinels(x.old_sent_lines, x.marker) lines2, sents2 = x.separate_sentinels(x.results, x.marker) ok = lines1 == lines2 and sents1 == sents2 if g.unitTesting: # The unit test will report the error. return ok if lines1 != lines2: g.trace() d = difflib.Differ() aList = list(, x.b)) pprint.pprint(aList) if sents1 != sents2: x.show_error( lines1=sents1, lines2=sents2, message="Sentinals not preserved!", lines1_message="old sentinels", lines2_message="new sentinels") return ok
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.38: *4* x.propagate_changed_lines (main algorithm) & helpers
[docs] def propagate_changed_lines(self, new_public_lines, old_private_lines, marker, p=None): #@+<< docstring >> #@+node:ekr.20150207044400.9: *5* << docstring >> ''' The Mulder update algorithm, revised by EKR. Use the diff between the old and new public lines to insperse sentinels from old_private_lines into the result. The algorithm never deletes or rearranges sentinels. However, verbatim sentinels may be inserted or deleted as needed. ''' #@-<< docstring >> x = self x.init_ivars(new_public_lines, old_private_lines, marker) sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, x.a, x.b) # Ensure leading sentinels are put first. x.put_sentinels(0) x.sentinels[0] = [] for tag, ai, aj, bi, bj in sm.get_opcodes(): f = x.dispatch_dict.get(tag, x.op_bad) f(tag, ai, aj, bi, bj) # Put the trailing sentinels & check the result. x.results.extend(x.trailing_sentinels) # check_output is likely to be more buggy than the code under test. # x.check_output() return x.results
#@+node:ekr.20150207111757.180: *5* x.dump_args
[docs] def dump_args(self): '''Dump the argument lines.''' x = self table = ( (x.old_sent_lines, 'old private lines'), (x.a, 'old public lines'), (x.b, 'new public lines'), ) for lines, title in table: x.dump_lines(lines, title)
#@+node:ekr.20150207111757.178: *5* x.dump_lines
[docs] def dump_lines(self, lines, title): '''Dump the given lines.''' print('\n%s...\n' % title) for i, line in enumerate(lines):'%4s %s' % (i, repr(line)))
#@+node:ekr.20150209044257.6: *5* x.init_data
[docs] def init_data(self): ''' Init x.sentinels and x.trailing_sentinels arrays. Return the list of non-sentinel lines in x.old_sent_lines. ''' x = self lines = x.old_sent_lines sentinels = [] # The sentinels preceding each non-sentinel line, # not including @verbatim sentinels. new_lines = [] # A list of all non-sentinel lines found. Should match x.a. x.sentinels = [] # A list of lists of sentinels preceding each line. i = 0 while i < len(lines): line = lines[i] i += 1 if x.marker.isVerbatimSentinel(line): # Do *not* include the @verbatim sentinel. if i < len(lines): line = lines[i] i += 1 x.sentinels.append(sentinels) sentinels = [] new_lines.append(line) else: x.verbatim_error() elif x.marker.isSentinel(line): sentinels.append(line) else: x.sentinels.append(sentinels) sentinels = [] new_lines.append(line) x.trailing_sentinels = sentinels return new_lines
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.40: *5* x.init_ivars
[docs] def init_ivars(self, new_public_lines, old_private_lines, marker): '''Init all ivars used by propagate_changed_lines & its helpers.''' x = self x.delim1, x.delim2 = marker.getDelims() x.marker = marker x.old_sent_lines = old_private_lines x.results = [] x.verbatim_line = '%s@verbatim%s\n' % (x.delim1, x.delim2) old_public_lines = x.init_data() x.b = x.preprocess(new_public_lines) x.a = x.preprocess(old_public_lines)
#@+node:ekr.20150207044400.16: *5* x.op_bad
[docs] def op_bad(self, tag, ai, aj, bi, bj): '''Report an unexpected opcode.''' x = self x.error('unknown SequenceMatcher opcode: %s' % repr(tag))
#@+node:ekr.20150207044400.12: *5* x.op_delete
[docs] def op_delete(self, tag, ai, aj, bi, bj): '''Handle the 'delete' opcode.''' x = self for i in range(ai, aj): x.put_sentinels(i)
#@+node:ekr.20150207044400.13: *5* x.op_equal
[docs] def op_equal(self, tag, ai, aj, bi, bj): '''Handle the 'equal' opcode.''' x = self assert aj - ai == bj - bi and x.a[ai: aj] == x.b[bi: bj] for i in range(ai, aj): x.put_sentinels(i) x.put_plain_line(x.a[i])
# works because x.lines[ai:aj] == x.lines[bi:bj] #@+node:ekr.20150207044400.14: *5* x.op_insert
[docs] def op_insert(self, tag, ai, aj, bi, bj): '''Handle the 'insert' opcode.''' x = self for i in range(bi, bj): x.put_plain_line(x.b[i])
