Source code for leo.core.leoUndo

#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3603: * @file
'''Leo's undo/redo manager.'''
#@+<< How Leo implements unlimited undo >>
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2413: ** << How Leo implements unlimited undo >>
#@+at Think of the actions that may be Undone or Redone as a string of beads
# (g.Bunches) containing all information needed to undo _and_ redo an operation.
# A bead pointer points to the present bead. Undoing an operation moves the bead
# pointer backwards; redoing an operation moves the bead pointer forwards. The
# bead pointer points in front of the first bead when Undo is disabled. The bead
# pointer points at the last bead when Redo is disabled.
# The Undo command uses the present bead to undo the action, then moves the bead
# pointer backwards. The Redo command uses the bead after the present bead to redo
# the action, then moves the bead pointer forwards. The list of beads does not
# branch; all undoable operations (except the Undo and Redo commands themselves)
# delete any beads following the newly created bead.
# New in Leo 4.3: User (client) code should call u.beforeX and u.afterX methods to
# create a bead describing the operation that is being performed. (By convention,
# the code sets u = c.undoer for undoable operations.) Most u.beforeX methods
# return 'undoData' that the client code merely passes to the corresponding
# u.afterX method. This data contains the 'before' snapshot. The u.afterX methods
# then create a bead containing both the 'before' and 'after' snapshots.
# New in Leo 4.3: u.beforeChangeGroup and u.afterChangeGroup allow multiple calls
# to u.beforeX and u.afterX methods to be treated as a single undoable entry. See
# the code for the Replace All, Sort, Promote and Demote commands for examples.
# u.before/afterChangeGroup substantially reduce the number of u.before/afterX
# methods needed.
# New in Leo 4.3: It would be possible for plugins or other code to define their
# own u.before/afterX methods. Indeed, u.afterX merely needs to set the
# bunch.undoHelper and bunch.redoHelper ivars to the methods used to undo and redo
# the operation. See the code for the various u.before/afterX methods for
# guidance.
# New in Leo 4.3: p.setDirty and p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty now return a
# 'dirtyVnodeList' that all vnodes that became dirty as the result of an
# operation. More than one list may be generated: client code is responsible for
# merging lists using the pattern dirtyVnodeList.extend(dirtyVnodeList2)
# I first saw this model of unlimited undo in the documentation for Apple's Yellow Box classes.
#@-<< How Leo implements unlimited undo >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
# pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3605: ** class Undoer
[docs]class Undoer(object): """A class that implements unlimited undo and redo.""" # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object # So that ivars can be inited to None rather thatn []. #@+others #@+node:ekr.20150509193307.1: *3* u.Birth #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3606: *4* u.__init__ & reloadSettings def __init__(self, c): self.c = c self.debug_Undoer = False # True: enable debugging code in new undo scheme. self.debug_print = False # True: enable print statements in debug code. self.granularity = None # Set in reloadSettings. self.max_undo_stack_size = c.config.getInt('max_undo_stack_size') or 0 # Statistics comparing old and new ways (only if self.debug_Undoer is on). self.new_mem = 0 self.old_mem = 0 # State ivars... self.beads = [] # List of undo nodes. self.bead = -1 # Index of the present bead: -1:len(beads) self.undoType = "Can't Undo" # These must be set here, _not_ in clearUndoState. self.redoMenuLabel = "Can't Redo" self.undoMenuLabel = "Can't Undo" self.realRedoMenuLabel = "Can't Redo" self.realUndoMenuLabel = "Can't Undo" self.undoing = False # True if executing an Undo command. self.redoing = False # True if executing a Redo command. self.per_node_undo = False # True: v may contain undo_info ivar. # New in 4.2... self.optionalIvars = [] # Set the following ivars to keep pylint happy. self.afterTree = None self.beforeTree = None self.children = None self.deleteMarkedNodesData = None self.dirtyVnodeList = None self.followingSibs = None self.inHead = None self.kind = None self.newBack = None self.newBody = None self.newChanged = None self.newChildren = None self.newHead = None self.newMarked = None self.newN = None self.newP = None self.newParent = None self.newParent_v = None self.newRecentFiles = None self.newSel = None self.newTree = None self.newYScroll = None self.oldBack = None self.oldBody = None self.oldChanged = None self.oldChildren = None self.oldHead = None self.oldMarked = None self.oldN = None self.oldParent = None self.oldParent_v = None self.oldRecentFiles = None self.oldSel = None self.oldTree = None self.oldYScroll = None self.pasteAsClone = None self.prevSel = None self.sortChildren = None self.verboseUndoGroup = None self.reloadSettings()
[docs] def reloadSettings(self): '''Undoer.reloadSettings.''' c = self.c self.granularity = c.config.getString('undo_granularity') if self.granularity: self.granularity = self.granularity.lower() if self.granularity not in ('node', 'line', 'word', 'char'): self.granularity = 'line'
[docs] def redoHelper(self): pass
[docs] def undoHelper(self): pass
#@+node:ekr.20150509193222.1: *4* u.cmd (decorator)
[docs] def cmd(name): '''Command decorator for the Undoer class.''' # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return g.new_cmd_decorator(name, ['c', 'undoer', ])
#@+node:ekr.20050416092908.1: *3* u.Internal helpers #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3607: *4* u.clearOptionalIvars
[docs] def clearOptionalIvars(self): u = self u.p = None # The position/node being operated upon for undo and redo. for ivar in u.optionalIvars: setattr(u, ivar, None)
#@+node:ekr.20060127052111.1: *4* u.cutStack
[docs] def cutStack(self): u = self; n = u.max_undo_stack_size if n > 0 and u.bead >= n and not # Do nothing if we are in the middle of creating a group. i = len(u.beads) - 1 while i >= 0: bunch = u.beads[i] if hasattr(bunch, 'kind') and bunch.kind == 'beforeGroup': return i -= 1 # This work regardless of how many items appear after bead n. # g.trace('Cutting undo stack to %d entries' % (n)) u.beads = u.beads[-n:] u.bead = n - 1
#@+node:ekr.20080623083646.10: *4* u.dumpBead
[docs] def dumpBead(self, n): u = self if n < 0 or n >= len(u.beads): return 'no bead: n = ', n # bunch = u.beads[n] result = [] result.append('-' * 10) result.append('len(u.beads): %s, n: %s' % (len(u.beads), n)) for ivar in ('kind', 'newP', 'newN', 'p', 'oldN', 'undoHelper'): result.append('%s = %s' % (ivar, getattr(self, ivar))) return '\n'.join(result)
[docs] def dumpTopBead(self): u = self n = len(u.beads) if n > 0: return self.dumpBead(n - 1) else: return '<no top bead>'
#@+node:EKR.20040526150818: *4* u.getBead
[docs] def getBead(self, n): '''Set Undoer ivars from the bunch at the top of the undo stack.''' u = self if n < 0 or n >= len(u.beads): return None bunch = u.beads[n] self.setIvarsFromBunch(bunch) return bunch
