Source code for leo.plugins.multifile

#@+node:mork.20041018204908.1: * @file
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226114732: ** << docstring >>
r''' Allows Leo to write a file to multiple locations.

This plugin acts as a post-write mechanism, a file must be written to the
file system for it to work. At this point it is not a replacement for @path or an
absolute path, it works in tandem with them.

To use, place @multipath at the start of a line in the root node or an ancestor
of the node. The format is (On Unix-like systems)::

    @multipath /machine/unit/:/machine/robot/:/machine/

New in version 0.6 of this plugin: the separator used above is ';' not ':',
for example::

    @multipath c:\prog\test;c:\prog\unittest

It will places copy of the written file in each of these directories.

There is an additional directive that simplifies common paths, it is called
@multiprefix. By typing @multiprefix with a path following it, before a
@multipath directive you set the beginning of the paths in the @multipath
directive. For example::

    #@multiprefix /leo #@multipath /plugins


    #@multiprefix /leo/
    #@multipath plugins: fungus : drain

copies a file to /leo/plugins /leo/fungus /leo/drain.

Note: I put # in front of the directives here because I don't want someone
browsing this file to accidentally save multiple copies of this file to their
system :)

The @multiprefix stays in effect for the entire tree until reset with another
@multiprefix directive. @multipath is cumulative, in that for each @multipath in
an ancestor a copy of the file is created. These directives must at the
beginning of the line and by themselves.
#@-<< docstring >>

#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4

#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226114732.1: ** << imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import leo.core.leoAtFile as leoAtFile

import os.path
import shutil
import weakref
#@-<< imports >>

__version__ = ".9"
#@+<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20050226115130: ** << version history >>
# 0.3 EKR:
# - Added init method.
# - Minor code reorg.  The actual code is unchanged.
# 0.4 EKR: Changed 'new_c' logic to 'c' logic.
# 0.5 EKR: Use 'new' and 'open2' hooks to call addMenu.
# 0.6 EKR: Made it work with Leo 4.4.2.
# - Made all uses of leoAtFile explicit.
# - Simplified code by using g.funcToMethod in init code.
# - Renamed decoratedOpenFileForWriting to match openFileForWriting.
# - Rewrote stop and scanForMultiPath methods.
# 0.7 EKR: Use absolute filename for original file to avoid problems with current directory.
# 0.8 EKR:
# * The path separator in @multipath directives is ';', not ':' as previously.
# - Fixed several bugs in scanForMultiPath.
# 0.9 EKR: add entries to g.globalDirectiveList so that this plugin will work with the new colorizer.
#@-<< version history >>

multiprefix = '@multiprefix'
multipath = '@multipath'
haveseen = {}
files = {}
originalOpenFileForWriting = None

#@+node:ekr.20050226115130.1: ** init & helpers
[docs]def init (): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' # Append to the module list, not to the g.copy. g.globalDirectiveList.append('multipath') g.globalDirectiveList.append('multiprefix') # Override all instances of leoAtFile.AtFile. at = leoAtFile.AtFile global originalOpenFileForWriting ; originalOpenFileForWriting = at.openFileForWriting g.funcToMethod(decoratedOpenFileForWriting,at,name='openFileForWriting') # g.registerHandler('save1',start) g.registerHandler('save2',stop) g.registerHandler(('new','menu2'),addMenu) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return True # Now gui-independent.
#@+node:mork.20041019091317: *3* addMenu haveseen = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
[docs]def addMenu (tag,keywords): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # c *is* defined. c = keywords.get('c') if not c or c in haveseen: return haveseen [c] = None m ='Edit') c.add_command(m, label = "Insert Directory String", command = lambda c = c: insertDirectoryString(c))
#@+node:mork.20041019091524: *3* insertDirectoryString
[docs]def insertDirectoryString (c): d = title='Select a directory', startdir=os.curdir) if d: w = c.frame.body.wrapper ins = w.getInsertPoint() w.insert(ins,d)
#w.event_generate('<Key>') #w.update_idletasks() #@+node:mork.20041018204908.3: ** decoratedOpenFileForWriting
[docs]def decoratedOpenFileForWriting (self,root,fileName,toString): # Call the original method. global files global originalOpenFileForWriting val = originalOpenFileForWriting(self,root,fileName,toString) # Save a pointer to the root for later. if root.isDirty(): files [fileName] = root.copy() # Return whatever the original method returned. return val
#@+node:mork.20041018204908.6: ** stop
[docs]def stop (tag,keywords): c = keywords.get('c') if not c: g.trace('can not happen') return multi = scanForMultiPath(c) for fileName in multi: paths = multi.get(fileName) for path in paths: try: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.copy2(fileName,path)"multifile:\nWrote %s to %s" % (fileName,path)) else: g.error("multifile:\n%s is not a directory, not writing %s" % (path,fileName)) except Exception: g.error("multifile:\nCant write %s to %s" % (fileName,path)) g.es_exception_type() files.clear()
#@+node:mork.20041018204908.5: ** scanForMultiPath
[docs]def scanForMultiPath (c): '''Return a dictionary whose keys are fileNames and whose values are lists of paths to which the fileName is to be written. New in version 0.6 of this plugin: use ';' to separate paths in @multipath statements.''' global multiprefix, multipath at = c.atFileCommands ; sep = ';' ; d = {} for fileName in files: # Keys are fileNames, values are root positions. root = files[fileName] at.scanDefaultDirectory(root) # Using root here may be dubious. fileName = g.os_path_join(at.default_directory,fileName) positions = [p.copy() for p in root.self_and_parents()] positions.reverse() prefix = '' for p in positions: lines = p.b.split('\n') # Calculate the prefix fisrt. for s in lines: if s.startswith(multiprefix): prefix = s[len(multiprefix):].strip() # Handle the paths after the prefix is in place. for s in lines: if s.startswith(multipath): s = s[len(multipath):].strip() paths = s.split(sep) paths = [z.strip() for z in paths] if prefix: paths = [g.os_path_join(at.default_directory,prefix,z) for z in paths] else: paths = [g.os_path_join(at.default_directory,z) for z in paths] aList = d.get(fileName,[]) aList.extend(paths) d[fileName] = aList return d
#@-others #@-leo