# Prefer to put sentinels after inserted nodes. # Requires a call to x.put_sentinels(0) before the main loop. #@+node:ekr.20150207044400.15: *5* x.op_replace
[docs] def op_replace(self, tag, ai, aj, bi, bj): '''Handle the 'replace' opcode.''' x = self if 1: # Intersperse sentinels and lines. b_lines = x.b[bi: bj] for i in range(ai, aj): x.put_sentinels(i) if b_lines: x.put_plain_line(b_lines.pop(0)) # Put any trailing lines. while b_lines: x.put_plain_line(b_lines.pop(0)) else: # Feasible. Causes the present unit tests to fail. for i in range(ai, aj): x.put_sentinels(i) for i in range(bi, bj): x.put_plain_line(x.b[i])
#@+node:ekr.20150208060128.7: *5* x.preprocess
[docs] def preprocess(self, lines): ''' Preprocess public lines, adding newlines as needed. This happens before the diff. ''' result = [] for line in lines: if not line.endswith('\n'): line = line + '\n' result.append(line) return result
#@+node:ekr.20150208223018.4: *5* x.put_plain_line
[docs] def put_plain_line(self, line): '''Put a plain line to x.results, inserting verbatim lines if necessary.''' x = self if x.marker.isSentinel(line): x.results.append(x.verbatim_line) if x.trace: print('put %s' % repr(x.verbatim_line)) x.results.append(line) if x.trace: print('put %s' % repr(line))
#@+node:ekr.20150209044257.8: *5* x.put_sentinels
[docs] def put_sentinels(self, i): '''Put all the sentinels to the results''' x = self if 0 <= i < len(x.sentinels): sentinels = x.sentinels[i] if x.trace: g.trace('%3s %s' % (i, sentinels)) x.results.extend(sentinels)
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.36: *4* x.propagate_changes
[docs] def propagate_changes(self, old_public_file, old_private_file): ''' Propagate the changes from the public file (without_sentinels) to the private file (with_sentinels) ''' x = self; at = self.c.atFileCommands at.errors = 0 self.encoding = at.encoding s = at.readFileToUnicode(old_private_file) # Sets at.encoding and inits at.readLines. old_private_lines = g.splitLines(s) s = at.readFileToUnicode(old_public_file) if at.encoding != self.encoding: g.trace('can not happen: encoding mismatch: %s %s' % ( at.encoding, self.encoding)) at.encoding = self.encoding old_public_lines = g.splitLines(s) if 0: g.trace('\nprivate lines...%s' % old_private_file) for s in old_private_lines: g.trace(type(s), g.isUnicode(s), repr(s)) g.trace('\npublic lines...%s' % old_public_file) for s in old_public_lines: g.trace(type(s), g.isUnicode(s), repr(s)) marker = x.markerFromFileLines(old_private_lines, old_private_file) new_private_lines = x.propagate_changed_lines( old_public_lines, old_private_lines, marker) # Important bug fix: Never create the private file here! fn = old_private_file exists = g.os_path_exists(fn) different = new_private_lines != old_private_lines copy = exists and different # 2010/01/07: check at.errors also. if copy and x.errors == 0 and at.errors == 0: s = ''.join(new_private_lines) x.replaceFileWithString(fn, s) return copy
#@+node:bwmulder.20041231170726: *4* x.updatePublicAndPrivateFiles
[docs] def updatePublicAndPrivateFiles(self, root, fn, shadow_fn): '''handle crucial @shadow read logic. This will be called only if the public and private files both exist.''' x = self if x.isSignificantPublicFile(fn): # Update the private shadow file from the public file. written = x.propagate_changes(fn, shadow_fn) if written: x.message("updated private %s from public %s" % (shadow_fn, fn)) else: pass
# Don't write *anything*. # if 0: # This causes considerable problems. # # Create the public file from the private shadow file. # x.copy_file_removing_sentinels(shadow_fn,fn) # x.message("created public %s from private %s " % (fn, shadow_fn)) #@+node:ekr.20080708094444.89: *3* x.Utils... #@+node:ekr.20080708094444.85: *4* x.error & message & verbatim_error
[docs] def error(self, s, silent=False): x = self if not silent: g.error(s) # For unit testing. x.last_error = s x.errors += 1
[docs] def message(self, s): g.es_print(s, color='orange')
[docs] def verbatim_error(self): x = self x.error('file syntax error: nothing follows verbatim sentinel') g.trace(g.callers())
#@+node:ekr.20090529125512.6122: *4* x.markerFromFileLines & helper
[docs] def markerFromFileLines(self, lines, fn): '''Return the sentinel delimiter comment to be used for filename.''' at, x = self.c.atFileCommands, self s = x.findLeoLine(lines) ok, junk, start, end, junk = at.parseLeoSentinel(s) if end: delims = '', start, end else: delims = start, '', '' return x.Marker(delims)
#@+node:ekr.20090529125512.6125: *5* x.findLeoLine