#@+node:EKR.20040526150818.1: *4* u.peekBead
[docs] def peekBead(self, n): u = self if n < 0 or n >= len(u.beads): return None else: return u.beads[n]
#@+node:ekr.20060127113243: *4* u.pushBead
[docs] def pushBead(self, bunch): u = self # New in 4.4b2: Add this to the group if it is being accumulated. bunch2 = u.bead >= 0 and u.bead < len(u.beads) and u.beads[u.bead] if bunch2 and hasattr(bunch2, 'kind') and bunch2.kind == 'beforeGroup': # Just append the new bunch the group's items. bunch2.items.append(bunch) else: # Push the bunch. u.bead += 1 u.beads[u.bead:] = [bunch] # Recalculate the menu labels. u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20050126081529: *4* u.recognizeStartOfTypingWord
[docs] def recognizeStartOfTypingWord(self, old_lines, old_row, old_col, old_ch, new_lines, new_row, new_col, new_ch, prev_row, prev_col ): ''' A potentially user-modifiable method that should return True if the typing indicated by the params starts a new 'word' for the purposes of undo with 'word' granularity. u.setUndoTypingParams calls this method only when the typing could possibly continue a previous word. In other words, undo will work safely regardless of the value returned here. old_ch is the char at the given (Tk) row, col of old_lines. new_ch is the char at the given (Tk) row, col of new_lines. The present code uses only old_ch and new_ch. The other arguments are given for use by more sophisticated algorithms.''' # Start a word if new_ch begins whitespace + word new_word_started = not old_ch.isspace() and new_ch.isspace() # Start a word if the cursor has been moved since the last change moved_cursor = new_row != prev_row or new_col != prev_col + 1 return new_word_started or moved_cursor
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3613: *4* u.redoMenuName, undoMenuName
[docs] def redoMenuName(self, name): if name == "Can't Redo": return name else: return "Redo " + name
[docs] def undoMenuName(self, name): if name == "Can't Undo": return name else: return "Undo " + name
#@+node:ekr.20060127070008: *4* u.setIvarsFromBunch
[docs] def setIvarsFromBunch(self, bunch): u = self u.clearOptionalIvars() if 0: # Debugging.'-' * 40) for key in sorted(bunch): g.trace(key, bunch.get(key))'-' * 20) # bunch is not a dict, so bunch.keys() is required. for key in list(bunch.keys()): val = bunch.get(key) setattr(u, key, val) if key not in u.optionalIvars: u.optionalIvars.append(key)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3614: *4* u.setRedoType # These routines update both the ivar and the menu label.
[docs] def setRedoType(self, theType): u = self; frame = u.c.frame if not g.isString(theType): g.trace('oops: expected string for command, got %s' % repr(theType)) g.trace(g.callers()) theType = '<unknown>' menu ="Edit") name = u.redoMenuName(theType) if name != u.redoMenuLabel: # Update menu using old name. realLabel = if realLabel == name: underline = -1 if g.match(name, 0, "Can't") else 0 else: underline = realLabel.find("&") realLabel = realLabel.replace("&", ""), u.realRedoMenuLabel, realLabel, underline=underline) u.redoMenuLabel = name u.realRedoMenuLabel = realLabel
#@+node:ekr.20091221145433.6381: *4* u.setUndoType
[docs] def setUndoType(self, theType): u = self; frame = u.c.frame if not g.isString(theType): g.trace('oops: expected string for command, got %s' % repr(theType)) g.trace(g.callers()) theType = '<unknown>' menu ="Edit") name = u.undoMenuName(theType) if name != u.undoMenuLabel: # Update menu using old name. realLabel = if realLabel == name: underline = -1 if g.match(name, 0, "Can't") else 0 else: underline = realLabel.find("&") realLabel = realLabel.replace("&", ""), u.realUndoMenuLabel, realLabel, underline=underline) u.undoType = theType u.undoMenuLabel = name u.realUndoMenuLabel = realLabel
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3616: *4* u.setUndoTypes
[docs] def setUndoTypes(self): u = self # Set the undo type and undo menu label. bunch = u.peekBead(u.bead) if bunch: u.setUndoType(bunch.undoType) else: u.setUndoType("Can't Undo") # Set only the redo menu label. bunch = u.peekBead(u.bead + 1) if bunch: u.setRedoType(bunch.undoType) else: u.setRedoType("Can't Redo") u.cutStack()
#@+node:EKR.20040530121329: *4* u.restoreTree & helpers
[docs] def restoreTree(self, treeInfo): """Use the tree info to restore all VNode data, including all links.""" u = self # This effectively relinks all vnodes. for v, vInfo, tInfo in treeInfo: u.restoreVnodeUndoInfo(vInfo) u.restoreTnodeUndoInfo(tInfo)
#@+node:ekr.20050415170737.2: *5* u.restoreVnodeUndoInfo
[docs] def restoreVnodeUndoInfo(self, bunch): """Restore all ivars saved in the bunch.""" v = bunch.v v.statusBits = bunch.statusBits v.children = bunch.children v.parents = bunch.parents uA = bunch.get('unknownAttributes') if uA is not None: v.unknownAttributes = uA v._p_changed = 1
#@+node:ekr.20050415170812.2: *5* u.restoreTnodeUndoInfo
[docs] def restoreTnodeUndoInfo(self, bunch): v = bunch.v v.h = bunch.headString v.b = bunch.bodyString v.statusBits = bunch.statusBits uA = bunch.get('unknownAttributes') if uA is not None: v.unknownAttributes = uA v._p_changed = 1
#@+node:EKR.20040528075307: *4* u.saveTree & helpers
[docs] def saveTree(self, p, treeInfo=None): """Return a list of tuples with all info needed to handle a general undo operation.""" # WARNING: read this before doing anything "clever" #@+<< about u.saveTree >> #@+node:EKR.20040530114124: *5* << about u.saveTree >> #@+at The old code made a free-standing copy of the tree using v.copy and # t.copy. This looks "elegant" and is WRONG. The problem is that it can # not handle clones properly, especially when some clones were in the # "undo" tree and some were not. Moreover, it required complex # adjustments to t.vnodeLists. # # Instead of creating new nodes, the new code creates all information # needed to properly restore the vnodes and tnodes. It creates a list of # tuples, on tuple for each VNode in the tree. Each tuple has the form, # # (vnodeInfo, tnodeInfo) # # where vnodeInfo and tnodeInfo are dicts contain all info needed to # recreate the nodes. The v.createUndoInfoDict and t.createUndoInfoDict # methods correspond to the old v.copy and t.copy methods. # # Aside: Prior to 4.2 Leo used a scheme that was equivalent to the # createUndoInfoDict info, but quite a bit uglier. #@-<< about u.saveTree >> u = self; topLevel = (treeInfo is None) if topLevel: treeInfo = [] # Add info for p.v. Duplicate tnode info is harmless. data = (p.v, u.createVnodeUndoInfo(p.v), u.createTnodeUndoInfo(p.v)) treeInfo.append(data) # Recursively add info for the subtree. child = p.firstChild() while child: self.saveTree(child, treeInfo) child = return treeInfo
#@+node:ekr.20050415170737.1: *5* u.createVnodeUndoInfo
[docs] def createVnodeUndoInfo(self, v): """Create a bunch containing all info needed to recreate a VNode for undo.""" bunch = g.Bunch( v=v, statusBits=v.statusBits, parents=v.parents[:], children=v.children[:], ) if hasattr(v, 'unknownAttributes'): bunch.unknownAttributes = v.unknownAttributes return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050415170812.1: *5* u.createTnodeUndoInfo
