Source code for leo.external.leosax

#@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9919: * @file ../external/
#@@language python
#@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9920: ** leosax declarations
"""Read .leo files into a simple python data structure with
h, b, u (unknown attribs), gnx and children information.
Clones and derived files are ignored.  Useful for scanning
multiple .leo files quickly.

from __future__ import print_function

import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
from xml.sax import parseString
from pickle import loads
from binascii import unhexlify

#@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9921: ** class LeoNode
[docs]class LeoNode(object): """Representation of a Leo node. Root node has itself as parent. :IVariables: children python list of children u unknownAttributes dict (decoded) h headline b body text gnx node id parent node's parent path list of nodes that lead to this one from root, including this one """ #@+others #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9922: *3* __init__ def __init__(self): """Set ivars""" self.children = [] self.u = {} self.unknownAttributes = self.u # for compatibility self.h = [] self.b = [] self.gnx = None self.parent = self self.path = [] #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9923: *3* __str__ def __str__(self, level=0): """Return long text representation of node and descendents with indentation""" ans = [("%s%s (%s)" % (' '*(level-1), self.h, self.gnx))[:78]] for k in self.u: s = self.u[k] ans.append(("%s@%s: %s"%(' '*(level+1), k, repr(s)))[:78]) for line in self.b[:5]: ans.append((' '*(level+1) + '|' + line)[:78]) for child in self.children: ans.append(child.__str__(level=level+1)) return '\n'.join(ans) #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9924: *3* UNL
[docs] def node_pos_count(self, node): """node_pos_count - return the position (index) and count of preceeding siblings with the same name, also return headline :param LeoNode node: node to characterize :return: h, pos, count :rtype: (str, int, int) """ pos = node.parent.children.index(node) count = len([i for i in node.parent.children[:pos] if i.h == node.h]) return node.h, pos, count
[docs] def UNL(self): """Return the UNL string leading to this node""" return '-->'.join(["%s:%d,%d" % self.node_pos_count(i) for i in self.path])
#@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9925: *3* flat
[docs] def flat(self): """iterate this node and all its descendants in a flat list, useful for finding things and building an UNL based view""" if self.parent != self: yield(self) for i in self.children: for j in i.flat(): yield j
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9926: ** class LeoReader
[docs]class LeoReader(ContentHandler): """Read .leo files into a simple python data structure with h, b, u (unknown attribs), gnx and children information. Clones and derived files are ignored. Useful for scanning multiple .leo files quickly. :IVariables: root root node cur used internally during SAX read idx mapping from gnx to node `in_` name of XML element we're current in, used for SAX read in_attr attributes of element tag we're currentl in, used for SAX read path list of nodes leading to current node """ #@+others #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9927: *3* __init__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set ivars""" ContentHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.root = LeoNode() self.root.h = g.u('ROOT') # changes type from [] to str, done by endElement() for other vnodes self.cur = self.root self.idx = {} self.in_ = None self.in_attrs = {} self.path = [] #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9928: *3* startElement
[docs] def startElement(self, name, attrs): """collect information from v and t elements""" self.in_ = name self.in_attrs = attrs if name == 'v': nd = LeoNode() self.cur.children.append(nd) nd.parent = self.cur self.cur = nd self.idx[attrs['t']] = nd nd.gnx = attrs['t'] self.path.append(nd) nd.path = self.path[:] if name == 't': for k in attrs.keys(): if k == 'tx': continue self.idx[attrs['tx']].u[k] = attrs[k]
#@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9929: *3* endElement
[docs] def endElement(self, name): """decode unknownAttributes when t element is done""" self.in_ = None # could maintain a stack, but we only need to know for # character collection, so it doesn't matter if name == 'v': self.cur.h = g.u('').join(self.cur.h) self.cur = self.cur.parent if self.path: del self.path[-1] if name == 't': nd = self.idx[self.in_attrs['tx']] for k in nd.u: s = nd.u[k] if not k.startswith('str_'): try: s = loads(unhexlify(s)) except Exception: pass nd.u[k] = s
#@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9930: *3* characters
[docs] def characters(self, content): """collect body text and headlines""" if self.in_ == 'vh': self.cur.h.append(content) if self.in_ == 't': self.idx[self.in_attrs['tx']].b.append(content)
#@-others #@+node:ekr.20120519121124.9931: ** get_leo_data
[docs]def get_leo_data(source): """Return the root node for the specificed .leo file (path or file)""" parser = LeoReader() if g.os_path_isfile(source): source = g.readFileIntoEncodedString(source) parseString(source, parser) return parser.root
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@@pagewidth 70 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1 and g.os_path_isfile(sys.argv[1]): wb = sys.argv[1] else: wb = g.os_path_expanduser( g.os_path_join('~', '.leo', 'workbook.leo') ) leo_data = get_leo_data(g.readFileIntoUnicodeString(wb)) print(leo_data) #@-leo