Source code for leo.plugins.startfile

#@+node:ekr.20040828103325: * @file
#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:ekr.20150411162810.1: ** << docstring >> (
Launches (starts) a file given by a headline when executing the

This plugin ignores headlines starting with an '@'. Uses the @folder path if the
headline is under an @folder headline. Otherwise the path is relative to the Leo

This does not work on Linux, because os.startfile does not exist.

#@-<< docstring >>
# By Josef Dalcolmo: contributed under the same license as itself.

import leo.core.leoGlobals as g
import os
#@+<< notes >>
#@+node:ekr.20040828103325.2: ** << notes >>
# Models @folder behavior after an idea and sample code by:
# korakot ( Korakot Chaovavanich ) @folder for files annotation 2002-11-27 02:39
# open file (double-click = startfile) behavior added
# nodes with @url, @folder, @rst are treated special
# This does not check for proper filename syntax.
# path is the current dir, or the place @folder points to
# this should probably be changed to @path or so.
#@-<< notes >>
#@+node:ekr.20100128073941.5379: ** init (
[docs]def init(): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' ok = hasattr(os,"startfile") # Ok for unit testing, but may be icondclick1 conflicts. if ok: # Register the handlers... g.registerHandler("icondclick1",onIconDoubleClick) g.plugin_signon(__name__) else: g.es_print('The plugin requires os.startfile (Windows)') return ok
#@+node:ekr.20040828103325.3: ** onIconDoubleClick
[docs]def onIconDoubleClick(tag,keywords): p = keywords.get("p") c = keywords.get("c") if c and p: h = p.h.strip() if h and h[0]!='@': start_file(c,p)
#@+node:ekr.20040828103325.4: ** start_file
[docs]def start_file(c,p): # Set the base directory by searching for @folder directives in ancestors. h = p.h.strip() thisdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # remember the current dir basedir = thisdir[:] # use current dir as default. parent = p.parent() # start with parent while parent: # stop when no more parent found p = parent.h.strip() if g.match_word(p,0,'@folder'): basedir = p[8:] # take rest of headline as pathname break # we found the closest @folder else: parent = parent.parent() # try the parent of the parent fname = os.path.join(basedir,h) # join path and filename startdir, filename = os.path.split(fname) try: os.chdir(startdir) dirfound = 1 except Exception:' - folder not found') dirfound = 0 if dirfound: fullpath = g.os_path_join(startdir,filename) fullpath = g.os_path_abspath(fullpath) if g.os_path_exists(filename): try: # Warning: os.startfile usually does not throw exceptions. # pylint: disable=no-member # Previous code checks that os.startfile exists. os.startfile(filename) # This may not work for all file types. except Exception:' - file not found in '+startdir) g.es_exception() else: g.warning('%s not found in %s' % (filename,startdir)) os.chdir(thisdir) # restore the original current dir.
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@-leo