[docs] def createTnodeUndoInfo(self, v): """Create a bunch containing all info needed to recreate a VNode.""" bunch = g.Bunch( v=v, headString=v.h, bodyString=v.b, statusBits=v.statusBits, ) if hasattr(v, 'unknownAttributes'): bunch.unknownAttributes = v.unknownAttributes return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050525151449: *4* u.trace
[docs] def trace(self): ivars = ('kind', 'undoType') for ivar in ivars:, getattr(self, ivar))
#@+node:ekr.20050410095424: *4* u.updateMarks
[docs] def updateMarks(self, oldOrNew): '''Update dirty and marked bits.''' u = self; c = u.c if oldOrNew not in ('new', 'old'): g.trace("can't happen") return isOld = oldOrNew == 'old' marked = u.oldMarked if isOld else u.newMarked if marked: c.setMarked(u.p) else: c.clearMarked(u.p) # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6: Undo/redo always set changed/dirty bits # because the file may have been saved. u.p.setDirty(setDescendentsDirty=False) u.p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty(setDescendentsDirty=False) # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6 u.c.setChanged(True)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3608: *3* u.Externally visible entries #@+node:ekr.20050318085432.4: *4* u.afterX... #@+node:ekr.20050315134017.4: *5* u.afterChangeGroup
[docs] def afterChangeGroup(self, p, undoType, reportFlag=False, dirtyVnodeList=None): '''Create an undo node for general tree operations using d created by beforeChangeGroup''' u = self; c = self.c w = c.frame.body.wrapper if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] bunch = u.beads[u.bead] if not u.beads: g.trace('oops: empty undo stack.') return if bunch.kind == 'beforeGroup': bunch.kind = 'afterGroup' else: g.trace('oops: expecting beforeGroup, got %s' % bunch.kind) # Set the types & helpers. bunch.kind = 'afterGroup' bunch.undoType = undoType # Set helper only for undo: # The bead pointer will point to an 'beforeGroup' bead for redo. bunch.undoHelper = u.undoGroup bunch.redoHelper = u.redoGroup bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newP = p.copy() bunch.newSel = w.getSelectionRange() # Tells whether to report the number of separate changes undone/redone. bunch.reportFlag = reportFlag if 0: # Push the bunch. u.bead += 1 u.beads[u.bead:] = [bunch] # Recalculate the menu labels. u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20050315134017.2: *5* u.afterChangeNodeContents
[docs] def afterChangeNodeContents(self, p, command, bunch, dirtyVnodeList=None, inHead=False): '''Create an undo node using d created by beforeChangeNode.''' u = self; c = self.c; w = c.frame.body.wrapper if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] # Set the type & helpers. bunch.kind = 'node' bunch.undoType = command bunch.undoHelper = u.undoNodeContents bunch.redoHelper = u.redoNodeContents bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.inHead = inHead # 2013/08/26 bunch.newBody = p.b bunch.newChanged = u.c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newHead = p.h bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() # Bug fix 2017/11/12: don't use ternary operator. if w: bunch.newSel = w.getSelectionRange() else: bunch.newSel = 0, 0 bunch.newYScroll = w.getYScrollPosition() if w else 0 u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050315134017.3: *5* u.afterChangeTree
[docs] def afterChangeTree(self, p, command, bunch): '''Create an undo node for general tree operations using d created by beforeChangeTree''' u = self; c = self.c; w = c.frame.body.wrapper if u.redoing or u.undoing: return # Set the types & helpers. bunch.kind = 'tree' bunch.undoType = command bunch.undoHelper = u.undoTree bunch.redoHelper = u.redoTree # Set by beforeChangeTree: changed, oldSel, oldText, oldTree, p bunch.newSel = w.getSelectionRange() bunch.newText = w.getAllText() bunch.newTree = u.saveTree(p) u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050424161505: *5* u.afterClearRecentFiles
[docs] def afterClearRecentFiles(self, bunch): u = self bunch.newRecentFiles =[:] bunch.undoType = 'Clear Recent Files' bunch.undoHelper = u.undoClearRecentFiles bunch.redoHelper = u.redoClearRecentFiles u.pushBead(bunch) return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20111006060936.15639: *5* u.afterCloneMarkedNodes
[docs] def afterCloneMarkedNodes(self, p): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Sets # oldChanged = c.isChanged(), # oldDirty = p.isDirty(), # oldMarked = p.isMarked(), # oldSel = w and w.getSelectionRange() or None, # p = p.copy(), # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'clone-marked-nodes' bunch.undoType = 'clone-marked-nodes' # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoCloneMarkedNodes bunch.redoHelper = u.redoCloneMarkedNodes bunch.newP = bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20160502175451.1: *5* u.afterCopyMarkedNodes
[docs] def afterCopyMarkedNodes(self, p): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Sets # oldChanged = c.isChanged(), # oldDirty = p.isDirty(), # oldMarked = p.isMarked(), # oldSel = w and w.getSelectionRange() or None, # p = p.copy(), # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'copy-marked-nodes' bunch.undoType = 'copy-marked-nodes' # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoCopyMarkedNodes bunch.redoHelper = u.redoCopyMarkedNodes bunch.newP = bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.5: *5* u.afterCloneNode
[docs] def afterCloneNode(self, p, command, bunch, dirtyVnodeList=None): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'clone' bunch.undoType = command # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoCloneNode bunch.redoHelper = u.redoCloneNode bunch.newBack = p.back() # 6/15/05 bunch.newParent = p.parent() # 6/15/05 bunch.newP = p.copy() bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.6: *5* u.afterDehoist
[docs] def afterDehoist(self, p, command): u = self if u.redoing or u.undoing: return bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'dehoist' bunch.undoType = command # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoDehoistNode bunch.redoHelper = u.redoDehoistNode u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.8: *5* u.afterDeleteNode
[docs] def afterDeleteNode(self, p, command, bunch, dirtyVnodeList=None): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'delete' bunch.undoType = command # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoDeleteNode bunch.redoHelper = u.redoDeleteNode bunch.newP = p.copy() bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20111005152227.15555: *5* u.afterDeleteMarkedNodes
[docs] def afterDeleteMarkedNodes(self, data, p): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'delete-marked-nodes' bunch.undoType = 'delete-marked-nodes' # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoDeleteMarkedNodes bunch.redoHelper = u.redoDeleteMarkedNodes bunch.newP = p.copy() bunch.deleteMarkedNodesData = data # bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.8: *5* u.afterDemote