[docs] def findLeoLine(self, lines): '''Return the @+leo line, or ''.''' for line in lines: i = line.find('@+leo') if i != -1: return line return ''
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.9: *4* x.markerFromFileName
[docs] def markerFromFileName(self, filename): '''Return the sentinel delimiter comment to be used for filename.''' x = self if not filename: return None root, ext = g.os_path_splitext(filename) if ext == '.tmp': root, ext = os.path.splitext(root) delims = g.comment_delims_from_extension(filename) marker = x.Marker(delims) return marker
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.29: *4* x.separate_sentinels
[docs] def separate_sentinels(self, lines, marker): ''' Separates regular lines from sentinel lines. Do not return @verbatim sentinels. Returns (regular_lines, sentinel_lines) ''' x = self regular_lines = [] sentinel_lines = [] i = 0 while i < len(lines): line = lines[i] if marker.isVerbatimSentinel(line): # Add the plain line that *looks* like a sentinel, # but *not* the preceding @verbatim sentinel itself. # Adding the actual sentinel would spoil the sentinel test when # the user adds or deletes a line requiring an @verbatim line. i += 1 if i < len(lines): line = lines[i] regular_lines.append(line) else: x.verbatim_error() elif marker.isSentinel(line): sentinel_lines.append(line) else: regular_lines.append(line) i += 1 return regular_lines, sentinel_lines
#@+node:ekr.20080708094444.33: *4* x.show_error & helper
[docs] def show_error(self, lines1, lines2, message, lines1_message, lines2_message): x = self banner1 = '=' * 30 banner2 = '-' * 30 g.es_print('%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s' % ( banner1, message, banner1, lines1_message, banner2)) x.show_error_lines(lines1, 'shadow_errors.tmp1') g.es_print('\n%s\n%s\n%s' % ( banner1, lines2_message, banner1)) x.show_error_lines(lines2, 'shadow_errors.tmp2') g.es_print('\n@shadow did not pick up the external changes correctly')
# g.es_print('Please check shadow.tmp1 and shadow.tmp2 for differences') #@+node:ekr.20080822065427.4: *5* show_error_lines
[docs] def show_error_lines(self, lines, fileName): for i, line in enumerate(lines): g.es_print('%3s %s' % (i, repr(line))) if False: # Only for major debugging. try: f1 = open(fileName, "w") for s in lines: if not g.isPython3: # 2010/08/27 s = g.toEncodedString(s, encoding='utf-8', reportErrors=True) f1.write(repr(s)) f1.close() except IOError: g.es_exception() g.es_print('can not open', fileName)
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.2: *3* class x.AtShadowTestCase
[docs] class AtShadowTestCase(unittest.TestCase): ''' Support @shadow-test nodes. These nodes should have two descendant nodes: 'before' and 'after'. ''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20080709062932.6: *4* __init__ (AtShadowTestCase) def __init__(self, c, p, shadowController, delims=None, trace=False): '''Ctor for AtShadowTestCase class.''' unittest.TestCase.__init__(self) # Init the base class. self.c = c self.p = p.copy() self.shadowController = x = shadowController self.trace = trace # Hard value for now. if delims is None: delims = '#', '', '' self.marker = x.marker = shadowController.Marker(delims) # 2015/04/03: tricky: set *both* ivars. # This bug became apparent because unitTest.leo no longer # pre-loads any @shadow files. # For teardown... self.ok = True #@+node:ekr.20080709062932.7: *4* fail (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def fail(self, msg=None): '''Mark an AtShadowTestCase as having failed.''' import leo.core.leoGlobals as g["fail"] = g.callers()
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.8: *4* setUp & helpers (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def setUp(self): '''AtShadowTestCase.setup.''' c, p = self.c, self.p old = self.findNode(c, p, 'old') new = self.findNode(c, p, 'new') self.old_private_lines = self.makePrivateLines(old) self.new_private_lines = self.makePrivateLines(new) self.old_public_lines = self.makePublicLines(self.old_private_lines) self.new_public_lines = self.makePublicLines(self.new_private_lines) # Change node:new to node:old in all sentinel lines. self.expected_private_lines = self.mungePrivateLines( self.new_private_lines, 'node:new', 'node:old')
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.19: *5* findNode (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def findNode(self, c, p, headline): '''Return the node in p's subtree with given headline.''' p = g.findNodeInTree(c, p, headline) if not p: g.es_print('can not find', headline) assert False return p
