Source code for leo.plugins.mod_read_dir_outline

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#@+node:ekr.20050301083306: * @file

#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050301084207: ** << docstring >>
''' Allows Leo to read a complete directory tree into a Leo outline. Converts
directories into headlines and puts the list of file names into bodies.

Ce plug-in permet de traduire l'arborescence d'un répertoire en une arborescence
Leo : Chaque dossier est converti en noeud dans Leo ; son nom est placé dans
l'entête du noeud et chaque nom de fichier qu'il contient est listé dans son

Feedback on this plugin can be sent to::

    Frédéric Momméja
    <frederic [point] mommeja [at] laposte [point] net>

#@-<< docstring >>

#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4

import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import os

__version__ = '2.0'
#@+<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050301083306.3: ** << version history >>

# 1.3 Original version by Frédéric Momméja
# 1.4 EKR:  Changes for 4.3 code base and new plugins style.
#     - Created typical init and onCreate functions.
#     - Created language global.
#     - Changed true/false to True/False.
#     - Used g.os_path functions to support Unicode properly.
#     - Added '@first # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-' to suppress deprecation warning.
# 1.5 EKR:
#     - use g.importExtension to import tkFileDialog.
#     - Redraw the screen only once (in readDir instead of importDir).
# 1.6 EKR:
#     - Changed 'new_c' logic to 'c' logic.
#     - Added init function.
# 2.0 EKR: now gui independent.
#@-<< version history >>

language = 'english' # Anything except 'french' uses english.

#@+node:ekr.20050301083306.4: ** init
[docs]def init (): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' # This plugin is now gui independent. g.registerHandler(("new2","menu2"), onCreate) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return True
#@+node:ekr.20050301083306.5: ** onCreate
[docs]def onCreate (tag, keywords): c = keywords.get('c') cc = controller(c) menu ='Outline') if language == 'french': mess1 = "Lit un Répertoire..." else: mess1 = "Read a Directory..." table = ( ("-", None, None), (mess1, "Shift+Ctrl+Alt+D",cc.readDir)),table,dynamicMenu=True)
#@+node:ekr.20050301083306.6: ** class controller
[docs]class controller(object): #@+others #@+node:ekr.20050301083306.7: *3* ctor def __init__ (self,c): self.c = c #@+node:ekr.20050301083306.8: *3* readDir
[docs] def readDir (self,event=None): # fr - Modifier pour adapter à votre environnement # en - Change it to select the starting browsing directory c = self.c ; startdir = "/home/" if language == 'french': titledialog = "Choisir le répertoire..." else: titledialog = "Please, select a directory..." dirName = title=titledialog, startdir=startdir, ) if dirName: compteurglobal = self.importDir(dirName,compteurglobal=0) c.selectPosition(c.p) c.redraw() if language == 'french':" fichiers traités.") else:" files outlined.")
#@+node:ekr.20050301083306.10: *3* importDir
[docs] def importDir (self,dir,compteurglobal): """ La routine récursive de lecture des fichiers """ if not g.os_path_exists(dir): if language == 'french':"Ce répertoire n'existe pas: %s" + dir) else:"No such Directory: %s" + dir) return compteurglobal head,tail = g.os_path_split(dir) c = self.c ; current = c.p try: #ici, on liste le contenu du répertoire body="" #@+<< listdir >> #@+node:ekr.20050301083306.11: *4* << listdir >> try: fichiers = os.listdir(dir) dossiers = [] for f in fichiers: # mettre ici le code de création des noeuds path = g.os_path_join(dir,f) # est-ce un fichier ? if g.os_path_isfile(path): body += (f+"\n") else: # c'est alors un répertoire dossiers.append(path) compteurglobal += 1 except Exception: if language == 'french':"erreur dans listage fichiers...") else:"os.listdir error...") g.es_exception() #@-<< listdir >> p = c.importCommands.createHeadline(current,body,tail) c.selectPosition(p) if dossiers: for d in dossiers: compteurglobal = self.importDir(d,compteurglobal) c.setChanged(True) #sélectionne le noeud parent c.selectPosition(current) except Exception: if language == 'french':"erreur d'insertion de noeud...") else:"error while creating node...") g.es_exception() return compteurglobal
#@-others #@-others #@-leo