[docs] def afterDemote(self, p, followingSibs, dirtyVnodeList): '''Create an undo node for demote operations.''' u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types. bunch.kind = 'demote' bunch.undoType = 'Demote' bunch.undoHelper = u.undoDemote bunch.redoHelper = u.redoDemote bunch.followingSibs = followingSibs # Push the bunch. u.bead += 1 u.beads[u.bead:] = [bunch] # Recalculate the menu labels. u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.7: *5* u.afterHoist
[docs] def afterHoist(self, p, command): u = self if u.redoing or u.undoing: return bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'hoist' bunch.undoType = command # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoHoistNode bunch.redoHelper = u.redoHoistNode u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.9: *5* u.afterInsertNode
[docs] def afterInsertNode(self, p, command, bunch, dirtyVnodeList=None): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] # Set types & helpers bunch.kind = 'insert' bunch.undoType = command # Set helpers bunch.undoHelper = u.undoInsertNode bunch.redoHelper = u.redoInsertNode bunch.newP = p.copy() bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newBack = p.back() bunch.newParent = p.parent() bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() if bunch.pasteAsClone: beforeTree = bunch.beforeTree afterTree = [] for bunch2 in beforeTree: v = bunch2.v afterTree.append( g.Bunch(v=v, head=v.h[:], body=v.b[:])) bunch.afterTree = afterTree u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050526124257: *5* u.afterMark
[docs] def afterMark(self, p, command, bunch, dirtyVnodeList=None): '''Create an undo node for mark and unmark commands.''' # 'command' unused, but present for compatibility with similar methods. u = self if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] # Set the type & helpers. bunch.undoHelper = u.undoMark bunch.redoHelper = u.redoMark bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newChanged = u.c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20050410110343: *5* u.afterMoveNode
[docs] def afterMoveNode(self, p, command, bunch, dirtyVnodeList=None): u = self; c = u.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return if dirtyVnodeList is None: dirtyVnodeList = [] # Set the types & helpers. bunch.kind = 'move' bunch.undoType = command # Set helper only for undo: # The bead pointer will point to an 'beforeGroup' bead for redo. bunch.undoHelper = u.undoMove bunch.redoHelper = u.redoMove bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList bunch.newChanged = c.isChanged() bunch.newDirty = p.isDirty() bunch.newMarked = p.isMarked() bunch.newN = p.childIndex() bunch.newParent_v = p._parentVnode() bunch.newP = p.copy() u.pushBead(bunch)
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.12: *5* u.afterPromote
[docs] def afterPromote(self, p, children, dirtyVnodeList): '''Create an undo node for demote operations.''' u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types. bunch.kind = 'promote' bunch.undoType = 'Promote' bunch.undoHelper = u.undoPromote bunch.redoHelper = u.redoPromote bunch.children = children # Push the bunch. u.bead += 1 u.beads[u.bead:] = [bunch] # Recalculate the menu labels. u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.2: *5* u.afterSort
[docs] def afterSort(self, p, bunch, dirtyVnodeList): '''Create an undo node for sort operations''' u = self # c = self.c if u.redoing or u.undoing: return bunch.dirtyVnodeList = dirtyVnodeList # Recalculate the menu labels. u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20050318085432.3: *4* u.beforeX... #@+node:ekr.20050315134017.7: *5* u.beforeChangeGroup
[docs] def beforeChangeGroup(self, p, command, verboseUndoGroup=True): '''Prepare to undo a group of undoable operations.''' u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types. bunch.kind = 'beforeGroup' bunch.undoType = command bunch.verboseUndoGroup = verboseUndoGroup # Set helper only for redo: # The bead pointer will point to an 'afterGroup' bead for undo. bunch.undoHelper = u.undoGroup bunch.redoHelper = u.redoGroup bunch.items = [] # Push the bunch. u.bead += 1 u.beads[u.bead:] = [bunch]
#@+node:ekr.20050315133212.2: *5* u.beforeChangeNodeContents
[docs] def beforeChangeNodeContents(self, p, oldBody=None, oldHead=None, oldYScroll=None): '''Return data that gets passed to afterChangeNode''' u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.oldBody = oldBody or p.b bunch.oldHead = oldHead or p.h bunch.oldYScroll = oldYScroll return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050315134017.6: *5* u.beforeChangeTree
[docs] def beforeChangeTree(self, p): u = self; c = u.c w = c.frame.body.wrapper bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.oldSel = w.getSelectionRange() bunch.oldText = w.getAllText() bunch.oldTree = u.saveTree(p) return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050424161505.1: *5* u.beforeClearRecentFiles
[docs] def beforeClearRecentFiles(self): u = self; p = u.c.p bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.oldRecentFiles =[:] return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050412080354: *5* u.beforeCloneNode
[docs] def beforeCloneNode(self, p): u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.3: *5* u.beforeDeleteNode
[docs] def beforeDeleteNode(self, p): u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.oldBack = p.back() bunch.oldParent = p.parent() return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050411193627.4: *5* u.beforeInsertNode
[docs] def beforeInsertNode(self, p, pasteAsClone=False, copiedBunchList=None): u = self if copiedBunchList is None: copiedBunchList = [] bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.pasteAsClone = pasteAsClone if pasteAsClone: # Save the list of bunched. bunch.beforeTree = copiedBunchList return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050526131252: *5* u.beforeMark
[docs] def beforeMark(self, p, command): u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.kind = 'mark' bunch.undoType = command return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050410110215: *5* u.beforeMoveNode
[docs] def beforeMoveNode(self, p): u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) bunch.oldN = p.childIndex() bunch.oldParent_v = p._parentVnode() return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.3: *5* u.beforeSort
[docs] def beforeSort(self, p, undoType, oldChildren, newChildren, sortChildren): '''Create an undo node for sort operations.''' u = self bunch = u.createCommonBunch(p) # Set types. bunch.kind = 'sort' bunch.undoType = undoType bunch.undoHelper = u.undoSort bunch.redoHelper = u.redoSort bunch.oldChildren = oldChildren bunch.newChildren = newChildren bunch.sortChildren = sortChildren # A bool # Push the bunch. u.bead += 1 u.beads[u.bead:] = [bunch] return bunch
#@+node:ekr.20050318085432.2: *5* u.createCommonBunch
[docs] def createCommonBunch(self, p): '''Return a bunch containing all common undo info. This is mostly the info for recreating an empty node at position p.''' u = self; c = u.c; w = c.frame.body.wrapper return g.Bunch( oldChanged=c.isChanged(), oldDirty=p and p.isDirty(), oldMarked=p and p.isMarked(), oldSel=w and w.getSelectionRange() or None, p=p and p.copy(), )
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3610: *4* u.canRedo & canUndo # Translation does not affect these routines.
