Source code for leo.plugins.word_export

#@+node:EKR.20040517075715.14: * @file
Adds the Plugins\:Word Export\:Export menu item to format and export
the selected outline to a Word document, starting Word if necessary.

__plugin_name__ = "Word Export"
__version__ = "0.8"

#@+<< version history >>
#@+node:ekr.20040909110753: ** << version history >>
# 0.3 EKR:
#     - Changed os.path.x to g.os_path_x for better handling of unicode filenames.
#     - Better error messages.
# 0.4 EKR:
#     - Added autostart code per
# 0.5 EKR:
#     - Added init function so that a proper message is given if win32com can not be imported.
# 0.6 EKR: (eliminated
#     - Add c arg to writeNodeAndTree.
#     - Set encoding to sys.getdefaultencoding() if there is no @encoding directive in effect.
# 0.7 EKR: cmd_ functions now get c arg.
# 0.8 EKR: set __plugin_name__ rather than __name__
#@-<< version history >>
#@+<< imports >>
#@+node:ekr.20040909105522: ** << imports >>
import leo.core.leoGlobals as g

    # From win32 extensions:
    import win32com.client
    client = win32com.client
except ImportError:
    client = None

if g.isPython3:
    import configparser as ConfigParser
    import ConfigParser

import sys
#@-<< imports >>

#@+node:ekr.20050311165238: ** init
[docs]def init (): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' ok = client is not None # Ok for unit test: just uses Plugins menu. if ok: # No hooks, we just use the cmd_Export to trigger an export g.plugin_signon(__name__) return ok
#@+node:EKR.20040517075715.15: ** getConfiguration
[docs]def getConfiguration(): """Called when the user presses the "Apply" button on the Properties form""" fileName = g.os_path_join(,"../","plugins","word_export.ini") config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() return config
#@+node:ekr.20041109085615: ** getWordConnection
[docs]def getWordConnection(): """Get a connection to Word""""Trying to connect to Word") try: word = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Word.Application") word.Visible = 1 word.Documents.Add() return word except Exception: g.warning("Failed to connect to Word") raise
#@+node:EKR.20040517075715.17: ** doPara
[docs]def doPara(word, text, style=None): """Write a paragraph to word""" doc = word.Documents(word.ActiveDocument) sel = word.Selection if style: try: sel.Style = doc.Styles(style) except Exception:"Unknown style: '%s'" % style) sel.TypeText(text) sel.TypeParagraph()
#@+node:EKR.20040517075715.18: ** writeNodeAndTree
[docs]def writeNodeAndTree (c, word, header_style, level, maxlevel = 3, usesections = 1, sectionhead = "", vnode = None ): """Write a node and its children to Word""" if vnode is None: vnode = c.currentVnode() # dict = c.scanAllDirectives(p=vnode) encoding = dict.get("encoding",None) if encoding is None: # encoding = c.config.default_derived_file_encoding encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() # s = vnode.b s = g.toEncodedString(s,encoding,reportErrors=True) doPara(word,s) # for i in range(vnode.numberOfChildren()): if usesections: thishead = "%s%d." % (sectionhead,i+1) else: thishead = "" child = vnode.nthChild(i) h = child.h h = g.toEncodedString(h,encoding,reportErrors=True) doPara(word,"%s %s" % (thishead,h),"%s %d" % (header_style,min(level,maxlevel))) writeNodeAndTree(c,word,header_style,level+1,maxlevel,usesections,thishead,child)
#@+node:EKR.20040517075715.19: ** word-export-export
[docs]@g.command('word-export-export') def cmd_Export(event): '''Export the current node to Word''' c = event.get('c') try: word = getWordConnection() if word: # header_style = getConfiguration().get("Main", "Header_Style") # Based on the rst plugin"Writing tree to Word") config = getConfiguration() writeNodeAndTree(c,word, config.get("Main", "header_style").strip(), 1, int(config.get("Main", "max_headings")), config.get("Main", "use_section_numbers") == "Yes", "")"Done!") except Exception: g.error("Exception writing Word") g.es_exception()
#@-others #@@language python #@@tabwidth -4 #@-leo