Source code for leo.plugins.word_count

#@+node:danr7.20061010105952.1: * @file
#@@language python
#@@tabwidth -4

#@+<< docstring >>
#@+node:danr7.20061010105952.2: ** << docstring >>
''' Counts characters, words, lines, and paragraphs in the body pane.

It adds a "Word Count..." option to the bottom of the Edit menu that will
activate the command.

#@-<< docstring >>
#@+<< version history >>
#@+node:danr7.20061010105952.3: ** << version history >>
# 1.00 - Finalized 1st version of plug-in & added return focus line
# 0.95 - Tested counting routines
# 0.94 - Added shortcut key to menu
# 0.93 - Created para count routine & added char count
# 0.92 - Created line count routine
# 0.91 - Created word count routine
# 0.90 - Created initial plug-in framework
# 1.2: The plugin now is gui independent.
#@-<< version history >>

# Word Count plugin by Dan Rahmel

import leo.core.leoGlobals as g

__version__ = "1.2"

#@+node:ekr.20070301062245: ** init
[docs]def init (): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' ok = True # Ok for unit testing: creates menu. g.registerHandler("create-optional-menus",createWordCountMenu) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return ok
#@+node:danr7.20061010105952.5: ** createWordCountMenu
[docs]def createWordCountMenu (tag,keywords): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # c *is* defined. c = keywords.get("c") if not c: return # Get reference to current File > Export... menu # Use code to find index of menu shortcut index_label = '&Word Count...' # Find index position of ampersand -- index is how shortcut is defined amp_index = index_label.find("&") # Eliminate ampersand from menu item text index_label = index_label.replace("&","") # Add 'Word Count...' to the bottom of the Edit menu. menu ='Edit') c.add_command(menu,label=index_label,underline=amp_index,command= lambda c = c : word_count(c))
#@+node:danr7.20061010105952.6: ** word_count
[docs]def word_count(c): s = c.p.b charNum = len(s) wordNum = len(s.split(None)) paraSplit = s.split("\n") paraNum = len(paraSplit) for myItem in paraSplit: if myItem == "": paraNum -= 1 lineNum = len(s.splitlines())"Words: %s, Chars: %s\nParagraphs: %s, Lines: %s" % ( wordNum,charNum,paraNum,lineNum))
#@-others #@-leo