[docs] def canRedo(self): u = self return u.redoMenuLabel != "Can't Redo"
[docs] def canUndo(self): u = self return u.undoMenuLabel != "Can't Undo"
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3609: *4* u.clearUndoState
[docs] def clearUndoState(self): """Clears then entire Undo state. All non-undoable commands should call this method.""" u = self u.clearOptionalIvars() # Do this first. u.setRedoType("Can't Redo") u.setUndoType("Can't Undo") u.beads = [] # List of undo nodes. u.bead = -1 # Index of the present bead: -1:len(beads)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.3611: *4* u.enableMenuItems
[docs] def enableMenuItems(self): u = self; frame = u.c.frame menu ="Edit") if menu:, u.redoMenuLabel, u.canRedo()), u.undoMenuLabel, u.canUndo())
#@+node:ekr.20110519074734.6094: *4* u.onSelect & helpers
[docs] def onSelect(self, old_p, p): u = self if u.per_node_undo: if old_p and u.beads: u.putIvarsToVnode(old_p) u.setIvarsFromVnode(p) u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20110519074734.6096: *5* u.putIvarsToVnode
[docs] def putIvarsToVnode(self, p): u = self; v = p.v assert self.per_node_undo bunch = g.bunch() for key in self.optionalIvars: bunch[key] = getattr(u, key) # Put these ivars by hand. for key in ('bead', 'beads', 'undoType',): bunch[key] = getattr(u, key) v.undo_info = bunch
#@+node:ekr.20110519074734.6095: *5* u.setIvarsFromVnode
[docs] def setIvarsFromVnode(self, p): u = self; v = p.v assert self.per_node_undo u.clearUndoState() if hasattr(v, 'undo_info'): u.setIvarsFromBunch(v.undo_info)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1490: *4* u.setUndoTypingParams
[docs] def setUndoTypingParams(self, p, undo_type, oldText, newText, oldSel=None, newSel=None, oldYview=None, ): ''' Save enough information to undo or redo typing operation. Do nothing when called from the undo/redo logic because the Undo and Redo commands merely reset the bead pointer. ''' u = self; c = u.c #@+<< return if there is nothing to do >> #@+node:ekr.20040324061854: *5* << return if there is nothing to do >> if u.redoing or u.undoing: return None if undo_type is None: return None if undo_type == "Can't Undo": u.clearUndoState() u.setUndoTypes() # Must still recalculate the menu labels. return None if oldText == newText: u.setUndoTypes() # Must still recalculate the menu labels. return None #@-<< return if there is nothing to do >> #@+<< init the undo params >> #@+node:ekr.20040324061854.1: *5* << init the undo params >> # Clear all optional params. # for ivar in u.optionalIvars: # setattr(u,ivar,None) u.clearOptionalIvars() # Set the params. u.undoType = undo_type u.p = p.copy() #@-<< init the undo params >> #@+<< compute leading, middle & trailing lines >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1491: *5* << compute leading, middle & trailing lines >> #@+at Incremental undo typing is similar to incremental syntax coloring. We compute # the number of leading and trailing lines that match, and save both the old and # new middle lines. NB: the number of old and new middle lines may be different. #@@c old_lines = oldText.split('\n') new_lines = newText.split('\n') new_len = len(new_lines) old_len = len(old_lines) min_len = min(old_len, new_len) i = 0 while i < min_len: if old_lines[i] != new_lines[i]: break i += 1 leading = i if leading == new_len: # This happens when we remove lines from the end. # The new text is simply the leading lines from the old text. trailing = 0 else: i = 0 while i < min_len - leading: if old_lines[old_len - i - 1] != new_lines[new_len - i - 1]: break i += 1 trailing = i # NB: the number of old and new middle lines may be different. if trailing == 0: old_middle_lines = old_lines[leading:] new_middle_lines = new_lines[leading:] else: old_middle_lines = old_lines[leading: -trailing] new_middle_lines = new_lines[leading: -trailing] # Remember how many trailing newlines in the old and new text. i = len(oldText) - 1; old_newlines = 0 while i >= 0 and oldText[i] == '\n': old_newlines += 1 i -= 1 i = len(newText) - 1; new_newlines = 0 while i >= 0 and newText[i] == '\n': new_newlines += 1 i -= 1 #@-<< compute leading, middle & trailing lines >> #@+<< save undo text info >> #@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1492: *5* << save undo text info >> #@+at This is the start of the incremental undo algorithm. # # We must save enough info to do _both_ of the following: # # Undo: Given newText, recreate oldText. # Redo: Given oldText, recreate oldText. # # The "given" texts for the undo and redo routines are simply p.b. #@@c if u.debug_Undoer: # Remember the complete text for comparisons... u.oldText = oldText u.newText = newText # Compute statistics comparing old and new ways... # The old doesn't often store the old text, so don't count it here. u.old_mem += len(newText) s1 = '\n'.join(old_middle_lines) s2 = '\n'.join(new_middle_lines) u.new_mem += len(s1) + len(s2) else: u.oldText = None u.newText = None u.leading = leading u.trailing = trailing u.oldMiddleLines = old_middle_lines u.newMiddleLines = new_middle_lines u.oldNewlines = old_newlines u.newNewlines = new_newlines #@-<< save undo text info >> #@+<< save the selection and scrolling position >> #@+node:ekr.20040324061854.2: *5* << save the selection and scrolling position >> # Remember the selection. u.oldSel = oldSel u.newSel = newSel # Remember the scrolling position. if oldYview: u.yview = oldYview else: u.yview = c.frame.body.wrapper.getYScrollPosition() #@-<< save the selection and scrolling position >> #@+<< adjust the undo stack, clearing all forward entries >> #@+node:ekr.20040324061854.3: *5* << adjust the undo stack, clearing all forward entries >> #@+at New in Leo 4.3. Instead of creating a new bead on every character, we # may adjust the top bead: # # word granularity: adjust the top bead if the typing would continue the word. # line granularity: adjust the top bead if the typing is on the same line. # node granularity: adjust the top bead if the typing is anywhere on the same node. #@@c granularity = u.granularity old_d = u.peekBead(u.bead) old_p = old_d and old_d.get('p') #@+<< set newBead if we can't share the previous bead >> #@+node:ekr.20050125220613: *6* << set newBead if we can't share the previous bead >> #@+at We must set newBead to True if undo_type is not 'Typing' so that commands that # get treated like typing (by updateBodyPane and onBodyChanged) don't get lumped # with 'real' typing. #@@c if ( not old_d or not old_p or old_p.v != p.v or old_d.get('kind') != 'typing' or old_d.get('undoType') != 'Typing' or undo_type != 'Typing' ): newBead = True # We can't share the previous node. elif granularity == 'char': newBead = True # This was the old way. elif granularity == 'node': newBead = False # Always replace previous bead. else: assert granularity in ('line', 'word') # Replace the previous bead if only the middle lines have changed. newBead = ( old_d.get('leading', 0) != u.leading or old_d.get('trailing', 0) != u.trailing ) if granularity == 'word' and not newBead: # Protect the method that may be changed by the user try: #@+<< set newBead if the change does not continue a word >> #@+node:ekr.20050125203937: *7* << set newBead if the change does not continue a word >> # Fix #653: undoer problem: be wary of the ternary operator here. old_start = old_end = new_start = new_end = 0 if oldSel: old_start, old_end = oldSel if newSel: new_start, new_end = newSel prev_start, prev_end = u.prevSel if old_start != old_end or new_start != new_end: # The new and old characters are not contiguous. newBead = True else: # 2011/04/01: Patch by Sam Hartsfield old_row, old_col = g.convertPythonIndexToRowCol(oldText, old_start) new_row, new_col = g.convertPythonIndexToRowCol(newText, new_start) prev_row, prev_col = g.convertPythonIndexToRowCol(oldText, prev_start) old_lines = g.splitLines(oldText) new_lines = g.splitLines(newText) # Recognize backspace, del, etc. as contiguous. if old_row != new_row or abs(old_col - new_col) != 1: # The new and old characters are not contiguous. newBead = True elif old_col == 0 or new_col == 0: # py-lint: disable=W0511 # W0511:1362: TODO # TODO this is not true, we might as well just have entered a # char at the beginning of an existing line pass # We have just inserted a line. else: # 2011/04/01: Patch by Sam Hartsfield old_s = old_lines[old_row] new_s = new_lines[new_row] # New in 4.3b2: # Guard against invalid oldSel or newSel params. if old_col - 1 >= len(old_s) or new_col - 1 >= len(new_s): newBead = True else: old_ch = old_s[old_col - 1] new_ch = new_s[new_col - 1] newBead = self.recognizeStartOfTypingWord( old_lines, old_row, old_col, old_ch, new_lines, new_row, new_col, new_ch, prev_row, prev_col) #@-<< set newBead if the change does not continue a word >> except Exception: g.error('Unexpected exception...') g.es_exception() newBead = True #@-<< set newBead if we can't share the previous bead >> # Save end selection as new "previous" selection u.prevSel = u.newSel if newBead: # Push params on undo stack, clearing all forward entries. bunch = g.Bunch( p=p.copy(), kind='typing', undoType=undo_type, undoHelper=u.undoTyping, redoHelper=u.redoTyping, oldText=u.oldText, oldSel=u.oldSel, oldNewlines=u.oldNewlines, oldMiddleLines=u.oldMiddleLines, ) u.pushBead(bunch) else: bunch = old_d bunch.dirtyVnodeList = p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty() # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6: always add p to the list. bunch.dirtyVnodeList.append(p.copy()) bunch.leading = u.leading bunch.trailing = u.trailing bunch.newNewlines = u.newNewlines bunch.newMiddleLines = u.newMiddleLines bunch.newSel = u.newSel bunch.newText = u.newText bunch.yview = u.yview #@-<< adjust the undo stack, clearing all forward entries >> if u.per_node_undo: u.putIvarsToVnode(p) return bunch # Never used.