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.20: *5* createSentinelNode (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def createSentinelNode(self, root, p): '''Write p's tree to a string, as if to a file.''' h = p.h p2 = root.insertAsLastChild() p2.setHeadString(h + '-sentinels') return p2
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.21: *5* makePrivateLines (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def makePrivateLines(self, p): '''Return a list of the lines of p containing sentinels.''' at = self.c.atFileCommands # A hack: we want to suppress gnx's *only* in @+node sentinels, # but we *do* want sentinels elsewhere. at.at_shadow_test_hack = True try: at.write(p, nosentinels=False, toString=True) finally: at.at_shadow_test_hack = False s = at.stringOutput return g.splitLines(s)
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.22: *5* makePublicLines (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def makePublicLines(self, lines): '''Return the public lines in lines.''' x = self.shadowController lines, junk = x.separate_sentinels(lines, x.marker) return lines
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.23: *5* mungePrivateLines (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def mungePrivateLines(self, lines, find, replace): '''Change the 'find' the 'replace' pattern in sentinel lines.''' x = self.shadowController marker = self.marker i, results = 0, [] while i < len(lines): line = lines[i] if marker.isSentinel(line): new_line = line.replace(find, replace) results.append(new_line) if marker.isVerbatimSentinel(line): i += 1 if i < len(lines): line = lines[i] results.append(line) else: x.verbatim_error() else: results.append(line) i += 1 return results
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.9: *4* tearDown (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def tearDown(self): '''AtShadowTestCase.tearDown.''' pass
# No change is made to the outline. # self.c.redraw() #@+node:ekr.20080709062932.10: *4* runTest (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def runTest(self, define_g=True): '''AtShadowTestCase.runTest.''' x = self.shadowController x.trace = self.trace p = self.p.copy() results = x.propagate_changed_lines( self.new_public_lines, self.old_private_lines, self.marker, p=p) if results != self.expected_private_lines: for aList, tag in ( (results, 'results'), (self.expected_private_lines, 'expected_private_lines') ):'%s...' % tag) for i, line in enumerate(aList):'%3s %s' % (i, repr(line)))'-' * 40) assert results == self.expected_private_lines assert self.ok return self.ok
#@+node:ekr.20080709062932.11: *4* shortDescription (AtShadowTestCase)
[docs] def shortDescription(self): '''AtShadowTestCase.shortDescription.''' return self.p.h if self.p else '@test-shadow: no self.p'
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20090529061522.5727: *3* class x.Marker
[docs] class Marker(object): '''A class representing comment delims in @shadow files.''' #@+others #@+node:ekr.20090529061522.6257: *4* ctor & repr def __init__(self, delims): '''Ctor for Marker class.''' delim1, delim2, delim3 = delims self.delim1 = delim1 # Single-line comment delim. self.delim2 = delim2 # Block comment starting delim. self.delim3 = delim3 # Block comment ending delim. if not delim1 and not delim2: # if g.unitTesting: # assert False,repr(delims) self.delim1 ='unknown_language') def __repr__(self): if self.delim1: delims = self.delim1 else: delims = '%s %s' % (self.delim2, self.delim3) return '<Marker: delims: %s>' % repr(delims) #@+node:ekr.20090529061522.6258: *4* getDelims
[docs] def getDelims(self): '''Return the pair of delims to be used in sentinel lines.''' if self.delim1: return self.delim1, '' else: return self.delim2, self.delim3
#@+node:ekr.20090529061522.6259: *4* isSentinel
[docs] def isSentinel(self, s, suffix=''): '''Return True is line s contains a valid sentinel comment.''' s = s.strip() if self.delim1 and s.startswith(self.delim1): return s.startswith(self.delim1 + '@' + suffix) elif self.delim2: return s.startswith(self.delim2 + '@' + suffix) and s.endswith(self.delim3) else: return False
#@+node:ekr.20090529061522.6260: *4* isVerbatimSentinel
[docs] def isVerbatimSentinel(self, s): '''Return True if s is an @verbatim sentinel.''' return self.isSentinel(s, suffix='verbatim')
#@-others #@-others #@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 #@-leo