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2030: *3* u.redo
[docs] @cmd('redo') def redo(self, event=None): '''Redo the operation undone by the last undo.''' u = self; c = u.c w = c.frame.body.wrapper if not c.p: return # End editing *before* getting state. c.endEditing() if not u.canRedo(): return if not u.getBead(u.bead + 1): return u.redoing = True u.groupCount = 0 if u.redoHelper: u.redoHelper() else: g.trace('no redo helper for %s %s' % (u.kind, u.undoType)) c.checkOutline() # Redraw and recolor. c.frame.body.updateEditors() # New in Leo 4.4.8. if 0: # Don't do this: it interferes with selection ranges. # This strange code forces a recomputation of the root position. c.selectPosition(c.p) else: c.setCurrentPosition(c.p) if u.newChanged is None: u.newChanged = True c.setChanged(u.newChanged) # Redrawing *must* be done here before setting u.undoing to False. i, j = w.getSelectionRange() ins = w.getInsertPoint() c.redraw() c.recolor() if u.inHead: # 2013/08/26. c.editHeadline() u.inHead = False else: c.bodyWantsFocus() w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=ins) w.seeInsertPoint() u.redoing = False u.bead += 1 u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20110519074734.6092: *3* u.redo helpers #@+node:ekr.20050424170219: *4* u.redoClearRecentFiles
[docs] def redoClearRecentFiles(self): u = self; c = u.c rf = rf.setRecentFiles(u.newRecentFiles[:]) rf.createRecentFilesMenuItems(c)
#@+node:ekr.20111005152227.15558: *4* u.redoCloneMarkedNodes
[docs] def redoCloneMarkedNodes(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.cloneMarked() u.newP = c.p u.newChanged = c.isChanged()
#@+node:ekr.20160502175557.1: *4* u.redoCopyMarkedNodes
[docs] def redoCopyMarkedNodes(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.copyMarked() u.newP = c.p u.newChanged = c.isChanged()
#@+node:ekr.20050412083057: *4* u.redoCloneNode
[docs] def redoCloneNode(self): u = self; c = u.c; cc = c.chapterController if cc: cc.selectChapterByName('main') if u.newBack: u.newP._linkAfter(u.newBack) elif u.newParent: u.newP._linkAsNthChild(u.newParent, 0) else: oldRoot = c.rootPosition() u.newP._linkAsRoot(oldRoot) for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() c.selectPosition(u.newP)
#@+node:ekr.20111005152227.15559: *4* u.redoDeleteMarkedNodes
[docs] def redoDeleteMarkedNodes(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.deleteMarked() c.selectPosition(u.newP) u.newChanged = c.isChanged()
#@+node:EKR.20040526072519.2: *4* u.redoDeleteNode
[docs] def redoDeleteNode(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.deleteOutline() c.selectPosition(u.newP)
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.9: *4* u.redoDemote
[docs] def redoDemote(self): u = self; c = u.c parent_v = u.p._parentVnode() n = u.p.childIndex() # Move the demoted nodes from the old parent to the new parent. parent_v.children = parent_v.children[: n + 1] u.p.v.children.extend(u.followingSibs) # Adjust the parent links of the moved nodes. # There is no need to adjust descendant links. for v in u.followingSibs: v.parents.remove(parent_v) v.parents.append(u.p.v) c.setCurrentPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050318085432.6: *4* u.redoGroup
[docs] def redoGroup(self): '''Process beads until the matching 'afterGroup' bead is seen.''' u = self # Remember these values. c = u.c dirtyVnodeList = u.dirtyVnodeList or [] newSel = u.newSel p = u.p.copy() u.groupCount += 1 bunch = u.beads[u.bead]; count = 0 if not hasattr(bunch, 'items'): g.trace('oops: expecting bunch.items. bunch.kind = %s' % bunch.kind) g.trace(bunch) else: for z in bunch.items: self.setIvarsFromBunch(z) if z.redoHelper: z.redoHelper(); count += 1 else: g.trace('oops: no redo helper for %s %s' % (u.undoType, p.h)) u.groupCount -= 1 u.updateMarks('new') # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6. for v in dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() if not g.unitTesting and u.verboseUndoGroup:"redo", count, "instances") c.selectPosition(p) if newSel: i, j = newSel c.frame.body.wrapper.setSelectionRange(i, j)
#@+node:ekr.20050412085138.1: *4* u.redoHoistNode & redoDehoistNode
[docs] def redoHoistNode(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.hoist()
[docs] def redoDehoistNode(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.dehoist()
#@+node:ekr.20050412084532: *4* u.redoInsertNode
[docs] def redoInsertNode(self): u = self; c = u.c; cc = c.chapterController if cc: cc.selectChapterByName('main') if u.newBack: u.newP._linkAfter(u.newBack) elif u.newParent: u.newP._linkAsNthChild(u.newParent, 0) else: oldRoot = c.rootPosition() u.newP._linkAsRoot(oldRoot) if u.pasteAsClone: for bunch in u.afterTree: v = bunch.v if u.newP.v == v: c.setBodyString(u.newP, bunch.body) c.setHeadString(u.newP, bunch.head) else: v.setBodyString(bunch.body) v.setHeadString(bunch.head) c.selectPosition(u.newP)
#@+node:ekr.20050526125801: *4* u.redoMark
[docs] def redoMark(self): u = self; c = u.c u.updateMarks('new') if u.groupCount == 0: for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050411111847: *4* u.redoMove
[docs] def redoMove(self): u = self; c = u.c; cc = c.chapterController v = u.p.v assert(u.oldParent_v) assert(u.newParent_v) assert(v) if cc: cc.selectChapterByName('main') # Adjust the children arrays. assert u.oldParent_v.children[u.oldN] == v del u.oldParent_v.children[u.oldN] parent_v = u.newParent_v parent_v.children.insert(u.newN, v) v.parents.append(u.newParent_v) v.parents.remove(u.oldParent_v) u.updateMarks('new') for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() c.selectPosition(u.newP)
#@+node:ekr.20050318085432.7: *4* u.redoNodeContents
[docs] def redoNodeContents(self): u = self; c = u.c; w = c.frame.body.wrapper # Restore the body. u.p.setBodyString(u.newBody) w.setAllText(u.newBody) c.frame.body.recolor(u.p) # Restore the headline. u.p.initHeadString(u.newHead) # This is required so. Otherwise redraw will revert the change! c.frame.tree.setHeadline(u.p, u.newHead) # New in 4.4b2. if u.groupCount == 0 and u.newSel: i, j = u.newSel w.setSelectionRange(i, j) if u.groupCount == 0 and u.newYScroll is not None: w.setYScrollPosition(u.newYScroll) u.updateMarks('new') for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty()
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.13: *4* u.redoPromote
[docs] def redoPromote(self): u = self; c = u.c parent_v = u.p._parentVnode() # Add the children to parent_v's children. n = u.p.childIndex() + 1 old_children = parent_v.children[:] parent_v.children = old_children[: n] # Add children up to the promoted nodes. parent_v.children.extend(u.children) # Add the promoted nodes. parent_v.children.extend(old_children[n:]) # Add the children up to the promoted nodes. # Remove the old children. u.p.v.children = [] # Adjust the parent links in the moved children. # There is no need to adjust descendant links. for child in u.children: child.parents.remove(u.p.v) child.parents.append(parent_v) c.setCurrentPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.4: *4* u.redoSort
[docs] def redoSort(self): u = self; c = u.c parent_v = u.p._parentVnode() parent_v.children = u.newChildren p = c.setPositionAfterSort(u.sortChildren) c.setCurrentPosition(p)
#@+node:ekr.20050318085432.8: *4* u.redoTree
[docs] def redoTree(self): '''Redo replacement of an entire tree.''' u = self; c = u.c u.p = self.undoRedoTree(u.p, u.oldTree, u.newTree) c.selectPosition(u.p) # Does full recolor. if u.newSel: i, j = u.newSel c.frame.body.wrapper.setSelectionRange(i, j)
#@+node:EKR.20040526075238.5: *4* u.redoTyping
[docs] def redoTyping(self): u = self; c = u.c; current = c.p w = c.frame.body.wrapper # selectPosition causes recoloring, so avoid if possible. if current != u.p: c.selectPosition(u.p) self.undoRedoText( u.p, u.leading, u.trailing, u.newMiddleLines, u.oldMiddleLines, u.newNewlines, u.oldNewlines, tag="redo", undoType=u.undoType) u.updateMarks('new') for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() if u.newSel: c.bodyWantsFocus() i, j = u.newSel w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j) if u.yview: c.bodyWantsFocus() w.setYScrollPosition(u.yview)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.2039: *3* u.undo
[docs] @cmd('undo') def undo(self, event=None): """Undo the operation described by the undo parameters.""" u = self; c = u.c w = c.frame.body.wrapper if not c.p: return g.trace('no current position') # End editing *before* getting state. c.endEditing() if u.per_node_undo: # 2011/05/19 u.setIvarsFromVnode(c.p) if not u.canUndo(): return if not u.getBead(u.bead): return u.undoing = True u.groupCount = 0 if u.undoHelper: u.undoHelper() else: g.trace('no undo helper for %s %s' % (u.kind, u.undoType)) c.checkOutline() # Redraw and recolor. c.frame.body.updateEditors() # New in Leo 4.4.8. if 0: # Don't do this: it interferes with selection ranges. # This strange code forces a recomputation of the root position. c.selectPosition(c.p) else: c.setCurrentPosition(c.p) if u.oldChanged is None: u.oldChanged = True c.setChanged(u.oldChanged) # Redrawing *must* be done here before setting u.undoing to False. i, j = w.getSelectionRange() ins = w.getInsertPoint() c.redraw() c.recolor() if u.inHead: c.editHeadline() u.inHead = False else: c.bodyWantsFocus() w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=ins) w.seeInsertPoint() u.undoing = False u.bead -= 1 u.setUndoTypes()
#@+node:ekr.20110519074734.6093: *3* u.undo helpers #@+node:ekr.20050424170219.1: *4* u.undoClearRecentFiles
[docs] def undoClearRecentFiles(self): u = self; c = u.c rf = rf.setRecentFiles(u.oldRecentFiles[:]) rf.createRecentFilesMenuItems(c)
#@+node:ekr.20111005152227.15560: *4* u.undoCloneMarkedNodes
[docs] def undoCloneMarkedNodes(self): u = self next = assert next.h == 'Clones of marked nodes', (u.p, next.h) next.doDelete() u.p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty() u.c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20160502175653.1: *4* u.undoCopyMarkedNodes
[docs] def undoCopyMarkedNodes(self): u = self next = assert next.h == 'Copies of marked nodes', (u.p.h, next.h) next.doDelete() u.p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty() u.c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050412083057.1: *4* u.undoCloneNode
[docs] def undoCloneNode(self): u = self; c = u.c; cc = c.chapterController if cc: cc.selectChapterByName('main') c.selectPosition(u.newP) c.deleteOutline() for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6 c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20111005152227.15557: *4* u.undoDeleteMarkedNodes
[docs] def undoDeleteMarkedNodes(self): u = self; c = u.c # Undo the deletes in reverse order aList = u.deleteMarkedNodesData[:] aList.reverse() for p in aList: if p.stack: parent_v, junk = p.stack[-1] else: parent_v = c.hiddenRootNode p.v._addLink(p._childIndex, parent_v) u.p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty() c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050412084055: *4* u.undoDeleteNode
[docs] def undoDeleteNode(self): u = self; c = u.c if u.oldBack: u.p._linkAfter(u.oldBack) elif u.oldParent: u.p._linkAsNthChild(u.oldParent, 0) else: oldRoot = c.rootPosition() u.p._linkAsRoot(oldRoot) u.p.setAllAncestorAtFileNodesDirty() c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.10: *4* u.undoDemote
[docs] def undoDemote(self): u = self; c = u.c parent_v = u.p._parentVnode() n = len(u.followingSibs) # Remove the demoted nodes from p's children. u.p.v.children = u.p.v.children[: -n] # Add the demoted nodes to the parent's children. parent_v.children.extend(u.followingSibs) # Adjust the parent links. # There is no need to adjust descendant links. for sib in u.followingSibs: sib.parents.remove(u.p.v) sib.parents.append(parent_v) c.setCurrentPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050318085713: *4* u.undoGroup
[docs] def undoGroup(self): '''Process beads until the matching 'beforeGroup' bead is seen.''' u = self # Remember these values. c = u.c dirtyVnodeList = u.dirtyVnodeList or [] oldSel = u.oldSel p = u.p.copy() u.groupCount += 1 bunch = u.beads[u.bead]; count = 0 if not hasattr(bunch, 'items'): g.trace('oops: expecting bunch.items. bunch.kind = %s' % bunch.kind) g.trace(bunch) else: # Important bug fix: 9/8/06: reverse the items first. reversedItems = bunch.items[:] reversedItems.reverse() for z in reversedItems: self.setIvarsFromBunch(z) if z.undoHelper: z.undoHelper(); count += 1 else: g.trace('oops: no undo helper for %s %s' % (u.undoType, p.v)) u.groupCount -= 1 u.updateMarks('old') # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6. for v in dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6. if not g.unitTesting and u.verboseUndoGroup:"undo", count, "instances") c.selectPosition(p) if oldSel: i, j = oldSel c.frame.body.wrapper.setSelectionRange(i, j)
#@+node:ekr.20050412083244: *4* u.undoHoistNode & undoDehoistNode
[docs] def undoHoistNode(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.dehoist()
[docs] def undoDehoistNode(self): u = self; c = u.c c.selectPosition(u.p) c.hoist()
#@+node:ekr.20050412085112: *4* u.undoInsertNode
[docs] def undoInsertNode(self): u = self; c = u.c; cc = c.chapterController if cc: cc.selectChapterByName('main') c.selectPosition(u.newP) c.deleteOutline() # Bug fix: 2016/03/30. # This always selects the proper new position. # c.selectPosition(u.p) if u.pasteAsClone: for bunch in u.beforeTree: v = bunch.v if u.p.v == v: c.setBodyString(u.p, bunch.body) c.setHeadString(u.p, bunch.head) else: v.setBodyString(bunch.body) v.setHeadString(bunch.head)
#@+node:ekr.20050526124906: *4* u.undoMark
[docs] def undoMark(self): u = self; c = u.c u.updateMarks('old') if u.groupCount == 0: for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6. c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050411112033: *4* u.undoMove
[docs] def undoMove(self): u = self; c = u.c; cc = c.chapterController if cc: cc.selectChapterByName('main') v = u.p.v assert(u.oldParent_v) assert(u.newParent_v) assert(v) # Adjust the children arrays. assert u.newParent_v.children[u.newN] == v del u.newParent_v.children[u.newN] u.oldParent_v.children.insert(u.oldN, v) # Recompute the parent links. v.parents.append(u.oldParent_v) v.parents.remove(u.newParent_v) u.updateMarks('old') for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() c.selectPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20050318085713.1: *4* u.undoNodeContents
[docs] def undoNodeContents(self): '''Undo all changes to the contents of a node, including headline and body text, and marked bits. ''' u = self; c = u.c w = c.frame.body.wrapper u.p.b = u.oldBody w.setAllText(u.oldBody) c.frame.body.recolor(u.p) u.p.h = u.oldHead # This is required. Otherwise c.redraw will revert the change! c.frame.tree.setHeadline(u.p, u.oldHead) if u.groupCount == 0 and u.oldSel: i, j = u.oldSel w.setSelectionRange(i, j) if u.groupCount == 0 and u.oldYScroll is not None: w.setYScrollPosition(u.oldYScroll) u.updateMarks('old') for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6.
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.14: *4* u.undoPromote
[docs] def undoPromote(self): u = self; c = u.c parent_v = u.p._parentVnode() # The parent of the all the *promoted* nodes. # Remove the promoted nodes from parent_v's children. n = u.p.childIndex() + 1 # Adjust the old parents children old_children = parent_v.children parent_v.children = old_children[: n] # Add the nodes before the promoted nodes. parent_v.children.extend(old_children[n + len(u.children):]) # Add the nodes after the promoted nodes. # Add the demoted nodes to v's children. u.p.v.children = u.children[:] # Adjust the parent links. # There is no need to adjust descendant links. for child in u.children: child.parents.remove(parent_v) child.parents.append(u.p.v) c.setCurrentPosition(u.p)
#@+node:ekr.20031218072017.1493: *4* u.undoRedoText
[docs] def undoRedoText(self, p, leading, trailing, # Number of matching leading & trailing lines. oldMidLines, newMidLines, # Lists of unmatched lines. oldNewlines, newNewlines, # Number of trailing newlines. tag="undo", # "undo" or "redo" undoType=None ): '''Handle text undo and redo: converts _new_ text into _old_ text.''' # newNewlines is unused, but it has symmetry. u = self; c = u.c; w = c.frame.body.wrapper #@+<< Compute the result using p's body text >> #@+node:ekr.20061106105812.1: *5* << Compute the result using p's body text >> # Recreate the text using the present body text. body = p.b body = g.toUnicode(body) body_lines = body.split('\n') s = [] if leading > 0: s.extend(body_lines[: leading]) if oldMidLines: s.extend(oldMidLines) if trailing > 0: s.extend(body_lines[-trailing:]) s = '\n'.join(s) # Remove trailing newlines in s. while s and s[-1] == '\n': s = s[: -1] # Add oldNewlines newlines. if oldNewlines > 0: s = s + '\n' * oldNewlines result = s if u.debug_print:"body: ", body)"result:", result) #@-<< Compute the result using p's body text >> p.setBodyString(result) w.setAllText(result) sel = u.oldSel if tag == 'undo' else u.newSel if sel: i, j = sel w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j) c.frame.body.recolor(p) w.seeInsertPoint() # 2009/12/21
#@+node:ekr.20050408100042: *4* u.undoRedoTree
[docs] def undoRedoTree(self, p, new_data, old_data): '''Replace p and its subtree using old_data during undo.''' # Same as undoReplace except uses g.Bunch. u = self; c = u.c if new_data is None: # This is the first time we have undone the operation. # Put the new data in the bead. bunch = u.beads[u.bead] bunch.newTree = u.saveTree(p.copy()) u.beads[u.bead] = bunch # Replace data in tree with old data. u.restoreTree(old_data) c.setBodyString(p, p.b) return p # Nothing really changes.
#@+node:ekr.20080425060424.5: *4* u.undoSort
[docs] def undoSort(self): u = self; c = u.c parent_v = u.p._parentVnode() parent_v.children = u.oldChildren p = c.setPositionAfterSort(u.sortChildren) c.setCurrentPosition(p)
#@+node:ekr.20050318085713.2: *4* u.undoTree
[docs] def undoTree(self): '''Redo replacement of an entire tree.''' u = self; c = u.c u.p = self.undoRedoTree(u.p, u.newTree, u.oldTree) c.selectPosition(u.p) # Does full recolor. if u.oldSel: i, j = u.oldSel c.frame.body.wrapper.setSelectionRange(i, j)
#@+node:EKR.20040526090701.4: *4* u.undoTyping
[docs] def undoTyping(self): u = self; c = u.c; current = c.p w = c.frame.body.wrapper # selectPosition causes recoloring, so don't do this unless needed. if current != u.p: c.selectPosition(u.p) self.undoRedoText( u.p, u.leading, u.trailing, u.oldMiddleLines, u.newMiddleLines, u.oldNewlines, u.newNewlines, tag="undo", undoType=u.undoType) u.updateMarks('old') for v in u.dirtyVnodeList: v.setDirty() # Bug fix: Leo 4.4.6. if u.oldSel: c.bodyWantsFocus() i, j = u.oldSel w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j) if u.yview: c.bodyWantsFocus() w.setYScrollPosition(u.yview)
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